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~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« on: March 20, 2012, 04:26:17 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Bambaram (பம்பரம்)

Bambaram is yet another traditional game played in TamilNadu and Karnataka also known as Lattu in Urdu. Spinning Tops are used for fun experience in this game. The skill and interest in this game is reducing due to other interests taking priority and also due to unsafe nails along with bullying of younger, smaller, poorer kids. This game is more common among Boys. This game is coming back with safer components and rules.

Components of Bambaram:
Wooden Top (Coloring is optional - to make it interesting and attractive)

Pointed Nail for getting the center

String to get the starting spin (also used for lifting the spinning top)

How to Play:
Bambaram has very simple rules. All the players have to go at the same time for the ‘Goes’ – this is the ‘toss’ for the game. The ‘Goes’ process is – at the count of 1, 2, 3 all the players should wind their Bambarams with their ropes, unwind it on the ground to rotate and then pick it up with the rope as quickly as possible. The primary skill on this rely on shortest rope length usage and still make the bambaram to rotate on the ground allowing you to catch it back with the rope.

Conditions for losing the toss:
If the Bambaram failed to rotate on its nail on the ground –it is called ‘Mattai’, you lose the toss.
If you fail to catch the Bambaram through the rope then you lose the toss.
The last person to finish the ‘Goes’ lose as well.
The player who losses the Toss will keep their bambarams inside the circle drawn on the ground. The rest of the members will have a go at the bambarams inside the circle. The people who managed to finish the toss successfully try to spin their bambaram over the bambarams in the circle trying to break them and/or trying to getting them out of the circle. Each time the spinning bambaram has to be picked up successfully to continue.

If you manage to land your bambaram’s nail on the bambarams inside the circle it would leave a mark – called as ‘Aakkar’.  The best player’s Bambaram will have the least number of Aakkars – and as usual it is a matter of prestige. To avoid the main bambaram getting too many Aakkars, players would always keep a spare and called it as ‘Pondatti Bambaram’ (Pondatti means wife in Tamil). Players use the ‘Purushan Bambaram’ (Purushan means Husband in Tamil), to give Aakars to others’ bambarams and use Pondatti Bambaram to receive Aakars from others. Players will take special care of the Purushan Bambaram. They will hand pick the nails from the black smith work shop, sit with him to see that he inserted the nail to their Bambaram without any cracks, and also will do a couple of dry runs to ensure that all is well before paying the blacksmith.
Kids will use also crowns of cool drink bottles to decorate the ropes. They will put a hole at the center of the crowns and insert the rope such that the crown would form one end of the rope and the other end will be used to start the winding process.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 04:46:12 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 04:37:43 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Jallikattu' (ஜல்லிகட்டு )

'''Jallikattu''' - ஜல்லிகட்டு  is a cattle/ bulltaming sport played in Tamil Nadu as a part of Pongal celebration. This is one of the oldest living ancient sports seen in the modern era. It is held in the villages of Tamil Nadu as a part of the village festival. The festivals are held from January to July, every year. The one held in Alanganallur, near Madurai, is one of the more popular events. This sport is also known as "Manju Virattu", meaning "chasing the bull".
Jallikattu is based on the simple concept of "flight or fight". Cattle being herd and prey animals in general tend to run away from unwanted situations. But there are quite noteworthy exceptions. Cape buffalos are famous for standing up against lions and killing them. The Indian Gaur bull is known for standing its ground against predators and tigers think twice about attacking a full grown Gaur bull. Aurochs, the ancestor of domestic cattle was known for its pugnacious nature. Jallikattu bulls belong to a few specific breeds of cattle that descended from the kangayam breed of cattle and these cattle are very pugnacious by nature. These cattle are reared in huge herds numbering in hundreds with a few cowherds tending to them. These cattle are for all practical comparisons, wild and only the cowherds can mingle with them without any fear of being attacked. It is from these herds that calves with good characteristics and body conformation are selected and reared to become jallikattu bulls. These bulls attack not because they are irritated or agitated or frightened, but because that is their basic nature.

