Author Topic: 6 Remedies For An Oily Nose  (Read 436 times)

Offline kanmani

6 Remedies For An Oily Nose
« on: April 27, 2013, 09:44:03 AM »
While a glowing skin is always prized, flaunting a ‘glowing' nose is not. If you have an oily skin, and most of it accumulates on your nose, you are in real trouble. An oily nose is a storehouse of blackheads, dirt, and grease that makes your skin look unhealthy. Don't panic. The problem is widespread and you are not the only one who has an oily nose to show off. The only solution is to keep your skin, especially the nose, oil free and clean throughout the day. Here are some good remedies that can help you deal with your oily nose.

"Keep it clean" is the mantra

Since most of the skin's sebaceous glands exist in the T Zone of your face, your nose is a mere victim. One of the easiest remedies to avoid that undesired glow on your nose is to keep the skin pores clean. The pores tend to accumulate excess grease and dirt on your nose, with harmful toxins that can be released only with a thorough cleansing.

Water is the way to clean

Wash your face with plain water frequently to retain moisture in the skin and clean the dirt and excess oil. You can use over-the-counter skin cleansing products to wash your face, but make sure that you don't do it more than 2 times a day. Cleaning with water is the best way to keep oily skin supple.

Quick kitchen remedy

Lemon works magically in keeping excess oil and dirt at bay. Take a cotton pad and add a few drops of lime juice to it. Wipe off the oil from your nose. Repeat this 2-3 time daily to deal with the oily nose problem.

Do it with honey and almond

Honey and almonds are easily available natural ingredients that are very effective in fighting oily skin. A home-made facial scrub with a few tablespoons of honey and ground almonds can be used regularly on the nose to fight excess oil and dirt.

Scrub your way

If you don't have much time, buy a good facial scrub from the store and gently rub your skin, especially the nose area with it. Rinse it with water to get smooth and oil-free skin. Use the scrub 2-3 times a week to get the best results. This will also help you to get rid of blackheads from your nose.

Vinegar magic

 Vinegar does miracles in fighting oily skin. Mix vinegar and water and soak a cotton pad in it. Rub your nose area with this solution and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water. It doesn't only absorb excess oil from your nose, but also prevents dirt and grime to penetrate through the skin. It is also good in treating blackheads and acne.

No more hiding your nose away!! Show off your new radiance with a healthy, glowing skin.