Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥  (Read 33069 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #90 on: May 01, 2018, 08:25:27 AM »
Dog Camping Checklist

When it comes to getting in touch with the great outdoors, there is no better companion and camping buddy than your trusted best friend.  Dogs love the outdoors.   They do however need our special love and support to keep them fed, safe and comfortable during your outdoor expeditions together.  You’ll probably want to postpone camping until after you’ve successfully introduced them to your home.

Food and water are two of the most essential items that your hound is going to need on a daily basis. Maybe not so much the water as you are bound to comes across some streams, rivers and ponds that are going to be a welcome relief for both you and your dog..

Keeping your dog warm at night, considering that he may have been in the river late in the day, is something that needs to be taken into careful consideration. Having a dog towel to dry your dog, and a nice warm bed for them to sleep in is going to do them, and you, the world of good. Nobody likes a cold night’s sleep.  This actually got me searching dog beds, which is a whole new rabbit hole.  I was not aware that orthopedic memory foam dog beds existed!   This one’s just a travel bed:

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #91 on: May 02, 2018, 08:14:10 AM »
Startling Facts About Fatal Car Accidents In The U.S.

In the United States, about 102 people die every day on our roadways. That’s more than four fatalities an hour, which is a sobering thought.  In South Carolina alone, someone dies every nine hours in a traffic collision. To stay safe while driving, you should be aware of the most common causes of car crashes. Those include driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, following vehicles too closely, failure to yield to oncoming traffic, disregarding traffic signals and signs, and driving recklessly when the road is slippery or iced over. Unfortunately, distracted driving is also a cause of deaths.

With 15,900 accidents occurring daily on American roads, and with most occurring during commute times in favorable weather conditions, it is crucial to stay vigilant. Public transportation is also an option. It’s 60 times safer to ride the bus than it is to drive your own vehicle.

Human error contributes to 90 percent of vehicle crashes, and texting while driving makes it 23 times more likely to get in an accident. Driving under the influence is also a dangerous decision. Beyond the danger that it brings with arrests and legal fees, alcohol causes one on every three motor vehicle deaths.   Stay buckled and stay alert.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #92 on: May 03, 2018, 10:01:37 AM »
Everything You Need To Know About Reddit

Everybody has heard of Reddit, the sixth most popular website in the world. But if you somehow haven’t, here’s an explainer: It’s a place filled with both brilliant and awkward discussion boards, and it somehowbecame the front page of the internet. If you’re looking for any breaking news, good or bad, you should check Reddit first — most news breaks there first. Furthermore, Reddit is the reason why cats rule the internet, why videos become viral, but most importantly, why many key issues are discussed online.

While Reddit is a huge community with millions of users, there was a time when it wasn’t as popular. In fact, the history of Reddit is quite fascinating. It was created by two college roommates and grew into a massive platform that was acquired by Conde Nast for $20 million. Reddit faced a lot of challenges to get to where it is today.

For example, in the early days of Reddit, those college roommate founders, Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, had to create fake accounts and post phony comments to drive up traffic. You can find numbers, data and many other facts (109 other ones, to be precise) in this infographic about our favorite news aggregation platform and place to discuss obscure facts. Enjoy.

By Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #93 on: May 04, 2018, 11:02:03 AM »
How To Calculate Your Freelance Hourly Rate

So you’ve decided to take the leap and become a full-time freelancer. Here’s how to figure out how to charge what you’re actually worth and earn the money you deserve.
Most people start freelancing as a way to make some extra income. Maybe you want to pay for a vacation, buy a fancy piece of tech or start paying off those burdensome student loans. Freelancing offers a fantastic way to earn some money on the side.

Whatever the reason, you may have more luck with freelancing than you expect. It might only take a few months f0r you to realize that freelancing can become a full-time job with even more job security than your 9-to-5 gig. You work fewer hours per week, you control your hours and you can even charge a little bit more than your current salary.

But transitioning from a side hustle to full-fledged income can be hard. In fact, there are some upfront investments you might not even be aware of, from a stronger internet connection to marketing and networking fees. The first step towards financial independence through freelancing is setting the right hourly rate.

