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Special Category => பயண கட்டுரைகள் - NATURE AND TRAVEL => Topic started by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:41:46 AM

Title: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:41:46 AM
Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence

  Florence is one of the most beautiful and romantic places on the planet; filled with glorious countryside and friendly people who, as much as the region will help to make your stay one that you will never forget. However, whether you have been before or this is your first time, in such a large area you might want to be able to plan ahead as you look to decide what to see while you are visiting this beautiful region. This is why we have put together this handy collection of links; a top ten of things that you mustn’t miss out on during your trip.

1. Medici Villas   Medici Villas, Florence


These buildings were, as you might expect owned by the Medici family in the 15th century. It’s a series of rural buildings, interspersed between glorious gardens and a variety of additional areas for sport, swimming and leisure. Despite their relatively soft appearance, several of the houses are heavily fortified in order to protect the Medici’s, which was a major political and banking family who had a huge influence and even produced four Popes, the most to come from a single family. As the seat of power in the Duchy of Florence these buildings are a beautiful spot to enjoy both inside and out.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:46:29 AM
2. Ponte Vecchio   


This Medieval stone bridge really is old, in fact the name ‘Ponte Vecchio’ literally translates as “Old Bridge”. It spans the river Arno at the point where the banks are closest together, easing the construction in Roman times. Originally however, this Bridge was only stone up to a point, and the main crossing was made of wood. However, a flood in the 12th century washed away the wood but left the stone, and later that was built upon in stone itself. From that point on the bridge hasn’t changed, and the three arches look identical to how they first appeared. It’s a great place to visit on a market day because there are stores which stretch out onto the bridge itself, so you can combine sightseeing with buying those little gifts for people back at home!
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:48:47 AM
3. Boboli Gardens


Even in Florence in the heart of Tuscany, a region not exactly known for operating at a high pace you might want to get away from it all and relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Boboli Gardens in a park in Florence itself, although it feels completely removed from any city. The gardens back on to the Pitti Palace and include an ornate amphitheater and racecourse. There are a number of beautiful features ehre from all over the world, including a mighty Egyptian obelisk which dominates the view wherever you are in the garden.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:49:41 AM
4. Piazzale Michelangelo

This famous square offers a unique panorama across all of Florence and much of Tuscany beyond. Its elevated position makes it a natural tourist spot for a wonderful photo, and you can have fun picking out the other spots you have visited from this beautiful observation. It was dedicated to the great Renaissance sculptor and has copies of some of his more famous works dotted around the square including the David, arguably the most famous sculpture in the history of the world. They might not be the ‘real thing’ but they are no less breathtaking and where better to take them in than on top of the city itself? We recommend taking the time to come here twice; once during the day so that you can pick everything out easily but also come at night, when if anything it becomes even easier, as the major attractions are lit up.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:50:32 AM
5. Uffizi Gallery   


This museum is one of the oldest art museums in the world, built in 1560 The huge collection of artworks here mean that in the past plenty of them have had to go to other museums but today it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Tuscany. As a warning, in July the waiting times can be as long as five hours if you haven’t prebooked your tickets so it is worth getting ahead of the game as if you do you will be in and out probably before others have managed to get in. When you get in you will be treated to a huge array of work by the masters, often commissioned or purchased by the Medici family who have been so influential here for so long.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:51:26 AM
6. Palazzo Pitti   


This is the palace which adjoins the Boboli Gardens, but despite their proximity they often such different experiences it is well worth taking the time to see both separately rather than trying to cram everything in to one short visit. This Renaissance palace is on the south side of the River Arno and if you are planning a single day of sightseeing the good news is that it is walking distance to the Ponte Vecchio. Again, this was bought by the Medici family and now houses one of the greatest collections of Modern art, silver, porcelain, costumes and carriages in the country. There is a wide range of exhibitions both public and private held here every year so it is well worth a visit.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:52:17 AM
7. Basilica of Santa Croce   


This Basilica is the largest Franciscan church in the world and includes over 15 chapels, each one intricately decorated with a wide variety of frescoes. It was built over 800 years ago and it is thought that the church here was founded by St Francis, although this legend remains unproven. It was blessed by the Pope after it was built by some of the richest families in Italy and the rest of the Empire.  No visit to Italy, the the centre of power for the Roman Catholic Church without a trip to a church and this one is as beautiful and example as you are likely to find anywhere else in the world.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:53:18 AM
8. Palazzo Vecchio   


This is the town hall of Florence and is another spot that you can find a replica of Michelangelo’s David. It overlooks the Piazza della Signoria and has three beautiful courtyards. Each of the main rooms here is dedicated to one of the Roman Gods, with Jupiter and Saturn in particular honored here. It was built after the people of Florence decided that they needed a palace which was suitable given the quality of the city that they had built. As a result, the richest families all clubbed together and the result was this beautiful palace which would give security to the magistrates of the region. It is a unique town hall in the fact that the vast majority of it isn’t devoted to public service at all, but rather to the museum which houses a variety of art from throughout history.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:54:16 AM
9. Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore   


Although the church at Santa Croce is larger, the Duomo here is the main church. It is covered in polychrome marble panels in unique colours and has an elaborate facade unlike almost any other church in the worl. The three buildings which make up the Basilica as a whole have all been noted as World Heritage sites and regardless of colour, creed or religious persuasion they have been a popular tourist attraction for quite literally centuries. It was built on cathedral which had been previously dedicated to Saint Reparata but the replacement was put up in 1294, and was designed by the same architect who was responsible for many of the great churches and government buildings in the city.
Title: Re: ~ Top 10 Most Attractive Landmarks In Florence ~
Post by: MysteRy on April 25, 2014, 08:55:41 AM
10. Florence Baptistery   


The building here is an unusual octagonal shapeand sits opposite the Duomo, although, despite the fact that it perhaps isn’t as well known as some of the other buildings here it is actually much older than most other parts of the city. It took a long time to build; work started in 1059 and wasn’t completed for another 69 years. The design was so intricate that it took forever to try and replicate what the architect required, but they did eventually finish it and the design has been thrilling tourists ever since.

Hopefully this list has given you a few ideas about what you can get up to while visiting Florence. Even if you are based in the countryside outside the city in Tuscany you still have a lot to look forward to, and maybe a day trip into the city is in order to try and take in a few of the sights, sounds, smells and of course tastes that this city has to offer.