Author Topic: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~  (Read 14966 times)

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2013, 07:27:27 PM »
Bluto and Olive: The Most Unlikely Hero and Heroine Characters

The year 2012 happens to be the diamond jubilee year of the character Popeye and the comic strip called Popeye the sailor man. The comic strip was created by E. C. Segar, and surprisingly, the strip was running for 10 years when Popeye made his entry in it in January 1929. Before this, it was Olive Oyl and his family which was the central character in the strip. Ham Gravy, a man who seemed to be lazy doing as little work as possible, was more or less the fiancé of Olive and the family included Olive’s brother castor Oyl and her father.

It was by an accident that Popeye made his appearance in the comic strip. Ham Gravy and Olive were looking for crew for a ship that they wanted to take on a cruise to rob a casino when they saw Popeye and hired him as a sailor for the cruise. Now Popeye was shown as a short and stout balding man who was toothless always having a pipe in his mouth. Popeye was illiterate and a frustrated man always muttering something to him. In short, Popeye was the most unlikely hero of a comic strip in a time when heroes were smart and beautiful (they still are). At first, Olive is sent treating him as nothing more than a servant (she even calls him a bulging rat). She was also engaged with Ham Gravy at that time.

If Popeye doesn’t look like a hero, Olive herself looks nothing more than a caricature of a girl being tall as a bamboo and as thin as a paper. She is a gullible person who often shouts at Popeye. However, in future, Olive is shown falling to the charms of Popeye and doing as he wants her to do. A very unlikely pair of hero and heroine indeed!

What happened afterwards is also very interesting. The creator had no intention of continuing with Popeye, but when he disappeared from the series, angry readers protested and Segar had to bow down to their demands and bring back Popeye in the series, in fact, so loved was Popeye by the readers that Popeye was made the central character of the series and the series itself changed from being called Thimble Theater to Popeye the sailor man in honor of Popeye.

Popeye has a friend cum adversary in the shape of Bluto, another sailor who is twice his size and also stronger than Popeye. Olive often gets impressed by the antics of Bluto and he is seen trying to kidnap her. Popeye is shown trying to save her but in vain as Bluto beats him badly. It is only when Popeye takes out a can of spinach and consumes the contents that he gets super strength and muscle power to manage to beat Bluto and save Olive.

The series often shows a small baby who looks like Popeye. He is called Sweat Pea and many take him to be a son of Popeye and Olive though he is an orphan Popeye found on his doorsteps.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2013, 07:30:35 PM »
Who is Olive?

Olive is one of the leading cartoon characters of a world famous cartoon strip. This carton series has been evolved in 1919 by E.C. Segar. The main character of this fictional animated cartoon story is a sailor; who loves to eat spinach. The name of the live cartoon movie, still being shown in television media has been provided after its main character i.e. Popeye the sailorman. Originally, the fiction has been incorporated in a daily comic strip of king’s feature called Thimble Theatre. This strip was renounced for its name as Popeye; after the unique success of this cartoon character. It became surprisingly popular among people within a short time span.

The real fact about olive is that it was the leading character of the fictional comic story before 10 years of Popeye’s introduction to the series. Later, its popularity stepped down i.e. up to second ranking after the sailorman. Her role and appearance is more or less similar in the comic strip and the animated cartoon show in television.

In the originally written comic strip, Olive Oyl was a fashionable gal of thin personality with its long black hair designed in to a bun. She was represented as the fiancée of Harold Ham gravy. He was a lazy character who did not wish to work at all. Thus, he was often intended to borrow money from other persons. Moreover, he gets attracted towards the rich women who were not liked by his fiancée naturally. This condition caused the occurrence of a lunaphobia fit to olive once that is a kind of angry madness. Later, she recovered, but continued pretending to be sick in order to win Harold’s heart back. She was very devoted for him till the appearance of Popeye, a spinach lover in the story. Both of them did not like each other at the first sight and fought with each other bitterly. Later, they realized to become caring for each other.

The animated cartoon version of olive; by Fleischer Studios is very popular due to its interesting appearance. It has been designed with tall and lean personality. The enormous feet of the character are frequent comic matter. In TV cartoon shows, she appeared as the girl friend of the sailorman. She tends to get angry, very often, over the small things. The archrival of Popeye; Bluto wants to win her affection. Thus, often kidnaps her in the cartoon story; but his lover, the sailorman rescues her every time from Bluto, with his amazing physical power. This enormous power of Popeye the sailorman is shown as to be obtained by frequent consumption of spinach. In this way, Bluto has also won the viewers’ attention for its important role in the cartoon strip.

