Author Topic: ~ Yoga ~  (Read 7710 times)

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2012, 03:12:40 PM »

Janu Shirshasana

The term Janu Shirshasana has been derived from the Sanskrit words 'Janu', meaning 'knee', and 'Shirash', meaning 'head'. As the name suggests, the asana focuses on the two body parts. As you perform Janu Shirshasana, one of the legs is folded at the knee, while the other one is stretched out at the front. As for the head, it rests on the knee of the stretched leg. One of the most important asanas (postures) of yoga, Janu Shirshasana is mainly aimed at helping the body stretch properly. Apart from enhancing the flexibility of the body, the asana helps open up the back as well as the hamstrings.


Sit on the floor, with both the legs extended in the front.

Now, bend one of the legs, at the knee, bringing the heel of the foot as close to your groin
as possible.

Keeping your back straight, turn your body slightly, in such a way that you face out over the leg extended in front of you.

Start breathing in, while raising your arms above your head, at the same time.

As you start exhaling, start moving your torso forward, slowly and gradually. Again, make sure to keep your back straight

Try to lift your tailbone and roll forward on your sitz bones, making sure not to bend at the hips.

Extend and straighten up your spine, all the while breathing in.

Now, begin exhaling and roll forward slowly. At this point of time, using thigh muscles will help your move a bit faster.

Move forward to the extent that you feel comfortable and then, lower your arms and hold your foot with both the hands.

Stay in the position for 2 to 5 minutes, depending upon your capability and comfort.

Now, start pulling yourself back, while exhaling all the time.

Slowly come back to the original position, straighten up and repeat the asana with the other leg.


While performing the asana, you may place a pillow under the bent knee, for comfort.

Throughout the asana, try to keep your spine as straight as it is possible for you.

In case you are a beginner, you can make use of your hands for the purpose of placing the soles closer to the perineum.

Those who are not able to touch their knee with their head can start lowering the torso, gradually, every time they exhale.


One of the most noticeable benefits of Janu Shirshasana is that it helps make the back as well as the hamstring quite flexible.

Those who are suffering from kidney problems will find this asana to be very beneficial.

It has been seen that Janu Shirshasana helps stimulates the liver and the spleen.

Practicing the asana, on a regular basis, will prove beneficial for those who suffer from constipation and indigestion.

For all those who are experiencing enlargement of the prostrate glands, Janu Shirshasana can provide relief.

The asana is believed to contribute towards the strengthening of shoulders, legs and knees.

Janu Shirshasana not only helps provide relief from joints pain, but is also beneficial for the people affected by obesity. In fact, it is especially helpful in reducing flab from the stomach and hips.


While performing the asana, make sure not to overstretch your muscles.

The asana should not be performed by those who are suffering from chronic or recent neck, back problem, high BP or heart problem.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2012, 03:16:00 PM »


Savasana is the name used to describe the posture that is generally performed at the end of a yoga session. The main aim behind this asana is to provide relaxation to the body after a strenuous session and help it cool down. Apart from that, the asana is also used, in general, to help a person relieve stress, pressure and anxiety. It can even help calm down the mind, to quite an extent. It has been seen that most of the people drift off to sleep while doing Savasana and fail to attain the 'conscious' part of the posture.


First of all, you need to sit in the Dandasana. Sit flat on the ground, with your back straight and your legs stretched out in the front.

Bend you knees lightly and then gradually lean back onto your elbows, in the process lying down evenly along your spine.

When your back is parallel to the floor, straighten out the legs as well. Moving one of the legs at a time, carefully place them on the floor. Try to place your legs the center of the back of the thighs and calves.

Start to relax slowly, first letting your feet fall out to the sides and then, turning your arms outwards. Rest the arms, on your sides, in such a way that the palms face up.

Stretch the back of your neck and try to rest your head on the center of the back of the scull.

Now, draw your shoulders away from your ears and let them fall back in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, feeling your body become relaxed and the tension go away.

Let go of your body completely and allow your breath to become soft, regular and quiet.

Aiming at one of the parts of your body, let it begin to relax and then move to the other parts.

At the end of the asana, stop relaxing consciously and let you body remain in the peaceful mode, for a few minutes.


While performing the Savasana, you need to concentrate on the specific body part that you want to relax. Imagine that the muscles as well as the skin of the part slowly relaxing and the stress easing away from them.

When you are doing the asana, if you find yourself getting drowsy at any point of time, increase the rate and depth of your breathing. It will help you overcome the state of drowsiness.


One of the most important benefits of the Savasana is that it helps refresh as well as rejuvenate the body as well as the mind of a person.

