Author Topic: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"  (Read 13131 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:37:46 AM »
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While this term originally referred to a clever or expert programmer, it is now more commonly used to refer to someone who can gain unauthorized access to other computers. A hacker can "hack" his or her way through the security levels of a computer system or network. This can be as simple as figuring out somebody else's password or as complex as writing a custom program to break another computer's security software. Hackers are the reason software manufacturers release periodic "security updates" to their programs. While it is unlikely that the average person will get "hacked," some large businesses and organizations receive multiple hacking attempts a day.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 07:39:08 AM »

A halftone image is made up of a series of dots rather than a continuous tone. These dots can be different sizes, different colors, and sometimes even different shapes. Larger dots are used to represent darker, more dense areas of the image, while smaller dots are used for lighter areas.

Halftone images use used in newspapers and magazines because it is a much more efficient way to print images. Since a halftone image is made up of discreet dots, it requires significantly less ink to print than a continuous tone image. As long as the resolution of the image (measured in LPI) is high enough, the dots appear as a continuous image to the human eye. However, if you closely examine the images printed in a newspaper, you should be able to see the dots that make up the halftone image.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 07:41:07 AM »

In online chat, the name you use is often referred to as your screen name, or handle. So if you decided to name yourself MooCow123, that would be your handle. Handles are nice because they allow you to represent yourself without giving away your real identity. The term originated from CB radio, where people refer to each other by their "handles."

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2014, 07:42:01 AM »
Hard Copy

A hard copy is a printed document. It may be a text file, photograph, drawing, or any other type of printable file. For example, instead of e-mailing a business memo, it may be sent out as a hard copy, or an actual physical paper containing the memo.

When a document is created on a computer, it is typically saved as a file on the the computer's hard drive. This is sometimes referred to as a soft copy. While the file can be easily opened and edited on a computer, it can also be easily deleted. Therefore, sometimes printing a hard copy is done to create a physical backup of the document.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 07:43:48 AM »
Hard Disk

When you save data or install programs on your computer, the information is typically written to your hard disk. The hard disk is a spindle of magnetic disks, called platters, that record and store information. Because the data is stored magnetically, information recorded to the hard disk remains intact after you turn your computer off. This is an important distinction between the hard disk and RAM, or memory, which is reset when the computer's power is turned off.

The hard disk is housed inside the hard drive, which reads and writes data to the disk. The hard drive also transmits data back and forth between the CPU and the disk. When you save data on your hard disk, the hard drive has to write thousands, if not millions, of ones and zeros to the hard disk. It is an amazing process to think about, but may also be a good incentive to keep a backup of your data.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 07:44:29 AM »
Hard Drive

The hard drive is what stores all your data. It houses the hard disk, where all your files and folders are physically located. A typical hard drive is only slightly larger than your hand, yet can hold over 100 GB of data. The data is stored on a stack of disks that are mounted inside a solid encasement. These disks spin extremely fast (typically at either 5400 or 7200 RPM) so that data can be accessed immediately from anywhere on the drive. The data is stored on the hard drive magnetically, so it stays on the drive even after the power supply is turned off.

The term "hard drive" is actually short for "hard disk drive." The term "hard disk" refers to the actual disks inside the drive. However, all three of these terms are usually seen as referring to the same thing -- the place where your data is stored. Since I use the term "hard drive" most often, that is the correct one to use.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 07:45:16 AM »
Hard Token

A hard token, sometimes called an "authentication token," is a hardware security device that is used to authorize a user. An common example of a hard token is a security card that gives a user access to different areas of building or allows him to log in to a computer system. Some hard tokens are used in combination with other security measures to further enhance security. For example, a username and password or a fingerprint scan may be required along with the hard token to gain access to a secure system.

A hard tag is another type of hard token that is used as a security device on merchandise such as clothing and electronics. You have probably seen these used in several retail stores, where they are used to deter theft. If someone tries to exit the building with merchandise before the hard tag has been deactivated, it causes the security system by the doors to beep. Of course, if the cashier forgets to deactivate the hard tag, you get to experience the unpleasant beeping sound as you exit even if you paid for the merchandise.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2014, 07:46:00 AM »

Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners.

The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as components, while external hardware devices are usually called peripherals. Together, they all fall under the category of computer hardware. Software, on the other hand, consists of the programs and applications that run on computers. Because software runs on computer hardware, software programs often have system requirements that list the minimum hardware required for the software to run.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 07:47:01 AM »

HDD is short for "hard disk drive." An HDD is a storage device used to store data. Unlike RAM, which requires electrical power to maintain its state, a hard disk drive stores data magnetically. Therefore, it retains its data when the power source is turned off or disconnected.

Most computers include either an HDD or an SSD that stores your files. For example, if your computer has an internal HDD, when you save a file, it is written to the hard disk drive. Additionally, the HDD stores pre-installed applications and other programs you add to your computer. Since modern HDDs have storage capacities of more than one terabyte, most users do not even come close to running out of disk space. However, if necessary, you can connect an external HDD (often called and external hard drive for additional storage or for backup purposes.

Important: The term "hard disk drive" may be used synonymously with the terms "hard drive" and "hard disk." Technically, an HDD and a hard drive refer to the same thing, while a hard disk refers to the actual magnetic platter inside the drive case.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2014, 07:47:51 AM »

Stands for "High-Definition Multimedia Interface." HDMI is a digital interface for transmitting audio and video data in a single cable. It is supported by most HDTVs and related components, such as DVD and Blu-ray players, cable boxes, and video game systems.

While other types of A/V connections require separate cables for audio and video data, HDMI carries the audio and video streams together, greatly eliminating cable clutter. For example, a component cable connection requires three cables for video and two for audio, totaling five cables in all. The same information can be transmitted using one HDMI cable.

Because HDMI is a digital connection, HDMI cables are less prone to interference and signal noise than analog cables. Also, since most components, such as DVD players and digital cable boxes process information digitally, using HDMI eliminates the analog to digital conversion other interfaces require. Therefore, HDMI often produces the best quality picture and sound compared to other types of connections.

HDMI cables are typically more expensive than analog cables, largely because they cost more to manufacture. But it is important to remember that with HDMI, you don't need to buy separate audio and video cables. Besides, the single all-purpose connection may alone be worth the difference to those who don't like dealing with confusing cables and connections. Just remember that before you buy an HDMI cable, make sure the devices you are connecting have HDMI connections available.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2014, 07:49:19 AM »

Stands for "High Definition Televsion." HDTV is a high-quality video standard developed to replace older video formats often referred to as SDTV (standard definition television). While HDTV's video quality is one of the most noticeable improvements over SDTV, HDTV includes a number of other important improvements as well.

First of all, the HDTV signal is digital. Instead of an analog signal, used by traditional NTSC broadcasts, HDTV is always digital. This eliminates analog interference caused be electrical currents and magnetic fields. Secondly, HDTV uses a different aspect ratio than SDTV. While previous broadcasts used a 4:3 ratio (4 units wide for every 3 units tall), HDTV uses a ratio of 16:9. This wider aspect ratio more closely emulates how humans see the world, making the image appear more realistic. This ratio is also better for watching widescreen movies, which are recorded in widescreen for the same reason.

True to its name, high definition television offers a much higher resolution than standard definition video. While a typical analog broadcast in the U.S. contains a maximum of 525 horizontal lines of resolution, an HDTV signal supports up to 1080. The three formats used by HDTV are 1080i (interlaced), and 720p and 1080p (progressive). HDTV's higher resolution produces images that are much finer and contain more detail and more color than previous formats. HDTV also provides a higher-quality digital audio signal than SDTV and supports up to six audio channels compared to the two channels allowed previously.

