Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥  (Read 33122 times)

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #75 on: April 05, 2018, 09:31:10 AM »
Here’s What It Takes To Burn Off The Calories In Junk Food

“Just one unhealthy meal won’t hurt, right?” If you’re like most people, this thought has crossed your mind even on a strict diet. Maybe it was a late night when only McDonald’s was open, or when that slice of cake just looked too good to pass up.

But is one burger really harmless? While it won’t completely ruin your diet, it may be more calories than you bargained for. In today’s infographic, we’re looking at how much it takes to work off various foods. In a can of cola, there are only approximately 140 calories, which is less than 10% of an average person’s daily caloric intake (roughly 2,000 calories). Just to burn off one cola, you would need to run a whopping 1.2 miles! If you have a Big Mac with your drink, you’d have to run a total of 6.2 miles to work off the calories, the equivalent of running two 5k races.

Although calorie-rich foods were great for our ancestors, who needed the energy to hunt and gather their meals, it’s a bit different today. When you can buy meals with thousands of calories without realizing it, you have to exercise discipline if you want to stay healthy.To take the first step towards a healthier diet, learn how to break bad eating habits.

As they say, everything in moderation, including moderation. Even though you may have to spend a bit more time in the gym because of that burger, it’s definitely worth it for the occasional treat.

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #76 on: April 06, 2018, 07:54:28 AM »
This Is How Americans Spend Their Tax Refunds

The U.S. federal income tax rate averages 26 percent, and the average American is on the hook for $8,500 a year in federal income tax. But how did taxes originate, and what do we do with our tax refunds?

The first personal income tax in the U.S. was introduced in 1861 to recover debt the federal government accrued during the Civil War. At the time, the U.S. government made its citizens pay 3 percent on any income over $800. Today, Americans who make more than $10,400 have to pay taxes, and the average citizen receives a tax refund in the range of $2,700 after filing.

Those folks lucky enough to receive a refund use the money to pay off debt or they put it into a savings account. Others put it towards buying an experience, use it for a down payment on large purchase such as a house, car, or boat, or spend it on a luxury technology item like a new computer.

Relatively speaking, U.S. citizens pay a smaller percentage of federal income taxes than other advanced economies. French citizens pay a whopping 46 percent of their income to the government, and Belgium pays 48 percent, which is why these countries have the highest tax burdens in Europe.

In total, U.S. citizens pay about $3.46 trillion in taxes. With a federal budget of nearly $4 trillion, and a national debt that is more than $20 trillion and growing at a rate of $6,000 per second, the money the government receives from U.S. citizens is sorely needed. Even if you aren’t excited about paying taxes, you may have money coming your way soon.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #77 on: April 07, 2018, 08:19:29 AM »
9 Work-Life Balance Tips For Busy Parents

Most parents work outside of the household, and for many of them, it’s difficult to find that delicate work-life balance.  How can you make a living and have a successful career while still taking care of your children and spending quality time with them?

I don’t have all the answers, but this infographic can come in handy if you’re stressing out about your kids and succeeding at work.

Taking care of children is one of the most rewarding and tiring activities around, and the only thing you can do as a parent is prepare as much as you can. Start by assessing your current situation, and then put together a plan to give work and your family the attention they both deserve.

Mornings are usually the busiest time of day for those with kids, so make breakfast and lunch the night before. Prepping meals and having lunches packed can help you drop off the kids at school and still make it to that 9 a.m. meeting.

If you simply struggle to find time and can’t make any concessions, why don’t you take advantage of the Internet? There are retailers that allow you online and pick-up in-store, or you can pay bills and run bank-related errands from the comfort of your own living room. Regardless of your struggles as a working parent, you’ve got this.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #78 on: April 08, 2018, 11:36:05 AM »
Will The 2018 World Cup Involve Corruption?

If you follow soccer, you know about FIFA, the scandal-laden organization in charge of the World Cup. Over the years, FIFA officials have been found to take bribes, and former president Sepp Blatter

stepped down in 2015 to show FIFA has turned over a new leaf.  But is the once corrupt organization really clean now?

