Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥  (Read 33270 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #180 on: August 16, 2018, 07:02:04 PM »
How To Find These Annoying Pests In Your House

When I was younger, I remember my family drawing detailed plans of the house and planning routes of escape if there was ever a fire. We also talked about safe places to hide in my house if there was ever a tornado. The threat of tornado or fire damage to a house seems clear, but I never knew how damaging termites could be. Though not as life threatening as fires or tornadoes, termites can still end up costing a fortune in structural damage; they cost Americans an average of 5 billion annually. To help avoid the headache of a termite infestation, here are five signs that may help you catch an infestation before it’s too late.

Though most termites look like fat white ants, some have wings and scout out places to settle in during the spring. If you see these winged termites, you will want to prepare for the possibility that the rest of the termite colony will follow shortly. If you see the discarded wings and not the winged termites, it’s very likely the termites have already settled down in your house.

Another major sign of a termite infestation is rotting or hollow wood. Termites like to eat wood from the inside out, so knock on wood in your house to hear if it’s hollow. Another telltale sign is frass, the droppings termite produce. They look like wood colored pellets, so keep an eye out.

Finally, look for mud tubes near the foundation of your house. Though they are the hardest sign to detect, they are the most vital sign to catch because mud tubes are created by subterranean termites, the most harmful species of termites. They tunnel through soil as they go from one food source to another.

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #181 on: August 17, 2018, 07:40:33 PM »
These Are the Plants You Don’t Worry About Killing (As Much)

Adding plants to a household can do wonders.  Suddenly a room transforms into a green living space. The only problem is, now you have to take care of those plants.   If plants are outdoors, you can let nature take care of most of the day to day maintenance.  Gardening has become a fairly common hobby, because seeing life grow from the fruits of your labor is pretty rewarding.   Indoors, even though you’re probably close enough enough to touch these plants day to day, the plants become so familiar they start to fly under the radar.  Then you stop watering and all of a sudden you have a wilted plant.

Succulents actually store water, which you can spot in their thick fleshy leaves.  Cactus are well known succulents, for example.   They make great indoor plants because they’re a bit less maintenance.   You still need to learn how and when to properly water your indoor succulents, though they don’t need to be watered as often as other indoor plants.

The trick is soaking the roots in water, then drying them out quickly. In connoisseur circles, this is called “the soak and dry method”. The key is tricking your plants so they prepare for a drought, then you soak them, then let them dry again. You should keep an eye on the soil, and if it’s moist, put off watering for another day or two.

In general, colorful succulents in red, orange and purple hues need more light than naturally green ones. So unless your idea of “indoors” is a sunny balcony, start easy with green succulents.  And hopefully they will last!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #182 on: August 18, 2018, 12:08:01 PM »
9 Life Lessons from Remarkable Human and Animal Relationships

Animals offer meaningful life lessons and companionship. The question is, what did these famous people, including Siegfried and Roy, learn from their companions? Through important relationships, like Koko the Gorilla and Francine Patterson or Ivan Pavlov and his dog, we know that it’s possible to gain the trust of animals.

By far the most significant insight came from Ivan Pavlov who studied his dog’s responses to a bell. This research founded the basis of “classical conditioning.” Advertisers use this concept to develop effective marketing campaigns, and Pavlov’s studies continue to stay relevant in today’s tech-focused world.

Siegfried and Roy developed the trust of big cats by sleeping with the animals for the first year of life. Patterson had a 30-year relationship with Koko the Gorilla which gave us a wealth of information.

Through studying animals, we find many lessons to apply to everyday life. Animals help humans develop empathy, practice mindfulness, and form special bonds. Not only that, but we are reminded that it’s healthy to have social connections.  Some pets may even help you make friends with other pet owners, say at the dog park.

If you own an animal or consider yourself an animal lover, then I’m sure you relate. Animals are intelligent creatures that sense the love and compassion from their companions, which makes their relationship a beautiful thing.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #183 on: August 19, 2018, 10:06:11 AM »
These Are the Plants You Don’t Worry About Killing (As Much)

Adding plants to a household can do wonders.  Suddenly a room transforms into a green living space. The only problem is, now you have to take care of those plants.   If plants are outdoors, you can let nature take care of most of the day to day maintenance.  Gardening has become a fairly common hobby, because seeing life grow from the fruits of your labor is pretty rewarding.   Indoors, even though you’re probably close enough enough to touch these plants day to day, the plants become so familiar they start to fly under the radar.  Then you stop watering and all of a sudden you have a wilted plant.