Savasana is the perfect asana for those who are feeling too much pressure in their life and need to calm their mind.

All those who are prone to anxiety will find the asana to be quite beneficial.

After doing the asana, you will not only feel to have gained a new energy, but also achieve perfect harmony between the mind and the body.

It has been observed that Savasana helps stimulates blood circulation and also exercises inner organs.

The asana is beneficial for people suffering from nervousness, neurasthenia (a general worn-out feeling), asthma, constipation, diabetes, indigestion, insomnia and lumbago.

Practicing Savasana regularly can help a person improve his focus and concentration power.


Never ever perform this asana under glaring light.

Make sure the surface, on which you are lying down, is firm and flat.

Resist the urge to yawn at any stage of the asana.

At any point of time while performing the asana, do not keep your hands under your head or on your chest.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2012, 03:18:37 PM »

Sethu Bandhasana

The term Sethu Bandhasana has been derived from the words 'Sethu', whch means bridge, and 'Bandha', which means lock. It literally means 'constructing a bridge' and mainly comprises of building a sort-of 'bridge' with the body, mostly making use of hips and legs. Sethu Bandhasana is mainly meant to help the body relax and get rid of stress. The yoga asana also helps strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, apart from the back and hamstrings and is great for invigorating and refreshing tired legs. It even stimulates the thyroid gland and the lungs, if practiced on a regular basis.


First of all, you need to lie down on your back, on a smooth and firm surface, mostly the floor.

Now, bend both the knees, while placing your feet flat on, and parallel to, the floor.

Keep your legs and feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other.

Your arms need to go to the side of your body. Keep your palms facing downward and have your fingertips lightly touch the heels.

The arms should be placed down in such a way that area between the shoulder blades lifts from the ground gently.

As you inhale, put down pressure into your arms and shoulders, thrusting with your feet, so as to life your chest fully, raising the spine upwards.

Now, take a couple of slow and deep breaths and hold the position for 5 to 7 breaths.

Exhaling your breath, return to the original position and gradually, roll the spine back to the floor.


While performing the Sethu Bandhasana, make sure not to clench your buttocks, rather move your knees away from you and press down into your heels, to bring the spine upwards.


The bridge pose that you attain as a part of the Sethu Bandhasana has been know to help build core as well as the lower body strength.

The pose can help a person open the front of the thighs and hips very easily, bridging flexibility.

The bridge pose is believed to invigorate as well as fuel the nervous system and endocrine system.

On attaining the pose perfectly, a person experiences the tension ebbing away from his shoulders and the lower back.

Apart from increasing the elasticity of the body, the bridge pose helps strengthen the abdominal muscles.

In case you are suffering from headaches, backache insomnia, fatigue, or anxiety, you will find the asana to be very beneficial.

Sethu Bandhasana is very good for those who have the problem of high BP, sinusitis, asthma and osteoporosis.


Sethu Bandhasana is meant to be performed in combination with proper teaching from a qualified Yoga teacher. So, please do not try this asana at home, on your own.

Sethu Bandhasana should not be performed by those who have undergone knee or neck injury. It is also not recommended for pregnant women.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2012, 03:22:36 PM »


Sukhasana, also termed as the 'easy pose', is one of the simplest postures of yoga. For undertaking this posture, a person is required to sit cross-legged on the floor, in a certain position. Throughout the asana, you need to concentrate on your breathing and let your body relax completely. Sukhasana can provide the best start to yoga beginners and can also be practiced by those who cannot do siddhasana, padmasana and other difficult postures. You can also use it to attain relaxation between two complex postures.


Sit down on a flat and smooth surface, preferably the ground.

Stretch both the legs in front of you.

Keep your hands on the side, making sure to have the palms resting on the ground. Fingers should be together and point forward.

First fold the left leg slightly, at the knee, followed by the right leg.

Now, join the soles of the both the feet and hold the legs at ankle by the hands.

Moving slowly, start bringing the legs towards yourself. Continue doing so till the time the legs reach under the perineum.

At this point of time, your knees should remain on the ground, while your body should be erect and your gaze directly in the front.

Keep your hands on your knees, in gyana mudra (you have to hold the index finger against tip of thumb, having the other three fingers straight).

Hold the position for 4-5 minutes.

Now, gradually loosen your legs and come back to the original position.


Whenever your practice the asana, especially in the initial days, you will feel a slight stretch
under the thighs. It is perfectly normal. However, if you experience any pain, discontinue it and refer to your yoga teacher.


Sukhasana is believed to aid tuneful, but controlled stimulation of the erotic processes as well as the creative imagination of a person.