Olive is expressed as a caring girl in the fiction, as she takes care of sweet pea, a cute baby. It has not been exactly cleared in the story that sweet pea is an adopted son of her or Popeye the sailorman. It is probably the foundling of the sailorman. Sometimes, it has been suggested by the comic strip that sweet pea is olive’s nephew that’s why she takes care of it regularly. The overall scenario of the comic film cannot seem interesting without this cartoon character there.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2013, 07:34:00 PM »
Who is Olive in Popeye: It is same as asking Who was Helen of Troy

If you are a kid, there is no point asking this silly question as you have been watching the cartoon film Popeye the sailor man for so many years. Of course you know that Olive is the love of Popeye who would go to any length to keep her as his lady love. Popeye is shown gullible and so often falls to the guiles of Bluto, another sailor who happens to be an adversary of Popeye. Bluto is much stronger and bigger than Popeye, and is able to impress Olive with his antics. Popeye tries to save Olive in vein until he realizes it is time to gulp some spinach and gain some muscle power to be able to overcome the might of Bluto.

But why discuss who Olive is? Probably the question has become relevant in times when we are facing the problems of obesity, pollution and shortcomings of nutrients in our food than ever before. This is the diamond jubilee year of the magnificent Popeye comic strip as it was first introduced by its creator E. C. Segar who tried to give a secret weapon to its central character. And the weapon given to Popeye is so wonderful and good for all of us that the comic strip is appealing to us even today. Popeye gulps down the contents of a can when he needs muscular strength and power. No point to guess what is there in the can he empties frequently to beat Bluto to save his love. He eats spinach that was thought by Segar to be full of vitamin A, scientifically known as beta carotene. Little did Segar realize at that time that spinach was a super food being full of essential nutrients for human beings? There is probably no other food item that has been a subject of scientific research so many times. And the good thing is that its myriad benefits are still unfolding. There is no doubt about high iron and vitamin A content of spinach but the benefits do not end there. Spinach has many other vitamins, minerals, metals, and even omega fatty acids that are so very essential for our body and mind.

What is great about spinach is that it is readily available in all parts of the world despite originating in South West Asia. Today it is grown in nearly all climates and all parts of the world. Another factor in its favor is that it is cheap and readily available as fresh, frozen and in canned forms. One can eat the leaves of spinach in raw form in salads by adding a little olive oil (not the Olive Oyl of Popeye the sailor man!) though spinach is eaten best as a soup or curry by boiling it in a bit of water. Today people can have the benefits of spinach by microwaving washed spinach in a few minutes and then mixing the leaves in a mixer.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2013, 07:38:18 PM »
Who is sweet pea?

Sweet pea is one of the interesting cartoon characters of Popeye comic strip. This comic series is created by E.C. Segar on Dec, 1919. It has been some time pronounced as Sweet pea, which is a loving title for the dearest one. This term is used by Popeye the sailorman for his foundling to whom he cares a lot. The name is kept in the reference of a beautiful flower, sweet pea.

The entire comic strip is totally an imaginary creation. On the original comic, Thimble Theatre represented that sweet pea is a kid in the story of a sailor man which was found on his door step according to the basic story. Actually, this baby has been delivered in to a box to Popeye by the unknown source. He was adopted by Popeye as his son and found his intimate care. The girl friend of the sailorman, Olive Oyl also takes his care sincerely. The appearance of this kid is represented as a crawling baby; it eventually sounds ‘glop’ only. After the year, it grew up by the age to talk in a normal way. It can even throw punches, wherever necessary to incorporate some fun in the animated movie.

Once it appeared to hit the punch to Bluto, the enemy of Popeye the sailorman. Olive is the girl friend of the sailorman, who often gets kidnapped by Brutus. The sailorman becomes successful every time to rescue his girl friend out of the enemies trap by gaining power through the consumption of spinach.

This comic strip becomes very popular among children as well as adults, all around the world. The whole story is more or less similar to the comic strip, live action movie and the animated series. The leading character in the cartoon series appears to eat spinach to earn the energy. This kind of representation is very useful to create positive affect over the children. They take thorough interest to consume green vegetables.

Popeye the sailorman is interestingly expressed as an amazing story of a love triangle with a lot of fun and adventure. The wittiness and intelligent attitude of Popeye, rude and somewhat angry appearance of Olive and funny ideas of Bluto impart this comedian show a flow of fun and adventure for the viewers. The story always shows mystery regarding the plans of Bluto to knock down its opponent sailor and win the heart of his girl friend.

The activities of Popeye, such as eating spinach with great interest, having a blow pipe in its mouth always, taking care of its adopted son, and sailing on the sea attracts children very much. The role of sweet pea in this whole series is to add some more comedy and fun in certain events. Moreover, the presence of this character is helpful to proceeds the story in an adventurous manner. In some places of the basic comic strip, this child character is represented as the nephew of the sailor man’s girl friend while in other events; confusions are created whether the kid is the own son.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2013, 07:53:17 PM »
Who is Sweet Pea in Popeye the Sailor Man?

Sweet Pea, lovingly called Swe’Pea by Popeye and Olive Oyl in the popular comic strip and TV series Popeye the sailor man, is a small baby that many mistakenly consider to be Popeye’s son. Not many people know how and when Sweat Pea made his appearance in the series, but loyal fans know that Popeye found this cute looking boy on his doorsteps one day. The boy resembled Popeye amazingly, and this led many to misbelieve that he is a child of Popeye and Olive.

Many would wonder why this hullaballoo over a sweet little boy in a comic series. But there is a solid reason behind selling of toys related with Popeye and celebrating year 2012 as the diamond jubilee year of the comic strip that was launched way back in 1929. The central character of the cartoon series, Popeye the sailor man, is a hero in the true sense of the world and quite unlike other super heroes as he does not possess any super natural abilities. He takes on the might of Bluto, another sailor who is twice his size and stronger than Popeye also. Whenever Popeye feels he is losing the battle against Bluto, he opens a can of spinach and gulps down its contents. He is instantly charged and gains both strength and muscle power to beat Bluto and free Olive from his clutches.

Of course Popeye is symbolic in nature; the very fact that his diamond jubilee is being celebrated in different parts of the world is signal enough for the people to start eating spinach which is considered a super food by doctors and scientists because of abundance of essential minerals and vitamins in this green, leafy vegetable. Though the plant originated in west Asia, it was introduced to Europe and Americas and soon became very popular in all parts of the world. The creator of the cartoon series Popeye the sailor man, contrary to popular belief that he made Popeye eat spinach because of its iron content, believed spinach to be a rich source of beta carotene that helps build muscles and strength.

Spinach is associated with the famous decimal error that occurred when Professor Von Bunge released the results of iron content. On place decimal error meant that public got to know a wrong iron content that indicated nearly 10 times more iron that is actually present in spinach. This decimal error was later explained or ascribed to bad science practices at the turn of 19th century. But this error was instrumental in making people of the country take up eating of spinach in a big way, and son, the consumption of spinach became manifold in the country.

There is perhaps no other food item that has been a subject of constant research like spinach. The benefits of spinach to mankind are still unfolding, and the latest in the series is its ability to lower blood pressure by producing nitric acid in the mouth when eaten. This nitric acid is known to reduce blood pressure.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2013, 04:55:48 PM »
Popeye spinach

Popeye spinach is the ultimate source of valuable minerals that is required in our body on a daily basis. Spinach can be added to a variety of food items and the best way to add spinach fast and easy in your daily food items is to buy canned spinach like Popeye spinach. Kids love Popeye and there is no better way to motivate kids to have healthy food than to lure them with Popeye spinach.

One of the advantages of using Popeye spinach is that it is readymade and you do not need to thaw it to use it. In case of hurry all you need to do is open the can and add the contents to the meal being cooked. Popeye spinach has a lot of advantages as it has abundance of vital nutrients like phytonutrients that is essential for the body. Popeye spinach has vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium and vitamin B6. It also has proteins, omega-3 fatty acid, dietary fiber, selenium and niacin in abundance. Popeye spinach can be eaten in a lot of ways. You can eat it raw with salads or you can also cook it lightly. You can also add them as a part of dishes like soup or even make green smoothie with it. Popeye spinach is loaded with flavonoids which has antioxidant properties which protect our body from the harmful free radicals. Popeye spinach is healthy for the heart and the cardiovascular system as it is loaded with magnesium and folate. Popeye spinach also protects the gastrointestinal tract by preventing the mutation of DNA in the colons. Anti inflammatory properties of Popeye spinach helps to reduce the signs and symptoms of arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine headaches and even asthma. Popeye spinach is also great in staving off age related mental illnesses and is also helpful in guarding against age related cataracts as well as macular degeneration. Apart from all the above mentioned advantages associated with Popeye spinach, it also helps to increase the iron content in hemoglobin.

Popeye spinach, though an excellent source of nutrients for people across all ages, should be consumed with caution. Some people are allergic to spinach and hence should avoid it. Most raw spinach has a high quantity of pesticides which is detrimental to health. Therefore opting for canned spinach like Popeye spinach is a better option. Spinach should also be avoided by people who have chronic gout problem as spinach contains a high amount of the chemical called purine. Spinach is also advised to be avoided by patients who have problem with the proper functioning of thyroid. However such people can consume spinach provided they cook it thoroughly. People with kidney and gall bladder problem should consume spinach with caution.

Spinach is a good source of vitamins and minerals and anyone can integrate healthy eating habits in their lifestyle just by indulging in a can of Popeye spinach. As had been portrayed by Popeye, by eating a can of spinach he instantaneously developed muscles and the capacity to fight. By consuming spinach you too can enable your body to fight against germs and diseases.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2013, 04:57:29 PM »
What is Spinach

Spinach is a green, leafy plant having originated in Asia but today found in all parts of the world. Arab traders took the plant to India and China, and later to Europe and Americas. Spinach leaves and stem have long been eaten as a vegetable and the plant is considered a super food because of the presence of iron and vitamin A in high quantities. Spinach has been a subject of research for more than hundred years and scientists have been singing praises of the health benefits of the green plant since ages. One cartoon strip and the movie have its hero Popeye eat spinach to gain super strength to overcome obstacles and to beat his arch rival Bluto.

Do you know about SPIDES, or what it is? It stands for Spinach, Popeye, Iron, Decimal Error Story, and continued as a myth for very many years. It was in the last quarter of 19th century that scientist Professor Von Bunge carried out research on the iron content of spinach and misplaced a decimal point that continued to for long indicating presence of iron10 times its actual value for more than 50 years when the mistake was finally rectified. However, the myth served the purpose of popularizing spinach in the country as a very powerful food and its demand increased many times. Talking about Popeye the sailor man, created by E. C. Segar, he ate spinach in his fights against Bluto not for high iron content but for it high Vitamin A content that turned Popeye into a super hero.

Spinach is full of not just iron and vitamin A but also important minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins like B2, and B6, copper, phosphorous, zinc etc. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids also, making it a super food for human beings. Boiling it was thought to be detrimental to its folate content but today, microwaving spinach is thought to be better as it saves entire folate content.

In warm countries like India, spinach is sold fresh but it is also sold frozen and in canned form in countries like US, Canada, Australia, and entire Europe. Spinach has been thought to provide muscle strength and the tests carried out on human beings and the research has corroborated this fact. Patients after surgeries are recommended spinach juice to regain muscle strength by doctors which reflects the super food status of spinach.

In the cartoon series Popeye the sailor man, Popeye has been shown a lean man who has a girlfriend in Olive Oyl. Bluto is another sailor who has eyes on Olive and tries to impress her to become his girlfriend. Popeye is often angry because of his endeavors and takes him on despite the fact that Bluto is double his size and is also more powerful than him. Spinach it is that comes to the rescue of Popeye who is shown gulping down the contents of cans of spinach every time he has to take on Bluto to save his girlfriend. Sweat pea is another character in the series whom many believe to be a son of Popeye.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2013, 05:04:26 PM »
The Nutritional Value of Spinach

Spinach is a green leafy plant eaten as a vegetable in all parts of the world for its high nutritional value. It is considered to be a powerhouse of strength and energy and a rich source of minerals and vitamins. So beneficial is spinach in all forms and dishes that the plant that originated in west Asia sand taken to all parts of the world from there is today not only sold fresh but also sold in frozen and canned forms to increase its shelf life. We all know how Popeye the sailor man gulps down a can of spinach before his fight with Bluto to gain muscle power and strength.

Popeye was right. Eating spinach does improve one’s strength and muscle power though not to the levels shown in the cartoon film that has been so popular for the last so many years. There have been lots of researches done on this green vegetable and till now, it was the high iron content in spinach that was considered as the reason of it being called a super food. But latest researches have found that its property of providing strength is due to the presence of inorganic nitrate.

Volunteers in the study were given nitrate in the amount they would get from a plate of spinach, and the scientists observed that their need for oxygen was reduced while their muscle performance increased. These scientists are of the view that this finding could explain the health benefits of fruits and vegetables as much remains unclear as to what is the mechanism behind such benefits.

