Author Topic: ~ The Importance of corporate uniform ~  (Read 3859 times)

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~ The Importance of corporate uniform ~
« on: October 04, 2012, 03:28:23 PM »
The Importance of corporate uniform

As part of the business work force, we are obliged to follow the work dress code set by the company we work with. Dress code is the standard set by the company to provide their employees guidance regarding what is suitable and appropriate to wear to work. Each company has developed their own work dress code and how formal or casual it is depends on how much interaction the employees have with customers and clients. Companies may even adapt different dress codes for those with employees in contact with customers while others are not. Employees with no interaction or few interactions with customers or clients have a more casual dress code. There are also instances that some companies have corporate uniforms that are more formal for certain days, like Mondays to Thursdays, and a business casual on a Friday.

Dress code makes it easier for employees to appear professional and reliable. Not only does it create the right impression to those who can see but it also creates the discipline for all employees. In a corporate uniforms, where you have to wear a business shirt and slacks on men and skirts on women, one has a tendency to be more formal or conservative, as befitting what they wear. This is very important because employers expect their employees to conduct themselves appropriately especially when their corporate uniforms bear their company name and logo. On the other hand, employees feel their demeanor changing befitting their company’s image.

There are times though that some company uniforms are not so comfortable and thus professional image is not thoroughly achieved. Creating a positive image does not simply rely on the looks of the corporate uniform; it should be comfortable so that employees can fulfill their tasks in good spirit. That is one thing that employers should consider when designing the dress code. On the other hand, employees should avoid mistakes that could demean their company. Make sure that the business clothing is clean, properly ironed, and wrinkle-free to look professional. Mind that the length of skirts is not too short, the heels of the shoes are not too high to be uncomfortable, and business shirts and tops are not revealing. Always remember that how people see one employee determines the image of the company. So care should both be given by employers and employees alike if they want to create a positive and professional image through their company uniforms.