Author Topic: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~  (Read 50423 times)

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2013, 07:25:15 AM »

A simple method of organizing and accessing text and other data through the use of hyperlinks. Today, anyone who's been on the Internet is familiar with hypertext as it's the primary way of arranging and accessing data on the Internet.

Hypertext is a concept that was first talked about in an Atlantic Monthly article in 1945 by Vannevar Bush, who talked about a photo-electric mechanical device called a Memex (short for memory extension) that could make and follow links between documents on microfiche.

This concept was later coined by Ted Nelson in 1965 who worked for and with Andries van Dam at the Brown University. Andries with the help of Ted and other Brown University students created a Hypertext Editing System (HES). However, this arrangement and access of data was first demonstrated publically by Douglas Engelbart on December 9, 1968.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2013, 09:10:09 AM »

Alternatively referred to as an Internet Presence Provider (IPP), Vhost is short for virtual host and is a remote host computer that is run and maintained by another company. By having another company or ISP run and maintain the computers that host the files, this enables an individual or company not to have to worry about the maintenance, setup, upgrade, or security of a computer or group of computers.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2013, 07:09:39 AM »


Fiber-optic cables are hollow cables that send data by pulses of light. Fiber optics allows for a much faster data transmission because of the capability of transmitting data at the speed of light. Most home computer users will never get the opportunity to work with fiber-optic cables because almost all home networks use other cables or wireless connections to connect their computers together. Fiber-optic cables are most often used in corporate networks or world-wide networks such as Internet backbones because of the capabilities of the cable. In the picture, is an example of fiber-optic cabling.

Caution: When handling and using fiber-optic cables or fiber-optic networking equipment, keep the below suggestions in mind.

1.Keep the fiber connections and connectors capped when not in use to help prevent dust, dirt, or other substances from being on the connection of connector.
2.Always keep the fiber connections and connectors clean.
3.Do not allow the fiber cabling to bend more than the diameter of your fist. Bending the cable further could cause physical damage to the cable.
4.Do not touch the tip of the actual fiber cabling, this could cut you.
5.Never look down the fiber cabling when in use as light pulses are being used. To determine if the pulse is being sent, use a meter.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2013, 07:18:27 AM »

1. In chat PM is short for Private Message or Personal Message and is a message only sent between you and one other user.

2. PM is an abbreviation for power management.

3. When referring to time, pm or p.m. is short for post meridiem or past midday is the time designated after 11:59 AM noon and before 12:00 AM midnight.

4. When referring to OS/2 or an operating system, PM is short for Presentation Manager.

5. When referring to maintenance, PM is short for Preventive Maintenance.

6. When referring to a waveform or a signal, PM is short for Phase Modulation. PM is a method of encoding and transmitting information in a carrier wave.

7. When referring to fiber-optic, PM is short for Polarization Maintaining and is also known as PMF or Polarization Maintaining Fiber. PM or PMF is an optical fiber that maintains a fixed polarization. This helps increase the bandwidth and distance of how far the signal can travel.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2013, 07:42:38 AM »

1. When referring to audio or a signal, AM is short for amplitude modulation. AM is a broadcast with the capability of broadcasting in a wide area, but in a lower quality when compared to FM.

2. When referring to time, am or a.m. is short for ante meridiem, which is Latin for "before the middle of the day" and can also mean "after midnight". This time is between 12:00 PM noon and after 11:59 PM midnight in a 24-hour time clock.

3. On the Internet .am is a top-level domain.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2013, 11:46:28 AM »


Alternatively referred to as the net or the web, the Internet was initially developed by the IPTO with the intention of helping to develop the progress of computing technology by linking the work being done by all the best academic computer centers. The Internet as we know it today first started being developed in the late 1960's and transmitted its first message on Friday, October 29, 1969. In 1993, the Internet experienced one of its largest growths to date and today is accessible by people everywhere in the world. The Internet utilizes the TCP/IP protocol and is accessed using a computer modem or network that is connected through an ISP.

The Internet contains billions of web pages created by people and companies from around the world, making it a limitless location to locate information and entertainment. The Internet also has thousands of services that help make life more convenient. For example, many financial institutions offer online banking that enables a user to manage and view their account online. In the picture to the right, is a representation and map of the Internet done by The Opte Project.

The Internet basics

The Internet is explored, which is more commonly referred to as surfing, using a computer browser.

Finding information on the Internet is achieved by using a search engine.

Users browse web pages by following hyperlinks.

Files, pictures, songs, and video can be shared by uploading and downloading.

The Internet is also used for communicating with others through social networks, forums, chat, e-mails, and IM.

How people use the Internet

Poll taken by asking its users how they used the Internet. Below are the results of that poll and a general idea of what people do on the Internet.

Chat  6.18%
E-mail  17.91%
Research  48.83%
Downloads  16.84%
Other  10.23%

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2013, 09:21:44 AM »


Shorthand for Ohh really, orly, or o rly is often used in chat rooms, games, and other text-based communication in response to any comment. Often this comment is also accompanied with an O rly owl or similar picture like that shown on the top. Also, no wai can be used for "no way. Below is an example of how this could be used.

User1: I finally just made level 60.
User2: Orly
User1: Yep.

In addition to orly, users are also starting to use yrly, or ya rly, which is short for yes, really. Also, ya wai can be used for "yes way".

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2013, 08:57:34 AM »


E-mail software program by Microsoft that enables users to send and receive e-mail on their computer. There are two versions of Outlook; Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook.