There are three versions of jallikattu:

1) Vadi Manju Virattu - This version takes place mostly in the districts of madurai, pudukottai, theni, tanjore and  salem. This version that has been popularised by television and movies involves the bull being released from an enclosure with an opening. As the bull comes out of the enclosure, one person clings to the hump of the bull. The bull in its attempt to shake him off will bolt (as in most cases), but some will hook the guy with their horns and throw him off. The rules specify that the person has to hold on to the running bull for a predetermined distance to win the prize. In this version, only one person is supposed to attempt catching the bull. But this rule being strictly enforced depends on the village where the event is conducted and more importantly, the bull himself. Some bulls acquire a reputation and that alone is enough for them to be given a unhindered passage out of the enclosure and arena.

2) Vaeli Virattu - This version is more popular in the districts of sivagangai, manamadurai and madurai. The bull is released in an open ground without any restrictions in any way (no rope or determined path). The bulls once released just run away from the field in any direction that they prefer. Most don’t even come close to any human. But there are a few bulls that don’t run but stand their ground and attack anyone who tries to come near them. These bulls will "play" for some time (from a few minutes to a couple of hours) providing a spectacle for viewers, players and owners alike. The magnificence of such bulls cannot be described. They must be seen firsthand to really understand the basic psyche behind the sport of jallikattu.

3) Vadam Manjuvirattu - "vadam" means rope in tamil. The bull is tied to a 50 ft long rope and is free to move within this space. A team of 7 or 9 members must attempt to subdue the bull within 30 minutes. This version is very safe for spectators as the bull is tied and great the spectators are shielded by barricades.

Training of jallikattu bulls
The calves that are chosen to become jallikattu bulls are fed a nutritious diet so that they develop into strong, sturdy beasts. The bulls are made to swim for exercise. The calves, once they reach adolescence are taken to small jallikattu events to familiarize them with the atmosphere. Specific training is given to vadam manju virattu bulls to understand the restraints of the rope. Apart from this, no other training is provided to jallikattu bulls. Once the bulls are released, then instinct takes over.

Jallikattu, which is bull-baiting or bull fighting, is an ancient Tamilian tradition, popular amongst warriors during the Tamil classical period. According to legend, in olden days the game was used by women to choose their husbands. Successful "matadors" were chosen as grooms.

The term Jallikattu comes from the term "Salli" kassu (coins) and "Kattu" (meaning a package) tied to the horns of the bulls as the prize money. Later days during the colonial period this term got changed to Jallikattu which is the term currently used. Usually the majestic Kangeyam bull is involved in this game, as they are naturally more ferocious and muscular than any other of its species.

Famous Jallikattu locations include:

Tiruvapur near Pudukottai
Kondalaampatti, Thammampatti in Salem, Tamil Nadu
Palemedu near Madurai
Sravayal near Karaikudi
Kanduppatti near Sivagangai
Venthanpatti near Ponnamaravathy, Pudukottai (Dist)
Pallavarayanpatty near Cumbum
Unlike in bullfighting, the matador does not kill the bull. There are rarely any casualties suffered by the bulls. Several animal activists object to this dangerous game every year, but so far these objections have been in vain.

There are several rock paintings, more than 3,500 years old, at remote Karikkiyur village in the Nilgiris district in Tamil Nadu that show men chasing bulls. Kaikkiyur, situated about 40 km from Kotagiri town, is the biggest rock art site in south India. The rock surface site, teeming with more than 500 paintings, was discovered in 2004.

Another single painting discovered in a cave at Kalluthu Mettupatti, about 35 km west of Madurai, between Madurai and Dindigul, shows a lone man trying to control a bull. Archaeologists estimated that this painting, done in white kaolin, is about 1,500 years old.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 04:46:42 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2012, 04:45:49 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Golli Gundu (கோலி குண்டு)

Golli is one of the most popular traditional Indian games played all over the India, it is also called as       kanchey in North India and Marbles in English. This game is considered as one of the street game and is banned by many parents nowadays. This game increases the aiming and concentration skills.

