Author Topic: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India  (Read 999 times)

Offline kanmani

Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« on: April 27, 2013, 10:12:49 AM »
ndia is replete with a rich cultural and religious background. Especially the ancient sculptures located at different places in India are worth a visit. There are many Hindu temples in India that are more than hundreds of years old. The rock sculptures depicts many mythological stories and culture. There are many cave temples in India that depicts our true heritage. Sometimes the cave temples were carved out of the mountains. Just think of the engineering skills of the people in those days.

Within a single temple there are also many temple complexes. As soon as you go inside these cave temples there are many tunnels within. And in some of these Indian temples people are even prohibited to enter the tunnels as there is a risk of getting lost.

The most popular of all the Indian cave temples are the Ajanta, Ellora, Elephanta, Amarnath etc. As a matter of fact most of these temples can also be included in the list of the most visited pilgrimage centres. These cave temples have gained importance not only due to their religious significance, but also due to their historical importance. The Elephanta and Ajanta have also been declared as the the heritage temples of India. They depict many art forms of the ancient times. And the human and God figures on the walls of the cave temples have been a subject of study since a long time.

 Apart from the very well known of the cave temples in India there are also many small cave temples in many mountains of our country. And trust us it is one of the most amazing experiences in the world to be there. These old temples are a great place to find a harmony between religion and culture. But, here we will discuss only about the most popular cave temples of India.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 10:13:44 AM »

Elora Caves, Maharashtra

More than 30 caves were cut out of the Charanandri hills in the 5th century AD. There are caves dedicated to the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religion. This is also a World Heritage Site.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 10:14:57 AM »

Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra

This is one of the cave temples to be enlisted as UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rock cut caves of Ajantha have been started building from the 2nd century BC.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2013, 10:15:34 AM »

Udayagiri Caves, Madhya Pradesh

The rock cut temples was carved and reworked under the command of Chandragupta II, the Gupta Empire. This was constructed from 4th-5th century AD.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 10:16:57 AM »

Elephanta Caves, Mumbai Harbor

The caves here are dedicated to both the Hindu God Shiva and Buddhism as well. The sculpture dates back early to the 5th and 8th centuries.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 10:18:16 AM »

Amarnath Temple, Jammu and Kashmir

This Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva was carved in the 3rd century. An ice stalagmite forms inside the temple in the shape of a Shiva linga.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2013, 10:19:19 AM »

Pataleshwar Cave Temple

The word patal means underground. This Hindu temple was cut out of a single piece of stone. This temple was built around the 8th century AD.

Offline kanmani

Re: Most Famous Cave Temples Of India
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 10:20:41 AM »

Varaha Cave Temples, Tamil Nadu

This temple is of monolithic rock cut that dates to the 7th century. It is a four temple complex dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and the earth goddess Bhumi.