Author Topic: My Life With Heroin  (Read 645 times)

Offline பூக்குட்டி (PooKuttY)

My Life With Heroin
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:45:29 PM »
My Life With Heroin...

Thinking back on my life, when I was a little child;
So outrageous and bubbly doing things that were wild.
Thinking back on my life, all those wonderful years;
Not a care in the world, no worries, no fears.
Thinking back on my life, all the advice I was told:
What a wonderful child, my parents hoped they would mold.
But as we all know, it's not always what we dreamed;
Life gets harder, and to us it's not always how it seemed.
There are two roads in life: the right one and wrong one;
The wrong one I chose and it seemed life was done.
But as time has went on, I had to agree;
I can do and be anything I want to achieve.
I have tried over and over and failed to succeed;
But I am a SOLDIER, that's what I believe.
My LIFE is too precious to let it slip away;
I must try harder and harder each coming day.
One day soon, I'll be All that I am;
How do I know you ask?
BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN!!!!  8) :-* ;)