Indulging in the asana, after you have undergone a stressful and tiring day, will help you get over the exhaustion and make you feel refreshed.

In case you are stressed out mentally, either from too much work or too monotonous work, practicing Sukhasana will provide you with mental peace and calm.

The asana has been found to be very beneficial for strengthening the lumbar region of the body.

Practicing Sukhasana will help you achieve a state of composure and harmony, by eliminating all the unnecessary anxiety.

Throughout the posture, the backbone remains in the ideal position, making the asana beneficial for those who are suffering from back pain.

Sukhasana is one of the simplest postures in yoga and can be undertaken by almost anyone, with hardly a few exceptions.

The asana helps makes the waist and lower region of a person quite flexible.


Sukhasana should not be undertaken by those people who have had a recent, or suffer from chronic, knee or hip injury or inflammation.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2012, 04:14:41 PM »


Tadasana, with 'tada' meaning 'mountain', is regarded as one of the most beneficial postures in yoga. Though it seems to be quite simple, a person has to undergo lots of practice to attain the perfect tadasana posture. The asana is believed to provide not only physical, but mental benefits as well. It helps a person improve his posture and also promotes confidence as well as happiness. A basic yoga posture, Tadasana can also be used as the starting point for other asanas that are performed in a standing position.


Stand on a firm ground, with your legs and feet joined together.

Keep your hands at your sides and look in the front.

Now, balancing yourself on the heels, raise your toes and hold it for 5-10 seconds.

Bring the toes back on the ground and move forward your pubic bone, just a bit.

Lift your chest up and out, in moderation.

Next, you need to raise up your head.

Lift the base of your skull, towards the ceiling, lengthening your neck in the process.

Putting pressure on your toes, lift your legs up, first the calves and then your thighs.

Keeping your breath steady, remain in the position for 1-2 minutes.

As you inhale, feel the breath is coming up through the floor and going into your legs,
followed by stomach and up to the head.

While exhaling, feel your breath going down, right from the head to the stomach and into your feet.

Now, come back to the original position slowly and repeat the process.

In the next repetition, along with your legs, raise up your arms as well, stretching them and taking them over your head.

Again repeat the inhaling and exhaling exercise and in the latter one, put down your arms as well.


Always make sure to create a rhythm between the flow of your breathing and the raising and lowering of your arms.


The most important and the most basic benefit of Tadasana is that it helps improve the posture of the body.

If it is the flexibility of ankles, knees or hip joints that you want, then this asana will serve your needs perfectly.

Tadasana has been know to helps strengthen the oblique muscles of the person, preventing hernia in the process.

Practicing the asana on a regular basis will help impart suppleness to your spine.

Tadasana not only helps improve your balance, but is also good for those who want to increase their height.

In case you are suffering from visceroptosis or pain in the backbone, this asana will prove to be beneficial.

Tadasana helps improve the respiration and digestion of a person, along with promoting proper elimination of waste.

This asana helps a person gain proper control over his muscular movement.

Indulging in Tadasana, on a regular basis, strengthens the entire nervous system of the body.


Tadasana should not be performed by those who have complaints of a reeling sensation.

All those who are prone to low blood pressure or are suffering from headache should not perform the asana.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2012, 04:20:54 PM »


The term Trikonasana has been derived from the words 'trikona', which means triangle, and 'asana', which means posture. In other words, in the asana, your body is stretched in such a way that a triangle-like shape is formed. As your perform the Trikonasana, your entire body weight comes to rest on the calves of the bent legs, along with the muscles of the hand that is resting on the floor, strengthening both of them in turn. Other than that, a number of muscles are stretched well, which results in an improvement in their functioning. The asana also improves balance and concentration.


Stand straight on a flat and firm ground.

Stretch your legs outwards, maintaining a distance of 2½ feet.

Now, move your left foot outwards, at an angel of about 90 degrees.

Bring the right foot inwards, at an angel of about 45 degrees.

Start inhaling and raise your arms till the time they are parallel to the ground.

Now, as your start exhaling, turn your head towards the left.

Focus your gaze down your left arm, towards the stretched out fingers and ensure that your
left knee is in alignment with the left ankle.

Take a deep breath and start stretching your body towards the left side, lowering the left hip and raising the right one, as far as you feel comfortable.

Now, spin around your arms. You need to let your left hand go down, coming to rest on the
floor, along with left foot. As for the right hand, it should be pointing straight up.

Turn around in a way that your gaze focuses on the right hand.

Stay in the position for 1-2 minutes, while taking deep breaths.

Exhale once more and slowly start lowering your arms.

Bring your hands to rest on your hips.

Now, turning on your heels, bring your feet in front, once again.

Repeat the asana with the right leg.


Throughout the asana, make sure to keep your lower back completely straight.

Whenever you twist your body while performing the asana, ensure that you do not twist along the hips as well.


Trikonasana has been known to help strengthen the legs as well as the back of a person.

While doing this asana, you stretch the groins, hamstrings and hips, thereby increasing their flexibility.

Trikonasana helps open up the chest and shoulders of a person and also increases the lateral flexibility of the spine.

Performing this asana on a regular is believed to help strengthen and stimulate the kidneys as well as the abdominal region.

Trikonasana, since it develops the muscles along the spine and strengthens neck muscles, alleviates backaches and neck pain.

Indulging in this asana, on a regular basis, goes a long way in removing fat from the waist and thighs.

Trikonasana is especially beneficial for those who are suffering from constipation and indigestion.

This asana helps stimulate appetite and also brings relief from stiffness in the legs and hips


You should not perform this asana if you are suffering from back or spinal injuries.

In case you are afflicted by low pressure, headache or diarrhea, this asana is not for you.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2012, 04:24:08 PM »


The term Uttanasana has been derived from three words - 'Ut, which means 'intense', 'Tan, which means to stretch and extend, and 'asana', which means posture. In short, it is yoga posture that involves intense stretching of the body muscles. One of the postures of hatha yoga, Uttanasana enjoys immense popularity in the present times, one of the reasons why so many of its variations have been evolved. In this asana, you are required to start from the Tadasana pose and then hinge forward, bending at the hips and letting the head hang. Apart from stretching the legs and spine, Uttanasana is believed to calm down the mind as well as the body.


First of all, you need to stand in the Tadasana posture (mountain pose).

Now, start inhaling and raise your arms, taking them over your head.

As you exhale, start bending your hips.

Bring your arms forward and then take them down, along with the torso, so they are
touching the floor.

Now, take your hands behind your legs and join them together.

Remain in the position for 7-8 breaths.

Now, bring your hands in the front and start twisting your torso upwards, pulling yourself.

Keep your head hanging down till you are completely straight.

Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.


While performing Uttanasana, make sure that you do not put much pressure on any one body part. If you encounter great difficulty in bending your torso with the knees straight, bend them a bit.

Instead of locking your hands behind the legs, you can use them to hold the ankles or even leave them on the floor, while doing the asana.


Uttanasana helps provide a complete stretching exercise to the entire back side of your body.

It has been observed that this asana helps rejuvenate the spinal nerves of a person and also
tones the kidneys, liver, and spleen.

Those suffering from depression would find Uttanasana to be quite helpful, as it helps make the mind peaceful and calm.

Practicing this asana helps improve the flexibility of various body parts, including the spine, hips, sciatic nerves, tendons and ligaments of legs.

By soothing the brain cells, Uttanasana helps revitalize and invigorate the nervous system.

This asana has proved to be beneficial for people suffering from anxiety. It also improves eyesight and hearing.

Uttanasana improves blood circulation in the legs and also increases the suppleness of the hamstrings.

This asana provides nourishment to the facial skin, scalp, and even the hair roots.


In case you suffer from back pain or suffer from the problem of varicose veins, Uttanasana is not meant for you.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2012, 04:28:59 PM »

Virabhadrasana Pose

The word Virabhadrasana is a conjunction of two words Virabhadra and Asana which literally means the posture of a warrior. Virbhadrasana, as the name suggests is very similar to the position that a warrior holds. It is basically particularly compelling asana, full of emblematic and vigorous physical power. The entire Virabhadrasana is performed in three stages - Virabhadrasana I, Virabhadrasana II and Virabhadrasana III. The entire asana is meant to increase the strength, courage, endurance and confidence of the performer.


Stand straight and balance your body weight on both your legs properly.

Now, give mountain pose to both your feet together and hands at the side.

Try keep your feet your feet 4 feet apart. Balance your body properly

Now turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Hold on this position.

Then try to rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left, so that it is positioned directly to the side.

Now try to bend your left knee until your thigh becomes parallel to the ground

Make sure you keep your knee either behind or directly over the ankle. Hold and balance yourself at this posture.

Now gradually raise your arms over your head

After you have both your hands straight upwards, gradually pull down your left arm and bring it parallel to the ears and pointing ahead.

Make sure while your left hand is pointing forward, your right hand takes a posture aiming back.

Now develop your focus on a particular point in front of you and breathe gradually.

Take approximately 5 deep breaths at this position.

Gradually bring your hands and legs to the normal position.

Repeat few times.


Balancing your body in a proper way is one of the most important aspects of Virabhadrasana.

Do not over exert yourself, gradually perform the steps and complete one motion before
switching to the other.

Do not slant your body at unusual angles while doing the Virabhadrasana.

Keep your breathing in control and inhale and exhale gradually.


Virabhadrasana brings flexibility to the entire body.

It helps in strengthening the lower torso and stimulates abdominal organs.

It also teaches your body balancing and coordination of body parts.

It also improves circulation and respiration process in the body.

Virabhadrasana is also good for improving concentration.

It also improves posture and energizes the entire body.

It is beneficial in carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica.

Virabhadrasana is known to increase stamina.


Avoid Virabhadrasana if you had a recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders.

Patients of hypertension should also not perform this Asana.

Do not perform Virabhadrasana if you are suffering from diarrhea.

People with spondylitis and slip disc should also not perform Virabhadrasana.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2012, 03:07:44 PM »

Yoga Benefits

The benefits of Yoga are numerous. In terms of energy Yoga is like a universe in itself. Some of the important Yoga benefits include anti-ageing, balance and flexibility of body, increase in knowledge and wealth, improvement in mental health and development of personal and social values. This is not the end of story; Yoga also helps in improving strength, sexual life and reducing weight. Yoga makes you feel good. Yoga is relaxing. It's energizing. It's strengthening.

Healing benefits of Yoga are so great that you feel better at the end of every Yoga session than before you began and life runs effortlessly when you keep up a steady discipline than when you don't. Yoga enhances your understanding of life. Yoga changes an individual's perspective about life. After coming in the fold of Yoga a person finds himself taking up a broader view of life. Yoga helps a person to know who he is, how life works, who is God and so on. One starts looking at things differently, with less confusion. It helps in more peace of mind, better health, more keenness for life, and an ever-growing sense of internal well-being.

As one practices Yoga, positive effects of Yoga begin to show. The sense of feeling good envelops around the individual. This feeling is so natural and so genuine that it goes entirely in an individual's life. In this way it helps clarify deepest cravings, motivations and aspirations, thereby restoring confidence, hope, meaning and rationale to life. We all like feeling good, peace of mind, being joyful, peaceful, animated and calm. There can't be two opinions about this. But the sad part is that most of us know that we are not feeling as good as we should.

The driving force of yoga is aimed at the monumental, life-changing discovery of who and what you actually are. This is precisely how yoga works, how it makes you feel good. Yoga helps you experience the truth. The truth- which, you discover is goodness. The implications of knowing the truth is massive. Thus Yoga gives you the strength to unravel the truth with which you will begin to live with security, confidence and inner psychological peace. Such great are the benefits and properties of Yoga. Yoga changes your life.

Anti Aging
In the present times, very few people retain their strength and vitality till the middle age. More and more people we come across look much older than they actually are.

Most of us suffer from problems of asymmetry and imbalance. The irregularity and imbalance create a lot of stress and strain in our body. At times, it also leads to injury, pain, or just simple discomfort.

What comes to your mind when you think of Yoga? Stretching, isn't it? Half of you must have run away from the yoga, with the thought that your body is unfit, too old or maybe too inflexible to perform Yoga.

Personal Values
With an ever-increasing cut throat competition in the present times, personal values seem to be inexistent. People are so engrossed in attaining material success that they fail to realize the host of inappropriate values and principles that have made home in both the mind and heart.

Yoga can play a definitive role in fine-tuning our love life. Our emotional well-being depends on how we interpret various events of life and react to them. In other words, feelings and emotions manifest in one form or the other in our body and life.

Mental Health
Yoga has tremendous positive effect on our mental health. Before moving ahead to describe the benefits Yoga bring, let us define what mental health is.

Social Values
Yoga and social values are two sides of the same coin and go side by side. Social values are a set of philosophy that an individual carries throughout his life.

Yoga is a like a blessing for those who love to have fit body. It is extremely beneficial in strength and endurance building. Sages and saints from centuries in India have performed this miraculous art to achieve a stress free temper and disease free body.

Yoga & Beauty
Yoga is the art of meditation aimed at training a human soul the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. It is basically achieved through the three paths- the path of actions, knowledge and devotion.

Yoga Healing
Yoga is an ancient art of meditation in India. It is considered that a regular practice of Yoga is very beneficial for achieving healthy body and sound mind.

Yoga & Knowledge
Yoga is an ancient art that focuses on the spiritual enlightenment and physical fitness of a human being. This art has derived its principles from the 'Patanjali Shastra' and focuses on the concept of healthy being and healthy living.

