Author Topic: Paambhu Sattai  (Read 388 times)

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Paambhu Sattai
« on: April 03, 2017, 10:40:59 PM »
Paambhu Sattai Review

Star Cast : Bobby Simha, Keerthy Suresh, Bhanu, Guru Somasundaram
Director : Adam Dasan

Post-Jigarthanda, Bobby Simha had signed several heroic movies but none of them were memorable for both the actor and audiences. Surprisingly the actor's Friday release, Paambhu Sattai turns out to a watchable film, major credits to debutant Adam Dasan's writing.

Thakchana (Bobby Simha) hails from a lower middle-class family. After his brother dies in a train accident, Thakchana lives with his widowed sister-in-law(Bhanu).

Thakchana's aim is to find a suitable bridegroom for his sister-in-law but he only tries hard to convince her for remarriage. When Thakchana falls in love with Veni (Keerthy Suresh), his sister-in-law understands the need of remarriage and gives her consent.

After a huge struggle, Thakchana finds a suitable partner to his sister-in-law but before the wedding, he has to arrange 5 lakhs. In his hunt for the mammoth amount, Thakchana meets a counterfeit currency gang. Though Thakchana tries his best to lead an honest life, situations frequently take him back to the gang and push to involve in the crime. Will Thakchana take the wrong route?

There is a dialogue in Paambu Sattai, snakes shed their skins only to grow bigger similarly a man can do anything to live his life. But here Thakchana becomes a vulnerable one and bites back the criminal gang, which ruins his life.

There are two irritating things in Paambhu Sattai, one the director glorifies stalking in the name of love and the other one is Bobby Simha's wig. Apart from these two factors, the film is a pretty decent for Adam Dasan's substantial script work and research. There are many praiseworthy scenes and themes handled in the film including the one where an old woman explains about the hardship of widowers, pain of drainage workers, difficulty in leading a straightforward life, the dark side of fake currency group and how cops WORKS for them.

However, the multiple confrontations between Bobby Simha and the criminal gang could've made crisper, the current version gives a lengthy feel to the film. Hope the team considers a re-edit to make the film racier.

Comparatively, Bobby Simha has given a better performance in Paambhu Sattai but the actor has a long way to go. It's a cake walk for Keerthy Suresh as she has got the tailor made homely girl role while Bhanu, Charlie, Guru Somasundaram have delivered their best.

Paambhu Sattai's another biggest strength is Ajeesh's music, be it songs or background score, the newcomer steals the show and KG Venkatesh's too has authentically captured the outskirts of Chennai city.

To conclude, Paambhu Sattai is definitely a better heroic film of Bobby Simha, a watchable action thriller!