Microsoft Outlook Express is a slimmed down version of the Microsoft Outlook software family and was first included with Windows 98 and included with all versions of Windows up to Windows XP. With the introduction of Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced Windows Mail.

Microsoft Outlook is a commercial product available in a stand-alone version or part of the Microsoft Office package. This program is a much more full program with better corporate support and additional features not found in the free edition. Below is an example of what Microsoft Outlook may look like.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2013, 09:31:29 AM »


Jointly developed by Microsoft and IBM to operate with Intel microprocessors, OS/2 was originally a 16-bit operating system that was designed to work with 286 processors and first introduced in 1987. OS/2 later became a graphical interface similar to Windows, but also supported a command line. In fact, many OS/2 and DOS commands are the same.
In 1992, a new 32-bit version was released for 386 and above PCs and was solely an IBM product. Later in 1994, IBM released a version it called OS/2 Warp that included Internet access and additional features. At the same time, Microsoft was working on OS/2 version 3.0; however, it later became Microsoft Windows NT.

OS/2 never became as popular as the other Microsoft operating systems, and software developers never created a substantial number of programs to run primarily under OS/2. Although some computer experts say later versions of OS/2 are superior to Windows, Windows and the number of products created for it greatly outnumber OS/2 programs.

IBM officially announces on July 14, 2005 that all sales of OS/2 will end on December 23, 2005 and that all support from IBM for OS/2 will end on December 16, 2005.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2013, 08:40:25 AM »

1. Darknet is a private P2P file sharing network in which only trusted peers make connections. This is usually done with ports or protocols that are not typically used. The sharing is anonymous, as IP addresses are not shared publicly. Darknets are often thought of to be associated with illegal activities or other activities where the users would not want government and/or other involvments.

2. Darknet is another name for a network telescope, which is a system in which a person can look at activities on the Internet, specifically traffic which targets any unused (dark) address space on a network, which is typically suspicious. This can help identify if there are any network attacks in progress or being attempted.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2013, 08:09:33 AM »


1. Alternatively referred to as UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email) and bulk e-mail, spam, not to be confused with the meat product, is slang commonly used to describe junk e-mail on the Internet. Spam is e-mail sent to thousands and sometimes millions of people without prior approval, promoting a particular product, service or a scam to get other people's money. The first spam e-mail was sent by Gary Thuerk in May 1, 1978 an employee at Digital who was advertising the new DECSYSTEM-2020, 2020T, 2060, AND 2060T on ARPAnet.

In some cases replying to that e-mail indicates that your e-mail address is valid and your e-mail address may be sent to other spam lists, although this is prohibited in many countries. When receiving any e-mail that is clearly spam it is usually best to delete the e-mail.

Below is an monthly poll we conducted August 1 - 31, 2003 to help see how much spam messages our visitors receive weekly.

None          6.26%
1 to 50       31.54%
50 to 100    22.74%
Over 100     37.51%
Not sure      1.95%

2. When talking in chat, forum, or a newsgroup, spam, also known as flooding, is the process of posting multiple lines of the same text two or more times. In a newsgroup, if a message is posted two or more times, this is also considered spam or a flood of messages.

3. Spam is also a term used in any form of online communication to describe someone who is advertising a product or service.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2013, 07:57:35 PM »
Blue book

Book that defines the standards of the Enhanced Music CD specification, also known as CD-Extra or CD-Plus. These discs allow for data as well as audio to be contained on one disc and not cause damage to players not capable of reading data.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2013, 08:20:13 AM »


1. A tile, live tile, and a user tile are all a new feature introduced with Windows 8 and shown on the Windows 8 Start screen. In the picture above, is an example of four different User tiles in the Windows Start screen. User titles can be two different sizes, colors, and include a custom image. Live tiles are capable of displaying updated information such as weather information, stocks, or other types of notification information.

Tiles can be adjusted by right-clicking any tile and any tile can be moved by dragging and dropping the tile in a position you want the tile to appear.

2. Alternatively referred to as a tile or tiled windows, tiling is a method of arranging open windows, so none overlap, unless there are too many windows. Many programs will allow a user to specify a horizontal or a vertical tile. Tiling enables users to view each of their open programs or windows within a program at once instead of having to switch back and forth.

Tip: To tile open windows in Windows right-click on the Taskbar and click Show windows side by side.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2013, 07:42:06 AM »
Mb and MB

1. Abbreviated as meg or mbit, MB is short for megabyte. A MB is a common measurement used with computer storage media. A Megabyte is equal to 1,048,576 bytes. However, the IEC defines that one MB is equal to 1,000,000 bytes, or 106. Therefore, a MB could really equal either of these values although commonly the first value is used in computing.

2. Mb is short for megabit and is 1,000,000 (106) bits. This term is used to express the rate data is transferred. For example, "10/100 Mbps" represents 10 or 100 megabits per second, the common speed of a standard network card.

3. mb or MB is also short for Motherboard.

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Re: ~ Computer Word Of The Week ~
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2013, 09:03:10 AM »

Alternatively referred to as an activation code, product key, product id, and serial key, a CD-KEY is a unique set of numbers or letters provided with software that helps prevent software piracy. Software that requires a CD-KEY will not install onto a computer until a valid number is entered.

Above is an example of the Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Product Key that can be found on the side or bottom of an OEM computer. In this example, the last four sets of letters and numbers have been hidden to protect the unique key. After Windows has been installed on a computer you will be asked for this activation key to verify your computer has a legitimate copy of Windows. Below, are the formats of the Microsoft Windows Product keys.

Windows 7, Server 2008, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, ME, and 98

Product key: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Windows 95 and NT

Product key: xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx