Author Topic: ~ Jesus Advice To Sinners ~  (Read 607 times)

Offline MysteRy

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~ Jesus Advice To Sinners ~
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:04:28 PM »
Jesus Advice To Sinners

Whether you are Christ follower, a fence walker, or a non-believer who just stumbled on to this post by chance, Jesus Christ has something to say to you right now. He has called out your heart amid a digital stream of millions to make sure you hear His voice and understand how far His love will go to find you.

Jesus’ Advice To Sinners

1. You are my beloved. (Eph. 5:1)

2. I knew you before you were born. As my hands formed you, I whispered purpose into your bones. I can’t not love you. (Ps. 139:1-6)

3. I love you beyond human reason—even at your very worst, steeped in sin. (Rom. 5:8 )

4. My love is contrary to all you know of “love.” I Love you “even though” and “deeper still.” My love reaches, pursues, remains. (Ps. 36:5)

5. My Love for you won’t walk out, fail, or ever come to an end. (Deut. 31:8 )

6. No matter what you’ve heard or what you’ve come to believe, there’s nothing that can separate you from my Love. (Rom. 8:38-39)

7. I am not like people. So please—don’t put human words in my mouth or apply human behaviors to my character. You will miss me altogether. (Isaiah 55:8 )

8. I’ve never ignored you. I’ve been here all along. Protecting. Loving. Waiting. (Ps. 56:8 )

9. Your love of _____ (sin) isn’t worth eternity. I will break your chains. I will give you the desires of your heart. (Jn. 8:32, Ps. 37:4)

10. Please forgive some of my followers. People—even Christian people—will fail you. You live in a fallen land, where no one is perfect and all need My grace. Put your faith and trust in Me alone. (Psalm 146:3)

11. There’s no sin I will not forgive. You are the “whosoever believes in me” whom I will give eternal life . . . if you believe. (John 3:16)

12. As resourceful and brilliant as you are, you cannot save yourself. It’s by God’s grace and faith in Me alone that you are saved. (Eph 2:8-9)

13. I understand your pain and heartbreak. And my heart breaks with you. (Is. 53:3)

14. There’s nowhere you can go where my Love won’t find you. (Psalm 139:7-8)

15. The shame and guilt weighs you down has been taken care of on the cross. Your bill has been zeroed out. (John 3:16)

16. The addictions. The pride. The selfishness. The hate. The lust. The jealousy. The critical spirit. The greed. I can heal it. All of it. You can start fresh. Today. (Rom. 8:1-4)

17. I will forgive you. But only if you ask. And I care more about the “ask” than I do about the sin. (Acts 3:19)

18. I will not force you to do or be anything. I want a relationship with you more than I want to rule over you. (Jeremiah 31:3)

19. I will forgive your sin and I will forget it. That’s right—completely erase it from my mind. No replays, no record. Gone. (Ps. 103:12)

20. It’s never too late to turn your life around. I came to give second chances. (Luke 23:42-43)

21. I love you. Let’s talk. (Jer. 29:13)

These are the 21 things every sinner should know. Know that our Jesus is the friend of all, including sinners.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 08:06:07 PM by MysteRy »