Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥  (Read 33123 times)

Offline MysteRy

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #255 on: November 16, 2018, 07:03:56 PM »
Battle Royale: Mobile App Vs Mobile Website

A mobile presence is essential to modern business and startup success. Both mobile apps and responsive web design drive traffic, but which is best for your company?  As mobile app usage continues to grow and internet browsing stagnates, more companies consider developing a mobile app. However, smartphone-friendly web design remains a compelling option.

There are some significant differences between mobile apps and websites. Mobile apps are accessible offline, more interactive, and can use phone features such as location services and the camera. A responsive site requires an internet connection but is easier to maintain and update.

People spend more than 2.5 hours on apps compared to less than half an hour browsing the web. Apps are handy, but the high development fees can be a barrier. People also tend to only use their favorite apps, with 97% of their time spent on their 10 apps. Therefore, it’s risky to spend many thousands of dollars to develop an app that nobody ever uses.

Depending on your budget, it may be a better choice to start with a responsive website. However, if you want to take advantage of mobile device’s GPS, camera, integrated payment systems, or have an idea for a potentially popular app that can showcase your organization’s services then it may be worth the investment.

Make the right decision, and you just might join the ranks of startup fame.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #256 on: November 17, 2018, 06:53:58 PM »
The Rise Of Micro-Influencers Selling Brands

With 27% of people using ad-blockers, getting eyes on your business is tough. While larger brands employ celebrities or influencers, small businesses benefit by engaging with micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers have between 1,000 and 500,000 followers, but their audience usually falls between 5,000-10,000 folks. These opinion leaders and inspirational spirits are more approachable than mega-influential celebrities. The deep connection that micro-influencers have with their adoring audience creates a great place to present your products and services.

By allying with a micro-influencer, you get instant credibility. Coupling your product or service with an audience in your specific niche is invaluable. Like targeted advertisements that are delivered by an ad server based on user behaviors, micro-influencers have followers that serve as leads authentically. You’ll find many micro-influencers on social media, from health and wellness to the agricultural niche.

Consider that 40% of Twitter users have made a purchase based on the suggestion of a micro-influencer. 70% of people in the United States seek out opinions before they make a purchase. We trust the opinions of our friends and family. Micro-influencers engage their audience, so they feel like a friend. Hence, the power of a micro-influencer.

If you’re looking for an innovative organic approach to sales, then find influential social media gurus who align with your products. Engage with micro-influencers while building connections for future collaborations.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #257 on: November 18, 2018, 01:47:50 PM »
17 Secrets Inspirational Leaders Use To Nurture And Improve For Success

Are motivating leaders formed or born? Research suggests that leadership behaviors are 24% genetic and 76% learned. Which leadership traits can you build upon?  People from all areas of life, including extroverts and introverts, rise to leadership roles. Not all people are blessed with the instincts to lead, but their dedication to becoming a great leader eventually pays off. If you struggle to inspire people now, then there are traits you can develop to make yourself an effective leader.

The most important characteristics of great leaders are empathy and self-awareness. A sound leader is genuine both in words and action. Inspirational leaders demonstrate this by wanting others to succeed and by valuing the ideas of the people on their team.

Staying centered helps a leader inspire others. This deep understanding of strengths and weaknesses influences their decisions. Strong leaders aren’t afraid to hire people to fill the talent areas that they lack. They delegate responsibilities and set up systems so others can master the tasks like a pro.

Fear and negativity spreads quickly and destroys teams, so have a clear mission, stay positive, and solve problems as they arise instead of complain about them. Even Steve Jobs, whose intensity and ego often got the best of him, knew, “Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.”

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #258 on: November 20, 2018, 07:23:28 PM »
How To Build A Successful Personal Brand Online

70% of businesses look up applicants on social media, including a whopping 87% who check for your profile on LinkedIn. Creating a successful personal brand online takes work, but could land you your dream job.

Recruiters review your profiles on social media platforms. In fact, 6 in 10 employers won’t even contact you if they can’t find your online profiles after scanning your resume. If you want to stand out as a true professional, then Google yourself and see what comes up.

Some pitfalls of personal branding are lying about qualifications, provocative content, poor grammar, and unprofessional usernames. Everything you write online says something about yourself. Use your online profiles to demonstrate your creativity and ability to interact with others.

