Author Topic: ~ Interview ~  (Read 14298 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #75 on: February 04, 2013, 09:56:01 AM »
Dressing for an interview

The suit
A single-breasted suit is appropriate for all fields of employment. When wearing a single-breasted suit with more than two buttons, you may button all of the buttons-except the bottom button. Most suits come with pants that are pleated (some double or tripled). They should feel fuller through the thigh and should be worn at your waist, not on your hips.

The "break of the pants" is the distance between the ground and the hem-line of the pants. Typically this should be about 1.5 inches, but can vary depending on the style of pants and material.

Fabric & colour
Look for suits made of 100% "worsted" wool. Wool is a natural fiber that breathes, which means you'll be more comfortable, you'll perspire less and the fabric will travel well. Look for suit jackets that are fully lined and pants that are lined to the knee. Lining increases comfort and reduces wrinkling. Adding a crotch liner to your suit pants will reduce the abrasion between your thighs and the fabric. Crotch liners help your pants last longer.

Your first interview suit depends in large part on the type of job for which you're interviewing, but charcoal gray and navy blue are always appropriate. Whether pinstriped, plaid, solid, or herringbone, these colors always represent a professional look and are ideal for more conservative fields like accounting, law, and medicine. Two-button, vented, and softer shoulder garments in medium to dark tones are ideal for these types of interviews. Generally, you have more creative options for the color and style if you work in a more creative environment.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #76 on: February 04, 2013, 09:59:14 AM »
There are different types of interview styles including :

Mealtime Interviews:

Mealtime Interviews is an interviewee's worst nightmare.the interviewer will be assessing his social abilities and how he treats the host and the other guests as well as the serving staff so just a few pointers:

* you are the guest so wait to be asked to sit.
* choose manageable food items which are less extravagant than that of the host.
* remember all the table manners you mother taught you? well its time you apply those.
* thank the host for the meal.
* don't order any alcohols.

Follow-up Interviews:

follow up interviews are basically either to make sure you are the ideal candidate or they are having trouble deciding on a short list of candidates.
If they bring you more than once then you should start getting more information about the company culture and rules this is not to say that you are in,on the contrary they may be still deciding weather they need you or not so this may give you an edge.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #77 on: February 04, 2013, 10:01:14 AM »
How to have a good interview ?

Job Interviews can be very stressful, the idea of being examined by someone we have just met who doesn't know us and who will ultimately decide if we are accepted or not after meeting with us for an hour or so, meaning that we must be our best selves, answer questions, appear at ease, be witty and smart. This all cause the pressure to build up and the next thing you know you are having a panic attack right there in front of the guy or worse a heart attack! So, how can we go through an interview without making complete idiots of ourselves and land the job ?

Here are a few tips and advice on how to have the best interview you can:

1. You should be prepared.

There are some questions that you need to go to the interview knowing what your answer will be. For example a questions like where do you see yourself in 5 years or ten years? This is a very common question in an interview it tells the interviewer if you are ambitious or not .Therefore having an answer to these questions gives you the confidence while waiting to be interviewed and relief that you know the answer when asked.You should be prepared to talk about yourself and your achievements, in other words sell yourself. Also , you should a little bit about the company you are trying to be a part of.Do you want sample interview Questions for practice go to: Sample Questions and answers

2. Dress formal and look professional.
Your attire is very important its the first thing the interviewer notices about you so be clean neat and tidy. Not only that but it also can convey how serious you are about this job.Remember formal dress is the best attire for an interview, you should also keep in mind that fashion changes. For men,suits are the best clothing's for an interview even if the job is done in casual can never go wrong with a two piece matched suit.

As for women, skirted suits or pants suits are the safest and most professional attires but again keep in mind styles and trends and that you are trying to look professional so don't wear short skirts.It wont put you in the best look For both men and women however the most professional colors to wear are navy and dark gray. by the way suit will still be in fashion for about 5 years.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #78 on: February 09, 2013, 11:42:35 AM »
The Phone Interview ●►

For some, there is nothing more terrifying than an over-the-phone job interview. Unfortunately, they’re used more and more as a way to screen a large pool of candidates before deciding who to invite for an in-person meeting.

