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« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2014, 09:25:39 PM »

Jaisalmer, also known as “The Golden City” is a town in Rajasthan.  It was once known as Jaisalmer state and is the administrative headquarters of the Jaisalmer district.  It’s not a very large town, with a population of about 78,000. However, it has a charm of its own and is a paragon of beautiful culture and harsh climatic conditions.  Jaisalmer is named after Maharawal Jaisal Singh who founded the city.  He was a Rajput king in 1156 AD. “Jaisalmer” means “The hill fort of Jaisal”. 

The entire city is built out of yellow sand and yellow sandstone due to which it came to be known as “the Golden City”. The old city was completely encircled by a wall but much of it has crumbled sadly for want of building material in recent years. Just like all the other cities in Rajasthan, Jaisalmer also has its own glorious past.

According to the legends, the then Rajpur ruler of Jaisalmer, Maharawal Jaisal Singh founded the city at the behest of a local hermit named Eesaal, whom he respected a lot. In order to ensure his safety he built the fort on the Trikut hill because its location made it quite inaccessible and he could keep a watch on his surroundings. This helped him to know the movements on his enemies well in advance. The main source of income of the Bhatti Rajput rulers in the past was through the collection of taxes from the passing caravans. Jaisalmer was situated on one of the very important routes which connected India to several counties including Persia, Egypt, Africa and many western countries. Thus, it was a very busy business route and provided ample opportunity for the Bhatti rulers to collect taxes and amass huge wealth.

Due to its peculiar location, it remained out of bounds of any invaders for a long time. Only when the Bhatti Rajput rulers dared to loot the imperial caravan carrying treasures of Ala-ud-din Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi, they incurred this wrath. He led a siege around Jaisalmer to concur it and the siege lasted for 9 long years. In the final battle for their independence, the then ruler of Jaisalmer, Raja Jaisimha ‘s son Duda died while fighting the forces of the sultan. In the subsequent years, the rulers of Jaisalmer maintained good relations with the Mughal emperors. However, they did not accept the British rule easily. In fact, Jaisalmer rulers were the last to sign the Instrument of Agreement with the British Government.

Besides being a place of historical importance, Jaisalmer is still a living town and a major tourist attraction in Rajasthan. Unlike other forts, a quarter of the town’s population still lives inside the fort. This spectacular fort houses a royal palace (Raj Mahal), Jain temples and many sites worth visiting. The walls of the fort are constructed out of red sandstone which assumes a lovely honey-gold hue as the sun sets.

The people of Jaisalmer are very hospitable and are gifted with a lot of folk music, dance and art forms. The main means of transport in this part of the country are camels. One can enjoy a camel ride during a visit to this place.

Jaisalmer has also got a rich cultural heritage and to display its rich past, the place has got a museum dedicated to the many artifacts used in the by-gone era. People interested in history would definitely enjoy a visit to this Government museum. In addition, there are mansions known as Havelis which used to the abodes of the rich, famous and powerful people belonging to the Raj Darbar of the rulers. These beautiful havelis were very well-crafted and are a piece of art and architecture of that time. Some of the most famous havelis are Patwon-ki-Haveli, Salman Sigh-ki-Haveli, Nathmalhi-ki-Haveli and Haveli Shreenath. A visit to these havelis will give you an idea of how lavishly the rich and powerful of that era lived.

People of Rajasthan are mostly vegetarian but they do prepare, serve and enjoy a variety of delicacies in their everyday life. A visit to Jaisalmer will definitely be satisfying to your culinary appetite besides capturing you with its magnificent sites and architecture. A visit to Jaisalmer will definitely prove memorable in all respects.

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« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2014, 02:01:23 PM »

Gokarna is a village in Karnataka, in the district of Uttara Kannada of Karnataka state.  Gokarna literally means “Cow’s ear”.  It is believed that Lord Shiva emerged from the ear of a cow here. Hence it is also known as the temple town and is an important pilgrimage center for the Hindus.  Another probable reason for the name Gokarna could be due to its Geographical location. The area where it is located is the convergence of rivers Gangavali and Agnashini and resembles the shape of a cow’s ear.

The early settlements of this region can be traced back to the Brahmins.  They escaped from Gomantak to avoid forcible conversions by the British and Portuguese and settled in and around Gokarna around the 15th century.  At that time, Gokarna used to be a part of the kingdoms of Vijaynagar and Sodhe.  However, it later came under the Portuguese rule as the Konkan region was vehemently taken over by them.  Gokarna is also an important center for Sanskrit studies. It is the residence of Bhandikeri Math and Togu Math where Sanskrit knowledge is passed down from generations in Brahmin families.  The main language spoken here is Kannada. However, Konkani and Marathi are also widely spoken.