The benefits of spinach keep on unfolding even though mankind thought enough research has been done on this miracle of a food item. Even the creator of the cartoon film Popeye may not have an inkling of what this amazing super food could do while associating spinach with the central character playing the role of a sailor man. Popeye’s girlfriend is seen troubled by another sailor Bluto who happens to be twice the size of our lean hero. However, with the help of spinach, Popeye easily overcomes the strength of Bluto and saves his girlfriend.

The inorganic nitrate that has been found to be responsible for the super strength of spinach interacts with bacteria found inside our mouth producing nitric acid. Nitric acid molecule has been found to help in lowering blood pressure.

E.C Segar, the creator of Popeye the sailor man, did not know much about the health benefits of spinach except its high vitamin A content. But the way Popeye got transformed to perform seemingly impossible tasks after gulping down cans of spinach made spinach very popular in the country and its consumption increased manifold. Talking of Popeye, did you know that there is a little baby in the cartoon comic strip called sweet pea? Many wrongly think of the little baby born of Popeye and Olive Oyl, his girlfriend.

Popeye or not, the fact remains that spinach is a super food with lots of health benefits and needs to be popularized further to fight various diseases and malnutrition.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2013, 05:08:24 PM »
Creamed Spinach: One of the many ways to eat Spinach

We all know how much Popeye loved spinach and how every time he was under a threat from his enemy Bluto, he gulped down the contents of a can of spinach to overpower him. Bluto was double the size of Popeye, yet Popeye managed to beat him because of the power he got from spinach. The creator of the series Popeye the sailor man, E. C. Segar used spinach to be a source of power for Popeye as he was under the impression that spinach was a rich source of beta carotene, commonly known as vitamin A. It is true that spinach contains a lot of beta carotene, but it is a treasure house of many other vitamins and minerals which is why it would not be wrong to call it a super food.

Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable that is very versatile and can be eaten not just fresh but also as frozen and canned form. In most Asian cultures, spinach is sold fresh and one can use the leaves in salads and also after boiling it and making a creamy soup. In fact, creamed spinach is a very tasty food item with its rich flavor and deep taste. In Asian countries, spinach dishes that are very popular are spinach with sweat pea and spinach with cheese.

In a sense, Popeye happens to be the first super hero though he did not have any super powers and made use of something as ordinary as a green vegetable to get muscle power and strength to perform incredible tasks and also to beat Bluto who was stronger than him. People love Popeye despite he is short, balding, toothless, one eyed and an illiterate man who is also a frustrated man muttering nonsense to himself. He is perhaps the most unlikely hero in the world of comics but then his lady love, Olive Oyl is also not the kind of sex symbol that a heroine of a cartoon series would ever be. She is tall as a bamboo and thin as a paper. She is also very fickle minded getting impressed by the antics of Bluto who tries to kidnap her. It is left to the guiles of Popeye and his spinach eating habit to save her from the clutches of Bluto. Popeye’s real power lies in spinach and this is what interests many even today.

2012 happens to be diamond jubilee year of this great unsung hero who made his first appearance way back in February 1929. Surprisingly, the series was earlier running as Thimble Theater and the central characters were Olive and her family. But after Popeye was introduced as a sailor, there was uproar as Segar sought to move him out of the series. He was so much loved that the creator had to bow to the demands of the readers and make him the central character of the series. It was Popeye that made the creator change the name of the series to Popeye the sailor man.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2013, 06:07:02 PM »
Growing Spinach May Soon be Trendy Again

So you were a big fan of Popeye the sailor man as a kid and liked his antics as well as the manner in which he gulped cans of spinach whenever he needed a burst of muscle power. The popularity enjoyed by spinach in the country as a super food owes a lot to this cartoon series designed by E. C. Segar way back in 1929. Today, after 75 years, diamond jubilee of Popeye is being celebrated in different parts of the world with his memorabilia, soft toys, posters and banners being sold to honor the great hero that Popeye has all along been. Popeye’s fights with Bluto have been immortalized with kids knowing how Popeye will beat the shit out of Bluto after easting a can of spinach. Sweat Pea is a cute little baby in the series who, though he looks like Popeye, is not a child of Popeye and Olive as many of the fans believe him to be. He is actually an orphan that Popeye found outside his house on stairs.