Succulents actually store water, which you can spot in their thick fleshy leaves.  Cactus are well known succulents, for example.   They make great indoor plants because they’re a bit less maintenance.   You still need to learn how and when to properly water your indoor succulents, though they don’t need to be watered as often as other indoor plants.

The trick is soaking the roots in water, then drying them out quickly. In connoisseur circles, this is called “the soak and dry method”. The key is tricking your plants so they prepare for a drought, then you soak them, then let them dry again. You should keep an eye on the soil, and if it’s moist, put off watering for another day or two.

In general, colorful succulents in red, orange and purple hues need more light than naturally green ones. So unless your idea of “indoors” is a sunny balcony, start easy with green succulents.  And hopefully they will last!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #184 on: August 20, 2018, 11:41:20 AM »
9 Life Lessons from Remarkable Human and Animal Relationships

Animals offer meaningful life lessons and companionship. The question is, what did these famous people, including Siegfried and Roy, learn from their companions? Through important relationships, like Koko the Gorilla and Francine Patterson or Ivan Pavlov and his dog, we know that it’s possible to gain the trust of animals.

By far the most significant insight came from Ivan Pavlov who studied his dog’s responses to a bell. This research founded the basis of “classical conditioning.” Advertisers use this concept to develop effective marketing campaigns, and Pavlov’s studies continue to stay relevant in today’s tech-focused world.

Siegfried and Roy developed the trust of big cats by sleeping with the animals for the first year of life. Patterson had a 30-year relationship with Koko the Gorilla which gave us a wealth of information.

Through studying animals, we find many lessons to apply to everyday life. Animals help humans develop empathy, practice mindfulness, and form special bonds. Not only that, but we are reminded that it’s healthy to have social connections.  Some pets may even help you make friends with other pet owners, say at the dog park.

If you own an animal or consider yourself an animal lover, then I’m sure you relate. Animals are intelligent creatures that sense the love and compassion from their companions, which makes their relationship a beautiful thing.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #185 on: August 21, 2018, 12:03:25 PM »
How To Rock Your Next Email Campaign

Engage customers and increase your open rate by including strong components in your email campaign.

Not everyone is on Twitter or Instagram, but almost every person you know has an email account. Don’t believe me? There are around three more times more email accounts than Facebook and Twitter accounts combined! Use this to your advantage with targeted email campaigns.

According to market studies, people are up to six times more likely to click on a link sent through email than Twitter. This means that email marketing can be your golden ticket to a life of marketing bliss.

Nevertheless, the rise of email campaigns implies that competition is stiff. How can we ensure people are opening and enjoying our emails? For starters, the guys at Campaign Monitor and Email Monks ranked email designs to find what makes an email stand out from the crowd. The key factors are a combination of design, exceptional content, and the right target market.

In today’s competitive market, anyone can design email content. By following the suggestions on this infographic, you’ll make your next email campaign stand out from the crowd.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #186 on: August 22, 2018, 08:43:24 AM »
Step This Way For A Sweeeet Party

Do you have a special occasion coming up and don’t know what treats to serve? Try a candy buffet! Candy buffets are colorful, creative, and a treat that everyone can enjoy. Don’t know where to start? Follow these six steps to an unforgettable candy buffet that guests will enjoy even after the party ends.

Begin with choosing your party color and theme.  Weddings and baby showers are perfect times occasions for a candy bar. If you have a specific color scheme for your event, make the colors of the candy correspond. It’ll look organized and visually appealing.

Decide how much you need and what types of candies you’ll offer guests. Use the general guide of one pound of candy per three guests. Include two individually packaged sweets per guest, plus one speciality candy to ensure you have enough treats on your candy buffet.

Set the table up for maximum eye appeal. You can add decorations to your table like ribbons, centerpieces, a tablecloth, and much more. Don’t go overboard with the decorations. You want your table to stand out, but not in a bad way.

From specialty containers to different heights on your candy buffet, keep your table landscape interesting.

Create a wow factor by adding unique containers, flashy centerpieces, and decorative trimmings.

Don’t forget the finishing touch! Guests love filling bags to take home treats from the candy buffet.