Mahabaleshwara temple is one of the chief temples here. It is a famous Shiva temple. There is a custom that one has to bathe in the sea and pay respect to a Shivalingam, made out of sand.  The famous Atmalinga is housed here. It is preserved in a square called Saligrama Peetha. It is opened for viewing once in forty years.

The other temples are Maha Ganapathi Temple, Uma Maheshwari Temple, Varadraj Temple and many more. Gokarna also has many mythological stories associated with it.

Gokarna is not just a temple town.  It is also a popular tourist destination with its endless coconut and palm trees and clear blue seas.  It is a paradise for beach lovers.  Four of the most gorgeous beaches are located in the south of Gokarna.  First is the Kudle beach, a beautiful beach that seems to go on forever and is surrounded by palm trees.

Next is the Om beach, which is shaped like its name.

The final two are Half-moon beach and Paradise beach.  These beaches have huts (shacks) on them which are available for rent.

They also have hammocks and guitars which give a hippy feel to the small village. They attract both foreigners and Indians alike.  You can explore this quaint little town by walking through the two main streets which are lined with shops and conventional houses.

The presence of beaches and temples together create a contrast that few other places in the world possess. The best time to visit Gokarna is from October to March.

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« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2014, 02:06:57 PM »

Also known as Humpi or Hampe, Hampi is a small village situated in Northern Karnataka.  It was the capital of the Hindu empire, Vijayanagara, who ruled south India from 14th to 16th century AD. With the help of his devotee disciples Hakka and Bukka, Saint Vidyaranya established the base of Vijayanagara Empire in 1336 AD. It gained popularity because of its re-establishment of Indian culture and its support for music, art and literature.  They also encouraged the renovation and reconstruction of temples throughout India.  With their main focus being on caring for the people and their welfare, this empire soon spread from Karnataka to Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra as well.

The name Hampi itself is derived from Pampa, which is the old name of the Tungabhadra River on whose banks the city was built. The destruction of the Empire by the Mughal invaders reduced this beautiful city to ruins.

Even then these ruins are filled with museums, markets, temples and plenty of other ancient monuments. It is both a historic as well as religious place in India and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Spread over an area of about 25 square kilometers, amidst giant boulders and vegetation, Hampi boasts of past riches, grandeur and wealth. It is packed with places to see.

First and foremost is the Vittala Temple Complex, the most magnificent monument of Hampi. It is dedicated to Vittla, a form of the Hindi God Vishnu. The temple contains many halls and shrines, the former known for its beautiful pillars with animated carvings on it. It also contains ‘musical pillars’, a set of pillars that resonate when tapped. It also houses the great stone chariot which has stone wheels that actually revolve.

Next is the Virupaksha temple, one of the oldest active temples which dates back to 7th century AD. It is dedicated to the Hindi God of destruction and is located at a riverbank.

The hampi bazaar is a sight that is not to be missed. It is 35 yards wide and nearly 800 yards long and is lined with beautiful houses. Moreover, there is also the King’s Balance where kings were weighted against grain, gold or money which was then distributed to the poor.

There’s also Royal enclosure, Hemakuta hill temples, queen’s bath…the list of monuments is endless. The best time to visit this historical place is between October and March.

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« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2014, 02:12:09 PM »
Humayun’s Tomb

Located in Nizamuddin East, Delhi, Humanyun’s tomb is the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun.  He passed away in 1556 and his wife Hamida Banu Begam supervised the construction of his tomb from the year 1562. This spectacular piece of architecture took almost 9 years to complete. Humayun was the second Mughal Emperor to rule India, after his father, Babur being the first.

The architect of the project, Mirak Mirza Ghiyuath, was Persian and hence the architecture of the tomb has a Persian influence. It is not only the first garden-tomb of its kind in India but is also the first classic example of Mughal architecture.

The tomb was constructed at a cost of 1.5 million rupees (15 lakh). The tomb is situated at the banks of Yamuna River. It was chosen because of its proximity to Nizamuddin Dargah which is the mausoleum of the famous Sufi saint of Delhi. Humayun’s tomb is also the first structure to use red sandstone at such a scale.

Along with the tomb of Humayum the compound also has the tomb of his wife, Hamida Begum and also of Dara Shikoh, son of the late emperor Shah Jahan. It is also the burial ground for many other Mughals. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. It also boasts the Charbagh gardens, a typical Persian garden which was never seen before in India.

The mausoleum is a 140 feet high structure with a central dome. The tomb itself stands on a platform and in the centre of a square garden which is divided into four main parterres by ramps, in the center of which ran shallow water-channels. They were filled with water to keep the gardens green and natural at all time. The main gateway of Humayun’s tomb consists of a large square enclosure and Humayun’s tomb can be seen at the center.

Built over acres of lush green land and surrounded by fountains this complex is home to a well manicured garden, a beautiful mosque and several other tombs. It represents Mughal architecture at its best.

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« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2014, 02:18:11 PM »
Ranikhet Hill Station

Situated at an altitude of 1869 meters above the sea level, this idyllic hill station is located just 59kms away from Nainital. It was discovered and built entirely by the British in 1869. The serene hills, the blooming valleys, the pleasant climate will cast an instant spell on the visitor.

As it located in the Northern region of India in the Kumaon hills, all four seasons here have something special to offer. The hill station also experiences snowfall in the months of December and January. This is the perfect destination to unwind and rejuvenate while enjoying the magnificent views offered by the Western Himalayas. Today, Ranikhet is preserved by the Indian Army.

According to local legends, Ranikhet gets its name from Rani Padmini. She was the queen of Raja Sukherdev, the local ruler. When she saw the place, she was so captivated by its beauty that she decided to make it her residence. Ranikhet literally means ‘Queen’s field’. The region around Ranikhet was ruled by the local Kumaoni rulers and later came under the British rule. The British then proceeded to develop it as a hill station for their troops and established a cantonment in 1869. They used it as a retreat during the summers. Ranikhet is still a cantonment town and is the Kumaon Regimental Center.

There are many attractions in Ranikhet along with the scenic views offered by nature. First and foremost is the Nanda Devi Mela. It is a fair of great religious and cultural significance. It is held in September at the Nanda Devi temple to celebrate the memory of goddesses, Nanda and Sunanda. Even if you’re unable to make it to the fair, a visit to the two famous temples Jhoola Devi Ka Mandir and Kali Devi Ka Mandir is a must.

Ranikhet also presents a wide array of sports such as tennis and golf. It has a well-equipped residential club which offers temporary membership to tourists. Moreover, there’s Chaubatia, which are the four fruit gardens. This is well worth the visit as it also houses the sales depot and a cafeteria along with a Government Fruit Research Centre. Last but not the least, is the Bhalu Dam, known for its fishing. The main source of the town’s water supply comes from here.

All this and much more ensure that Ranikhet is one hill station you cannot afford to miss. The ideal time of visit this paradise on Earth is between the months of March and September.

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« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2014, 09:12:58 AM »
Golkonda Fort

One of the most spectacular monuments of India, Golkonda fort is located 11kms west of Hyderabad.  This historic fort derives its name from the Telugu word “Golla Konda” which means Shepherd’s hill.  The fort stands on a 400 ft high hill and was initially built by the Kakatiya dynasty in the twelfth century.

It was originally a mud fort but was later reconstructed in stone. This was done by Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah Wali , the fourth Qutub king of the Qutub Shahi dynasty. 

This dynasty had ruled the kingdom of Golkanda from 1512. The fort was rebuilt for the purpose of defense from invading Mughals from the north. They transformed it into a mighty fort which has three imposing walls one within the other that rise to a height of over 12m.

A deep moat surrounds the outer most wall covering a substantial area of the town with a circumference of 7km. Besides having walla ranging from a thickness of 17 to 34 feet, the fort also has 87 semi circular bastions which are 50 to 60 geet high.

This majestic citadel boasts 8 gates or Darwazas as they are known locally, the main gate being Fateh Darwaza which means Gate of Victory.The door is 13 feet wide and 25 feet high and is studded with steel spikes to protect it from charging elephants. All this rendered the fort impenetrable and made if one of the strongest forts of the Medieval Deccan.

Apart from its impressive exterior, there are quite a few attractions within the fort. One of the most impressive features of this fort is its acoustics system. By means of this system, a hand clap sounded at the fort’s main gate, the grand portico, can be heard clearly at the ‘Bala Hissar’, the highest point a kilometer away.

