Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥  (Read 33118 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #270 on: December 08, 2018, 12:40:56 PM »
What Your Handwriting Reveals About You

Next time you write down something the old fashioned way with pen and paper, you may want to be careful who sees it. Some analysts believe they can get information about your personality traits and current mind state just by looking at your handwriting.Although controversial, there is an actual science that studies the way we write, called graphology. Supporters believe they can gather information about more than 5000 human personality traits! Basic analysis of handwriting is not limited to graphologists, however. 70% of the time, an untrained eye will be able to recognize the writer’s gender.

The main characteristics that are analyzed are letter details, line spacing, and style. If you like to put a circle above the letter “i,” you may be more of a free spirit that likes individuality. A correlation is also noted between large letters and your outgoing personality. Having connected letters speak highly of your judgement ability and logic.

It’s probably too late to try and change your handwriting, but this information may come in handy next time you leave a signature somewhere.  You  might even find out interesting tidbits about personality, like of these top CEOs. Or you might want to consider your landlord already knows you’re shy and introverted from that check you signed last week.

By Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #271 on: December 09, 2018, 12:40:57 PM »
Why Too Much Sitting Can Kill You

People evolved from living a mainly outdoor life to an indoor one. Whether it’s due to capitalism, or the digital age, this has gotten even more egregious.

There’s even a term for it now – sitting disease, and it influences our lives and health. You’ll probably find it hard to believe, but the average American spends 22 out of 24 hours being inactive. Of course, we may have different definitions of inactivity, but sitting at work, watching TV, sitting in your car, or at meals adds up to the infamous 22 hours of inactivity.

According to Martha Grogan, a cardiologist, people who sit all day increase their risk of a heart attack similar to that of a smoker. Even scarier is that 20% of deaths of people over 35 years old could be attributed to lack of activity. While 70% of full-time workers hate sitting all day, many aren’t sure what to do about it.

Studies have also shown that working on your feet would increase your productivity by 10%.   Standing desks have become an ergonomic way to adjust posture at work.  Why not give it a go? You have nothing to lose, and you can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular decay, and death. Sitting isn’t one of them, but you should check out top ten death causes in the US!

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #272 on: December 10, 2018, 07:43:16 PM »
The Bizarre Ways 9 Iconic Creators Found Inspiration

The ways people search for their ideas can be both odd and dangerous. From laying down to headstands, find out how these 9 creators found inspiration in unique ways.

While many of the great creative minds find a muse, travel to new surroundings, listen to complex music, or have a few stiff drinks to generate ideas, Japanese inventor Nakamatsu Yoshiro nearly drowns himself as he swims for ideas.

Yoshiro dives into a pool of water and remains underwater until he comes up with his next invention. With a $50 million net worth and more than 4,000 patents, the method must be working while also improving his lung capacity.

Coffee inspires many people to wake up in the morning, but the 50 cups a day that writer Honore de Balzac drank are way out of the ordinary. There is some controversy whether the famed novelist and playwright actually drank 50 cups or made a dozen highly-concentrate brews that gave him cerebral power.

The Zen master Steve Jobs, who basically created the modern world, plunged his feet in the toilets of the company restrooms to relieve stress and get his mind working. This doesn’t surprise me, as he was known to have hygiene issues and walked around barefoot.

Considering all of the odd ways that our world’s greatest minds find creative inspiration, you might assume they were a bit touched, and that is what created their awe-inspiring work. So, stand on your head, sleep with a key in your hand, take baths with apple cores, wear different hats while you work, and just be altogether weird to find inspiration.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #273 on: December 11, 2018, 06:33:35 PM »
What If CPR Was The Difference Between Life And Death For Your Dog?

Most of us receive human CPR training, at some point in our lives, whether through school or at work. But did you know that dogs need CPR also?

The cost of owning a pet can be high, as any dog owner knows. But this life-saving move doesn’t require any expensive equipment or special instructions. CPR is a technique that should be used if your dog experiences a medical emergency and their breathing or heart rate stops. Performing CPR helps keep blood flowing to their vital organs.

The steps are not dissimilar to what you would do in human CPR. You move the dog to their side, perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 a minute, and breathe into their nose at regular intervals. Of course, an infographic is not a substitute for proper medical training or the advice of a veterinarian, but now you have a head start when it comes to saving doggie lives.

The best part is that this advice doesn’t just apply to your pet—it could help save any dog in need. Only 58% of pet owners are “somewhat likely” to perform CPR on a dog, so by using your newfound knowledge, you could save a beloved pet’s life.

By Irina

« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 09:08:53 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #274 on: December 12, 2018, 09:06:52 PM »
6 Tips For Planning A Destination Wedding

Whether you’re dreaming about Aruba or California’s Napa wine country, planning a destination wedding of your dreams doesn’t need to be difficult. With these 6 tips, you’ll be on your way to marital bliss in no time.

