Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥  (Read 16886 times)

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♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« on: January 13, 2019, 08:59:39 PM »
How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

The start of January. A clean slate. Many of us can’t resist the allure of writing down the same noble-minded resolutions- drink more water! Join a gym! But coming up with them is the easy part. How do you actually force yourself to follow through?

Every year, lots of people have the same sorts of ideas about how they want the year ahead to look- if you consider the top resolutions from a few years back, getting healthy and losing weight are popular choices. 66% of Americans resolve to get fit, and while it’s not surprising to hear that not everyone succeeds, the speed of attrition may shock you- only 75% of newly resolved fitness junkies last more than one week, and only 46% stick with it for six months.

Luckily, this infographic has give easy tips to help you stay on track with your resolutions. The first is to set a measurable goal- because if you’re vague, you won’t be able to measure your progress in any meaningful way. Similarly, setting short term goals can help you feel like you’re making strides. And the final three tips are all about mindset- pick a goal you really care about, stay strong, and don’t forget to celebrate your hard work!

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 09:21:59 AM »
How To Deal With An Internet Outage

There’s nothing more frightening than losing your internet. Nothing. Which is why sometimes we need to poke fun at ourselves and laugh a bit.

If your internet service goes down, then here are some things to consider doing while wandering lost in a disconnected non-digital world. Surviving won’t be easy, but it’s possible.

After the first few minutes, you’ll be tired of pressing F5 and trying to figure out your neighbor’s WiFi password. You might get the sudden urge to vent or even take your anger out at someone. Picking up the phone and calling your service provider to yell at them is always an interesting option. Still upset? Maybe express yourself in some form of art, like painting or drawing for stress relief.

You can probably cry a little too. Or you can get up and grab life by the horns! If your internet is out for a while, you can read a book, do chores, call friends, or watch TV. But make sure you do it with a bad attitude because not having internet is not okay!

Just be sure to try F5 again. Maybe even call the service provider to yell at them one more time. That always speeds up an otherwise slow and painful process. One thing’s for sure, patiently waiting is not an option.

By Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 08:16:48 AM »
How To Find The Right Diet For Your Dog

Has your vet suggested that your dog could drop a few pounds? Perhaps you’ve noticed your pooch slowing down and putting on weight.

As this infographic readily acknowledges, dogs really will eat anything. Even foods that are toxic to them! So you certainly can’t rely on Fido to tell you what he should be eating. Instead, here’s a convenient guide to building a healthy and nutritious diet for your dog.

A healthy dog diet needs to contain each of the three nutrient groups: proteins, fats, and carbs. For dogs, that balance should be heavily skewed towards proteins (56%) and away from carbs (14%). Natural fats and oils are essential, but avoid artificial flavors, preservatives, and hormones.

Those figures are essential to keep in mind because not all dog foods are created equal. Some pet foods contain the perfect nutrient makeup, while others will rely on unhealthy carbs. You can think ‘outside the can’ and supplement your pup’s diet with ground bones, raw eggs, or apples, and it’s important to remember that dog food expires just like human food. All in all, there’s a lot to think about- but if you put a bit of effort into diet planning, your pooch should stay happy and healthy for many years to come.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2019, 02:50:06 AM »
A History Of Amazing American Nurses

Nurses are often the unsung heroes of the medical world, and just as doctors tend to get more public credit in their day to day work, many famous nursing pioneers are overlooked by history books. Here are a few inspirational nurses you may not have heard about.

Nurses do some amazing things for our society- no wonder there’s a week devoted to them. Throughout history, a few nurses have stood out for their pioneering discoveries and unmatched sacrifices and bravery. For example, Clara Barton was a nurse during the Civil War, and earned the nickname ‘The Angel of the Battlefield”, before founding the Red Cross in 1881 and heading the organization for 23 years.

Mary Eliza Mahoney was a pioneer for women of color in the world of nursing, as the first African-American woman to complete nurse’s training in 1879, and the co-founder of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses in 1908. Much later on, Rear Admiral Faye Glenn Abdellah (who died in 2017), a veteran of the Korean War who received five Distinguished Service medals, became a renowned nursing researcher, publishing over 150 articles during her lifetime. She developed the revolutionary ‘twenty-one nursing problems theory’, used to determine patient needs.