Even when the comic series was introduced, the creator did not have an idea of the kind of treasure house spinach was, and he thought of it as great source of vitamin A, or beta carotene as it is known as, that gave Popeye the strength to take on Bluto, another sailor, who was his adversary and always harassing his girlfriend Olive Oyl. Yes, spinach does contain a high amount of vitamin A, bit it also contains abundance of iron that provides strength to human beings. This is not all as spinach contains nearly all necessary minerals and vitamins that our bodies need daily. Vitamins A, B, C, E, folate, minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, and even trace metals like sulfur, copper and zinc, you name them, you got them.

Spinach definitely plays a big role in keeping blood sugar levels down, and lately, it has been proved that inside mouth, it produced nitric acid that lowers blood pressure of those afflicted with the ailment of high blood pressure. Spinach prevents cataracts in eyes as we grow older and keeps them healthy because of the presence of carotenoids. The incidence of heart attacks and strokes is greatly reduced because of abundance of vitamins A and C, both of which work as antioxidants to keep our cardio vascular system healthy.

Spinach is suitable for places having cold weather though it is beg grown in all climates around the world these days. Growing this green, leafy vegetable in your garden is an easy task. You just need to make sure that the drainage is good and the soil is loose. Sandy soil is considered better for spinach. It is one plant that needs a lot of nitrogen as fertilizer to grow well. If you have not grown spinach earlier, be cautious while dropping the seeds of spinach on to soil. The seeds are small and thin which will make the plants grow cramped for space and you would require thinning.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2013, 06:08:46 PM »
Popeye Canned Spinach: Branded Spinach

Popeye happens to be the precursor of all super heroes that we have witnessed in the last century and continue to see even today. Yes, he did not have any super power, he was not tall, dark, and handsome, and he was even bald, one eyed, and toothless. But he had a heart of gold, and a morality without any comparison. Popeye the sailor man was shown as a frustrated man muttering nonsense to self and others. When Olive met him for the first time as she was looking for a sailor to make the crew of a ship, she asks him if he was a sailor. To this query, Popeye replies ‘Ja think I am a cowboy’. If Popeye happens to be the most unlikely hero of all times, His girlfriend Olive Oyl happens to be the most unlikely sex symbol ever. She is tall as a bamboo and thin as a cardboard. Nevertheless, this pair of hero and heroine has been loved by the audiences like no other pair in history. The most loved pair in cartoon films also has a cute baby (not their own) called Sweat Pea in the series though he happens to be an abandoned child whom Popeye found on his doorsteps.

Popeye draws his super strength and muscle power from canned spinach that he gulps down whenever his enemy Bluto tries to overpower him in a bid to kidnap Olive. Though Popeye has a been a very popular super hero and loved for his innocence and moral values, he has also indirectly helped greatly to popularize consumption of spinach all over the world, especially the US where canned spinach started to sell in a much higher quantity. There are many companies selling canned spinach but Popeye canned spinach is a brand that sells in very high numbers as compared to other brands. One great feature of this canned spinach is that you do not need to thaw it like other frozen spinach cans and can eat the spinach directly from the can. This is really time saving as one does not need to thaw. Also, one can use this spinach when the recipe demands frozen spinach.

Popeye’s enmity with Bluto continues till today and a person watching an episode knows that it will be Bluto who will beat him badly initially. It is only in desperation that Popeye gets hold of a can of spinach when he needs strength and muscle power. After gulping down the contents of the can, he beats the shit out of Bluto and saves his girlfriend and lady love Olive.

While spinach is mostly consumed fresh in Asian cultures, it is sold frozen and canned in western countries. Whether fresh or canned, spinach remains one of the super foods Mother Nature has provided us. It is full of iron, vitamin A, folate, Vitamins B, C, D, all essential minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, omega fatty acids, fibers and many more substances beneficial for human beings. Spinach prevents cancers, lowers blood pressure, and also helps diabetics.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2013, 06:10:25 PM »
Popeye protein supplements

Our body needs the perfect balance between different food groups so that it can function optimally. Thus it is very important for us to have a balanced meal. It is important to ensure that the food we consume have a healthy mix of carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals. Any imbalance between these items will lead to health problems. Proteins are an important constituent of our body. Hormones, enzymes, muscles etc require proteins for their production and maintenance. Essential proteins are not manufactured in the body and hence they must be ingested to strike a balance between the various nutrition groups. Most people are too busy now-a-days to care about the food they are eating and in the process harming themselves. For such people it is essential to take protein supplements. One such protein supplements are the Popeye protein supplements.