You can start improving your personal brand online today by deleting inappropriate content. Pay attention to what pages you follow and which posts you favorite or like. Companies use algorithms based on your social media footprint to predict sensitive information about your habits, like smoking or political views. Next set up a consistent bio and personal statement on each profile. Don’t forget to add a professional photo on all platforms.

A cohesive brand shows that you’re a business professional. Plus, you’re more likely to get a callback, or even better, receive offers from headhunters.

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #259 on: November 22, 2018, 05:42:34 PM »
6 Superfoods That’ll Keep Your Dog Healthy And Happy

As a dog owner, you’re always on the look-out for harmful foods that your dog might ingest. But, did you know that dog superfoods exist? Each of these 6 superfoods helps your pooch stay healthy, happy, and active.

It makes perfect sense that there would be superfoods for dogs, just as there are for humans. While some human food is dangerous for pets and considered toxic food, others help both humans and canines.  For example, blueberries and kale make a list for canine health heroes, and they certainly top plenty of human superfood lists also.

Try adding fish oil for arthritis and anxiety. Or carrots to clean your dog’s teeth and improve their eyesight. Some of these superfoods are ingredients that can be added into snacks or combined with other healthy treats. Try freezing blueberries into coconut oil for a summer treat, or mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into your pup’s regular food.

Not only can incorporating these superfoods into your dog’s diet help keep your pooch healthy and improve their life expectancy, but dogs will find these snacks delicious, too. After all, you’d get bored of eating the same thing day in and day out, so why not spice Fido’s meal up as well.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #260 on: November 24, 2018, 11:17:52 AM »
How To Stay Productive When You’re Tired

After pulling an all-nighter or tossing and turning all night, the last thing you want to do is keep working. But what if you absolutely have to?

Even though no amount of planning will replace a good night’s sleep, there are some tricks and tools that will help you power through the day and work efficiently even if you’re ready to hit the hay.

If you’re always tired, you may be taking on too much work. If you always work late, bring work home, and spend a lot of your free time thinking about your job, you could be exhausted because you lack work-life balance. This situation is more common today than a couple of decades ago. Our culture praises endless work and long hours while frowning upon taking well-deserved vacations and even paid maternity leave.

It’s not easy to perform under stress and feel accomplished when your eyes are bleary. If a good nap or day off is absolutely out of the question, water, coffee and regular breaks will become your best friend and make it easier to fly through your to-do list in no time. Once you’ve finished your most pressing tasks, go take a break or hop in bed early. You deserve it!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #261 on: November 25, 2018, 08:15:43 PM »
How 6 Billion Users Share Files Every Day

For more than 30 years people all over the world have been sharing files. You’re probably familiar with DropBox or Google Drive, but did you know that file sharing began in 1978 with a platform called Usenet?

Current generations share on a daily basis, from funny memes on Facebook to mouth-watering recipes on Pinterest. However, social media is only one way to share, and it’s certainly not a first among sharing platforms. That honor goes to Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis who created the platform Usenet to engage users across the world and stimulate conversation in 1978.

By 1985 the basic concept for uploading and sharing a file, called File Transfer Protocol was created. In 1999 we had the first peer-to-peer (P2P) network called Napster. At least 7 more systems were built over the next 9 years which brought us to the applications we are familiar with now, namely DropBox and Google Drive. 

Currently, more than 20 million people share files daily on a variety of platforms. Interestingly enough, US is not the leading country in file sharing. Russia tops the list while the US is fifth after China, Brazil, and India. The ways people share their data grows daily, and we feel the best is yet to come. Although sharing documents is essential for global business communication, other platforms like driverless ridesharing is changing the way we travel.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #262 on: November 28, 2018, 10:21:29 PM »
Why Education Saves Lives Across The World

We know getting an education helps you earn a higher income, but do you know that an educated population also saves lives on a global scale?

Since 1918 the United States has required an elementary education for all children. However, for children across the world, few opportunities exist for basic education. That’s why the Global Partnership for Education considers learning a critical component for achieving 17 global goals for health and well-being.

According to a report by the Education Commission, providing female students with a primary education saved more than 30 million lives of children under the age of 5. Knowledge leads to healthy choices and a wholesome lifestyle in general. For instance, educating our kids helps reduce HIV infections. The number of possible HIV infections that could have been avoided is mind-numbing – 700k people could have been saved from HIV each year.