Choosing the right rate will make it easier to achieve your target salary while also considering other expenses you might not think of when quitting your job. Check out today’s infographic to choose the right rate for your business.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #94 on: May 05, 2018, 07:50:47 AM »
Amazing Animals & Their Sleep Habits

Imagine this: You go to your a zoo to see your favorite animal, but they’re asleep in their enclosure. Well, there might be a specific reason why this animal is asleep. Certain animals have specific sleeping patterns that are beneficial to them, and today’s infographic gives you the reason behind it.

Some animals have a particular routine that they follow when they sleep. For example, sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don’t drift apart. They like to be together, and holding hands allows them to feel safe and secure. On the opposite side of the spectrum, giraffes barely sleep. They are constantly on alert for predators, so they go without sleep for weeks on end.

As you may know, some animals partake in hibernation. Hibernation is when an animal goes into a deep sleep for the winter season. Did you know that there is more to hibernation than just sleep? Animals are going through physical changes while in hibernation such as a decrease in body temperature.

I hope I didn’t make you sleepy while you read this, but now you have a further understanding of why certain animals sleep as often as they do. If you’ve been having a rough time hitting the hay, use these tips and tricks for a sleepless night to help you out.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2018, 09:34:22 AM »
14 Corporations That Dominate the Global Auto Industry

If you’re going shopping for a car, you’ll likely see dozens of companies competing for your business. But you may not have realized that the vast majority of these brands are in fact owned by a handful of large corporations. There are only a few independent car manufacturers, and those that do exist struggle to stay afloat. When faced with the choice of shutting their doors or joining one of the world’s large automobile conglomerates, it shouldn’t be a surprise that most choose the latter.

Doing so comes with perks: Large companies share research and development costs amongst their various brands, bringing total expenses down. The different brands can also share facilities, structural components, logistics, streamlining production and increasing profits.

Bringing these brands together under a few corporate umbrellas has its drawbacks, the most significant of which is the elimination of competition, which stifles innovation. This leaves consumers with products that are sometimes difficult to differentiate, and can create a kind of internal competition that helps some of the corporation’s brands while hurting others.

What will happen when self-driving cars take over? As this fascinating infographic demonstrates, a lot of things will change. Take a look for yourself.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #96 on: May 07, 2018, 08:40:00 AM »
Will Online Shopping Kill Brick And Mortar Stores?

Once Amazon announced that it would purchase grocery retailer Whole Foods, many people speculated that e-commerce was starting to dominate brick and mortar stores. But is that true?

With the increasing popularity of online buying and selling, brick and mortar stores might like their days are numbered, but this might not be the case. In the U.S., in-store sales remain around 10 times more common than online transactions. On the other hand, online shopping has grown around three times faster, so traditional stores might fall behind in a short time.

But should physical storefronts start to worry? Stats show that slightly more than half of Americans prefer shopping online rather than in-store, and 67 percent of millennials and 56 percent of Gen Xers would rather shop online than in-store.

But could we really shop for everything online? Personally, I don’t think I could buy a car without seeing it in person! People like shopping in-store mainly because they can see and touch items first, while some items lend themselves better to e-commerce.

The takeaway from this infographic? Brick and mortar stores aren’t necessarily doomed, people would rather try things on and see them in person before purchasing, and the convenience of 24/7 shopping isn’t relevant when it’s time to make a big purchase you need to see in person.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #97 on: May 08, 2018, 08:02:21 AM »
How To Order Like A Pro At A Coffee Shop

We all know the fear that comes with trying to figure out what you want from a huge, unfamiliar menu. This is especially true for me when it comes to coffee shops because so many of the terms are unfamiliar and confusing. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed and too nervous to ask a barista for help, look no further than this infographic.

The difference between light and dark roast isn’t related to caffeine. It’s about the taste. Light roast is sweeter, whereas dark roast is more bitter. Each flavor profile is developed by roasting coffee beans at different time intervals and temperatures.

Two common coffee terms are drip and espresso. Espresso has a higher concentration of caffeine due to its method of preparation. Espresso is made by “forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee,” while drip coffee is made by filtering boiling water through medium-coarse coffee grounds.

