Author Topic: John Didn’t Appreciate The Work Of A Housewife, Until ...  (Read 1172 times)

Offline LoShiNi

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Until He Had To Walk A Mile In Her Shoes…

Have you ever thought about what the life of a housewife is like? You probably have, and you’ve probably judged their routine, because at the end of the day, she spends her time at home and her effort is “minimal”.

That’s exactly what one man thought. Let’s call him John. Every day, while going to and from work, he thought: “How unfair life is! I’m so overwhelmed with this work outside, and she’s so comfortable at home, taking care of our son and cooking. And she can’t even take care of the housework the way a woman should”. This thought crossed John’s mind every day.

One day, John decided to turn to God and he asked, for once in his life, to be in his wife’s place — to switch roles. His wish was granted. He became a stay-at-home dad, taking care of the baby, washing, scrubbing, cooking, sweeping, while his wife, dressed in a suit, heals, and handbag, went out to work.

The day seemed like it would never end, and yet, John was still unable to do all the chores. “How is it possible that I can’t do these simple tasks in 24 hours?”, thought John, while being exhausted from working at home.

One day went by, then two, three… five, and seven. At the end of the week, John was exhausted and couldn’t perform all of the jobs in the specified time. Convinced that his perception of household work was not only wrong, but offensive and inconsiderate, he turned to God again, but this time asked him to reverse his role.

Regretful for his foolish attitude, John promised to never judge or demean household work done by women in the home again.

And he understood that, firstly, this division of labor corresponds to a gender-based division of work, which assigns gender roles: women at home and men outside. Secondly, a man isn’t the only provider of economic stability. Women can also handle a work-life balance. Now, John knows that housework isn’t just for women, but men can also do it. Plus, it’s not an easy, pleasant, or inferior job at all.

Have you thought about how much you value the work of housewives?