Things Required:
A set of Golli (kanchey) (marbles or small colored glass balls about 1 cm in diameter)
2 or more players
A shallow hole is dug in open ground

How to aim?
The marble is held tautly in the forefinger of the left hand. Then the finger is stretched back like a bow-string by the pressure of the forefinger of the right hand the golli is shooted  by releasing the finger Remember, while pushing the marble, the left thumb should firmly touch the ground.

Who plays first?
To decide the player who gets the first turn, two lines are drawn on the ground - one about half a foot and the other three feet away from the hole. The players stand at the second line and try to throw their marbles into the hole. The person whose marble closest to the hole gets to play first.

How to Play?
The objective of the game is to throw the Golli into the hole.

Each player contributes two gollies. The first player throws them together aiming at the hole using one hand.

In those two gollies one may fall in the hole and other outside the hole or both outside the hole. Then the co players choose a golli, and then the first player is asked to hit the selected golli with another golli that belongs to him. If he succeeds, he wins all the gollies in the hole.

If not, he gets the one with which he hit.

The next player takes his turn with the remaining gollies.

If all the players golli does not go into the hole at the first try then second starts, in this the players have to strike out of the way the goli thrown by the other boys. Or, with a gentle blow from one’s goli, push the other goli, so into the hole.

The player who ends with the largest number of marbles is the winner.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2012, 05:37:22 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Seven stones (ஏழு கல்லு)

Seven Stones is a traditional Indian game, boasting of a special place in the Indian Culture, spread over a wide region even today. It is also called as Lagori , saat-pathar (seven stones), pittu and several other names, is the most complex popular children’s game in India, and is rather like Dodge ball, but more aggressive.

Things Needed to play:

1.A Ball: Tennis or the rubber kinds.

2.7 stones: If not, suitable substitutes.

3.Minimum 2 players in each team. But it is much more fun with a lot more.


1.Two teams with equal number of players needs to be formed

2.A coin is tossed to select which team takes the attacking role first

3.Seven stones should be on top of each other as a pile within a circle and the defending team takes positions. The position for the fielding team will be wicket keeper who will be behind the stones and other around the stones randomly as fielders stand in cricket. All the players of the attacking team take position behind a crease line in an appropriate distance away from the pile of stones.

4.The attacking team gets three chances to hit the pile of stones with the ball (Underarm or Over arm) to knock the pile of stones.

5.The attacking team has to hit the pile within three hit if they fail, then the defending and attacking team interchange places and continue to play, with one point for the formerly defending team in view of the worst aiming skills of the formerly attacking team.
6.As soon as the ball knocks the pile of stones, the defenders catch hold of the ball and try to get the opposing players ‘out’ by hitting them with the ball in their leg below the knees.

7.The aim of the attacking team is to rearrange the pile of stones and trace the circle three times with their fingers before the other team can make all the players out. If they succeed in doing that, their team gets 1 point and they get the chance to throw the ball again. However, if all the players are out, then the defending team now hit the stone and they gain one point.


1.The defending team player can only pivot with the ball and not move around. The maximum time he is permitted to have the ball in his hands is about 50 seconds. He has to pass the ball to other members of his team who will attempt the same – to make a player that they are marking ‘out’ by hitting their leg with a ball below the knee. People with the ball, however can dodge.

2.The stones have to fall within the circle only. If they fall outside the circle, then its again 1 point for the defending team plus they get to throw the ball now.

3.If any defending team player catches the ball after it has touched the pile of stones and before it has bounced, then they get 1 point and the teams interchange places.

4.The player of the attacking team can shield himself from the ball, by hitting it away from the main area, so that time is wasted when the opposing team player fetches it from far away. However, the palm should not be used and only a closed fist can be used to push the ball away.