A proper education impacts families for generations. Children with educated mothers are 50% more likely to be immunized and twice as likely to attend school. With these substantial benefits, it’s easy to understand why the Global Partnership for Education considers teaching children an essential goal. Speaking of education, check out how the Montessori Method works and how people benefit from this approach.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #263 on: November 29, 2018, 09:25:25 PM »
Why Joint Pain Causes Suffering In Our Furry Friends And How To Help

Although an overwhelming majority of older dogs suffer from Osteoarthritis joint pain, most of us never realize our dogs are hurting. Unfortunately, what we don’t know may shorten our dog’s life. There’s a way you can learn what’s wrong with your dog and alleviate its suffering.

If you’re not a book-worm or a serious dog-lover, you probably don’t know that around 80% of old dogs suffer from conditions such as arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy and other serious illnesses. Most often, you won’t know a thing because your dog will probably suffer in silence.

If you notice Fido walking stiffly, acting testy if you touch it on certain spots, or if your buddy sleeps more than usual, then your dog might have joint pain. Preventing symptoms from worsening is crucial. Speak with your veterinarian, then pay close attention to your dog’s diet and bedding. Plus make sure your pet is getting enough exercise. Joint pain that goes unnoticed can have dire consequences as immobility increases the risk of many other health conditions.

Identifying your dog’s pain in the first step in getting treatment. For the 48% of US households that own a dog, keeping your furry best friend healthy and happy is essential. If you love pets, then you’ll enjoy finding out which states love dogs the most.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #264 on: December 01, 2018, 09:32:08 PM »
How To Create A Stand-Out Business Video From Concept To Development

Videos are a vital element of business marketing. However, creating the video and reaching your target audience is tricky. Stand out from the crowd with these tips.

With HubSpot reporting that 55% of online users watch videos daily, we know that video marketing is essential. However, along with an increase in viewers comes an onslaught of new video content. Stand out from the crowd by getting to know your audience.

Determine your customer’s preferences by analyzing your experience with your buyers, researching your competition, and trying to understand the buyer’s psychology. The last one seems to be the most difficult one, but you can solve it by asking yourself questions from a buyer’s perspective.

Only when you have brainstormed all your options and created a general idea, should you move on to the process of video creation. From here you’ll want to ask yourself if you’re going to do it yourself or hire an expert. Choose the right video expert by checking their script writing abilities, tech expertise, and communication skills. Although video is crucial to marketing, you’ll want to invest in proven marketing tactics to seal the deal. Making a video isn’t for the faint of heart, but with the right strategy, you’ll get the ROI you need.

By Charles

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #265 on: December 02, 2018, 11:17:22 AM »
Shiatsu Self Massage: No Appointment Necessary!

No time to schedule a massage? No problem, practice self shiatsu, in fact—you might be doing it already!

With our busy lives it’s hard to fit in time for taking care of ourselves. Trying to fit in self care like a massage might seem like an unnecessary luxury, but luckily you can do it yourself!

 (If you get tired, you could go for an automated massage chair, which even makes your home a bit more inviting!)

I often rub my arm up and down, as is recommended for metabolism without even thinking about it. Or I interlock my fingers as indicated, and that helps with circulation. Self help can feel incredibly good!

There are other advantages to aspire to like concentration, fresh energy, friendship and although love is not included, date night could be a little more interesting with a bit of massage.

So take things into your own hands, look at this chart, and give yourself a massage.   There are many benefits. I definitely plan to commit some to memory.  Might even be good party tricks for the holidays!

By Janelle

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #266 on: December 03, 2018, 02:08:18 PM »
The Essentials for Taking Cold Weather Photos

Although it might be April, I’m still experiencing snow with temperatures of 40 degrees and below where I live. Cold weather is not the greatest to deal with, but the sights around you are beautiful. There are picture perfect moments that you’d never want to forget. If you like to capture the beauty of the cold, here is your essential guide for cold weather photography.
You want to make sure that you’re prepared before taking off into your chilly adventures. Carry your camera and supplies in a bag or backpack which should include spare batteries, airtight plastic bags for storage, and gloves. The more prepared you are, the more successful your photo shoot will be.

