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The Tamil Show - Tamil Podcast
Depression in Tamil society
Episode 1
Video description: In this episode we are discussing Depression and its implications for life.
TAMIL Marriage & Age
Episode 2
Video description: Being born in the Tamil community one will eventually have to face this question: "Eppa Kalyaanam?"
In this episode we talk about our own experiences and talk about why we, as Tamils, might be faced with this topic.
Dealing with the World
Episode 3
Video description: War, inflation, fear of recessions...everywhere you look, the world seems to go at a pace that is overwhelming to many of us.
Mathu and CJ talk about how they try to manage and keep a healthy mind in midst of all of the things that are happening.
Feeling Worthless
Episode 4
Video description: In today's episode we talk about feeling worthless.We look at reasons, which we feel contribute to developing a feeling of being not good enough. We also discuss in which way one could tackle this issue.
one of my fav episode worth the watch!
Parents, Health and Fitness
Episode 5
Video description: The years are passing by quickly.
It seems like yesterday, when we were enjoying our childhood and now, we have to face life with all the struggles and responsibilities that it brings with it. Our parents are getting older and older. And as they get older, the importance of a health conscious lifestyle and physical fitness seems to be a very important issue. However, we have made the experience that it's very hard to raise awareness about training and health when it comes to our parents.
Have you made the same experience? Let us know your thoughts!
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