More soon-to-be-married couples are forgoing the traditional local wedding and extended honeymoon. Instead, they’re choosing both exotic and stateside locations that offer natural beauty to an already elegant day. Once you’ve decided to head out of state (or out of the country), then you should act quickly to ensure that you get the people you love there and have everything you need.

Start by finding your destination wedding location. Make sure that accommodations are available for the number of people you expect. Once you’ve found the perfect spot to say I Do, then find clean, comfortable, yet fairly-priced hotels for your guests. You want to make this a dream vacation for them as well, so read reviews and talk with a travel agent to find out where you should and shouldn’t stay. Once you have these critical pieces of info on hand, then tell your guests. You need to give them as much time as possible to make all the arrangements.

When it comes to making floral, music, and catering arrangments, then it’s always best to meet your vendors in person. If this isn’t possible, then often areas have wedding planners available to help you make these decisions from afar. Although many brides choose to dress style that compliments the location, the bottom line is that it’s your dream so do what you want.

One last note—pack your wedding dress in your carry-on bag. You’ll save yourself peace of mind and avoid a wedding disaster. Destination weddings are memorable experiences and magical times.

By Jessica Elliott

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #275 on: December 13, 2018, 09:13:33 PM »
How To Recognize The Signs Of A Toxic Work Environment

With 58% of employees trusting a stranger more than their workplace manager, toxic work environments hurt businesses and their staff.

Stories of lousy work conditions abound on employer review sites and across social media. Chances are you’ve worked in a position where you felt undervalued. Combat a negative workplace by determining what elements contribute to the bad vibes, then take action.

From a lack of a proper break room to sitting too long behind a desk, employees who don’t take a break become less efficient and experience health problems.   Standing desks may be one part of the solution.  Research suggests that chats by the water cooler increase productivity up to 15% while standing increases efficiency by 10%. The same goes for vacations. Regularly scheduled time away boosts morale.

 76% of millennials will quit if they feel under-appreciated. If your employer fails to incentivize their employees properly, then employee turnover is imminent. That under appreciation also stems from a lack of training. 40% of workers who don’t receive proper instruction quit within their first year. Did you know that gossip is considered a form of workplace violence? If left unchecked, it can quickly turn a workplace into a cesspool.

With more than 84,000 workplace discrimination charges filed in 2017, your company can’t afford to put office ethics on the backburner. Toxic work environments aren’t healthy for employees or the companies who employ them. Instill a sense of happiness in your office and see productivity levels soar.

By Jessica

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #276 on: December 14, 2018, 08:18:19 PM »
7 Tips For Improving Your Body Language At Work

Body language affects those around us more than the words we use. What message do your posture and facial expressions convey to your co-workers?

People are often surprised to hear that only 7% of our words affect workplace communication. Instead, your body language influences how your message is perceived. Ensure that you’re putting forth the right message with these tips.

Start by sitting up in your chair and avoid slouching which makes you look unengaged. Slouching is a habit that many of us do without noticing. Improving your posture at work helps you appear confident.

Next, think about how you have a conversation with others. Are you invading their personal space? Try taking a step back and avoiding overly personal body contact. While crossing your arms while working alone equals a 30% increase in productivity, doing so when talking to a co-worker implies distance or anger. Nervous body language, like cracking your knuckles, puts others on edge and negatively impacts your credibility.

Other types of negative body language include rolling your eyes or failing to make eye contact during a conversation. Both demonstrate a lack of professionalism. Instead, mirror your co-worker’s positive nonverbal movements by adjusting your pace and volume of speech to match their tone.

Body language affects everyone you work with, so it’s essential to determine if you’re sending the right message to managers and team members. By being aware of your body language and taking steps to correct bad habits, you’ll see an increase in positive engagement and may even get that promotion you’ve been eyeing.

By Jessica

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #277 on: December 15, 2018, 08:21:59 PM »
Office Dress Codes Through The Years

Vintage fashion has long been popular on sites such as Tumblr and Instagram; people enjoy looking at pretty dresses in sepia-tinted photographs. But have you ever wondered about the interplay between fashion and business and how dress codes have changed since the 1950s?

Nowadays, office dress codes, unlike dress codes for formal occasions, aren’t usually too hard to decode. Looking back over the decades, though, you can see a significant evolution in both men’s and women’s business attire.

In the 1950s, for example, men tended to wear grey flannel suits with high-waisted pants, striped ties, cufflinks, and heavy oxfords, while women (only 34% of whom were in the workforce) wore slim-fitting skirt suits as popularized by Chanel, with cropped jackets and contrast outlines. It’s evident that workwear has become much less formal in the decades since, with jeans and hoodies becoming increasingly acceptable at any offices.