The point to note about 7 stones strategy is that you should attempt to disrupt the stack of 7 as little as possible. Preferably, just the top stone being knocked relatively close by, with a glancing blow from the ball. That will mean your rebuilding will be trivial. Blast all 7 all over the place with a powerful direct hit, and you are in for trouble rebuilding.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 05:47:57 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Gilli thanda (Kittipulla) [கில்லி தண்ட (கிட்டிபுள்ளை)]

Gilli Danda or Guli Danda, Lippa, S-Cianco, is a traditional amateur sport, popular among rural youth in the Indian subcontinent and southern Europe. It is also know as dangguli in Bangla chinni-dandu in Kannada, kuttiyum kolum in Malayalam, viti-dandu in Marathi, kitti-pullu in Tamil, gooti-billa in Telugu, and Lappa-Duggi in Pashto. This sport is generally played in the rural and small towns of the Indian subcontinent.
The rules are different everywhere and you can have fun making your own rules. Imagine a game like cricket or baseball but without a ball! That's what 'Gilli Danda' is.

Thing Required:

Gilli Danda requires two wooden sticks - a 'Gilli' and a 'Danda'. The 'Gilli' is a small wooden piece which is about three inches long and 'Danda' - a stick, about 2 feet in length, is used to strike the Gilli.

4+ Player

Open ground

How to play:

A small circle of four feet diameter is drawn. In the centre a small oblong shaped hole is dug which should be smaller than the gilli.

Two teams are formed. One bat and the other fields.

Fielders stand in a position from where they can catch the gilli.

The first player places the gilli in the hole and lifts it quickly high in the air with the danda and then strikes it. If he fails at first, he gets another turn. If the fielder catches the gilli before it touches the ground, the batsman is out and the second player tries to hit the gilli. If the gilli is not caught, then the distance from the hole to the place where the gilli falls is measured with the danda. Each danda equals one point.

The fielder stands where the gilli had fallen and tosses it to the batsman. The batsman tries to hit the gilli while it is in the air. If it falls in the circle then he is out, if it falls outside the circle then he taps the tapered end and lifts it in the air and strikes while it is in the air. He gets three chances to hit the gilli. If he does not hit it, or is caught, he is out.

The game continues till all batsmen are out. The team changes side and continues the same way. The team with higher score wins.

Warning :
Gilli danda is a very dangerous game to play. Many a times the "Gilli" can go astray and hit one of the players or passersby, so it needs to be played carefully so that no players or passers get hurt.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 05:59:52 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Pattam (பட்டம்)

India has a very ancient kite tradition. Most people believe that kites were first brought into India by the Chinese travelers, Fa Hien and Hiuen Tsang but from there the kites have taken their own evolutionary route in India and today Indian kites are almost exclusively fighter kites. They are made of tissue paper and bamboo and almost all Indian kites have a very similar shape – a diamond shaped piece of tissue with a central spine and a single bow. The differences lie in the many patterns and colors used to make the paper sail. But the Indian kite is a superb flying machine, capable of responding to the flyers’ lightest touch, extremely maneuverable and perfectly suited to its function. The generic name for a kite in India is Patang. In Tamilnadu we call it as pattam.

Types of Indian kites
While the basic shape of the Indian kite remains largely unchanged from the diamond, there are subtle variations – and each has its fervent supporters.

Patang / Pattam– This is the most common Indian kite. The height/width ratio is generally 1:1.2. As in all Indian kites, the edges are reinforced by a thin thread along the circumference of the kite and the overlapping paper is glued back on to the sail. This is a tail-less kite. The tail is generally a small double triangular piece of tissue, pasted such that the bottom edge is flush with the level of the sail, with thin bamboo slivers along the outer edges for reinforcement.

Guddi– Almost as popular as the patang, this variation generally has a height/width ratio in reverse – 1.2 : 1. In other words, the kite is taller than it is wide. The tail in this kite is generally a small tassel of tissue paper.

Dedh Kanni– This is a little more uncommon and is generally used in lower winds – The kite is significantly broader than the regular patang and the height/width ratio tends to be close to 1:1.5. It shares the triangular patch tail with its parent patang.

Tukkal – This shape is more akin to the Malaysian Wau than the patang and is almost never seen in Indian skies except at Kite Festivals. In Pakistan, though, it is still a popular design.
Twin double-bows make this a very “heavy” kite and not many people possess the skill to fly it. Besides, the time and energy required to make one make it a precious object, one wouldn’t like to lose by risking it in a kite battle.

