Author Topic: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit  (Read 4097 times)

Offline Ayisha

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11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« on: October 14, 2018, 10:20:10 AM »
Most of us, when we think of vacation, think of places that will relax and comfort us. But then, there are a few who like an adrenaline rush and adventure to rejuvenate themselves. However, there are places around the world that are forbidden to go, places that are life-threatening, and some that are so volatile that a little slip can bring about a ghastly ending. These are a few places you do not wish to visit if you would like to play safe.

1. Ilha da Queimada Grande is an island in Brazil that is covered with poisonous snakes with about one snake to every square meter. The last human habitation was before the lighthouse was automated, and it is now closed to the public except for some research teams.

Off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean lies an island that is infested with poisonous and rare species of snakes. It is the only place where you can spot the endangered and venomous golden lancehead pit viper in the world. A lighthouse was built in 1909, and no human inhabited the place since it was automated. In order to protect the snakes, Queimada Grande is closed to the public and is only accessible to the British Navy, a handful of researchers, and only then after strict scrutiny by the Brazilian Federal Conservation Unit. Because of its many dangers, tourists and visitors are kept out.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2018, 10:22:44 AM »
2. The world’s most dangerous walkway in Spain called “El Caminito Del Rey,” “The King’s Little Pathway,” is 300 feet high and is only three feet wide. This means falling off its ledges will lead to certain death.

Caminito del Rey in Spain is a walkway pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge. The three-foot narrow pathway is what attracts daredevils to walk here. However, since its construction in 1905, the pathway has deteriorated leaving large gaps in the pathway. Many have lost their lives on the walkway, and in the year 2000, the local government closed both the entrances. Leaving it to shut for over a decade, they undertook its reconstruction and renovation and re-opened it to the public in 2015. While it makes for a great adventure one cannot discount the blatant danger.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 10:23:51 AM »
3. A blood red, salt and soda lake called “Lake Natron” in Tanzania is hell on earth making it a challenging tourist destination. The high alkalinity and temperature of the lake are so dangerous that it kills all living creatures except the lesser flamingo.

A soda lake found in the northern part of Tanzania called “Lake Natron” is one of the most caustic bodies of water in the world. It is highly alkaline, and that comes from the sodium carbonate and other minerals that flow from the nearby hills into the lake. The alkaline water has a pH greater than 12 resulting in burning the skin and eyes of birds and animals that are not adapted to it. It is, however, the only breeding ground for lesser flamingos. They are able to feed on the algae, and the harsh environment keeps predators away. It can kill anything that gets too close, hence tourists are advised to admire it from a distance.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2018, 10:24:48 AM »
4. Mount Sinabung is an active volcano situated on an Indonesian island. An eruption recorded in 2010 after centuries of being dormant was followed each year from 2013 to 2018 causing many casualties. The area around the volcano’s crater is deemed inaccessible to the public.

In the Karo Plateau in Indonesia lays the volcano Mount Sinabung that had remained silent since the 1600’s. The volcano erupted after a long hiatus of almost four centuries in 2010 and has continued to erupt in regular intervals since. The authorities prohibited people from visiting areas around the volcano. The most recent eruption took place in February 2018, which blew off at least 1.6 million cubic meters of material from the mountain’s summit and later in April 2018, making it a dangerous place to visit.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2018, 10:25:43 AM »
5. The Danakil Depression in Ethiopia is one of the hottest places, with 122-degree Fahrenheit, and lowest place, with 410 feet, on earth. It has numerous active volcanoes and geysers that spit toxic gases making it the most inhospitable region in the world and a very challenging spot for tourists.

Located in the Afar Region of Ethiopia, this place is one of the least favorable to live in. The average temperature throughout the year is 93.92 Fahrenheit, making it a contender for one of the hottest places on Earth. However, it is home to the Afar people who have adapted to its hot temperatures. The Danakil Depression attracts tourists because of its bubbling lava lakes, great salt pans, and multi-colored hydrothermal fields. However, these also make it a dangerous visit. In 1974, the famous Australopithecus fossil “Lucy” was discovered here which has been dated to be 3.2 million years old. This has peaked the interest of paleontologists for years now.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2018, 10:27:04 AM »
6. At the crocodile farm in the Elephant Kingdom, Thailand, tourists would board a makeshift cage kept afloat with plastic barrels to feed the 10-foot-long crocodiles just inches away. In 2016, their license was suspended for 90 days when it was deemed too dangerous for tourists.