While many fashion retrospective focus on the most unique trends of each decade, this infographic is particularly interesting because it focuses on professional, acceptable office dress codes. As a result, the prevailing trends of each decade are gently reflected in more subtle touches: for example, 60s mini skirts become knee-length shift dresses, and 70s bell-bottoms become wider pant legs for men’s suits. A good lesson, then, in how you can tone any bold trend down and make it office-friendly.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #278 on: December 16, 2018, 09:37:21 AM »
The Top 22 Winning States In Sports

It’s Sunday, you’re watching the game, and maybe even having some NFL cocktails. Next thing you know, you’re arguing about which state has the best sports history. Here is some information that may come in handy next time you have to defend your state’s legacy.

With a rich baseball history, the Empire State tops the list with a total of 35 MLB championships, which includes some victories by the Yankees and the former New York Giants. All of the state’s titles add up to a whopping total of 52 in the four major sports.

After giving us many years of a great rivalry and exchanging of NBA titles, the Celtics and Lakers have vaulted their home states of Massachusetts and California in the top three. They both have successful baseball teams in the Red Sox and Dodgers, which have earned them some extra points.

On the other side of the spectrum, states like Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia are struggling to keep up. They round out the list with one championship each. Rough.

If your state didn’t make the cut, then either you don’t have any local professional sports teams or are trailing in the championships. Unfortunately, this can be a little upsetting. On the other hand, it gives you the freedom to hop on a winning team’s bandwagon! Woo-hoo!

By Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #279 on: December 17, 2018, 06:55:12 PM »
Dive Inside the Brain of a CEO

Every business is different- that much is clear to any employee. But there are some surprising traits that many CEOs share.

Some claim there’s a key distinction between bosses and leaders. Yet regardless of a CEO’s leadership style, this infographic shows that there are some statistical similarities between most heads of major companies.

Unsurprisingly, CEO salaries grow with the number of years’ experience they have- starting with an un-shabby average $120,000 for those with less than 5 years on the job, to $229,000 for those with over twenty years clocked in. On top of that, CEOs can also earn hefty bonuses, profit shares, and commissions, depending on their industry.

The graphic then turns to Fortune 500 CEOs, that most rarefied class of corporate leaders. Depressingly, only 4.8% (no, that’s not a typo) of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, demonstrating the glass ceiling in full force- although, interestingly, the number grows to 8% if you look at Fortune 100 CEOs. 42.6% of the group have an MBA and 2/3 have a background in the same industry as the company they head. Interestingly, geographic distribution across the United States is uneven as well: 40% of Fortune 500 CEOs come from either California, Illinois, Texas, or New York.

While it’s hard to determine causation based on the correlations above, it’s interesting to see what backgrounds the CEOs of major companies share, particularly when it comes to choosing a major or a career path.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #280 on: December 19, 2018, 09:27:30 AM »
Route Optimization Drastically Reduces Costs Across Industries

The cost-saving benefits of route optimization touch nearly every business segment from home services to E-commerce.

Using sophisticated software, route optimization delivers superior analytics and algorithms with speed and accuracy that supersedes what even the brightest human minds can accomplish.

Through the route optimization process, business industries like retail, FMGC (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods), and 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) cut costs and labor needs by identifying the best routes for delivering products to warehouse for local distribution and direct delivery to homes.

Route optimization can even set delivery windows for the home services industry. In addition, for 3PL companies and other businesses that provide logistic services, route optimization can assist with sorting shipments through automated processes that reduce the need for labor and save a lot of time and headache. We are talking turn-for-turn efficiency, so that nothing is lost in time.

By finding the most effective routes regardless of distance or number of delivery stops, companies save on fuel costs and provide high levels of efficiency that improves overall customer service and satisfaction.

Making customers happy and cutting costs is a dream for any business, and it is easy to do when a business finds a great route optimization service provider.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #281 on: December 20, 2018, 01:35:34 PM »
50 Unbelievable Facts About Chinese New Year

The holiday season feels already like a distant memory, but we’re not done yet. The Chinese New Year falls on February 16, 2018 this year, ending all winter holidays, so get ready to party!

Today’s infographic showcases 50 little-known facts about the Chinese New Year. Did you know that, even though it changes every year, the first day of the New Year always falls between January 21 and February 21?

Another cool thing? The holiday lasts longer than western New Year celebrations, which typically only last a night. The Chinese counterpart goes on for 15 days, and ends with the well-known lantern festival that has become the main icon of the festivities.

So why exactly do the Chinese celebrate the new year at a different time than the rest of the world? It all comes down to calendars. Western society measures time with the solar calendar, while China (and other Asian countries) still use the Lunar Calendar in combination with the solar one.