While the single color fighter kite, made from a single sheet, remains the favorite for serious kite competitions, there are many colorful designs that are more popular among casual flyers and children. Simple geometric designs, stripes and circular or semi-circular designs in contrasting colors are quite common. At the other end you have the intricate decorative or “picture” kites made by Indian kite makers today.

Bridling techniques
The traditional Indian fighter kite flies on a two-point bridle. Cross holes are made at the top where the spine and the bow intersect. A second set of holes is made on either side of the spine at approximately two thirds of the length of the spine. One end of the bridling line is looped through the top holes and knotted tightly, effectively fixing the bow to the spine. The other end is looped through the bottom holes and knotted. You now have an inverted “V” shaped line tied to the kite at both ends. You then pinch the twin lines between your thumb and forefinger and draw the bottom bridle out along the spine until it reaches approximately 1-1.5 inches above the top tow point (knot). You then draw the top bridle down to the bottom knot or tow point and tie a knot that fixes the relative lengths of the top and bottom bridles, leaving a little loop at the top to Which you will attach the flying line. The top bridle needs to be shorter than the bottom to make the kite maneuverable. If the bridles are made almost equal in length, the kite will fly sluggishly and simply shake from side to side – a little like the Indian sideways head shake that foreigners seem to find so amusing! A little fine tuning might be necessary to get your kite to fly right: too much turn and a knot at the bottom might help to steady the kite. Too sluggish? Perhaps a knot in the top bridle might be the answer. If the kite tracks too much to one side, the solution is to either add some weight to the bow on the opposite side (either by sticking on a piece of putty or knotting a bunch of string to the bow) or to bend and flex the bow a little on the opposite side.... This is best left to more experienced kite flyers, or you might snap the thin bamboo bow! And splicing a broken bow is a whole different story.

Flying line – Sadda and Manjha
There are two kinds of flying line – the plain cotton line called Sadda and the glass coated cutting line called Manjha. Most flyers will use both: the Manjha, about 100 yards of it, at the front and then the Sadda - so that you don’t cut your hands during a pench or “tangle” as it is commonly called in the West. Manjha making is a traditional skill which is handed down over generations and families jealously guard their secret recipes for the manjha paste. The basic ingredients are powdered glass (crushed tube lights are supposedly the best!), some colour and a binding agent – generally a cooked paste of wheat or rice flour. To this each manjha maestro adds his own secret ingredients - and everybody claims that his manjha is the best! The cotton thread is strung in eight or ten strands between two poles and the manjha maker walks up and down the length with the paste in his hands, finely coating the threads at each pass until the desired effect is achieved. The thinner, or 6 ply thread manjha, is generally preferred for its suppleness over the thicker 10 ply which might be used in stronger winds.

How does an Indian kite fly ?
Despite its simplicity – two pieces of bamboo and a scrap of tissue paper, the Indian fighter kite is a sophisticated flying machine. A complex interaction of gravity, lift and drag – the same forces that control the flight of a giant 747 – determines the flight path of your kite. One of the most maneuverable kites in the world, the Indian fighter kite is considered a masterpiece of design the world over; form follows function and it is eminently suited to its purpose – to fight with other kites in the sky. Tie your flying line to the loop at the end of the bridle, a little bend in the spine, approximately one third of the way down, to create a dihedral and you’re ready to fly.
Experienced flyers can launch their own kites and have them high up in the sky in a matter of moments. Novices need a little help, or more accurately, a helper who will walk 20 – 30 feet downwind with the kite while the flyer gives out line. The helper holds the kite by its sides with the nose pointing up. The flyer signals he’s ready; the helper lets go; a little tug, and the kite is airborne. The technique involves getting your kite into the wind by pulling in the line and then letting it out as the kite catches the wind. The kite will move in the direction its nose is pointing. So, you let line out and the kite spins as it takes up the slack. You stop letting out line and a well-bridled, well-balanced kite will track straight up. To move the kite right or left or up or down you simply let out line to make the kite spin. When the nose is pointing in the direction you want the kite to move, either stop letting out line or pull it in and the kite should move in the desired direction. Once you’ve mastered the elementary flying skills you can look at learning the complexities of pench ladana or kite fighting.