The selection of World Cup host countries is one of the main causes of suspicion toward FIFA.  According to the organization, the voting criteria for consists of factors like infrastructure, transport, passion of fans, and presentation.

In almost every category, Russia falls short to other candidates. Note that this infographic was made in the UK, so the charts may be a little biased, but Russia is indeed lacking in infrastructure and has faced scandals for doping athletes. Based on the criteria FIFA claims use to select the host country, other countries may have been a better fit. However, nations like England only got 2 out of 22 votes. When you consider that Qatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup and has been accused of treating World Cup workers like slaves, things seem even dicier.

Based on this information, it may be possible that FIFA uses different criteria than they claim they do. Perhaps they haven’t changed their ways, and there’s still bribes and money involved in the selection process, or perhaps they just aren’t letting us in on their secrets.

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #79 on: April 10, 2018, 07:21:15 AM »
MSG: Killer Chemical or Harmless Ingredient?

Many restaurants and manufacturers have come under fire for using a chemical called MSG, or Monosodium glutamate, in their food. People have reported symptoms like headaches, nausea and even heart palpitations.  But is MSG really as dangerous as people make it out to be? Let’s dive into the science.

It turns out that glutamate occurs naturally in many foods. Tomatoes, parmesan, mushrooms, soy sauce, and potatoes all contain natural glutamate, and none are known as unhealthy foods. Because natural glutamate is in a number of foods which aren’t considered harmful, it can be concluded that naturally occurring glutamate is safe to eat. In fact, we consume about 20 to 40 times more natural glutamate than MSG.

But what about MSG? Is it bad for you? Based on the science we have right now, the answer is probably not. At the molecular level, there appears to be no chemical difference between natural glutamate and the glutamate in MSG. Additionally, scientific studies conducted on MSG provide insufficient evidence of negative symptoms.

While science has not come up with sufficient evidence to prove MSG is safe or dangerous, there are many other foods that have been proven dangerous and even deadly in some cases.

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2018, 08:06:52 AM »
Can Trading Make You Rich?

Trading stocks can give you an opportunity to become an expert on financial markets while making a profit at the same time. But how much money can you really make?First things first. Trading means understanding market cycles and different types of assets, like stocks and bonds. Day trading, which is basically buying and selling stock on the same day, or even several times in a single day, can be even riskier business.

The richest traders in the world are worth billions of dollars, as shown by this infographic. Consider James Harris Simons, who’s worth a whopping $18.5 billion dollars.

While it sounds great to sit at a computer and make money with a few clicks, trading isn’t easy, and doing this for a long period of time can be difficult.  If you’re not sure what you’re doing, it’s not worth it..  Trade impulsively and you could be looking at some serious money issues.

If you want to dip your toes in the markets without losing your whole paycheck in the process, make sure you do your homework first: Follow some financial market veterans, stay posted on the news, and analyze the companies you’re investing in.

In the end, trading is about ability and experience rather than luck, so be aware of the risks before you jump in. But once you get the hang of it, you could make some extra cash.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2018, 08:26:54 AM »
The Evolution Of Communication From 30,000 B.C.

It’s hard to fathom a time without the Internet or cellphones. But humans have spent most of our existence communicating without fancy technology.
From documenting history with cave paintings to using carrier pigeons and western ponies, we’ve always tried to connect with others. Ultimately, communication has helped us always helped us invent, problem solve, write books and connect with our loved ones.

It’s amazing how far we’ve come: Did you know that the earliest forms of communication date back to 30,000 BC? It seems primitive compared to today’s smartphones, but petroglyphs are actually pretty impressive. Different cultures also use different means of communicating. Some Native American tribes used smoke signals to communicate with each other, while ancient China used the smoke to send messages along the Great Wall of China.