Phone interviews can be set up in advance, but they can also be completely spontaneous. At any point while you are job searching, a recruiter can call you up for a quick chat. But be forewarned – this quick chat is anything but. It may feel informal, but it’s still an interview.

How to Face It

First thing’s first — always be prepared! Since the phone interview can come at any time, have your desk set up accordingly. Tape up your resume and some bullet points of your accomplishments for quick reference. Have a pen and paper handy at all times. And if, as it turns out, the timing is bad or your location less than ideal, don’t be afraid to say so and reschedule. The last thing you want is to try and talk over a crying baby or while navigating through traffic.

If you’re lucky enough to have fair warning, it’s a good idea to get dressed for the interview – nothing will make you feel less professional than taking questions in your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajamas.

And remember, unlike an in-person interview, you can’t rely on body language to help carry your message or express enthusiasm. One way to overcome this is to stand up while you’re on the phone. Everyone speaks more confidently and clearly when they are standing. And smile. It sounds crazy, but people on the other end canhear you smiling.

Finally, don’t let a pause or awkward silence throw you off. They’re a natural part of conversation, albeit more noticeable over the phone. Your interviewer is probably just taking notes or preparing their next question. Don’t feel the need to fill the silence with a nervous giggle or pointless comment. If you are finished with your answer, wait patiently for the interviewer to pick up the conversation.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #79 on: February 09, 2013, 11:46:32 AM »
The Stress Interview●►

It’s just as it sounds: an interview designed to stress you out. The point? To see how you cope. The interviewer will try to intimidate by asking off the wall questions (like, “if you were an animal, which would you be?”). Or perhaps a panel of interviewers will greet you, firing questions at you in quick succession. They might make you wait for an hour before seeing you, give you the silent treatment, or respond to your answers with rudeness and/or mockery. If you’re really unlucky, they’ll use a combination of the aforementioned techniques.

It’s all part of a game to see just how much abuse you can withstand before you crack.

Although these types of interviews tend to be frowned upon by the experts, who claim they are not useful or fair, they continue to be used from time to time.

How to Face It

Stress interviews may be unfair, unrealistic or downright cruel. Unfortunately, they’re here to stay. And while you’re unlikely to experience the whole sadistic shebang, you may, at the very least, endure a few isolated stress questions.

The key to surviving this nightmare is to stay calm. And the first step to doing so is to recognize that you are in the midst of a stress interview. Instead of taking their ill-treatment personally, learn the rules of the game and play it well. Be firm about your main message is so that if you are asked a stress question, you’ll be less flustered and can quickly adapt an appropriate answer.

One way to prepare is to ask for an agenda beforehand. They can tell you how many people you’re going to meet on the day. They may even tell you what type of interview you’re going to experience.

And whatever you do, don’t get aggressive or argumentative. Be courteous and polite, even if no one else is.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #80 on: February 09, 2013, 11:51:58 AM »
The Behavioral Interview ●►

The behavioral interview assumes that the most accurate indicator of future success is past performance in a similar situation. The interviewer will have in mind a set of skills they’re looking for in a candidate, and will assess whether or not you have said skills based on how you’ve demonstrated them in the past.

So instead of asking more general questions, like “Why do you want to work in this industry?”, someone conducting a behavioral interview will say “Give an example of when you faced XYZ situation.” Once you’ve answered the initial question, they’ll probe further, asking you how you felt, what you said, what you did and what the final outcome was.

How to Face It

The behavioral interview is growing more and more common, so it’s essential you learn how to prepare for it.

At first, it may seem an impossible task. After all, there’s no telling what specific scenarios an interviewer might ask you to describe. But don’t fret. By preparing – in detail – a few stories from your professional experience, you can likely adapt one of them to any question they throw at you. Think of instances where you overcame a challenge, performed memorably, and motivated yourself and others.