These nurses, and many more besides helped pave the way for today’s nurses and nursing students to help their patients and progress in their careers, which is why we remember them today as pioneers.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2019, 09:26:34 PM »
The Science Behind Fake News: A Complete Guide

30% of Americans have shared fake news stories. But how many people know what they share is false? A couple of years ago, the term “fake news” wasn’t commonplace. Fast forward to today, and this social phenomenon is seen as one of the latest threats to democracy, free debate and in general, the Western order. Some might think this is overreacting, some might think this is the truth of the matter.

Regardless of your stance on the impact of fake news, it’s challenging to deny the close relation between phony news and social media. A headline than two decades ago would have been forgotten in a couple of days, can now be shared and liked among dozens of platforms in every corner of the world. Identifying false information is tricky.

Fake news is news in which part or all the information is misleading, overly sensational, or just fabricated. This means that a crazy headline with a weird spin on a real report can be considered fake news. Most people don’t even bother to read the whole article before sharing, so headlines are a significant component of fake news.

The fake news craze is here to stay. Out of the 30% of people who shared fake news, a whopping 14% of Americans knew it was untrue. Human behavior impacts what’s shared. Social media outlets have been put under the spotlight. Some platforms are taking measures to counter the impact fake news could have on politics around the world. While we wait for those changes to be somewhat effective, I’m not holding my breath. What do you think about this phenomenon?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2019, 10:28:25 PM »
Get The Idyllic Cottage Garden You’ve Always Wanted

You can picture the scene: a charming cottage in the countryside- maybe in England, perhaps in Provence. At the front, there’s a rustic gate, and behind it, a sprawling garden. What if that could be your garden, wherever you live?

This isn’t the stuff of fantasy—it’s a reality. While many urban dwellers are turning to container gardens to grow vegetables and flowers, those with a bit more garden space to play with can easily recreate the look of a lush cottage garden with this straightforward guide.

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to achieve a cottage garden is not to plan one. You read that correctly. An overly prepared, perfectly laid out, symmetrical garden won’t give you the wild, natural effect that you want. Instead, try scattering seeds like wildflower seeds might fly in the wind, and focus on colorful, tall plants like California poppies and cornflowers.

The eyes aren’t the only sense that you use when you experience a garden, so you’ll need to think about filling your cottage garden with beautiful scents, too. English lavender and night-scented stock will perfume your entire garden space, immediately transporting you to a more rural location. Ultimately, there are no rules- as long as you let your intuition guide you, you’ll have the garden of your dreams in no time.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2019, 07:47:25 PM »
The Scary Side Effects Porn Users Experience: An Inside Look

Is porn a big deal? Find out how this 97 billion dollar industry influences the human mind and what you can do about it.

Debates about porn have probably been ongoing since human beings figured out how to draw each other naked: the morality, legality, and censorship of it have been up for discussion for many centuries. What’s becoming ever more certain, however, is that modern pornography and the way people consume it can have a scary effect, both for individuals and for society.

Many a low-hanging joke has been made about the availability of porn on the internet, but the numbers behind pornography don’t lie: it’s absolutely everywhere. One of the most concerning trends is young people’s porn consumption. According to this infographic, 93% of boys and 62% of girls have seen porn online. With kids getting their first smartphone at age 10, on average, it’s increasingly hard for parents and schools to restrict their access to adult content.

And with porn consumption come a variety of negative effects: 10% of 12-13-year-old boys fear they’re addicted, and 39% of girls think porn is a realistic depiction of sex. With 88% of pornography containing physical aggression, primarily against women, it’s clear why these statistics should make everyone very concerned. It may be too late to find a solution, however, since porn changes the connections in young brains. At the very least, working to restrict young people’s access to pornography while teaching them about its unrealistic depictions, should be a top priority across the globe.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2019, 09:40:44 PM »
Are Money Issues Wrecking Your Marriage?

35% of couples say money causes stress in their relationship. Is it wrecking your marriage? Whether we have a lot of it, or too little, money has become a key element in our sense of self. Where do you stand on the financial front?

It’s clear that money awakens intense emotions in the majority of us. I mean, who wouldn’t want more money? I know a few people who could use a bit of help with mounting student debt (ahem, me). The problems start when we avoid sharing our feelings about money with others: it’s very common to go through life without ever talking financial status with our friends, and suddenly we’re thrown in a position where we are forced to do so.