The traditional Indian kite spool or charkhi is a tube created with split pieces of bamboo stuck into two wooden discs with protruding stick handles. You reel in line by putting one handle in the crook of your elbow and quickly rotating the spool by turning the other one between your thumb and fingers. To let out line you either hold the spool loosely by both handles and let the kite take up the line or you hold the spool by one handle and let the line roll out over the side of the opposite disc. Of course having a helper to do all this is so much better!

Kites in Ancient India
There are many stories related to kite flying in ancient India. The rulers or the nawabs of Lucknow used to fly their kites from their palace rooftops with a small purse of gold or silver attached – an incentive for the others to try cutting down the kite to retrieve the precious prize. Of course the nawabs were also famous for their love of money and hated to lose any, so they would have their own men out in the street to ensure that they got their kite back, with the purse intact, in case it was cut!

Sawai Ram Singh, the king of Jaipur, was also very fond of kites and commissioned a patang khana or kite factory in the 16th century to specially make kites for him. Unfortunately the fragile nature of Indian kites has prevented the survival of any of these old specimens today. We can only get a glimpse of them in the paintings of that time. There are some paintings from the 16th Century in the personal collection of H.H. Brigadier Bhawani Singh, erstwhile ruler of Jaipur, which show kites being flown in Jaipur during the visit of some Portugese padres to the court of Sawai Ram Singh.

There are references in ancient poetry to lovers sending notes to their beloved through kites and some paintings from the Mughal era reflect this dalliance. The Mehrangarh fort in Jodhpur has a few exquisite wall paintings depicting kites being flown during a local celebration.
What is unique that kites were popular not only with the local populace, but also with the rich and the nobility and people in poor health were sometimes advised by their physicians to take up kite flying as a means to regaining their vitality.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2012, 08:45:16 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Mudhugu puncture (முதுகு பஞ்சர்)

Mudhugu puncture is also a traditional game similar to Seven Stones but the only difference is this game is played without the stones. This game is more aggressive than seven stones as there is no time to hit the stone and other stuff. The Players playing this games needs to be more active as the ball may turn to them at any point of time and by anyone. The only condition to play this game is the player needs to hit another player only in his back (Mudhugu).

This game requires more enery and stamina as the players need to run throughout the game as if he stays idle he may get a change to get hitted by the ball. Usually this game is played by Senior school students and college students.

Carefull attention is required in playing as small kids may be playing in the ground and they may get hurt.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 08:49:50 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Nongu Vandi (நுங்கு வண்டி)

Nongu Vandi is a very tactile game that helps children improve their sense of touch. Most children like the feel of sand slip through their fingers.
Nongu (Palm Fruit) is a famous tropical fruit available in villages of Tamil Nadu in summer season. Summer season is the season of holidays for kids in India. Kids in villages play games and also do experiments with available waste items in the village. Nongu Vandi is one of the item made by kids which proves us that we are born Mechanical Engineers.

"Nongu Vandi" is a easy to make toy basically made of long stick with "Nongu" palm shell as tires. Each Kid makes one for each and play various games using it. There are no certain games that kids play, it mainly depends upon their creativity.

Things Required to Make Nongu Vandi

Two Palm shells of same size and weight

Stick with V shape on one end – Length depends upon the height of the kid

How to Make

Take an stick of length half a foot

Sharpen the edges the stick

Pierce the Palm shells on both the sides of the stick as shown in the picture

Now take the long stick and put the V shape end in the middle of the small stick where palm shells are pierced

Now your Nungu Vandi is ready for Playing.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2012, 08:52:59 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Cycle Tyre (சைக்கிள் டயர்)

Most of the children in villages have their own vehicle. Yes! They have their own vehicle. All the vehicles run by children in villages have only one tyre.