For each story, be prepared to address the following points:

• The situation
• What actions you took
• How it made you feel
• What you learned

And the more familiar you are with the job description, the better your chances for success. By looking at what qualities they’re looking for in a candidate, you may be able to predict what type of questions they’ll ask.

Whatever you do, don’t lie or give an overly vague response. Behavioral interviews are especially useful at exposing made-up answers – which is one reason employers like them. Make sure you know what you’re talking about and that you’re ready to provide more detail if necessary.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #81 on: February 09, 2013, 11:55:54 AM »
The Traditional Interview●►

You know this interview. I know this interview. We’ve done it a million times. So why are we still so afraid of it?

Interviews — no matter their style — are always tough. With traditional interviews, you need to be able to answer broad-based questions in a very specific, personalized way. And to sound sincere while doing so.

You’ll face questions like, “Why do you want to work here?” and “Tell us about yourself.” The interviewer’s goal is to identify your skills, experience and enthusiasm for the job.

The interviewer will closely follow your resume structure. He or she will probe you about the experience, education and achievements listed.

How to Face It

Practice, practice, practice!

Look up some of the most common questions from traditional interviews, and write down your answers. And keep in mind that if ever you’re faced with a question that is too broad, ask for clarification. For example, if the question is “Tell us about yourself,” it’s perfectly fair for you to reply with “What about me do you want to know?”

Often, it’s helpful to practice your answers out loud. Find a friend who’s willing to play “interviewer” and go through a mock interview from beginning to end.

Know your resume inside out. Think hard about the accomplishments you list, and be prepared to express what you learned through each.

And as with all interviews, prepare a handful of examples to back up every skill or quality your claim to possess. Real life examples make the difference between a vague, fluffy, might-as-well-be-made-up answer, and the winning response that gets you the job.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #82 on: February 09, 2013, 11:58:54 AM »
How to prepared for your job interview ●►

Being prepared and ready is important for a job interview. A job interview lets your potential employer know if you are the right person they are seeking for the job. Being unprepared can cost you your chances of getting that job you want. Always have you resume with you when you are going to a job interview and make sure you are dressed appropriately. Here are some tips on making that job interview much less stressful:

●►Be Prepared

Be prepared for your job interview. Practice answering questions you think the employer will ask. Do some research about the company you are applying for. The more information you bring into the interview the better off you are which will help alleviate the stress that is accustomed during this process. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your past experience.

●►Be on time

Being on time for a job interview is extremely important. If you are late this first thing the employer will think is what kind of work habits you have. Try to come early for your job interview at least 15-20 minutes. This shows the employer that you are dedicated and have good work habits. The last thing an employer wants to do is hire a problem employee.


How you are dressed is extremely important. This doesn't necessary mean you have to wear a tie but dress pants with a nice dress-shirt is something that I would recommend. Do not wear your jeans and casual shirts to a job interview. You will be judged on how you present yourself not only by what you wear but how you act as well. Try to remain calm and focused and looking at the employer in the eyes is recommended but do not stare. Never lie during your interview if you don't know the answer then be honest.

●►Ask Questions

During an interview you usually are the one answering questions but do not hesitate to ask questions as well. By asking relevant questions about the job position this indicates to the employer that you are inquisitive about this position which helps strengthen your chances. Do not ask lots of questions but ask relevant questions during the process.

●►Be Positive

This is extremely important to have because many people walk in during an interview thinking they will not get the job. Try to be yourself and answer all questions promptly in a positive fashion. Remember to smile as well. A positive employee is generally a good employee.

●►Closing the Interview

If you are interested in the position then let them know. Do not over stay your welcome as this will impact negatively on your interview. Thank them for your time and shake their hand. Be prepared to offer references to the employer. Remain positive during the whole process.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #83 on: February 09, 2013, 12:00:55 PM »
How To Combat Interview Nervousness

Your Interview Checklist

There are a few things you should do before going on a job interview. To begin with, conduct research on the company. Study the company's history, their products, and the services they offer. Learn how you can fit into their organization, and visualize the types of questions you could be asked.

