Author Topic: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"  (Read 25143 times)

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2014, 08:11:16 AM »

Stands for "Single In-Line Memory Module." This is an older type of computer memory. A SIMM is a small circuit board with a bunch of memory chips on it. SIMMs use a 32-bit bus, which is not as wide as the 64-bit bus dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs) use. Newer processors require a 64-bit memory bus, so it is best to use DIMMs. Sometimes you can get away with installing SIMMS, but they have to be installed in pairs.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2014, 09:13:32 AM »
Site Map

A site map, sometimes written "sitemap," is an overview of the pages within a website. Site maps of smaller sites may include every page of the website, while site maps of larger sites often only include pages for major categories and subcategories of the website. While site maps can be organized in a variety of ways, most use an outline form, with pages arranged by topic. This gives visitors a good overall picture of how the site is organized and clearly defines all the resources the website has to offer.

While a properly designed website should allow visitors to navigate the entire site without using the site map, incorporating a site map gives users another means of locating pages. For this reason, each page listed in a site map is typically linked to the page it represents. This allows visitors to quickly jump to any section of a website listed in the site map.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2014, 09:14:21 AM »

This strange term refers to the appearance of a program's interface. By changing the skin of a program, you can make the interface look completely different, but usually still have all the same functions. It is similar to a "Theme" you may use to customize the appearance of your computer's desktop.

Skins have become particularly popular for MP3 players. Because of the simple interface of most MP3 programs, it is easy to create different looks for the interface. Other programs, such as Netscape 6, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, and Windows Media Player also support skins. If you're one of those people who can't stand seeing the same thing over and over again, skins are for you. Some programs that support skins even provide a skin development kit that your can use to create your own. Though this allows for an unlimited amount of interface customizing, it can make it hard to recognize or use the same program on different computers.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2014, 09:14:56 AM »

Stands for "Stock Keeping Unit," and is conveniently pronounced "skew." A SKU is a number or string of alpha and numeric characters that uniquely identify a product. For this reason, SKUs are often called part numbers, product numbers, and product identifiers.

SKUs may be a universal number such as a UPC code or supplier part number or may be a unique identifier used by a specific a store or online retailer. For example, one company may use the 10 character identifier supplied by the manufacturer as the SKU of an external hard drive. Another company may use a proprietary 6-digit number as the SKU to identify the part. Many retailers use their own SKU numbers to label products so they can track their inventory using their own custom database system.

When shopping online or at retail stores, knowing a product's SKU can help you locate the exact product at a later time. It will help you identify a unique product when there are many similar options, such as a TV model that comes in different colors, sizes, etc. If you know a product's SKU, you can typically locate the product online by typing the SKU in the online retailer's search box. If you visit a retail store and have questions about product you saw in an ad, knowing the SKU will help the salesperson find the exact product you are asking about. SKUs are typically listed in small print below the product name and are often preceded by the words "SKU," "Part Number," "Product ID," or something similar.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2014, 09:15:34 AM »

While not as common as the banner ad, the skyscraper is another prevalent form of Web advertising. Skyscraper ads, which are tall and narrow, get their name from the tall buildings you often see in big cities. They are typically placed to the left or right of the main content on the page, which allows all or part of the ad to be visible even as the user scrolls down the window.

Skyscraper ads come in two standard sizes -- 120 pixels wide by 600 pixels high (120x600) and 160 pixels wide by 600 pixels high (160x600). They can contain text advertisements, images, or animations. When users click on a skyscraper ad, they are redirected to the advertiser's website.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2014, 09:16:42 AM »

Press releases can often trigger increased interest in a certain topic, and if a Web site link is provided in the release, this can translate to increased hits to the Web site. If the increase in traffic is so dramatic that it causes the server to be completely unreachable, the server is said to have been "slashdotted." The name came into being after October, 1998, when a press release was published on the Web site, resulting in a major surge in traffic to another Web server, causing it to go down. You can also use the term as a verb, as in, "Dude, thanks to that stupid article, our server got slashdotted today, man!"
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 09:18:47 AM by MysteRy »

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2014, 09:19:22 AM »

Stands for "Scalable Link Interface." SLI is a technology developed by NVIDIA that allows multiple graphics cards to work together in a single computer system. This enables faster graphics performance than what is possible with a single card. For example, using SLI to link two cards together may offer up to twice the performance of a single video card. If each card has two GPUs, the result may be up to four times the performance of a typical video card!

For video cards to be linked using NVIDIA's SLI system, the computer must have multiple PCI Express slots. PCI Express is the first video card interface that allows the linking of multiple graphics cards because the slots share the same bus. Previous technologies, such as PCI and AGP, used separate buses, which did not allow graphics cards to be bridged together. The PCI Express slots must also support enough bandwidth for the cards, which typically means they must be x8 or x16 slots. Of course, the cards themselves must also support SLI bridging in order to work together.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2014, 09:19:52 AM »

Stands for "Self-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology." It is used to protect and prevent errors in hard drives. The SMART technology basically monitors and analyzes hard drives (hence the name), then checks the health of your hard drive and lets you know if there are any problems. The main purpose of SMART is to keep your hard drive running smoothly and prevent it from crashing.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2014, 09:20:28 AM »

Example: "He used his smartphone to get directions while he was on the road."