Weight Reduction
Yoga is an effective way to gain and maintain a healthy body. This ancient Indian meditation art is a great way to get rid of extra flab from the body.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2012, 03:10:27 PM »

Anti-Ageing Benefits of Yoga

In the present times, very few people retain their strength and vitality till the middle age. More and more people we come across look much older than they actually are. Talking about aging, there are several factors that leads to ageing (apart from age) - misuse of the body, over-exaggeration of the mind, non-nutritious foods, poor posture while working, sedentary lifestyle, and so on. However, you would be happy to know that our body has the unique ability to renew or regenerate at the cellular level. The best way to attain this would be by practicing yoga regularly.

Benefits Of Yoga In Anti Ageing

Practicing Yoga = Fit Body = Active Mind = Glowing Skin = Anti Ageing

Yoga acts positively in maintaining the health of the human body. One of the most prominent benefits of Yoga is the ability to be young once again. Apart from revitalizing the mind, Yoga rejuvenates the body as well. People, who constantly practice Yoga, have found immense benefits from it and feel better than what they felt in their younger years. There is a very famous concept in Yoga philosophy. According to it, a person's age is determined by the flexibility of his spine, not the number of years he has lived.

Yoga helps in slowing down the aging process, by providing elasticity to the spine, firming up the skin, removing tension from the body, strengthening the abdominal muscles, eliminating the likelihood of a double chin, improving the quality of loose arm muscles, correcting poor posture and so on. Thus, of the numerous benefits of Yoga, anti-ageing is an important one. All you need is patience (remember, there is no one day benefit policy!!) and the determination (you need to be strong willed to practice everyday) to practice Yoga.

Yoga increases the mental competence in a person, making him/her feel younger. It possesses the power to fight the internal as well as the external diseases and dangers. This is the key to help an individual to live longer. There are various types of Yoga, of which Hatha Yoga basically aims at making people live long. Some of the anti-ageing properties of Yoga are long life, increased resistance to diseases, increased vitality, and rejuvenation of glands, looking young, improvement in vision and hearing and many other mental and emotional benefits.

Remember, there is no magic potion that can extend the longevity of life. If there is any key to longer healthy life, it has to be Yoga. One can successfully extend the period of life by constantly following Yogic practices. Even the tiniest detailing of ageing, such as gray hair can be dealt with Yoga. By practicing inverted Yoga postures, you can turn back gray hair to its natural color. These practices also delay the onset of gray hair, thereby making a person look younger. Even people with the inability to get up on their own, can enjoy replenished flexibility and freedom from joint pain, by practicing Yoga.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2012, 03:11:59 PM »

Balance & Yoga

Most of us suffer from problems of asymmetry and imbalance. The irregularity and imbalance create a lot of stress and strain in our body. At times, it also leads to injury, pain, or just simple discomfort. If you are also one amongst the sufferers, do not worry. Just turn to Yoga. Yoga creates symmetry throughout your body, making you stronger, flexible and balanced. It also draws a balance between the mental urge to push, control and be assertive, with the impulse to yield, submit and be passive. Practicing the various asans, concentrating and meditation improves the overall being of an individual.

Benefits Of Yoga
Improvement in balance is one of the major benefits of Yoga. Improved balance is referred not only to the sharp physical coordination, but also to the balance between the left and right, front and back and high and low aspects of one's body. As far as balance of the body is concerned, hardly few of us have proper balance. We may be stronger on one side, but definitely fall short of strength when it comes to the other side. The same is also seen, while turning or twisting the head. Whilst we can easily twist or turn on one side, the other is always a problem. Also, though most of can bend forward with ease, bending backwards is a big problem.

Yoga helps us attain hormonal balance, by producing a nice positive charge. This is important from the female point of view, especially for pre-menopausal and menopausal women, who want to find ways to balance their hormones naturally. To attain good balance, you need not be physically strong, but also have the mental agility to focus on your posture. There are a number of asanas that aim at achieving balance in the body. One of them is 'Tadasana' or mountain pose, which requires you to stand straight with your legs slightly apart and eyes closed. It would help you realize, which side of your body is more powerful and where do you tend to concentrate your weight on.