So let’s get to ordering. What’s the difference between a café latte and cappuccino? A latte is creamier with only a small amount of foam compared to a cappuccino. Generally, a cappuccino has less steamed milk and more foam on top. A café latte is essentially the same thing as a café au lait, but a café au lait is made with drip coffee instead of espresso. Keep calm and sip on, my friend. You’re basically an expert on coffee now.

By Mallory

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #98 on: May 11, 2018, 01:00:37 PM »
This Is What Generation Z Thinks About

It’s a great time to be a millennial. We live on avocado toast, will probably never own homes, and know that the only way our student loans will disappear is when we eventually die, although we don’t have retirement plans.

Not all of that is true, of course. After all, we’re happy, environmentally conscious and driven by our creative spirits. We also operate in a world where hindsight is 20/20, and Generation Z is doing a better job than we are. A Gen Zer is someone between 14 and 21 years old, and they’re learning from our mistakes and and living their best lives as a result.

They’re already better with money than us. According to today’s infographic, this generation has enough in savings to make most of us jealous, and they also have better relationships with their parents than millennials. But we can comfort ourselves with the knowledge that we taught our younger siblings why it’s important to be politically aware and nice to Mom and Dad. And who knows if they’d have the pleasure of the pumpkin spice latte without us?

Us millennials were the trailblazers and Generation Z is just reaping the benefits. Or at least that’s what I tell myself from my studio apartments. Save us, Gen Z! We’ve got something for every generation:

By Aden[color]

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #99 on: May 12, 2018, 08:18:22 AM »
This Is How Much Sleep You Need To Be Healthy

Humans spend, on average, one-third of our lives sleeping. So what exactly are our minds and bodies doing during that time? How much sleep do we need to be healthy?

Most adults only need seven to eight hours of sleep, but teenagers should get around nine hours nightly. In comparison, infants need an average of 16 hours each day. Although you may think your body will adapt to less sleep, science shows that your body will still show effects of sleep deprivation.

The more sleep you lose, the more sleep you’ll need in the following days. You become indebted as you lose sleep, and the worse your sleep “debt” is, the worse your symptoms will be. In fact, sleep-deprived individuals are at higher risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. According to research conducted by the University of Chicago, individuals who slept less than 4 hours each night had higher blood pressure and stress levels. They also showed symptoms of insulin resistance and developed fewer antibodies to protect themselves from the flu. All of these signs disappeared when the students got more sleep.

All sleep isn’t equal, either. There are two kinds of sleep: Non-REM and REM (rapid eye movement). Dreaming is common during REM sleep. During this time, the mind shows scattered brain waves, limbs become paralyzed, breathing shallows and eyes move. Non-REM sleep happens in 5 stages. During the first stage, your body is in a light sleep, and a falling sensation is common. As brain waves slow and the body relaxes, you enter stage two of non-REM sleep. Finally, the body enters a deep sleep. Between each stage of non-REM, REM sleep is happening. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is essential to healthy living.

By Mallory

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2018, 08:51:16 AM »
Food Waste Is A Huge Problem, & Here’s What Consumers Need To Know

The next time you think about cleaning out your refrigerator and tossing anything you don’t want to eat, consider this: Up to one-third of the food we produce is thrown away because of unnecessary food waste.  This is alarming information when you take into consideration that people in some parts of the world are struggling to find food, but even advanced countries struggle with food waste. The member nations of the European Union are all progressive and environmentally conscious, people are still wasting million of tons of food, and this waste is mainly coming from households.

One way to waste food unnecessarily is to toss something because of its expiration date. Expiration dates are suggestions from manufacturers and aren’t regulated by the FDA. With so many people around the world facing chronic hunger and food shortages, ending food waste could have a serious impact on pollution and CO2 emissions.

It’s no secret that food production and food disposal are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, but this infographic shows just how detrimental food waste is, and it draws on numbers produced by European Parliament. You may be surprised as which European country leads the pack –– I know I was.

By Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #101 on: May 14, 2018, 08:40:44 AM »
12 Phrases You Should Never Say at Work

You’ve probably heard someone say, “Think before you speak.” It’s a good idea to do this all the time, but it’s especially important at work.  If you say the wrong things in the workplace, you might get on a coworker or manager’s bad side. It’s all a matter of phrasing. You might say something in an effort to help, but if you aren’t careful with your wording, you may sound rude in the process. For example, if you tell a coworker, “That’s not my problem,” they may feel dismissed. Instead, you can give your coworker an idea of who they should speak with.

Another negative habit that’ll get you in trouble at work is poorly worded correction. If you tell someone, “You should have done this instead!” or “That’s not how this is done,” you’ll hurt their feelings and not get anything accomplished. Instead of obsessing over the problem, provide a solution.

Everyone should always think about how their words can affect other people, whether it’s at work or when communicating with strangers. You never know when your words will hurt someone, but you can change your vocabulary to decrease that risk.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #102 on: May 15, 2018, 06:59:19 PM »
10 Ways To Stop Checking Your Phone So Much

It’s 2018, and pretty much everything you need can be accessed through your cell phone. You can order food, talk to Siri or another voice assistant, and even meet the love of your life on a dating app!

We’re all dependent on our phones, but are you too dependent? If you panic when you don’t have a signal, check social media instead of talking to your friends, or get freaked out about a dying battery, you’re most likely too reliant on your smartphone. If you turn your phone off and hide it for 15 minutes, you may forget that you even had a phone in the first place. I’ve gone hours without having to worry about my phone, and I was able to be extremely productive. If you want to shy away from your unhealthy dependency, this infographic provides 10 ways to cut down on smartphone use.

You can try to turn off notifications. Turning off notifications prevent distractions and allow you to focus on what you’re doing. If you start small with unnecessary app reminders, you’ll eventually be able to turn off push notifications for email and social media without feeling guilty.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #103 on: May 16, 2018, 08:30:51 AM »
12 Ways To Give Negative Feedback Without Hurting Someone’s Feelings

I’m a member of a student organization, and I sometimes get negative feedback on ideas that I suggest. I’m able to take their feedback and make something positive of it. But there are times when negative feedback can come across as an insult, and it all depends on tone and delivery. Here are some tips that will help you give negative feedback in a way that doesn’t hurt someone’s feelings.

Feedback in the workplace helps employees and managers improve. But if you’re giving feedback, it’s a good idea to do it in a collaborative setting. Try starting meetings with self-reviews and ways to improve in the future.

If you’re receiving negative feedback, you have to be open-minded. You can’t be instantly offended because you feel like you’re being criticized. The other person may be doing you a favor. It’s all of matter of communication and listening.

Disagreements are bound to happen while getting negative feedback, but that’s okay. Approach the situation with an open mind, and try to find common ground to improve.

If negative feedback is given in a genuine way, it should help instead of hurting. Constructive criticism can make someone better and  more efficient. If you’re getting negative feedback from someone who genuinely likes you, it’s because they want you to become a better person.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2018, 08:14:37 AM »
How To Deep-Clean Your Carpet On A Budget

If you have a carpet, you know how filthy it can get if you’re not a regular cleaner. Who has time to vacuum, anyway?  But save for calling a specialist (or your parents), do you have the knowledge to handle any carpet emergency by yourself? If not, today’s infographic is for you.First, let talk about the ugly truth: there are around 200,000 microorganisms per square inch in your carpet at any given moment, and that’s just under normal wear-and-tear.

Add a pet or two, food spills or a lapse in cleaning, and things get pretty gross. Before you know it, you could be walking on a plush floor that’s actually filled with germs. In order to prevent this, the team at COIT have shared tried-and-true DIY recipes and tricks to keep your carpet as clean as it can be.

For regular maintenance, your carpet-cleaning kit doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can even pull it together with items that are probably already in your pantry or bathroom! If you have an accident and are panicked about an unsightly stain, everything is not lost. Did you know salt can keep that wine spot from setting in? Or that beer is a great coffee-stain remover? Take a few notes and soon enough, the pros will be calling you to ask for tips!

By Emily