If possible, ask a friend or other experienced person to conduct a mock interview to help you prepare. Also, prepare an honest resume. You'll need to highlight your skills and experiences and mention your academic qualifications.

Have your resume, pen and paper together in a briefcase or folder and keep a handkerchief in your pocket just in case you need it. Get a good night's sleep before the interview so that you are fresh and alert.

Enjoy The Interview Experience

Think positively when entering the interview room. Even if you do not get the job, think of it as a learning experience - it is natural to go through a number of job interviews before you land a job.

Even if you have had a negative experience during a particular interview, do not get depressed, just learn from it and move on. Keep your mind fresh and focused on the questions that are being asked. Do not try to bluff your way out of questions you are not sure how to answer. Be honest.

Attending interviews (and doing well!) is a mind game. Keep yourself calm and focused and you will be fine. You can do it

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2013, 12:07:19 PM »
The Perfect Interview attire

How to dress for an interview is a subjective process. As for anything subjective, "good judgment" is important. There is a lot of information on the Web suggesting what to wear for interviews, going from general guidelines to comments regarding specific items of clothing. Consider the advice that is being given, but decide for yourself.

We are all unique and whether we like it or not, what we wear should reflect the person that we are if we want to remain true to ourselves. It is all about displaying an image that we feel comfortable with.
Notwithstanding the above, first impressions do matter. Before the interviewer even gets a chance to talk to you, he will see you. You want to look presentable, professional, and competent.

Looking professional is important, especially for jobs that require client interaction. Looking professional not only affects the person who sees you, but also impacts the way you feel about yourself. "Self-esteem" is key to being confident and "looks" do matter.
Key considerations to keep in mind:

Dress according to the organization, although you should always err on the side of caution (being overly formal is usually better than the reverse and dressing conservatively is usually better than trying to make a fashion statement).

Wear comfortable clothes so you can focus on your conversation with the interviewer, instead of trying to put yourself at ease. The key idea is for you to be able to forget about what you are wearing once the interview starts and focus solely on answering questions correctly.

Avoid too many accessories and try to have a clean look. You don't want to look clumsy or lose things because you are distracted. Yes, Interview Day can be stressful!

Pay attention to the weather. On a rainy day, you don't want to arrive at the interview all wet. On a snowy day, you don't want your pants to have stains from dirty snow. In that regard, weather might dictate how you decide to go to the interview. Taking a taxi and avoiding public transportation might be worth it.

Remember, you want to look professional; yet, you want the interviewer to remember you based on the substance of your answers. Your attire should only play a "supporting role."

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #85 on: March 13, 2013, 07:25:21 PM »
●► Human Resource (HR) Interview Tips

HR Interviews can be a source of stress and anxiety when you are looking for a job. HR interview is your chance to make a good impression on your potential employer and ultimately, get the job. How you present yourself, what you wear, how you answer difficult questions and your general attitude all play key roles in HR interviews. Being prepared is the best way to gain employment in today’s competitive job market. Knowing relevant information about the company you are interviewing for, knowledge of the job and the industry surrounding the job can make or break an interview.

All interviews are not the same and HR interviews are often times a screening process that can earn you a follow-up or selection interview within the company. If an individual passes the selection interview, he may be required to participate in a group interview for final analysis. The key to success in HR interviews is to be yourself while respecting your employer.

Following are some HR interview tips:-

Be prepared
Preparation boosts confidence. Practice with your friends or relatives. Remember that everyone who is interviewing is not necessarily a good interviewer.You may prepare by reviewing magazine and newspaper articles.You may check out their web site. Read your resume before your interview. It will keep your answers fresh.

Be on time
Find out the location of organization. Arrive 5-10 minutes early. Arriving early will give you the opportunity to read some information on the company in the reception area.