To watch HDTV, you need an HDTV-compatible television and a means of receiving an HDTV signal. HDTVs come in both 16:9 and 4:3 formats (for backwards compatibility). Some HDTVs include HDTV tuners for receiving over-the-air broadcasts, but others require the receiver to be bought separately. Fortunately, most cable and satellite TV companies offer HDTV-compatible boxes with their digital service plans.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2014, 07:50:24 AM »

Stands for "High-Definition Video." According to a consortium of manufacturers including Sony, JVC, Canon, and Sharp, it is a "consumer high-definition video format." HDV is the next step up from Mini DV, which has been used in consumer digital camcorders for several years. The HDV technology allows high-definition video to be recorded on a Mini DV tape, using MPEG-2 compression.

Of course, recording in high-definition requires an HD camcorder, such as the Sony HDR-FX1 or the JVC GR-HD1. These cameras are significantly more expensive than their Mini DV counterparts, but can capture much higher quality video. HDV uses a native 16:9 widescreen format, with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. This is a substantial improvement over Mini DV, which records video in a 4:3 format, with a maximum resolution of 500 horizontal lines. Most HDV camcorders allow the user to record in standard DV as well, but if you shell out a couple thousand dollars extra for a HDV camcorder, you might as well shoot everything in HD.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2014, 07:51:19 AM »
Heat Sink

A computer's CPU may perform millions of calculations every second. As the processor continues to work at a rapid pace, it begins to generate heat. If this heat is not kept in check, the processor could overheat and eventually destroy itself.

Fortunately, CPUs include a heat sink, which dissipates the heat from the processor, preventing it from overheating. The heat sink is made out of metal, such as a zinc or copper alloy, and is attached to the processor with a thermal material that draws the heat from away the processor towards the heat sink. Heat sinks can range in size from barely covering the processor to several times the size of the processor if the CPU requires it.

Most heat sinks also have "fins," which are thin slices of metal that are connected to the base of the heat sink. These additional pieces of metal further dissipate the heat by spreading it over a much larger area. A fan is often used to cool the air surrounding the heat sink, which prevents the heat sink from getting too hot. This configuration is referred to as a heat sink and fan or HSF combination. While heat sinks are used in nearly all computer CPUs, they have become commonplace in video card processors, or GPUs, as well.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2014, 07:52:09 AM »

Hertz (abbreviated: Hz) is the standard unit of measurement used for measuring frequency. Since frequency is measured in cycles per second, one hertz equals one cycle per second.

Hertz is used commonly used to measure wave frequencies, such as sound waves, light waves, and radio waves. For example, the average human ear can detect sound waves between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Sound waves close to 20 Hz have a low pitch and are called "bass" frequencies. Sound waves above 5,000 Hz have a high pitch and are called "treble" frequencies.

While hertz can be used to measure wave frequencies, it is also used to measure the speed of computer processors. For example, each CPU is rated at a specific clock speed. This number indicates how many instruction cycles the processor can perform each second. Since modern processors can perform millions or even billions of instructions per second, clock speeds are typically measured in megahertz or gigahertz.

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Re: Computer Terms Beginning with "H"
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2014, 07:52:58 AM »

Generally speaking, a heuristic is a "rule of thumb," or a good guide to follow when making decisions. In computer science, a heuristic has a similar meaning, but refers specifically to algorithms.

When programming software, computer programmers aim to create the most efficient algorithms to accomplish various tasks. These may include simple processes like sorting numbers or complex functions such as processing images or video clips. Since these functions often accept a wide range of input, one algorithm may perform well in certain cases, while not very well in others.

For example, the GIF image compression algorithm performs well on small images with few colors, but not as well as JPEG compression on large images with many colors. If you knew you were only going to be dealing with small images that didn't have a wide range of colors, GIF compression would be all you need. You wouldn't have to worry about large, colorful images, so there would be no point in optimizing the algorithm for those images. Similarly, computer programmers often use algorithms that work well for most situations, even though they may perform inefficiently for uncommon situations.

Therefore, a heuristic process may include running tests and getting results by trial and error. As more sample data is tested, it becomes easier to create an efficient algorithm to process similar types of data. As stated previously, these algorithms are not always perfect, but work well most of the time. The goal of heuristics is to develop a simple process that generates accurate results in an acceptable amount of time.