The Golkonda fort is divided into four distinct forts. The exceptional architecture still shines through in each of the apartments, halls, temples, mosques and even the stables.The important structures inside the fort are the striking Silai Khana, a three-storied armory building, Nagina Bagh, guide lines, Akkanna-Madanna Offices, Ramdas jail, Darbar hall and a Masjib founded by Ibrahim Qutub Shah. Moreover, the fort also has an ingeniously evolved water supply system.

Last but not the least, a visit to the Golkonda fort isn’t complete without the viewing of the Light and Sound show. It brings the legend of Golkonda to life.

Opening hours: 8:00am-6:30pm daily

Best time to visit: September to March

Entry Fee: Adult-Rs.120/- & Child-Rs.100/-

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« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2014, 09:15:42 AM »
Mehrangarh Fort

Situated at a height of 400 feet above the city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, this majestic fort offers breathtaking views of Jodhpur. Its immense size makes it one of the largest forts in India and it has been designated as “the work of giants” by Rudyard Kipling.

The fort, constructed out of red sandstone, was built by Rao Jodha in 1459 when he transferred his capital from Mandore. 

The fort itself is surrounded by impressive fortifications that are six meters thick. Moreover, seven gates have to be crossed in order to reach the fort.

The gates of the fort are witness to the attacks it bore by various attackers in the past. The second gate still carries the scars and impressions of the cannonballs which were hurled at it during attack. To the left of the fort is a memorial dedicated to the brave soldier by the name of Kirat Singh Soda who sacrificed his life to protect the fort.

Out of these seven gates, two are marked specially as gates of victory. The first one is Jayapol was built by Maharaja Man Singh to celebrate his victories over Jaipur and Bikaner armies. The second one, Fattepol, was built by Maharaja Ajit Singh to commemorate the defeat of the Mughals. The palm imprints on these gates are the centre of attraction of tourists even today.

The major attractions of this fort are the palaces located within the fort. The most prominent of these grand palaces being the Moti Mahal or Pearl Palace that houses the royal throne of Jodhpur, known as Sringar Chowki. It is also a living proof of the magnificent Jodhpuri architecture and craftsmanship. The other palaces within the fort area are the Phool Mahal, whose ceiling is adorned with beautiful embroidery carved in gold, the Rang Mahal and the Chandan Mahal. Umaid Villas, Ajit Villas and Maan Villas are the other mansions in this spectacular fort. Ajit Villas exhibits the musical instruments and the royal attires while Umaid Villas displays the Rajput miniature paintings.

Various articles of historical importance which were used by the Rathores such as old royal palanquins, arms, costumes and paintings have been stored in the museum of the Mehrangarh Fort. This museum has got one of the largest collections of that period.

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« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2014, 09:19:14 AM »
Golden Temple

The Harmandir Sahib(or Hari Mandir) located in Amritsar is not only of utmost importance for the Sikhs but is also a major tourist destination due to its immeasurable beauty.  Previously and commonly known as the Golden  Temple, it was officially renamed Harmandir Sahib in March 2005.

It is situated in the middle of a large lake or temple tank in what was originally a deep forest.

The construction of this gurdwara was initially started by Guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh Guru in 1574, on land donated by the Mughal emperor Akbar. It was completed by Guru Arjan Dev, his successor.

Unfortunately, the gurdwara occasionally damage during the eighteenth century as it was the place of conflict between the Sikhs and either Mughal or Afghan forces. However, in the earth nineteenth century, Maharaja Ranjit Singh protected it from outside attack. He also decorated the upper floors of the gurdwara with gold which led to it being named as the “Golden Temple” worldwide. It also made it one of the most spectacular sights of worship.

What makes this sacred place especially unique is the fact that’s its construction combines Muslim, Hindu and European design principles.

Not only is it a major pilgrimage destination for Sikhs from all over the world, people from all walks of life irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex and religion are welcomed. Visitors can enter through one of the 4 entrances of the temple.

The temple itself is lower than the surrounding area so one must step down in order to reach Harmandir Sahib. It also houses Guru Ka Langar which is a 3 storied communal, open kitchen. It serves approximately 40,000 meals daily to devotees and visitors. On entering the gurdwara complex, one will find many shrines to past Sikh gurus, saints and martyrs. There are also many memorials that commemorate past Sikh Historical events, saints and martyrs. It is also believed that Buddha spent some time here.

All this and much more truly make the Golden Temple one of the most sacred and stunning places to visit.

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« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2014, 09:22:17 AM »
Alleppey - Venice of the East

Located in Kerala, in God’s own country lies Alleppey, a quaint town in the Alappuzha district. The pristine backwaters flanked by palm trees have earned it the name “Venice of the East”.