Use today’s infographic to make the best candy buffet you can imagine. Candy buffets give room for your creative side to show.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #187 on: August 23, 2018, 11:49:05 AM »
Suicide: Alarming Facts And Figures

The tragedy of suicide occurs on a daily basis at the rate of one death every 40 seconds, but it often doesn’t hit the news until high-profile celebrities become a part of the fray. Celebrity deaths over the last few years have pierced an illusion that they have it all.  The passing of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade sparked increased awareness because they were household names.   In the US suicide rates have increased by 25% since 1999.   With these tragedies comes a closer look at the public health crisis that takes more than 800,000 lives each year.

There are more suicides annually than deaths from homicide and war combined, though murder and combat make the headlines. Moreover, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29 after traffic accidents, and studies show that suicide rates have increased steadily across nearly all demographics over the past two decades.

Mental illness is not preventable, but treatment does help to reduce deep depression and anxiety that lead to suicide, along with community support and understanding, and ongoing care.

If you are suffering or know someone who has shown suicidal tendencies, call for help. For immediate care, call 911 and get professional assistance, or to talk to a trained counselor at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)

For those who don’t need immediate medical assistance, sometimes it’s helpful just to have someone to talk to.  Licensed therapists are even available online for on demand video or chat counseling.  Talk it out if you need to.

By Tony

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #188 on: August 24, 2018, 11:55:11 AM »
How to Determine Your Learning Style

Find out what learning style serves you and use it to your advantage to learn new skills efficiently.  Your learning style is your approach to learning based on your preferences, as well as strengths and weaknesses. Establish your style by following this flowchart, then develop better ways to absorb information.

Reading/writing learners prefer to read and write rather than listen. They enjoy reading books and can follow written directions with ease.
Visual learners prefer maps and diagrams instead of verbal directions.
Auditory learners prefer verbal directions and enjoy working in groups and discussing information. They remember by listening, find it difficult to work quietly, and often read with whispering lip movements.
Kinetic learners learn best when taking a hands-on approach and benefit from fieldwork and demonstrations. Furthermore, they need to move, tap or swing a leg to stay focused.
Finally, there are people without a specific style that suits them best, and they are called multimodal learners.
Next time you have a task in front of you that requires a lot of learning in a limited amount of time, find the proper types of resources to help you reach your goals faster. You may not fit perfectly into one category, so mix and match, and discover what works best for you, and learn quicker, not harder.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #189 on: August 26, 2018, 01:37:35 PM »
Become A Master At Networking

The benefits of networking extend beyond finding new employment opportunities and growing your career. Stronger relationships can improve all facets of life as your network expands.

A network of colleagues and friends provides advice and support, fosters creativity through fresh ideas, offers varying perspectives, builds self-confidence, and raises your profile. In fact, studies show that people with large networks are generally healthier and happier.

However, networking involves much more than handshakes and exchanging information. Some think of it as a process of selling yourself, which seems daunting for many people.

First, use available technology to clean up your social media outlets by separating social and business accounts from one another. Then, update your accounts regularly with fresh content that is professional and interesting.

While social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter each have their own strengths, creating a LinkedIn profile is imperative for business networking, as 70 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs use the platform exclusively.

While you might make initial connections through online services, face-to-face meetings are still the most important way to engage folks in your network and make long-lasting impressions. Step away from your computer, and step outside of your office to meet people personally through community service clubs and professional associations.

Networking is how business and contracts develop, projects are funded and finished, and how artists and professionals become famous. Master the art of networking by connecting strategically.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #190 on: August 27, 2018, 08:09:32 PM »
18 Proven Marketing Tactics To Attract Customers

Whether you’re a small business owner, a successful entrepreneur, or you simply “mind your own business,” you’re probably aware that you can’t prosper in the business world without taking care of your marketing strategy first. However, since marketing is such a broad topic, it doesn’t hurt to get back to the drawing board and perfect the marketing basics.

The benefits of marketing are numerous. Knowing the ins and outs helps you market your product globally. Furthermore, the cost of online marketing is reasonable, so you can mix traditional with contemporary strategies to get the most out of your budget. Best of all, tried and tested marketed tactics allow you to experiment and see what works best.

Online marketing tactics cover an array of areas, from search engine optimized web copy to email marketing and advertising.  Although digital marketing is essential, don’t neglect offline marketing. Public relations events, business cards, and flyers will never go entirely out of fashion. Creating a trusted brand often depends on a fantastic digital and offline marketing experience.

Investing time in each of these areas of online and offline marketing is crucial to business success. A solid marketing strategy founded on basic principles will help move your company forward. Also remember to measure your success in digital marketing.

