FTC Forum

ENGLISH => POEMS => Topic started by: MysteRy on May 08, 2012, 02:20:26 PM

Title: ~ The Pain..... ~
Post by: MysteRy on May 08, 2012, 02:20:26 PM
The Pain.....


You think you know
someone so good..
think they won't hurt you.

think they would
always be there
they say they will,
but its not true..!

they will go behind..
your back and hurt you..


so bad you cant think right,
your heart starts to hurt..
more by the min 

I hide the pain
behind the smile,
 on my face..!
The unbearable pain

I keep deep inside
The horrible,
strong feelings
The unforgettable pain..!

Pain Is sorrow of emotions
A suffering in silence..!
A sentiment of grief


It comes is waves and torrents
With such intensity
Makes you wary all the time.

Pain is sorrow of emotions
When your heart
bleeds in distress

Pain is a suffering in silence
When your soul
searches the truth

Pain is a sentiment of grief
When you if think,
 if life is worth living for.


Pain is when..
bitter memories haunt you
Of hard times gone by

Pain is when those close to you
When you need them
the most let you down.

Pain is like an enemy
it strikes and at you anytime
And wears you down.


What is pain..?
No one can explain...!

Even words can’t explain
The feeling of Pain..!!!