Popeye is associated with spinach- a healthy nutrition choice. Popeye proteins too are identified as a healthy choice to provide complete nutrition to the body. Popeye protein supplements should be taken by those who do not get the proper nutrition on a regular basis and also those who are into sports and body building. These Popeye proteins have essential amino acids which help to repair and maintain body muscles. Consuming Popeye protein powders on a daily basis can enhance your immune system, facilitate wound healing after an injury or surgery, it promotes healthy skin and hair apart from adding to the muscle mass.

Unlike carbohydrates and fats, proteins cannot be stored in the body; hence it is all the more important to take the protein Popeye protein supplements. These Popeye protein supplements have whey, egg, casein, soy and rice as their protein source. Popeye protein supplements are important whether you are a body builder or not. Taking Popeye protein milk shake during breakfast can keep you energetic and active the whole day by keeping your blood sugar under control and suppress your food cravings by keeping you fuller for a longer time. This helps to keep body weight under control and that too in a healthy way without your having to resort to fad diets.

Popeye protein supplement powders can be mixed with any liquid like milk, juice or water and consumed. It is important that you consume the Popeye protein supplement in the exact dosage that your nutritionist advises. This is because Popeye protein supplements have different protein sources and they should be consumed at different times if you want the maximum benefit out of them. Individuals who are active should ideally consume 1-1.5 grams of Popeye protein supplements per pound of body weight.

Popeye protein supplements are a great way to ensure a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. It guarantees increased muscle growth, increased strength and endurance, enhances energy and stamina, speeds up fat loss, lessens the recovery period between workouts, fortifies the immune system and successfully controls the appetite. Popeye protein supplements are your one complete solution for a healthy body. You can do a bit of research on the Popeye protein supplements and purchase the item if you are satisfied.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2013, 06:12:05 PM »
Popeye proteins

Proteins are an essential part of our body. A particular protein, Popeye protein, has been identified in the cardiac pacemaker centers of the heart. This Popeye protein plays an essential part in the adaption of heart during stress. The importance of the discovery of Popeye proteins lay in the possibility of development of treatments for abnormal heart rhythms. Popeye protein conserved region is a family of evolutionary related proteins. The Popeye family of proteins is mostly found in the developing and adult striated muscles and is restricted only to the vertebrates. These Popeye proteins are represented by highly conserved region which includes about three transmembrane domains. The presence of the Popeye proteins in the heart and striated muscles indicates their important function in these regions.

This Popeye domain protein helps the body to cope with stress. During stress the body releases the hormone adrenaline. However, how exactly adrenaline alters the heart rhythm during stress was not known. Adrenaline causes Popeye protein to be released into the blood stream which causes the heart to increase its rhythm, thus helping the body to cope with stress in the process. Popeye domain protein is found in abundance in the muscles and though it had been discovered 10 years back, its exact function in the body has been unknown until now.

Heartbeats are initiated in the specialized pacemaker cells of the heart- Sino atrial node and atrio ventricular node. Popeye domain proteins are present in the outer membranes of these pacemaker cells and the Popeye proteins stains red in the outer membranes of these cells. During stress when the body releases adrenaline, cAMP-a signaling molecule- is released which interacts with the Popeye protein. This interaction of the Popeye protein with cAMP changes the electrical properties of the cell membrane. It is thought that this is the phenomenon by which adrenaline alters the reaction of the heart during stressful situations.

Many researches were conducted to know the exact function of Popeye proteins in our body. In healthy humans and mice adrenaline is released during stress which helps the body to cope with stress by helping the heart to pump more oxygen laden blood all through the body. However, experiments conducted on mice that lacked the Popeye domain protein gene reveled that these mice were unable to cope with stressful situations and their heart rate actually slowed down.

The above mentioned research observations can be applied incase of humans. Many elderly people have heart irregularities like sick sinus syndrome, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation etc. it is believed that the research conducted on Popeye proteins on mice can throw substantial light on these irregularities and it is expected that new treatments for these heart related disorders can now be on its way.
Discovery of the Popeye proteins in the heart pacemaker cells have given the researchers a new direction for research into the heart beat irregularities. Many elderly people lose their lives each year due to complications developed by irregular heartbeats. Further research in Popeye proteins can throw light into this phenomenon and help to develop the right kind of treatment.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2013, 06:14:04 PM »
Popeye supplements

Having a wholesome meal on a daily basis is very important to keep one self healthy. Eating healthy food neither means having bland food, nor do eating healthy equate with starving one self. Eating the right kind of food and that too in proportion is known as having a healthy dietary habit and that certainly need not be boring. You can experiment with different types of food until you find the right balance for your self. If it is not possible for you to keep a strict eye on what you eat then you can always depend on dietary supplements like Popeye supplements to give your body the much needed vitamins and minerals which is otherwise lacking in your normal food.