It provides you with a true insight into the backwaters of Kerala with a glimpse into the life of the country folk.

Alleppey derives its support from the large network of canals.

Considered to be the oldest planned town in this region, Alleppey is one of the most important tourist centers in the state. The sun-kissed beaches, the timeless coves, the bustling shores and canals will bowl you over and leave you wanting more.

It the past, it was one of the busiest centers of trade with one of the best known ports along the Malabar coast. Even today, it is famous as the centre for Coir carpet industries and prawn farming.

An event not worth missing is the fabulous snake-boat races which are held on the second Saturday of august every year.  Known as the Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race, it is named after India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who inaugurated it in 1952.  It is a sight to behold as each snake-boat manned by over a hundred oarsmen zoom through the water, competing for the cup.

The Ambalapuzha temple festival is also worth a visit. The Krishna idol is carried over quite a distance by 5 elephants. The temple is 14 kilometers away from Alappuzha and is renowned for its rose palpayasam.

Complete your stay by staying on one of the many different varieties of houseboats on offer.  As they come with drivers and a cook, you can gorge on delicious fish and prawns while observing the life of the village people and relax on the lake.

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« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2014, 09:25:28 AM »
Amber Fort

Built by Raja Man Singh in the 16th century Amber Fort (also known and pronounced as Amer fort) is located in Amer, a small town 11km from Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is a fascinating merge of Mughal and Hindi architecture, built in marble and red sandstone.

The Amber fort was occupied by the Rajput’s from the 16th century till 1927, when Jaipur was created. They used it both for residential as well as defense purposes. It is a symbol of the valiant lifestyles of Rajput’s. Situated at the forefront of the palace is the Maotha lake.

 Situated at the forefront of the palace is the Maotha lake. The reflection of this sprawling palace on the water of the lake is mesmerizing.

Tourists are often deceived by the outer appearance of the fort as it is rocky and rough. However, this is completely different from its interiors which are filled with lush gardens, intricate decoration and exquisite paintings. The majestic halls with the minute mirror work and carvings on the walls and ceilings leave the visitors captivated.

The fort is divided into four subparts. Diwan-I-Aam, also known as the Hall of Public Audiences, is a marquee with double row of columns. At the entrance of the palace is Kali temple or Sila Devi temple which is famous for its heroic past, silver doors and huge silver lions. The Ganesh Pol, another aspect of the fort, leads us to the apartments of the King. Amber fort also has Jai Mandir, a renowned temple which has Sheesh Mahal. This is a magnificent hall of mirrors designed in such an artistic way that even a tiny ray of lights gets reflected.

The fort also houses numerous other halls which have their own special characteristics. Moreover, the grand walls ensure the protection of the Fort against the invasion of enemies.

In addition to all the above, many visitors come here to enjoy the joyful elephant ride. A ramp is designed to take you to the hilltop palace on beautifully decorated elephants so that you can truly take in the flawless beauty of this royal Fort.

All this and much more will definitely make your trip to Amber fort a memorable experience.

Timings- 9:30 am- 4:30 pm (Open on all days)

‘Best time to visit-October to February

Entry fee-The entry fee for Indian nationals is Rs. 25 per head whereas for foreign tourists it is Rs.200 per head. Elephant ride for Rs 450 per person one way.

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« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2014, 09:28:51 AM »
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary

Located in Kerela, amidst the lush green forests of the Western Ghats, Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary is the most famous wildlife sanctuary in South India. It is also commonly known as the “Elephant Reserve” and the “Tiger reserve” and is spread over 777 km out of which the 360 km is covered by dense, evergreen forests.

It was declared a Tiger Reserve in the year 1972. Four species of primates are found at Periyar – the rare lion-tailed macaque, the Nilgiri Langur, Gee’s Golden Langur, Common Langur And Bonnet Macaque.

Periyar wildlife sanctuary also has a 100 year old artificial lake which offers a one of a kind experience of observing and photographing wildlife from a very short distance. It is home to a 1000 elephants and 46 tigers as well as sambars, boars, deer, bison, lion-tailed macaques and so on.

As if all this wasn’t enough, this unique sanctuary has 49 species of mammals, 246 species of birds, 28 species of reptiles, 8 species of amphibians, 22 species of fish and 112 species of butterflies. The Nilgiri Tahr, which is rarely to be seen also inhabits this park.