So are you planning on celebrating this year? Get ready by paying all your debts and staying away from the shower: Old debts are a bad omen for the new year and washing your hair also washes away the good luck of the new year.   It’s also traditional to greet your friends, colleagues and neighbors with lucky new years blessings.  Now grab your lantern and Happy New Year!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #282 on: December 23, 2018, 09:31:35 PM »
5 Careers That Pay The Most In The World

While a high salary might not be the key to overall employment happiness, it sure helps reduce anxiety when the bills come.

How important is salary? Very important. When looking for a job, 67 percent of employment seekers say that pay is the most important factor, according to Glassdoor. Salary even beat out trust and work place culture to grab the top spot.

If you are one of those people looking to get paid well, a career in medicine or technology is your best bet.

These jobs are in the most demand and require a great deal of education, going beyond a bachelor’s degree, which pushes the average pay scale to six figures.

The top jobs on the list are likely to provide high pay for many years. The first reason is that healthcare is needed as a large population of baby boomers reach retirement age. Second, our world revolves around technology and business efficiency is dependent on it.

Finally, jobs like judges snf executives are unlikely to be automated because they require human empathy, analysis, sound communication, and judgment. These soft skills along with technical expertise ensure their future and increase their necessity.

Because of the required education to nab one of the top spots, it’s unlikely you can make a mid-career switch with ease, but it might be worthwhile in the end. And if you’re young, what’s stopping you? Work hard and stay focused and you’ll be on your way to the top of the pay scale.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #283 on: December 25, 2018, 06:45:23 PM »
Strange And Wonderful Christmas Holiday Traditions

IT’S THE MOOOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Heat up some hot cocoa and start your engines folks, ‘cause the holiday season is here. If you’re looking to spice up your holiday traditions, then look no further than this infographic.

The first step to getting ~festive~ is decorating. At my house, we normally put up the Christmas tree and ornaments the weekend after Thanksgiving. Ukrainians just stretch some artificial spider webs onto their trees and call it a day. If you ask me, this is a great alternative to flimsy homemade ornaments -fancy Christmas bulbs that shatter way too easily and stems that conveniently disappear every year. Stop by the clearance rack at your local holiday store and pick up some leftover spider web from Halloween!

Italy and Norway also seem a little confused on whether it’s Christmas or Halloween, at least by America’s standards. The Italian alternative to Santa Claus is a witch that rides in on a broomstick with presents, and in contrast, children from Norway hide their brooms and don’t do chores on Christmas Eve to prevent theft by evil witches and spirits.

While most Americans have ham or roast beast (ala The Grinch) for Christmas dinner, the rest of the world has other ideas. In South Africa, caterpillars can kiss their dreams of becoming butterflies goodbye.  And the Japanese know how to avoid the stress of cooking by ordering KFC.

And while my siblings and I begged to open a gift before Christmas morning, in Germany, you just have to be the lucky kid that finds the pickle in the tree.

Rest assured, we all have our holiday traditions, and no tradition is superior to the next. If you don’t have any family or friend traditions, then consider starting your own traditions – globally inspired.

By May

« Last Edit: December 25, 2018, 08:19:03 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #284 on: December 26, 2018, 09:12:40 PM »
Which Wedding Dress Should You Wear For Your Big Day?

Are you confused by the different styles of wedding dresses? Find out how the styles differ and how to pick the best wedding dress for your big day.

A wedding dress is one of the personal items a woman can choose for her special day. However, with the vast selections of styles, trims, and even colors, choosing only one dream dress is difficult. While it’s best to pick a style that you feel most comfortable wearing, there are other things to consider as well. If you’re having a beach wedding, then perhaps you’d prefer a lightweight material. Whereas if your wedding is formal, then you’ll want more bling.

For formal weddings, the traditional ballgown wedding dress continues to be a favorite. The ball gown style is fitted to the waist with a full skirt and resembles dresses from fairytales. The A-line style is less dramatic than the ball gown style. It features a fitted bodice, then flairs out. The Empire wedding dress is another popular favorite. This style features a fitted bodice with a raised waistline and loose skirt.

If you’re thinking about a beach wedding, then you’ll love the lightweight and romantic sheath wedding dress. This gown is form-fitting with a long and narrow appearance. Both the mermaid and the trumpet styles are popular for all types of weddings. While both are fitted through the body, the mermaid dramatically flairs out below the knee, for a less pronounced flair, then try on the trumpet wedding gown.

Regardless of which wedding dress you pick, make sure that you’re comfortable. Ultimately, your wedding gown should reflect your personality, the style of event, and what looks best with your body shape. Whether you’re planning a lovely destination wedding or an upscale event, choose the dress you love and don’t worry about anything else.

By Jessica