Things have moved at breakneck speed in the last two centuries, especially compared to how long it took our ancestors to innovate. In about 150 years, we’ve jumped from written letters to phone calls to text message to mostly communicating online. The future looks bright, especially because scientists are constantly innovating. I don’t know about you, but I’m incredibly excited about virtual reality and AI. What are you most excited to witness next?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #82 on: April 13, 2018, 09:30:59 AM »
The Disturbing Truth About Animal Cruelty In The Beauty Industry

When you’re picking out a new tube of mascara, you likely aren’t giving much thought to its ingredients. But there’s a disturbing truth about animal cruelty and the beauty industry that many consumers may not be aware of.

Many cosmetic brands claim to be cruelty-free yet derive ingredients from animal products. For example, stearic acid is an ingredient found in cleansing agents and emulsifiers. This is extracted from the fat of animals who were likely slaughtered.

Bee byproducts are also often used by makeup companies. Beeswax and honey are two very common ingredients in emulsifiers, emollients, moisturizers and soothing agents, all of which are common in any makeup cabinet. Other insects are also used for polishes, lacquers and colorant.

Hair and skin conditioners use animal products quite a bit, according to today’s infographic — whether it’s lanolin, keratin, lactoferrin, or squalene, you’re likely using animal products daily without realizes it. Lanolin comes from sheep’s wool and is used in cosmetics. Keratin is obtained from “ground horns, hooves, claws,” and it’s often advertised as a way to strengthen your hair. If you’re concerned about the products you’re putting on your face, read the label before buying.

By Mallory

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2018, 08:20:22 AM »
The Psychology Behind Getting Millennials To Love Your Brand

With their craft beers, hipster clothing, and crypto-currencies, millennials can be difficult to understand.  Many business owners are wondering how to attract young customers because

millennials make up a huge demographic that no business can afford to miss out on.  To understand how to successfully market to millennials, one must first get to know the habits and personalities of the under-30 crowd. Millennials are on the Internet more than any other generation and use TV and radio less. As a result of spending so much time online, millennials generally value online interaction, tech-savviness and convenience.

According to this infographic, 89 percent of millennials are on social media, and even that percentage seems a little low. Companies like TOMS have taken advantage of this by creating impressive social media presences and associating their brand with a philanthropic cause.

Almost all millennials own computers and smartphones, and most millennials are tech literate. They like to be able to access information on any device, so businesses must have mobile-friendly websites and shop pages.

Now that you know how to market to millennials, you can get improve your social media business strategy!

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #84 on: April 15, 2018, 11:29:52 AM »
These Countries Censor Websites Like Facebook And YouTube

Internet censorship is something most of us are familiar with, but it might come as a surprise that the United Kingdom and Germany both censor content.

Iran, China, and North Korea block websites like Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. It’s not shocking that these nations censor content, but why are seemingly laidback countries like Germany and the United Kingdom dictating what people can view?

British citizens enjoy the freedom of expression under both common and domestic law, but there are sweeping exceptions. The UK says it represses Internet use in their country for national security reasons. In other words, the British government says they filter information to fight terrorism and crime. In fact, the UK is listed as an “Enemy of the Internet” among countries like Russia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia by Reporters Without Borders, a nonprofit organization that promotes freedom of information.

In Germany, websites are filtered to control the spread of hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence. In 2017, the German government passed a law that forced Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to remove hate speech within 24 hours of its posting, or face a fine of $57 million. It is up to you to decide whether this is fair and necessary or a violation of your rights.

By Robin

« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 11:32:10 AM by MysteRy »

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #85 on: April 16, 2018, 11:10:26 AM »
Making Bad Decisions? Cognitive Biases May Be To Blame

By Aden

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #86 on: April 17, 2018, 08:08:24 AM »
This Is How Brexit Might Be Implemented In Britain

If you’ve been living under a rock for the last two years, I’ve got some news for you, and you may want to sit down. In a move that shocked the rest of the world, Britain voted itself out of the European Union in June 2016. Even if you’re news literate, you still may not know how Brexit could affect you.