In addition to all the fauna, the Periyar wildlife sanctuary is also known for its flora. Some of the deeper valley contains trees that have grown to a height of up to 130-140 feet and seem as though they’ve been there since the beginning of time. They form an extremely thick cover which even bright sunlight sometimes finds hard to penetrate.

The edges of the lake and other water bodies contain marshy grasslands. Throughout the park one will also find areas of semi-evergreen forest which are used by many of the animal species as cover.

You can also enjoy a trek to the ruins of the Mangala Devi Temple, a picturesque old stone temple situation in the heart of the Thekkady forest. However, most people come to Periyar to watch the elephants that come down to play at the lake.

From the lovely scenery on the road up to the lake cruise and a walk through the jungle makes one long to come back for more.

Ideal time to visit the park: From the months of October till June.

How to Reach Priyar wildlife sanctuary:

Air : Kochi (Cochin) at 200 km or Madurai in Tamil Nadu at 140 km are the nearest airports from Periyar.

Rail : Kottayam at 114 km is the nearest railhead from Periyar.

Road : Kumily, the nearest town from Periyar is well served by both state and private buses from Kottayam, Ernakulam and Madurai in Tamil Nadu.

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« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2014, 09:31:35 AM »
Hawa Mahal

Situated in the picturesque city of Jaipur, the stunning Hawa Mahal overlooks one of the city’s main streets.  The palace, which is part of a huge complex is also popularly known as the “Palace of Winds” due to its unique design which allows wind to circulate freely through the 950 windows, keeping the palace cool.

This impressive five-storied, semi-octagonal structure was built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Singh.

Its purpose was to allow royal ladies to observe everyday activities as well as to enjoy the processions without being seen.

This architectural marvel is made up of small casements, each with small windows and arched roofs with hanging cornices.

The overhanging balconies, domes and spires, carved sandstone grills and lace screens truly make it one of the finest examples of Rajpur artistry.

Its fascia makes Hawa Mahal look more like a screen than a palace.

Built as part of the City Palace located in Sireh Deori Bazaar, this monument is also known as “fantasy in pink stone”. Along with the numerous distinctive structures inside, the palace also has a museum near the entrance displaying a beautiful collection of handicrafts, paintings and many other such displays.

The top storey of the palace offers magnificent views of the city and its many attractions. The entrance of the palace is from the back side.

Hawa Mahal Fee- Rs. 50

Hawa Mahal Timings- 9:30am-4:30pm (Open on all days)

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« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2014, 09:36:02 AM »
Jadhavgadh Fort, Hotel Pune

Jadhavgadh Fort is the world’s first museum heritage hotel & resort and offers an unparalleled experience. Built in 1710 by “Pilaji Jadhavrao”, a valiant Maratha general, the Jadhav Gadh fortress lies in the heart of the 25 acre Jadhav Wadi.

An imposing and impressive structure, the Fort Jadhavgadh Pune is now a unique luxury hotel and it stands, quite literally, in two worlds: the traditional and the modern.

Jadhavgadh is situated in the beautiful rolling hills of Saswad located 22 kms away from Pune on the old Pune – Satara Road at a height of 2511 ft above sea level.  Fort Jadhavgadh was made in the year 1710 as a place of residence as well as a safe haven when being attacked by enemies. Although not as magnanimous as other Maratha era Forts like Sinhagad, Jadhavgadh had quite a few architectural similarities and a fine example of Maratha craftsmanship. Built on a quaint hill top all that was visible of the fort, and still is, were the gigantic walls of brown black stones.

The steps going up the main entrance were huge stone blocks making it easier for the animals like horses and elephants going up the fort. But the step way itself was curved. A sharp left turn after the initial climb and then again a steep climb with a left turn after entering through the main spiked doorway. This was essentially done to make the task of a probable enemy and his troops all the more cumbersome if they had to force entry through the main door, inadvertently giving precious time for those inside for last minute preparations.

Inside the fort was divided into the outer walled area and an inner structure where the women folk resided. This area was also utilized for rain water harvesting, dexterously taking benefit of the ample showers the region received and saving water for future use. A number of dungeons were also made in the fort, the main purpose of these being to store grains and as was inevitable during those tumulus times, to keep prisoners of war. Till date, four of these enigmatic dungeons have been traced and are being restored. It is believed that one of the dungeons may be a secret pathway that Pilaji Jadhavrao and his men used in times of crisis.