Popeye’s supplement is basically a sports nutrition retail outlet that has been catering to people’s nutrition needs since 1989. They are the stalwarts in their field and guarantees complete customer satisfaction. They can provide you with the right information and guide you accordingly about the products that you actually need. Their prices are reasonable and give value for customer’s money. Popeye is the brand ambassador of a number of dietary commercial products. Apart from Popeye’s supplements, Popeye also markets the canned spinach called Popeye spinach which can be readily used and there is no need for you to thaw it before using. All these Popeye supplements are good for health and you can opt to use them if your regular diet does not provide you with important vitamins and minerals.

If you do not want to buy canned commercial products and such sort of supplements then you can also opt to make your own Popeye supplements at home. Popeye protein shake is one such health drink that you can easily make and consume at the comfort of your home post workout. All you need to do is take two scoop of chocolate whey protein, 2/3 cup of frozen chopped spinach and ice and water for desired consistency. You just have to puree all the ingredients in the blender until you obtain a smooth smoothie. It is great to taste and healthy too.

Popeye green shake is another recipe which is not only healthy but also helps to detoxify the body. This Popeye shake is great for the skin and helps to detoxify your adrenals apart from providing your body with important vitamins and minerals. To make this Popeye shake you will need a handful of well washed spinach leaves, 1/3 bunch of washed parsley, 2 stalks of celery that are chopped into chunks, chilled green tea or decaf, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, powdered erythritol, ice and you can also add Maca powder as well as aloe juice. You need to blend all the ingredients in a good blender and you can also opt to add a bit of ginger, lime juice or a few slices of cucumber.

Popeye supplements are a great source of important vitamins and minerals. It is immaterial whether you are purchasing commercial products like Popeye supplements or Popeye spinach or you are making your own Popeye shake, each of the above variety of Popeye health foods will guarantee you satisfaction.

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Re: ~ Popeye The Sailor Man~
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2013, 06:15:46 PM »
Popeyes chicken and biscuits

Popeyes chicken and biscuits is synonymous with Popeyes Louisiana kitchen or Popeyes chicken and sea food. Popeyes chicken and biscuits is one of the largest fast food restaurant that serves fried food. Initially Popeye the cartoon character was not a brand ambassador of this restaurant but today Popeye the cartoon character is intricately tied with this fast food canter that has presence in about 40 states with about 1800 restaurants. Out of these about 30 locations are company owned and the rest are franchised.

Popeyes serves chicken products that have a mild spicy flavor. Apart from this they also offer side dish such as Cajun rice, Cajun fries etc. Now-a-days people are getting health conscious and to assist people in their effort to choose healthy options Popeyes inform the people about the calorie content of the food products that they offer. You can easily access this information online and can choose the product on the menu that suits you best. Popeyes has a number of branches all over the United States and in spite of the fact that it faces stiff competition from KFC, Popeyes has managed to hold its ground.

Popeyes is growing at an amazing rate. The number of franchisees keeps on increasing. Popeyes franchisee business started in Louisiana in 1984 and since then there was no looking back for this company. They established their chain of restaurant all over USA and now also made its presence felt in Canada. Popeyes is also present in countries like Germany, Italy and Japan. Getting a franchisee for Popeyes is not a difficult task at all. Franchise helps the main company to grow along with their outlet. Interested people need to comply with the terms and conditions of the company before they can get a franchise. Before deciding to obtain a franchise it is advisable for people to do good research and only then obtain a franchise.

Popeyes chicken and biscuits have introduced Trans- fat free fries and biscuits to reach out to the health conscious people. All these innovations help Popeyes to keep up its sales and ensure that loyalty is retained and new customers are bought in their fold. Fast food centers face a particularly stiff competition from their counterparts and therefore it is essential for them to keep on introducing new products so that old customers are retained and new customers are motivated enough to try them.

Whenever you are hungry or if you are bored with your mundane meal then you can quickly drive up to the nearest Popeyes chicken and biscuits and grab a mouthful of delicious and mouthwatering chicken. With Popeyes chicken and biscuits outlet being present in about 40 states of America it is almost impossible not to come across a Popeyes in America. Popeyes has been serving the American community since 1972 and has been continuing to do so with renewed vigor and intention to serve the people with good quality food. Children as well as adults alike are loyal customers of Popeyes for years.