After performing 'Tadasana', you can perform the one-legged stand. This is generally done to achieve center balance. The longer the duration of the pose, the better are the chances of improving balance. Another effective asan is the 'Vrksasana' or tree pose. It strengthens the leg and calf muscles, making it easier to balance the body. 'Matsyasana' or fish pose asan is also beneficial for postural alignment. In this particular asan, you lie down on your back forming an arching. This helps in the curvature of your spine, making it more flexible and longer. However, before performing any of the asan mentioned above, you should learn the proper techniques from a trained instructor. Remember, proper Yoga practice ensures not only physical balance, but also emotional and spiritual balance.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2012, 03:13:46 PM »

Flexibility & Yoga

What comes to your mind when you think of Yoga? Stretching, isn't it? Half of you must have run away from the yoga, with the thought that your body is unfit, too old or maybe too inflexible to perform Yoga. However, you will be surprised to know that age plays little or no role in improving flexibility. You can enhance the flexibility of your body at any time. The asanas or yoga poses safely stretch the muscles, thereby releasing the lactic acid that builds up with use. This results in the release of stiffness, tension, pain, and fatigue from the muscles.

Benefits Of Yoga
Yoga and flexibility go hand in hand. It increases the range of motion in joints and also the lubrication in the joints. The result is enhanced fluidity throughout your body and a sense of ease and comfort. Apart from stretching the muscles, it also stretches the ligaments, tendons and the fascia sheath that surrounds the muscles. The best part of yoga is that it acts on those joints as well, that were never really moved, leave alone exercising. It helps get rid of muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery. Instead of feeling weary or tired out after performing yogic asanas, a person feels much relaxed and enthusiastic.

Constant practice of Yoga will result in enhanced flexibility. A body part, which was rigid at the beginning of learning Yoga, would experience a remarkable flexibility in all parts, with regular practice. If done in a correct form, Yogic stretching helps develop the entire body. With stretching, the body develops a sense of harmony and balance. Also, with increased flexibility many tensions and conflicts are erased on their own. The more flexible a body, the better it is for that individual as it saves the body from unnecessary torture and pain.

The pain and stress we feel while stretching are nothing, but blocked, jammed, misplaced and misused energy. Increased flexibility opens these energy blockages and releases the energy circulation. Know for sure that neglect is the root cause of all pains. Problems of toothaches, backaches and headaches are all symptoms of such neglect or abuse. These need to dealt with rather than ignored.

Remember, the healthier you are, the less concerned you will be with your body, the liberated will be your mind to rediscover itself. At first, yoga makes you more sensitive and more conscious of your body; otherwise, due to neglect, misuse and abuse. However, once you take the first step, of caring for the body, your awareness as a whole also increases. Our body is just like an instrument, which keeps us worried, when not running properly. Yoga has that power to set right, every wrong which confronts our body. Thus, Yoga helps in making the body more flexible and athletic.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2012, 03:16:15 PM »

Yoga & Personal Values

With an ever-increasing cut throat competition in the present times, personal values seem to be inexistent. People are so engrossed in attaining material success that they fail to realize the host of inappropriate values and principles that have made home in both the mind and heart. Right from frustration, to persecution, to insecurity, we all seem to nurture a variety of ills in our day-to-day living. Thinking bad about a person, wishing evil for someone or even doing something wrong are activities everyone indulges in, at one point of time in their life or the other. When we witness such situation, the first question that comes to mind is - where are the personal values of a person?

Personal Values
Personal values are those values, which an individual develops and lives by all through his/her life. They define the character of the person and develop his/her personality. Remember, your personality is the way people see you. However, coming back to the present scenario, it seems like no one today is bothered about how they conduct themselves or what do they live by? Changing one's lifestyle is the best way to deal with the situation and the one of the preeminent ways to achieve it would be to introduce Yoga in out day to day lives. The benefits of yoga, in terms of renewing our personal values, have been proven time and again.

Benefits Of Yoga
Yoga plays a vital role in reviving the true spirit of living. It helps in developing and attaining personal values, by reducing a variety of mental ills. Yoga enhances the personal values in individuals by avoiding the element of fear from our lives. It is our constant fear, some valid while others purely imaginary, that makes us succumbs to the wrong side. However, by practicing yoga on a daily basis, we gain a control of our mind, which results in control of the thoughts and the actions as well. Yoga controls the emotional aspect of a person, with the help of mental exercises, thus helping an individual achieve Santosh or contentment.

The other aspect of Yoga is that it makes an individual accept faith in life. It effectively replaces pessimism and the varieties such as cynicism and suspicion with an appreciation of life. Through Yoga, a person achieves a willingness to be at peace with himself and the world, and thus attains poise, serenity, contentment, patience and assurance. However, one should understand that Yoga is a continuing process and a life long thing, not just something you do for a while and stop. It would help a person gain an agile life and not just momentary mental agility. Remember, values are like lighthouse - you can either use it to guide you, or go against it and allow yourself to be smashed by the rocks!!