Yes, I’m talking about marriage. When marrying someone, we’re joining our lives, and our money, to theirs. It’s very common for people to get into marriage without ever talking money with their partner: how do they want to spend their own money? How much debt do they have? Are they comfortable purchasing on credit or would they rather wait to have the full amount? Do you want to share accounts? Is a prenup a smart move?

Our natural resistance to talking about money can bring lots of headaches, especially when it comes to marriage. Many married couples claim money is one of the biggest fighting subjects for them, and the existence of secret bank accounts isn’t uncommon. Are you in risk of letting money disrupt your marriage?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2019, 08:28:18 PM »
The Impact Of Facebook Fundraisers On Charitable Giving

Are you wary of sharing your data on Facebook? You’re not alone. However, Facebook fundraisers continue to experience success regardless of the ongoing controversies and data breaches.

People dislike giving away their data. They are concerned about the lack of transparency as to how that data gets shared, or the social media giant’s slow response to extremism or fake news. Perhaps Facebook is addictive. More than 20 million people have donated or started a Facebook fundraiser—proving that giving online is alive and well.

It makes sense that as people’s lives and social connections are increasingly digitized, so is their charitable giving. Phone calls and mailers may still be effective ways for nonprofits to reach older people, but when it came to getting young people to give, social media is where it’s at.

Facebook Fundraisers launched in 2015. The statistics are slightly staggering. Since 2015, the feature has raised $1 billion for nonprofits and personal causes, and over a million nonprofits in 19 countries can now receive donations through Facebook.

It makes sense for people who want to give back to their community to, well, form an online community and share the causes near and dear to their hearts. Whether it’s St. Jude ($30 million raised), the ASPCA ($4.4 million raised), or the Marine Mammal Center (over $30,000 raised), Facebook has made it easy to put your money where your mouth is, while making sure your friends follow along.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2019, 10:19:42 PM »
America’s Worst Roads: A Pothole And Funding Nightmare

Are your roads littered with potholes deep enough to blow a tire out? Find out if your city made the list for America’s worst roads.

After all, any driver knows the hidden menace that rears its head every spring: potholes. While the bird’s chirp and the sun shines, roads begin to crack and pull apart in the changing temperatures. What you may now know, though, is how differently roads are maintained across America.

While some people drive mostly for leisure, such as friends taking an ultimate road trip, many Americans depend on our roads and highways to get to work and transport goods. Must of the political onversation surrounding US infrastructure often involves public transport (or the lack thereof). However, private transport is tricky depending on where in the country you’re based.

Since America depends so heavily on its roads, it’s no surprise there’s two different standards used to define road condition: the International Roughness Index (IRI) and the Present Serviceability Rating (PSR). Using those measures, this infographic analyzes the condition of America’s highways, and the geographic distribution is somewhat predictable: the Midwest (subject to scorching summer and icy winters) and West Coast (liable to earthquakes) has many of the urban areas with the highest percentage of poor roads, while the temperate South and Florida have many of the urban areas with the highest percentage of good roads. In short, it looks like humans aren’t the only ones who benefit from sunny weather.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2019, 10:43:30 PM »
50 Animal Facts That Are Bizarre And Awe-Inspiring

Whether you want to stand out at trivia night or gain insight on your pets, these 50 animal facts will make you think twice about the creatures in nature. Our planet boasts more than 7 million different animal species that have been categorized into 5 different groups.

It seems weird to me that all of these different beings evolved from the sea. I mean, how much has to change for a small unicellular creature to become a huge elephant?! Even though more than 1 million species have been described, experts declared that there are around 8 million species of animals. in my opinion, this only proves that we know pretty much nothing about nature. Nature is a mystery not only to me, but biologists have also said that we know very little about the ins and outs of evolution (beyond Darwin, that is).

Even with all of this variety, most of these species are in danger due to global warming and climate change. In fact, the animal decline report issued by Living Planet in October of 2018 shows that humans have single-handedly decimated animals around 60% in the last 60 years.

The key to preventing even more animals from dying and species from becoming extinct is designing proper institutions and channels to advocate for effective environmental policies. Still not convinced about protecting animals? Maybe these weird animal facts will change your mind!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2019, 03:43:08 AM »
How To Maximize The Way You Think

Movies like Limitless have captured the imagination those looking to expand brain capacity.  Trying to unlock our brain’s full potential has been a goal of scientists and philosophers for hundreds of years.

But answers often can’t be found with drugs.   