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #191 on: August 28, 2018, 08:36:20 AM »
9 Ways to Kick your Sugar Addiction For Good

Kicking the sugar habit is no easy feat. Follow these easy steps to end your sugar addiction once and for all. Sugary foods contribute to several health issues, including heart disease and concerns with weight. From early morning meals to your late night snacking, change your sweet habits and avoid long-term health problems.

Start by dumping your usual breakfast choices, like pre-sweetened yogurts and sugary cereals. Many of these breakfast choices go over your daily sugar allowance with one meal. Another classic favorite is orange juice. One small glass contains more sugar than a female should have in an entire day.

When snack time rolls around, switch up the sugary jam on your toast for vitamin-packed peanut butter or almond butter and choose water over sweet tea.

You don’t have to give up your after work beverage, but control your sugar intake by alternating water with your alcoholic drink.

Most importantly, track what you’re eating and drinking to find the hidden sugars. Our body reacts to sugar in ways similar to other addictive substances. Being aware helps us make the changes we need.

Sugar will not get the best of you if you follow the tricks in today’s infographic. If you allow these techniques to be part of your everyday routine, you’ll be saying hello to a healthier life in no time!

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #192 on: August 30, 2018, 12:03:39 PM »
How to Tell if your Kid Needs Glasses

Poor eyesight is more common than you’d expect. Learn the facts to determine if your kid needs glasses early on in childhood. One out of five preschoolers has a vision problem. However, identifying an issue with sight, especially in young children, is difficult.

Most children don’t tell their parents about vision problems because they don’t realize that it’s wrong. They think that blurred vision is normal. If you notice your child squinting, turning their head, or closing one eye while looking at something, then you should take them to see an optometrist.

Getting your child to wear glasses isn’t always easy, but don’t worry. There are some ways you can help them become comfortable with their eyewear. Let them pick out their frames. It will give them a sense of individuality. You can also tell them about celebrities who wear glasses. If they see one of their role models wearing glasses, then they’ll think it’s ok.

Glasses can make a significant difference in your child’s life. If you see a sign of poor vision, don’t hesitate to take action. Get your child the glasses they need.

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #193 on: August 31, 2018, 08:45:56 AM »
32 Bizarre Creatures Hidden Deep in the Sea World

Do you know how many creatures swim in the deep sea beneath your boat? There’s a good chance that you’ll be happy these critters live far away in the sea world. The deep sea hides so many creatures that it’s hard to keep track of all of them. The thing is that typical divers can only go 130 feet under the sea safely. However, as you see in the infographic, 1000s of feet below the surface are where the strangest of sea creatures survive.

Have you heard that Pacific hagfish tie their tails into a knot to increase bite force while eating prey? Or that, at around 3280 feet under the sea, tunicates live and can reproduce without a partner?

As you go further into the deep sea, it seems that things become stranger. For instance, the goblin shark can catapult forward to catch pray thanks to its elastic jaw ligaments. However, the giant isopod can survive years without food.

The characteristics and behavior of these exquisite sea creatures are still being researched, and we’re likely to have more interesting facts in the upcoming years.

The most bizarre creatures hide far below in the deep sea. Check out this fascinating infographic to find new species and facts about sea life.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #194 on: September 02, 2018, 11:08:00 AM »
The Ultimate Copywriting Cheat Sheet For Social Media

With the dawn of the internet, digital marketing has become a race to dominant several social platforms. With the rise of different mediums, sharing an identical message on every network just won’t cut it.

Today’s infographic is about nailing the right length, tone, and text for every digital channel while ensuring that your campaign reaches a significant audience.

From email promo to newsletters, blogs to social networking, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, each social media platform has different requirements. Why? The answer is simple: different people are using them.

Instagram users need amazing visuals. Ramp up marketing by promoting stunning pictures and videos, while keeping the copy short and sweet. On the other hand, blog posts need to be lengthier: over 1000 words. Use your content to tell a story, show your personality, provide value and engage readers.

Research hashtags before use. Certain social media platforms require hashtags for social reach, while you may risk appearing as though you’ve forgotten which platform you are on by adding hashtags on others.  Tread carefully and know your audience.

In the end, the key is adapting your content and your brand to the platforms you’ll be using. If you’re targeting other businesses,  LinkedIn is a powerful option. For consumers Snapchat may be right up your alley. Reach the right target audience through email marketing and blogging.

Search engine optimization is a must, regardless of the platform you’re using. If people can’t find you, then there’s no way your campaigns will stick out in memory! Make sure you hit the right keywords, and it will be that much easier for others to discover you in a sea of online content.

By Emily