First, let’s familiarize ourselves with what Brexit is all about and the concerns people have. From foreign workers worried about keeping their jobs to the weakness of the British Pound against other currencies, the potential effects are far-reaching. But more importantly, how exactly will Brexit happen?

If you look at this infographic, you’ll see choices that sound like ways you might cook an egg. “Hard Brexit,” “Soft Brexit,” “Swiss Brexit” – these are meal options, no? The names may sound silly, but these are the different ways Britain might separate from the rest of the European Union.

If this is all too hard to swallow, let this infographic help provide a little clarity and information about what Brexit will actually look like and how it may affect you. It may make vacations slightly harder, but holiday travel in Europe is still going to boom.

By Aden

« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 08:10:41 AM by MysteRy »

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #87 on: April 18, 2018, 08:59:12 AM »
Feel More Inspired At Work By Changing Up Your Office

Already ready for the weekend? If you don’t feel passionate about your job, you’re in good company — it can happen when you get bored or tired of the work you’re doing.

But if you aren’t ready to leave yet, you can make changes to your workspace to feel more inspired while at work. More companies are hiring designers who decorate offices with colors and furniture that cheers up employees. We all know we’re more productive when we’re feeling relaxed and at peace with our environment.

Take a look at today’s infographic and see what you can do to transform your workplace into a creative, inspiring place. For example, some simple pops of color on the walls could turn your mood around. And if you’re stuck in a cubicle and your office has a lounge or break room, use it! It’s been scientifically proven that taking short breaks in the middle of the workday increases productivity.

Small details like adding a couple of pots with cute plants and flowers and making sure your workplace is quiet enough to concentrate can also make your day more enjoyable. Some changes might not be possible without your employer’s consent, but look at it this way: You have some suggestions the next time you’re asked for your opinion!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #88 on: April 29, 2018, 11:41:39 AM »
How Amazon Makes Its Money

When we think of e-commerce success, our mind goes automatically to Amazon self-built empire. But is that really so?
As an Amazon customer myself, I know they make tons of money on a daily basis, but I’m really curious to see exactly where does that money come from. Apparently, it’s not only coming from my Prime subscription!

Amazon is worth an incredible 427 billion US dollars, almost double of Walmart’s net worth and a world away from Macy’s, Target and other regular retailers. More so, Amazon’s market reign will only grow: by 2021, the business will have grown around 50%.

it wasn’t always this good for the business: Amazon has long been maligned for its inability to produce money. In 2012 and 2014, Amazon had constant negative net profits, even after selling A LOT of stuff. Why is this? To put it shortly, retail isn’t a very profitable niche, and with all the shipping, warehouses and buying, money goes down the drain quickly.

In 2017, Amazon turned a corner, showing that it had 10 quarters in a row of sustained growth and positive net worth. How did they do it? By expanding to the non-retailer business. Amazon Web Services (AWS for short) are now the company’s biggest money-making branch, and while they sell online 24/7, web hosting is all profit and no loss.

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #89 on: April 30, 2018, 09:24:11 AM »
Why Retirement Isn’t Always Relaxing

Some say that golf is a good walk ruined, but any popular golf club will likely have its fair share of retirees enjoying themselves. You may look on with envy, but retirement isn’t always as leisurely as we may expect.

According to today’s infographic, 3 out of 4 retirees don’t receive money from a pension fund, and nearly half leave the workplace earlier than expected.

 Retirement can be a difficult reality for many people. We might dream of traveling the world in our golden years, whether it’s cruising around the Caribbean or touring Europe. Of course, we’ll want to leave our estates to our families. But for many baby boomers, just getting through retirement is a struggle.

If your lifelong job has ended unexpectedly and sent you into early retirement, your retired years may not be as relaxing as you expected. There’s good news, though: preparing for retirement and being ready for any unwelcome surprises is a surefire way to make sure you don’t hit any wild bumps in the road.

If you’re planning a retirement and open to living abroad, our infographic on cheap places to retire gives you the scoop on the most cost-effective way to stop working.

By Aden