How ?
Children go to cycle repair shops and get worn out tyres and use a stick to rotate the tyre in the road and that the vehicle. Wherever they go they will rotate their tyre with them. This vehicle does not pollute and does not require fuel. When they go to nearby shop they rotate the tyre and park it in front of Annaachi shop, buy stuff and come back home and park it in front of thier house. It is one of the integral parts of their system.
Other way of playing with cycle tyre is kids break small branches with leaves from the trees and tie it with the cycle tyre in such a way that cycle tyre will be like a handle and one person will sit on the branch and the other will pull the branch, it'll be something like a cart pulled by kids. Kids will have fun pulling the branch in waters and in mud and in dirt.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2012, 09:00:55 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Seetu (சீட்டு)

Seetu is a colloquial word for cards. This game will improve children’s concentration and aiming skill as they try to hit the cards by a stone to get them out of the circle. Since it is played using cards in villages the game is named after it. This is also played using hardened Mango Kernels, Bottle Crowns, tamarind seeds, etc.
Usually in villages kids go to Annaachi stores (Beeda Kadai) and pick empty cigar pack covers which is easily and freely available and play with it, the game is to bet cigar covers on your aiming skills. You place the cigar cover in a circle and try to hit it with a stone and try to bring it out of the circle, if you are able to hit it and bring it out of the circle then that cover is yours. Cards that are very hard to get by contains more points and easy to get will have low points. The one with highest point at the end of the day wins.

How to play

More than two members are required to play this game.

Each should have equal number of cards/crowns and a flat stone which moves over the ground flatly

Draw a circle with a minimum diameter of 1 meter on a ground and each person has to keep one or more cards/crowns in the circle.

Now select the person who needs to start the game by flipping a coin by other short listing method

Now the person selected to play first has to go a few steps from the circle and throw the
stone towards the circle in such a way it moves over the ground flatly and hit the cards/crowns in the circle and push it outside the circle.

The cards/crowns that come out of the circle belong to the hitter. The cards/crown on the line goes in the circle again.

Now the second player plays.

The game continues till all the cards/crowns are captured by the players.

Each player gets only one hit at a time.

Next round is started as the first one. The game continues till someone in the group loses all his cards/crowns.

The one with more cards/crowns wins the game.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2012, 02:22:20 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Thirudan police (திருடன் போலீஸ்)

Thirudan Police is also known as kallan Police in many villages and cities of Tamil Nadu. There are two forms of Thirudan Police one played indoor and other outdoor. It is a wonderful game played by rural children. By playing this game children’s guessing power, face reading skill gets enhanced and they sustain the feeling of unity and oneness among the players.

Things Required:

Bits of paper of equal size


Four players

Open ground if played outdoor

How to Play Indoor Game:

4 Paper bits of equal size are used.

Raja, Rani, Police and Thirudan is written on each paper bit

All the papers are folded in such a way that the text is inside  the and  fold look similar

Children sit together forming a circle and one player takes initiative and shuffles the folded papers in hand and throws it on ground. Then each player picks one paper and see what they got

The text written in the paper should be a secret and other players should not know what others got.

Then the player who has POLICE has to raise his hand and he is asked to find the player who has THIRUDAN.

The following are the points for each character Raja – 10, Rani – 5, Thirudan, Police – 1

If the guess is right, POLICE get one point, if not the point will go to Thirudan. The game goes in 5 to 10 rounds. The winner is the player who gets maximum points.

How to Play Outdoor Game:
This is also a simple game where the players form 2 groups, one group will be POLICE and the other group will be THIRUDAN (Thief). The thief group will do some mischief or take one toy and hide it and the police group will find the toy or the thirudan group will hide and the police group will search them as we play Hide and Seek. It is same as the concept of Thief and Police in real life.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2012, 02:28:19 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Raja rani (ராஜா ராணி)

Raja - Rani in Tamil Nadu is Ramudu – Seetha in other states of South India. It is a wonderful traditional game played by rural children. By playing this game children’s guessing power, face reading skill gets enhanced and they sustain the feeling of unity and oneness among the players.  Since the epic characters are chosen to play the game children gains knowledge over epic characters.