The biggest thing to remember is to keep your equipment as warm as possible. If you keep your equipment out in the cold, the condensation will build up and the moisture will form inside of it. You don’t want to ruin your camera by the beauty that is snow!

I hope you can take these tips into a cold climate to create beautiful photos. It’s a different direction to take your photography, a great way to build a portfolio, and maybe even gain a career from it. Now go out and create something great!

By Kaylee

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #267 on: December 05, 2018, 08:20:03 PM »
6 Dubious Wrongful Death Suits that Made Headlines

From extreme water intoxication to death on the set of the Walking Dead, wrongful death suits stemming from peculiar circumstances often occur.

Wrongful deaths are considered those that could have been prevented, but neglect, recklessness, or purposeful action was involved. Many of the most prominent cases are ripe with controversy, and the 6 on our infographic are prime examples.

The biggest wrongful death suit on our list involved tobacco’s heavy hitter, R.J. Reynolds, who was ordered by the courts in Florida to pay $23.6 billion to the widow of a man who died of lung cancer.

In the case, the plaintiff proved that the tobacco company knew the dangers of smoking, including cancer and death, and attempted to hide the facts from the public. In the end, the Supreme Court reduced the ruling to $16.9 million.

In another controversial wrongful death case, Jim Carrey was accused of contributing to the suicide of a woman in which he was having an affair.

Most wrongful death suits, however, are settled relatively quietly and do not involve newscasts and tabloid magazines. The most common wrongful deaths cases are DUI-related or medical malpractice fatalities.

In fact, according to the Institute of Medicine, 98,000 Americans die each year because of a preventable medical error. This number trumps the more than 40,000 motor vehicle fatalities.

Fortunately, the courts protect us and ensure justice when a death occurs due to neglect or recklessness.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #268 on: December 06, 2018, 06:08:47 PM »
20 Online Security Hacks To Protect Your Personal Information

Are you concerned about your online security? With more data breaches occurring daily, it’s crucial to protect yourself with these simple tips.

This infographic is a comprehensive look at how you can reduce your online visibility to protect your privacy, but still be seen by your family and friends. From browsing the internet to safety on social media platforms, you don’t need to be a technical genius to lessen your online risk.

For example, you can go into the incognito mode to disable your browser’s tracking tools. Plus, browser settings allow you to block external apps. Tighten your security levels on social media networks, like SnapChat, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, with a few clicks.

You don’t have to leave the grid to disappear from hackers and unscrupulous businesses who exploit you and your information for their gain without your knowledge. However, it’s critical to protect your data on each platform you use.

Unfortunately, these big corporations don’t always have our best interests at heart. As we’ve seen from the multiple data breaches, there are times that consumers aren’t told about the hack until it was too late. Repairing your credit and personal information after a data hack is scary. By locking down your data now, you’ll save yourself a bigger headache later.

By Robin

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2018) ♥
« Reply #269 on: December 07, 2018, 08:39:13 PM »
Mascaras, As You’ve Never Seen Before

Anyone who buys makeup will have seen the same claims made by mascara brands over and over. What if those product features were mapped into a beautiful visualization instead?

That’s exactly Sonja Kuijpers from Studio Terp decided to do when she needed a new mascara (since, as we know, mascara should be tossed out every 3 months). She was faced with a common dilemma: how to choose a mascara, when every tube claims to be lengthening, curling, volumizing, thickening, and durable at the same time? The claims can’t all be true, so how to find the ideal choice?

This playful visualization maps out the key claims that each mascara makes, with a handy legend on the side to show what each eye symbol denotes. For example, a white reflective circle on the pupil shows that that mascara is good for sensitive eyes, while a ‘W’ means ‘waterproof’, and cartoonish eyelashes sticking straight out symbolize high volume.

Looking at this visualization shows a simple truth: makeup companies are not particularly creative with their mascara claims, which explains why consumers sometimes struggle to tell different products apart. Of the 390 mascaras analyzed by Sonja, 304 claimed to add volume, of which 12 claimed to be ‘ultra’ and 10 claimed to be ‘extreme’. Ultimately, if every brand makes the same claims, they mean nothing- so it’s best to go by recommendations and reviews and ignore the marketing hype.

By Irina