It all comes down to our comprehension of the world around us.  Each individual has an internal compass that helps them understand all of the various relationships between our universe’s moving parts.  These thought processes are known as mental models.

Having an understanding in the different realms of our reality can bring tremendous benefits to us as individuals, as well as the world as a whole.  Take problem-solving for example.  Most people try to avoid their problems, or are incapable of dealing with them adequately.  If you want to be a leader in the world, however, you look for problems and find ways to solve them.

It’s also important to keep in mind that our mind plays tricks on us with cognitive biases. Once they are noticed and brought under control, we can look at the world through a much clearer perspective.

Complex ideas and concepts are all around us, we have just gotten used to some and simplified them. With the proper tools we can expand this way of thinking and really create a better life for ourselves and those around us.

By  Jerome

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2019, 01:24:56 PM »
The History Of Breaking New Year’s Resolutions With Tips On Goal Setting

Is this the year that you’ll stick to your New Year’s resolutions? If you feel yourself wavering, then follow these tips to achieve your goals this year.

At first glance, New Year’s resolutions seem like an easy concept. You decide to do something, you announce it to the world, then you do it. But that simplicity is deceptive—which is why many people end up breaking New Year’s resolutions. Setting yearly goals is a complex tradition. By understanding the history of resolutions, you’ll figure out how to make them work for you.

If you’re struggling to keep your New Year’s resolutions, then you’re not alone. In fact, there were probably Babylonians and ancient Romans going through precisely the same struggle, as resolutions have been around for thousands of years. The Romans made promises to Janus, the god after whom January is named. Throughout history, breaking New Year’s resolutions came to be expected.

After all, 80% of people fail to stick to their New Year resolution, which can be a discouraging statistic. But there are some differences between those who keep going and those who stop. For example, people who keep their goals too broad tend to fail, because there are no concrete actions to take. However, those who set specific goals are likely to meet them. Equally, attempting the same resolutions year after year sets you up for failure while learning from your mistakes and establishing a better resolution helps you succeed. Ultimately, if you’re thoughtful and realistic, you can stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

By Irina

« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 08:19:28 PM by MysteRy »

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2019, 08:25:30 PM »
How To Track The Sun’s Movements Wherever You Are

It’s been a while since (most) people stopped believing that the sun rotates around the Earth, but if you watch the sun move across the sky, it’s surprisingly easy to see how the myth arose.

Though it’s a cliche, it bears repeating that among all the chaos and discord on the internet, it’s still remarkable how it’s made the world a much smaller, more connected place. If you need to see the weather forecast for a city halfway across the world, go ahead. If you want to look at a sunset 24 hours a day, the internet is there for you. And now, thanks to this beautiful visualization by Small Multiples, you can track the movements of the sun and moon relative to the Earth.

The visualization is a preview for the Hello Sun app, which allows you to track the movement of the sun and moon across the sky of several cities across the world. Here, for example, you can see how quickly the February sun sets in Toronto and how long it stays up in Sydney, given its long summer days. Not only is it mesmerizing to watch, but if it’s beautiful to think that if you have loved ones in other cities, you can now watch the same sky as they do.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2019, 07:17:22 PM »
Is Gen Z The Most Entrepreneurial Generation Yet?

As a young person considering their economic prospects today, things may seem bleak. Find out why nearly half of the Gen Z generation intends to become entrepreneurs. Compared to the cheap tuition and housing enjoyed by baby boomers, Generation Z will face a tougher economic outlook. But many of them are getting smart with their money to ensure they can provide for the future.

In 2017, 44 million Americans had student loan debt, totaling $1.4 trillion. Savvy Gen Z-ers have seen their parents and older relatives live with crushing debt and are coming up with new ways to pay for college, with 76% already earning money through part-time work, and 38% planning to work through college.

Even after college, employment can be tricky- in 2018. 1 in 20 college graduates couldn’t find a job. Some members of Gen Z are turning to the gig economy to make ends meet, while nearly half of Gen Z plan to become entrepreneurs. 41% want to start their own business, and 45% say they will invent something world-changing.

Young entrepreneurs include Ryan, a 6-year-old Youtube star with 13 million subscribers, and Moziah Bridges, who launched a bowtie collection at the age of 9 and even appeared on Shark Tank. Obviously, not everyone can become a Youtube star or launch a fashion brand, but it’s clear that young people are smart with their money and creative in their solutions.

By Irina