A smartphone combines standard mobile phone features with advanced features found on personal device assistants (PDAs). Most smartphones include e-mail and Web surfing capabilities, as well as the ability to display photos, and play music and video files.

Smartphones have advanced system software, much like a computer operating system, which allows them to perform multiple functions. Many smartphones now support third-party applications or "apps," which users can install on the phone.

While smartphones are named because of their "smart" features, some may contend that the name has more to do with the intelligence required to use them.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2014, 09:21:00 AM »

Stands for "Server Message Block." SMB is a network protocol used by Windows-based computers that allows systems within the same network to share files. It allows computers connected to the same network or domain to access files from other local computers as easily as if they were on the computer's local hard drive.

Not only does SMB allow computers to share files, but it also enables computers to share printers and even serial ports from other computers within the network. For example, a computer connected to a Windows network could print a document on a printer connected to another computer on the network, as long as both machines support the SMB protocol.

Though SMB was originally developed for Windows, it can also be used by other platforms, including Unix and Mac OS X, using a software implementation called Samba. By using Samba instructions, Mac, Windows, and Unix computers can share the same files, folders, and printers. This is great for those Windows-based office networks where there is a graphic designer who refuses to use anything but a Mac and a tech guy who does everything on his Linux machine.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2014, 09:21:29 AM »

Example: "The company has started using SMM to broaden its Web presence."

SMM is short for "Social Media Marketing." It refers to marketing through social networking websites and is a popular way for businesses and organizations to market themselves on the Web.

While most companies have their own websites, many have profiles on sites like Facebook and Twitter as well. Since these sites already have millions of users, they provide businesses and organizations with the potential to reach people who would not otherwise visit their website. Since most social media websites allow users and organizations to join for free, SMM is a low cost alternative to other forms of advertising. However, it still requires time and effort to create and update profile pages for individual social networking websites.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2014, 09:22:03 AM »

Stands for "Short Message Service." SMS is used to send text messages to mobile phones. The messages can typically be up to 160 characters in length, though some services use 5-bit mode, which supports 224 characters. SMS was originally created for phones that use GSM (Global System for Mobile) communication, but now all the major cell phone systems support it.

While SMS is most commonly used for text messaging between friends or co-workers, it has several other uses as well. For example, subscription SMS services can transmit weather, news, sports updates, and stock quotes to users' phones. SMS can also notify employees of sales inquiries, service stops, and other information pertinent to their business. Doctors can receive SMS messages regarding patient emergencies.

Fortunately, text messages sent via SMS do not require the recipient's phone to be on in order for the message to be successfully transmitted. The SMS service will hold the message until the recipient turns on his or her phone, at which point the message will be be sent to the recipient's phone. Most cell phone companies allow you to send a certain number of text messages every month for no charge. Though it would be a good idea to find out what that number is before you go text message crazy.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2014, 09:22:50 AM »

Stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol." This is the protocol used for sending e-mail over the Internet. Your e-mail client (such as Outlook, Eudora, or Mac OS X Mail) uses SMTP to send a message to the mail server, and the mail server uses SMTP to relay that message to the correct receiving mail server. Basically, SMTP is a set of commands that authenticate and direct the transfer of electronic mail. When configuring the settings for your e-mail program, you usually need to set the SMTP server to your local Internet Service Provider's SMTP settings (i.e. ""). However, the incoming mail server (IMAP or POP3) should be set to your mail account's server (i.e., which may be different than the SMTP server.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2014, 09:23:20 AM »

While the term "snapshot" is often used in photography, it is also a computing term that refers to a copy made of a disk drive at a specific moment in time. Snapshots are useful for backing up data at different intervals, which allows information to be recovered from different periods of time.

A hard drive snapshot includes the full directory structure of a hard disk, including all folders and files on the disk. This type of backup may also be referred to as a "disk image." Disk images allow the full disk to be restored in case the primary disk fails. Many backup programs that create snapshots also allow specific files to be recovered from the snapshot, instead of having to restore the complete backup. Since snapshots are mainly used for backup purposes, it is wise to save the snapshot to a secondary hard drive, removable drive, or optical media, such as CDs or DVDs.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "S"
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2014, 09:23:54 AM »

Example: "The Web developer saved the form as an HTML snippet so he could use it in several different Web pages."

A snippet is a small block of source code or text that can be inserted into a program or Web page. Program snippets typically contain basic functions, while HTML snippets often contain tables, forms, or other HTML data. Some snippets may be included with software development packages, but they can also be created by the programmer. Snippets can save developers a lot of time by allowing them to reuse the same block of code in multiple places.