Things Required:

Bits of paper of equal size


Three or more players

How to Play:

First the Epic for selecting the characters is selected in our case for example we’ll select Ramayana.

Paper bits of equal size are used.

On each paper bit a Ramayana character name is written. The characters may be Rama, Seetha, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Bharata, Shatrugna, Ravana and so on depending on number of players.

All the papers are folded in such a way that the text is inside  and the fold look similar

Children sit together forming a circle and a player takes initiative and distributes the slips to the others including him at random.

The text written in the paper should be a secret and other players should not know what others got.

Then the player who has RAMA has to raise his hand and he is asked to find the player who has SEETHA. It is not required that the person has to find SEETHA, the group can select a character name and can ask to find the character.

If the guess is right, he gets a point, if not he will lose a point. The game goes in 5 to 10 rounds. The winner is the player who gets maximum points.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2012, 02:31:54 PM »
Indian Traditional Games



Statue is a wonderful game also played as Freeze or Attack. This game greatly improves the acting skills of miming and coming up with ideas on a dime. Freeze is one of the easier game played in schools, parties, buses, wherever a group of children get together.

Get a group of at least four people together and decide on two people to start the game. This game can be played with as many people as you want.

Someone from the group picks a situation for the two people to start out with. The two then start acting out the situation or it may be any actions among the group

At any time a member from the group can yell Freeze! Both of the actors or all the kids in the group then freeze in whatever position they are in till the person say ease.

The person that called out has to start the next situation. The situation started has to be completely different from the one before.

Continue this way for as long as you please. There is really no winner to this game.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2012, 02:37:08 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


Oru kodam thanni (ஒரு குடம் தண்ணி)

Oru kodam thanni is a traditional games played mostly in villages by children in schools and with neighborhood friends. It is one of the girls favorite game.

How to Play
Number of players : More then 3
Location : Indoor and outdoor

First the group interested in playing Oru kodam thanni is formed and two members from the team are selected for forming the arch by variety of ways, for example by using an elimination word game, such as "Inky Pinky Ponkey" or similar game.

The two selected girls will form an arch by holding their hands together by standing opposite to opposite and rest in the group will run in circles through the arch singing "oru kudam thanni oothi ore poo poothadhaam"(English translation: after pouring one bucket water, one flower flowered) and for the second round "rendu kudam oothi rendu poo poothadhaam " (English  translation: after pouring second bucket water..) and so on.

For every sentence they will pass through the arch formed by the two girls.

While they sing "poothadhaam" the girl passing the arch will be trapped by the girls forming the arch.The girl trapped in the arch will now go to the arch team releasing one girl (girl who first got selected for forming the arch) to go around with others.

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Re: ~ Indian Traditional Games ~
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2012, 02:43:30 PM »
Indian Traditional Games


X and O (Tic Tac Toc)

Tic tac toe also know as X and O. It is a simple game that is often played to fill time. It is one of the first games learned by many, and can be played anywhere there is pencil and paper. Students sitting in the last bench in schools and colleges play this game when they feel the class is boring. These games can last few seconds to several minutes. The game is played by two players alternately putting an X or an O in a square on a 3-by-3 grid. The game is won when one of the players gets three in a row.

Things You'll Need:.




Draw the table as shown in the picture to play the game on a piece of paper.

Assign a letter to each player. One player is assigned X and the other player is assigned 0.

Decide among the players who is going to start, it can be an agreement that Player 1 starts first for the first game and Player 2 start the game for the second game or vice versa, or you can flip a coin to determine which player can start the game. If you flip a coin then the winner of the first game will start the next game.

Once the player is decided, he starts the game by putting the assigned letter, either X or O, into one of the nine boxes created.

Once he puts his letter then the second player take a turn. Play alternates between the two players in this manner until the game is won. No box can contain both an X and an O. Also, once either letter is put in a box, it cannot be removed.
Align three X’s or O’s to win the game. These letters must be able to be connected using a straight line. The line can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. If all nine boxes contain a letter but there are no three letters in a row, the game is considered a tie.