Author Topic: ~ What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Temper ~  (Read 439 times)

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~ What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Temper ~
« on: December 01, 2017, 09:00:51 PM »

Unless you’re the Dalai Lama, you’re bound to get angry every now and then. However, not all of us express our anger the same way. Each of the twelve zodiac signs have unique personality traits and temperaments. This can also affect the way they control their temper, process emotions and let out their frustration. So look for your zodiac sign and see if it matches the way you express your own anger.


As you might expect from a fire sign, Aries has a quick temper and can jump at your throat for the slightest misstep. Because they’re so passionate, they feel emotions in extremes. They can go from ecstatic to scorching mad in a second. Aries also doesn’t like anything getting in between them and their goals, so they’re known to throw tantrums when things don’t go their way. You can’t say something to annoy an Aries and expect to get away with it. They will singe you with their temper in retaliation and aren’t best known for letting the small things go.


Taurus can be extremely patient, but only up to a point. If a Taurus gets angry with you, you probably will be completely clueless about it. They aren’t one for yelling, they’re a lot more passive aggressive. An angry Taurus will retreat into their shell and give you the silent treatment. They can hold onto grudges for a surprisingly long amount of time. Most of them don’t like confrontation so they’re unlikely to talk to you about what their problem is.

The twin symbol of Gemini is best expressed in their mood swings. It can be extremely difficult to stay in a Gemini’s good books, because they often say one thing when they mean another. They also change their likes and dislikes in seconds, making it hard to keep up. They will flare up and give you an earful when they’re angry, but they won’t stay this way for long. Geminis are rarely ever moody, so you can expect to be let off the hook in a short while.


Cancers have very gentle dispositions and don’t get angry easily. Even in situations where they should feel angry, they’re more likely to feel hurt. Cancers aren’t the most vocal about their feelings and can be very passive aggressive. They can be angry with you for a long time with you being none the wiser about it. If you get into a fight with a Cancer and they say they’re fine, they’re most likely not. It takes someone well-versed with their personality and body language to decipher when a Cancer is angry.


Leos have no qualms about expressing their anger. They’re the most fiery of all the fire signs, so don’t expect to get away with hurting them. Angry Leos will throw tantrums, yell and call you names with abandon. They also know exactly where to strike. Leos will take advantage of your vulnerable areas to say hurtful words that they know will get to you. Initially you might be rattled, but after getting into a few fights with a Leo, you’ll know they don’t mean it. Their tempers fizzle out as quickly as they flare up, so don’t be worried about them holding onto their anger.


Virgos rarely ever get angry, they seem to have an inexhaustible reservoir of patience. However, if you do anger a Virgo, it probably will be for a very serious reason. Virgos hate making a scene, they let their emotions fester on the inside. They aren’t very good at processing their emotions, so they won’t know how to get over it. With time, they might forgive you if you mean a lot to them. However, Virgos rarely ever forget past slights so don’t expect to start on a clean slate with them.


Libras love a peaceful, harmonious environment and will do everything they can to mean it. They avoid confrontation like the plague and so aren’t likely to tell you if you’ve hurt them. Libras rarely ever show their anger outwardly. If they haven’t been talking to you properly for a while, then that’s probably the only indication you’ll get that they’re not pleased with you. When it comes to past arguments, Libras hold onto receipts. They will remember everything you’ve done wrong in the past and you can count on them to bring it up in every fight you have.


Scorpios love to keep up a tough exterior, so they’ll probably never admit to being hurt. If you do manage to anger a Scorpio, it’s probably best to look behind your shoulder. Scorpios love to retaliate when angered, and are known to plot revenge against people who have hurt them. If you truly care for a Scorpio, then the best thing to do when you anger them is to do nothing at all. Hovering around them trying to make amends will only push them away further. Once a Scorpio has processed their emotions, they will come to you on their own if they’re willing to reconcile.


Sagittarians have an explosive temper but unlike the other fire signs, they’re aware of the damage it can wreck. While they do get angry very quickly, they tend to hide it for most part. Sagittarians value trust above all else, so if you ever break it, expect them to unleash their wrath upon me. They don’t get over their anger very easily either, so it’s best to give them space when they’re upset. For smaller issues, Sagittarians express their anger in the form of sarcasm. Although they might seem playfully sarcastic on the surface, underneath they’re anything but.


Capricorns hold themselves to very high standards and expect you to do the same. If you fall short of them, they will begin to resent you for it. Capricorns might seem easy-going and patient on the surface, but underneath, they’re keeping a tally. When a Capricorn does lose their temper, it’s likely a product of months of pent-up frustration. You won’t know what hit you when a Capricorn gets angry because they can be as vicious as they are patient. Capricorns don’t forgive easily, so if you have angered them, it’s going to take a lot of work to get back in their good books.


Aquarians absolutely hate any form of confrontation. They never like to lose their composure, even at their angriest they will still try to appear calm. When angry, an Aquarius is most likely to remove themselves from the situation and go somewhere more peaceful. They will probably only tell you that they were angry with you months after the situation has passed. Aquarians know which people they value and which ones they don’t. If you’ve made them angry and they don’t consider you important, they’ll cut you from their life without so much as a goodbye text.


Pisces is the most sensitive of all the zodiac signs and lets their emotions turn inwards. Even if you do something to make them angry, they’ll probably see it as a reflection on their behavior. They hate tense situations and try to avoid them at all costs. They rarely ever give themselves an opportunity to vent, so all their emotions remain bottled up on the inside. A Piscean will either let go of this resentment or hold onto a grudge for years depending on how important you are to them.