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2012, 03:18:53 PM »

Yoga & Love

Yoga can play a definitive role in fine-tuning our love life. Our emotional well-being depends on how we interpret various events of life and react to them. In other words, feelings and emotions manifest in one form or the other in our body and life. If you have better inner feelings, nice thoughts will automatically come to your mind. And these will translate into romantic actions. Herein lies the importance of Yoga which could make you more effective in expression of love. So practice Yoga and feel the free flow of love.

Yoga enhances the power to feel sensual pleasures. It creates an awareness of your body and helps you feel moments in better way. You learn to feel and adjust to the smallest sensations during yoga practice. It teaches you to savor all the sensation in your body. This sensual awareness benefits you in your daily life and even accompanies in those private moments. Sensual awareness takes your mind away from the thoughts which worry you, thus helping you enjoying your love life.

Gaining Confidence
Practising Yoga helps one lose extra weight. Feeling fit would help you feel more confident, which could make you more attractive for the persons of opposite sex. A fit person, of course, is liked by everybody, for he can usually do thins in a better way than the people who are benefit.

Lessening Tiredness
Yoga makes you feel energetic. So you are in better position to feel the stirrings of arousal. Feeling too tired after returning from office makes you less inclined towards love life. Yoga practices greatly improve sleep quality for chronic insomniacs. It is an exercise which connects the dots of love, and helps bonds to develop.

Improving Intimacy
When you are better physically, you are more aware of the happening around you. You are better equipped to reciprocate the advances of your partner. This automatically translates into better love life. Your emotional awareness gets transported to your inner room. You become more connected and sensitive to your partners.

Stimulation of Life
Yoga stimulates people mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically. This state increases their sense of self worth, and lessens ways of abusing bodies, like overeating, smoking and drinking. This again results in better physical and mental state, and the cycle begins.

Fall in Love with Yourselves
Thanks to Yoga, you are more aware of your body, which makes you fall in love with yourselves. This helps you get rid of negative things in life like negative self talk, draining relationship, careers without passion and purpose, tension in body, stress in the mind, and unhealthy habits and addictions. This results in better love life with the partner too.

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Re: ~ Yoga ~
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2012, 03:21:10 PM »

Yoga & Mental Health

Yoga has tremendous positive effect on our mental health. Before moving ahead to describe the benefits Yoga bring, let us define what mental health is. Mental health is human ability to face and solve problems and select the correct alternative that results in happiness of mind. Theoretical and philosophical aspects of yoga endow one an impartial and healthy outlook towards life.

Tackling Anxiety
Anxiety has become any omnipresent mental problem in today's world. Severe anxiety could lead to health-related problems like palpitations, fatigue, nausea, difficulty in breathing, restlessness, and even head and chest pains. Yoga asanas aid in healing the problem after treatments like psychotherapy and some anti-anxiety medication. Yoga helps one develop a stronger state of mind, thus overcoming fears and preventing the dangers of anxiety. Asanas assisting nervous system should be practiced in this stage. Thanks to Yoga, one can gain better self-awareness and cultivate focus of the mind.

Tackling Depression
Depression is continuous stage of mental sadness. Though simple depression can be treated easily, major depression lasts for a longer time, and is dangerous. It could have serious symptoms like being fatigued physically and mentally, change in appetite, feeling of intense fear or melancholy, irritability, loss of interest in usual activities, changes in sleeping patterns, feelings of guilt and hopelessness, hallucinations, and recurring thoughts of suicide or death. Yoga is handy in curing one of this problem. You can practice Yoga as a supplement to the treatment. It helps reduce stress and creates a peaceful state of mind.

Yoga Exercise
Psychologists recognise that moderate exercise is good for depression and anxiety. Yoga practice provides one with such exercise. Yoga postures are developed to promote physical strength, flexibility and balance. Any Yoga posture has cardio/heart benefits associated with it. Heart rate is frequently up while performing these postures. Between various yoga postures, you also get rest periods. So practicing Yoga postures becomes much easier than doing conventional exercise.

Role of Yogic Philosophy
Practising yoga changes our perceptions of the world. It alters our attitude towards the achievable goals and approach towards success and failures. Yoga philosophy teaches us not to be depressed in frustrations. Several Yogic theories are important in this regard.

Role of Niyamas and Yamas
Niyamas and yamas help establish adequate personal adjustment and social adjustment, thus reducing to a large extent the effect of depression. By systematically practicing Yoga, one can imbibe in oneself the yogic values like curbing ego and desires in equality. Yogic exercises divert one's attention from frustrating experiences. Yoga has several methods of tackling mental disorders. Yamas and Niyamas provide the person a basic discipline for his overall adjustment with his environment. Asanas and Pranayamas change positively his emotional make-up. Thanks to Yogic ways, one can develop soud approach towards life.