Dress to impress
Professional look always helps for good impression. Be careful about your dressing. Decide what you are going to wear the night before to avoid making the wrong choices.

Be polite
Do not interrupt to the interviewer. Listen carefully to the questions being asked and then anticipate. If the interview is being conducted in a restaurant, mind your table manners. If the interviewers are serious and soft-spoken, then you should be same as interviewee. Avoid loud laughter during the interview.

Be positive and smile
Keep in mind that there is only one chance to make a first impression. Every company wants employees who are goal-oriented, career-driven, enthusiastic and motivated. Be the employee as they want. End the interview on a positive note. The hiring official needs to know that you are interested, enthusiastic and excited about the position and the company.

Don’t discuss pay too early
Questions about pay in the first interview from anyone other than a temporary applicant are always bothersome. Unless the subject comes up, don’t wade into the issue of the pay in the first interview.

Talk technically to techies only
Feel free to discuss what you know, but remember: If you are talking to a nontechnical manager or human resources representative, you are not going to impress them with talk about life in the trenches. Answer questions about your education and work briefly and keep the tech comments to a minimum until you know the history of the company and the people involved in the hiring process. If you have questions about the technology in use at the site, keep your questions specific and relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Keep your philosophy to yourself
If you hate Bill Gates, Windows XP, and the whole Office Suite, keep it to yourself. Ranting about your tech philosophy can ruin your chances at the position. If you are asked about how you feel about a product/company, be honest, but don’t preach. The interviewer probably just wants to see how you respond to such questions.

Electronic interruption: Not welcomed
Cellular phone etiquette might seem a trivial thing to those that are hooked up, but you can kiss any job opportunity goodbye if you interrupt an interview to take a telephone call, especially if the human resources representative has a low tolerance for personal digital devices. Store your electronic devices in pocket, purse, or briefcase. If you can’t spare the time away from the rest of the world to do an interview, why are you applying for the job?

Remember to say thank you
Beyond thanking your interviewers for their time as you leave, it’s vital that you follow up in written form. If the competition for a position is tight, a follow-up thank you note can mean a lot. If the manager is slow to hire, the arrival of a thank-you note can serve as a reminder about the candidate who’s awaiting the manager’s next move. Just after you have completed the interview, take note of anything specific you discussed and make a point of referencing it in your thank you letter.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #86 on: August 11, 2013, 04:56:42 PM »
Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

“When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.”
- Jack Handy

With the sorry state of today’s economy, more and more men are finding themselves on the lookout for new career opportunities. Unfortunately, landing a new and desirable job is easier said than done. In addition to needing a stellar resume, you also have to beat out a rising tide of qualified candidates in the dreaded interview process. Luckily for you, we can help. Learn hw to land a new position by reading our comprehensive list of the top 10 job interview mistakes.

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #87 on: August 11, 2013, 05:05:52 PM »
Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

1. Arriving Late

A job interview isn’t a party, so arriving casually late won’t score you any points. Make sure to show up 10-15 minutes in advance and notify a receptionist upon your arrival. Getting to your interview early will allow you to familiarize yourself with a foreign environment, and if you’re lucky, the waiting room may even have magazines from this decade.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:56:39 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #88 on: August 11, 2013, 05:11:44 PM »
Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

2. Being overly Modest

Modesty may be a virtue, but it won’t help you land a job. Your interview is the chance for you to shine, so shelve your humility and highlight your strengths and accomplishments -- just make sure to focus on those accomplishments that are most relevant to the position for which you’re applying. After all, the interviewer probably doesn’t have to know about your ability to shotgun a dozen beers or the fact that you’re the state’s largest owner of Michael Bolton memorabilia.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:56:59 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ~ Interview ~
« Reply #89 on: August 11, 2013, 05:58:31 PM »
Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

3. Rushing the Interview

Only a small percentage of candidates ever make it to the interview stage, so try to relax and enjoy the ride. Be prepared to be grilled for up to an hour and avoid glancing at your watch or asking how long the interview will last, since it gives the impression that you're late for a far more important date.