Fort Jadhavgadh is a hotel property with modern amenities catering to International Standards of a leisure hotel, without hurting its heritage status,which truly reflects the spirit of the local province, its people and its customs. Value-for-money luxury, after considering the secluded location and concept of a museum fort hotel, it is extremely neat and clean with the natives of the province making perfectly courteous hosts. Two restaurants, one serving authentic Maharashtrian cuisine and the other, a round the clock eatery, serving continental and Italian food (not quite great ) are the options in-house, whereas several dhabas (street side eateries serving variety of Indian cuisines) are in close proximity which do not belong to the hotel.

The hotel also has a temple (which is a part of the ancient fort) consisting the idol of Lord Ganesha. It has premium rooms (the preferred mid-category to stay) with a choice of mountain views or rain shower equipped bath-spaces attached individually to each of such rooms.

To conclude, Jadhavgadh Fort is a good family outing for the local people whereas a great, one of its kind cultural stay for foreigners seeking an exceptional life-time experience!
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 09:54:46 AM by MysteRy »

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« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2014, 09:39:25 AM »
Marina Beach, Chennai

Enjoy these Stunning Marina Beach Pictures, which is a popular urban beach in the city of Chennai,  India along the Bay of Bengal. The beach runs from near Fort St. George in the north to Besant Nagar in the south, a distance of 13 km (8.1 mi), making it the longest urban beach in the country and the world’s second longest.

Bathing and swimming at the Marina Beach are legally prohibited because of the dangers, as the undercurrent is very turbulent. It is the among the most crowded beaches in the country.

Attractions in the Beach

Marina beach is a major tourist attraction of the city. People visiting Chennai make a point to visit the beach. It is also the main place for the local people to escape from the summer heat.The beach is popular for its shops and food stalls run by about 500-odd vendors. The memorials and statues, morning walk, joggers’ track lovers’ spot, aquarium, and the like make it a hangout for people of all ages. Kite flying and beach cricket are common sports at the beach, and there are also facilities for pony rides. The sea is generally rough and waves are strong. There are fishermen colonies present at both ends of the beach.

Walking Path

In 2009, a 4.5-km-long stretch along the beach was announced plastic-free zone, prohibiting the sale and use of plastic. In November 2010, the corporation imposed a fine of 100 on the usage of plastic items that are less than 20 microns thick on the entire stretch. Within a couple of years since the ban, the use of plastics on the beach was reduced by 70 per cent.

In 2012, the government allotted 89 million for the renovation of the memorials of Anna and MGR. This include 12 million and 43 million towards renovation of Anna Memorial and MGR Memorial, respectively, 34 million towards additional construction at the MGR Memorial


Being the most prominent open space in the city, the Marina Beach hosts several events throughout the year. The annual Independence Day and the Republic Day ceremonial parades and air shows are held along the promenade along with the unfurling of the national flag in the Marina. The annual idol-immersion event following the Hindu festival of Vinayaka  Chathurthi takes place at the beach where most of the idols of Lord Ganesh kept on display during the festival in the city is immersed into the sea. The event occurs in the month of August–September. The beach is also the venue for several marathon and walkathon campaigns throughout the year conducted for various cause.

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« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2014, 09:44:48 AM »
Stunning Alibag Beaches and Forts

Beautiful Sea, a Fort that gets surrounded by sea water, a few temples and a lot of fun. Alibag (Alibaug) is the ideal place for a one day return trip. Alibaug is 145 kms away from Pune and 30km to the south of Mumbai. There are some stunning beaches here along with forts and temples!

The Kolaba/Kulaba fort lies 2 kms inside the sea. Kulaba fort gets surrounded by sea water at the time of tide. There are the Uma Maheshwar and Balaji temples in Alibag too.

Alibag was developed in 17th Century by Sarkhel Kanhoji Aangre the naval chief of King Shivaji’s Kingdom. Bene Israelite Ali was a rich man in the city and owned many plantations of mangoes, coconuts in his gardens. So the local people called the place Alicha bagh (Gardens of Ali) which became in due course, Alibag.

Alibag Fort

Alibag Fort: Alibag is the seat of District Administration of Raigad (formerly Kolaba) district since 1852. The name Kolaba is attributed to a Sea Fort Kolaba built by Shivaji the great, in 1680 to fight the mighty naval prowess of the Siddis’ (Abyssenians) of Janjira and the British of Mumbai. Kolaba fort is famous for many battles, between Siddis and Kanhoji Angre, the British and the Portugese.
Safety Tip – It is safe to go in the fort before or after 1 hours of fall. But one should always keep in mind that he should come back within 1 hour after the full fall. If you get stuck inside the fort you cannot come back for at least for 5 hours.