Feeding the crocodiles on a risky, makeshift raft was one of the tourist attraction at the Elephant Kingdom in Chonburi, Thailand. The tourist would tie beef as bait on scrawny sticks which was then snapped off by the crocodiles that were just a few inches away from them. It was life-threatening and shocked many people when the photos went viral on social media. The authorities suspended their license for 90 days back in 2016. The tourists demanded to feed the crocodiles up close and a makeshift raft was built without the authorities’ attention. The owner of the crocodile farm thought it was safe, but it was clearly too dangerous and risky.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2018, 10:28:03 AM »
7. The summit of Mount Washington in the United States holds the world record for the fastest wind speed on the surface of the Earth with 372 kilometers per hour. The extremely cold weather, danger of storms, and hurricane-force winds make the 6,288-foot summit dangerous.

Mount Washington in New Hampshire is the highest peak in the northeastern United States at 6,288.2 feet. Its unpredictable weather makes it a dangerous tourist location. It holds the world record for the highest wind speed of 372 kilometers per hour in 1934, and that still stands today. The tourists flock to this place for skiing, hiking, races, and the cog railway. About 150 deaths have been recorded since 1849. Although the number is not too large, summiting this mountain still remains a gamble.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2018, 10:28:58 AM »
8. Death Valley in California, United States is proudly known for the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth at 134 degrees Fahrenheit in 1913. Tourists flock here to test their endurance, but sometimes it has proven to be fatal.

A hot, arid, desert valley at the border of Nevada and California is a tourist attraction as it witnessed the highest temperature to be ever recorded on Earth in 1913 at 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Many tourists come to experience the hot temperatures each year, but most are unprepared. Many wander off to remote locations in the desert which can be fatal. The visitors are warned to stay on the marked courses as there is no cell phone signal, and due to the high temperatures, at times, emergency helicopters cannot fly to their rescue. The Death Valley has witnessed many deaths over a period of time.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2018, 10:29:51 AM »
9. Miyake-Jima Island south of Tokyo was inhabited again in 2005 after an evacuation due to volcanic eruptions only to face a new problem. The high sulfur dioxide gas from Mount Oyama forces visitors to always carry their gas masks at all times.

Miyake-Jima Island, part of the Izu Island Group, was completely evacuated in July 2000 due to the volcanic eruptions of Mount Oyama and disasters it caused. However, the residents were allowed to return after a period of four years, but along with an active volcano, they were now facing the problem of high sulfur dioxide gas being continuously poured out of the mountain. The residents and visitors must carry their gas masks at all times. An alarm goes off indicating a rise in the level of toxic gases in the air which alerts them to put on their masks to prevent chronic and life-threatening diseases. The diverse and lush flora and fauna attract many tourists to this island, but visitors must be ready to bare the after effects. 

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2018, 10:30:41 AM »
10. Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine is an area of a 30-kilometer radius from the nuclear power plant. After the nuclear fallout in the 1986 disaster, this area was evacuated and placed under military control. The radioactive contamination in this zone is the highest, so public access and inhabitation are restricted.

The Exclusion Zone was created right after the catastrophic accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. Here, the radioactive contamination and nuclear fallout are the highest leading to restricted public access and inhabitation. This zone was established by the USSR military and covers an area of about 2,600 kilometers in Ukraine immediately surrounding the nuclear plant. As one of the world’s most radioactively contaminated areas, it draws attention from many scientific researchers and curious tourists. Many guided tours encourage visitors, however, they must present their passports upon entry and are screened for radiation while exiting the 10-kilometer and 30-kilometer checkpoints.

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Re: 11 Places You Do not Wish to Visit
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2018, 10:31:40 AM »
11. The Poison Garden was a creation of Dutchess Jane Percy in 2005 to grow plants that could kill instead of heal. Many toxic plants like hemlock, foxglove, Brugmansia, and drugs like cannabis and cocaine are planted here. Visitors are prohibited from smelling or touching and warned of its many dangers.

The Poison Garden makes for a unique part of the otherwise beautiful and most visited Alnwick Garden in northern England. The garden is restricted to the public, and access is only allowed in during special tours. It warns visitors not to touch, smell, or taste any of the plants as doing so can prove to be deadly. The most common ones, like laurel hedge, can be toxic and cause anyone touching it to faint. The Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, can instantly kill a child who eats its berries. Dutchess Jane Percy went a step further to have a part of this garden dedicated to educating children about drugs, and so one can find cocaine and cannabis growing freely here. The dangers of the garden may not seem much, but it is interesting to know that beautiful and common-looking plants can be deadly too.