Beaches in Alibag

The following are the main beaches in and around Alibag:

Alibag beach: This is the main beach of the town.
Thal beach: Isolated Beach 5 km from Alibag.

Varsoli Beach:Located about a mile from the main beach, home to a very large naval base.It is situated just on the outskirts of Alibag. It is relatively less visited site and as a result is a quiet beach with sparkling white sand and cleaner seawater. Varsoli is a small satellite village across Alibag, complete with thick vegetation of coconut and Casuarina.

Akshi Beach: It is situated 8 km away from Alibag.The famous Kashid beach is located 18 km from Murud. The specialty of this beach is the beautiful slivery white sand. literally dazzling silvery on this clean beach. It is a favourite spot for advertising, TV serial and film shoots. The beach is complete with small-food stalls. This beach is well suited for the children and ladies as the sea is flat for a long distance. One can walk through to a considerable distance towards the sea.

Nagaon beach: It is situated about 10 km away from Alibag and is famous for coconuts and betel nuts.

Kihim-Navgaon Beach: Kihim is a secluded place at a distance of 12 km from Alibag. The Kihim beach is famous for dense cover of Coconut trees. It is also famous for woods which are home to rare butterflies, birds and flowers.

Awas: It is situated about 16 km away from Alibag.

Saswane: It is situated about 18 km away from Alibag.

Rewas: It is situated about 24 km away from Alibag.

Chaul Revdanda: It is situated about 17 km away from Alibag.

Kaneshwar Mandir: It is situated about 17 km away from Alibag to Karlekhind – Chondi road.13 km from Alibag in Northeast direction is this very famous Shiv temple on a 900 ft. high hill. It is a 5000 ft. long climb on well paved stairs, which takes around one hour. Landmarks along the route are tombs of MohanGiri and Balgiri, Nagoba Rest, Jambhali Plateau, God’s stair, Gaymandi etc. It comprises various small temples of Sri Paleshwar, Sri Hanuman, Sri Balram Krishna and Lord Shiv.

Mandawa: It is situated about 20 km north of Alibag. The catamaran/ferry services are available from Mumbai to the Mandawa jetty. Many Bollywood celebrities own bungalows here.

Kashid Beach: It is 36 km away from Alibag, on the Alibag-Murud highway, also this beach is possibly one of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in the region with almost ‘white’ sand. There are many cottages and resorts available ranging from around RS:1500 to RS:20,000. Prakruti resort is the luxury and the costliest of all. One can find water sports facility and number of small shops for snacks.

Korlai Beach: A quiet serene beach with alternate white and black sands, along a serene stretch of the Arabian coastine, adjacent to a village of Korlai Creole Portuguese speaking Indians.Just across the bridge, to the right there is Korlai fort within the sea and attached to the mainland by a narrow land strip through the Korlao fort through the Korlai Village. It is supposed to have been built by the Portuguese in 1521. The main gate has an inscription which means ‘no entry without a fight’. The fort has seven gates, a sweet water well, a church in disuse, a Hindu timple and a Lighthouse

Hotels & Resorts in Alibag

‘KARPE WADI’- Agro Tourism center approved by ITDC. Must visit for good local food and Great Ambience.

“Kill nothing but Time, Carry nothing but Memories, Leave nothing but Footprints.”

Karpewadi Agro-Eco tourism hub practises sustainable management and encourages you to do so too. Located just 100 kms from Mumbai and 155 kms from Pune, Karpewadi is an ‘agrotel’ where proximity to Nature is the central theme. For those who crave for action, there is private beach access, a range of activities to choose from onsite and a number of sightseeing destinations nearby. Professionally managed services, a no- compromise approach to providing basic creature comforts and the best quality home- cooked cuisine ensure that you are well taken care of.

‘AQUA SPLASHH..’ – Maharashtra Maritime Board Approved Water Sports. They have certified lifeguards and well trained staff.

A vacation is all about fun. Adrenalin racing, heart thumping and amusement. At Aqua Splashh you get all that and a bit more — Memories. Come have the fun and tell the world what you did this vacation at Aqua Splashh. Enjoy shooting your loved ones or friends with Paint Ball. Celebrate the water waves in Jet Ski, Bumpy Rides, Banana Rides & Boat Rides. Enjoy the sea shore on All Terrain Vehicle ( ATV ) and Beach Buggy. Come make your vacation an unforgettable fun.

Samudra manthan’- An ideal resort for groups

Prasanna’- Economical resort right next to the beach