Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥  (Read 16910 times)

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #135 on: August 16, 2019, 07:14:47 PM »
The Scariest Infectious Diseases Of Our Time

Every so often, a deadly virus swipes across the world resulting in millions of deaths. Some of them have been around for many years, yet we still have no cure for them. Although advancements in medicine have made treatment possible, another pandemic may very well be around the corner.

The world’s deadliest infectious disease in the last century has been the Spanish Flu. It’s a variation of the influenza virus that has caused anywhere between 50 and 100 million deaths worldwide. The strain responsible is the widely known H1N1 subtype. It’s also the main culprit in the recent outbreaks of the swine flu.

Another deadly virus that’s taken its toll in the last 40 years is HIV. Since the first clinical observation in 1981, it has caused over 35 million deaths and counting. Scientific breakthroughs have made the illness somewhat manageable, but it still remains one of the biggest threats to humanity.

With the constant movement of people across the globe, disease can be spread very easily in today’s world. Even though vaccines and immunotherapy can provide some relief, the threat of future pandemics remains very high. Ultimately, prevention and staying informed continue to be the greatest weapons in this battle.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #136 on: August 17, 2019, 08:21:30 AM »
72 Ways To Think Visually

People often present ‘visual thinking’ as an inherent skill- either you have it, or you don’t. (And those who ‘have’ it are often portrayed as more creative and artistic than those who ‘don’t’.) But in reality, visual thinking can be learned and improved in a myriad of ways, such as coming up with new ways to conceptualize information.

Everyone learns in different ways, and it can be truly valuable to determine your learning style. But it’s not all nature; you can nurture your learning styles as well, and that includes picking up strategies to think more visually. Visual thinking, after all, isn’t just for your benefit- it can be a key method of presenting information to others in a clear and understandable way.

Some of these methods may already be obvious to you: most people have encountered a pie chart and a Venn diagram, after all. But there are as many ways of thinking visually as there are ways to configure a set of information. Charts like decision trees, abstract analogies like a speedometer or Chernoff faces, analogies like onion layers and bookshelves, and allegories like evolution or food chains can all help categorize, classify, and present information. The key is to pick which method works best for you, and adapt it for your particular set of facts.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #137 on: August 18, 2019, 08:17:18 PM »
Dressed For The Part: What You Need To Know About Dress Codes

Dress codes are everywhere,  but do you really know what all of this “business casual” means? When in doubt, check out today’s infographic!

I think everyone can agree dress codes are a set of rules. What most of us don’t realize is that these rules are often unwritten. Of course, no one on their right mind would visit the Queen of England wearing tattered jeans and dirty converse, but every social function in-between isn’t that easy to dress for. Is that dress too tight for your cousin’s wedding? Are sneakers OK for a Wednesday at the office?

In the end, dress codes are a reflection of the values of a society as a whole. On the bright side, they bring cohesiveness to a group. On the other hand, they can also promote a one-sided vision of the world, one where being different isn’t a positive thing.

When thinking about dress codes, whether you’re the one following them or imposing them, it’s good to pose the important questions. Would this be discriminatory against someone´s religious beliefs? Does this rule come from a privileged (and often race-biased) point of view?

Although I’m not proposing a full-fledged rebellion against the system, these are necessary questions that more and more people are thinking about. For example, after the shooting at two Mosques in New Zealand in March 2019, a private school was prompted to explicitly allow its students to wear hijabs if they wanted to. On the other hand, more and more high school dress codes are being revised to acknowledge some discriminatory trends against female and black students, as well as ethnic minorities.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #138 on: August 19, 2019, 08:58:10 PM »
When To Book Your Perfect Disney Vacation

Imagine a perfect day in Disney World: lots of sunshine, not too hot to be unbearable, and no crowds. Sounds impossible? Although you can’t really control the weather, it’s possible to avoid crowds –if you know these insiders secrets! Here’s everything you need to know to avoid the long lines when visiting Disney World.

Disney is incredibly popular. Huge castles, your favorite characters, themed restaurants, and thrilling rides are all in one place. Come on, you can even watch wild animals just as if you were on a safari! Truth be told, the worst part about this vacation is standing in lines. On a bad day, you could be in line for half the time you actually spend on the park. That’s waaay too much for my taste!

Of course, you can always try those fancy VIP passes Disney offers. They allow you to skip the lines, making it easy to enjoy all the most popular rides without standing for hours in the sun. Except, what if you don’t want to spend that kind of money? Going to theme parks is usually a big, planned vacation, and line-skipping passes might simply not be in the budget.

Either way, there are some tips that might be useful to skip the crowds, even without paying extra fees. Getting there early, for example. If you’re visiting during the busiest season, you have a slight advantage: parks open earlier and stay open longer. I know it’s supposed to be a vacation, but if you make the effort to get up at the crack of dawn, you’ll be able to hit fan-favorite rides without the crowds.

You could also stay inside the parks. Being right there guarantees zero commuting time, ensuring most of your day is spent enjoying the parks instead of going back and forth to your hotel. It might be pricier, but worth it.

Finally, check out today’s crowd calendar for 2019! It has all the info so you know exactly when the parks are the least busy, so you can book your trips accordingly.
Are you ready to have a magical vacation?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #139 on: August 20, 2019, 06:57:45 PM »
50 Empowering Quotes From Fictional Female Characters

The best inspiring quotes from fictional female characters. You might be surprised at how current some of these are!

Before we delve into some of the best quotes ever said by female fictional characters, I want to question the very existence of the “strong female character”. Today’s infographic is title “empowering female characetrs” for a reason.

The creation of the strong female character goes hand in hand with the existence of its mirror: the damsel in distress character. The latter has been criticized by not having goals or motivations besides being saved (usually by the male hero).

In this light, strong female characters were created to become a positive contrast. The thing is, this so-called strength is usually limited to the physical trait, and the character is left simple and under-developed.

The strong female character remains flawless and morally adequate (in contrast to their male counterparts). They are tougher, sassier and “better” than the male characters in their path. They also stand in contrast with the traditional damsel. The strong female character “is not like most girls”, and that’s supposedly a good thing. How are “most girls”? Why are feminine traits perceived as “weak”, “dumb” or “unworthy”?

Where male characters are described not only as strong, but as anything between smart to weak, brave and rough, females are either “strong” or damsels. That’s pretty simple for a human, ya know?

In stark contrast to this stereotype, there are strong characters (that just happen to be female). Many characters are well-written, and are female: Hermione Granger (in the books), Sarah Connor (until Terminator Genesys), and Ellen Ripley (from Alien).

As a side point, flat characters are common for male and female alike. So we just need better characters altogether. As writers, and consumers, we ought to ask these questions. We have to demand strong characters, male and female. We need human characters on books and on screen. In the meantime, check out these empowering quotes by fictional females. Who wouldn’t want a t-shirt with some of these?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #140 on: August 21, 2019, 08:24:38 PM »
How To Re-Focus When You’re Distracted

Each day we are flooded with large amounts of information from hundreds of different sources. Processing it all can become so overwhelming that it gets in the way of our responsibilities. You probably have at least ten other things you’re thinking about right now! Luckily, there are ways we can get our brain to refocus on the task at hand.

There are various theories as to why we tend to lose our concentration throughout the day. Scientists believe the main reason is a depletion in the energy reserves that our brains use to function.

Once your mind starts to wander off, you can try a few quick tricks to settle it back down. In recent years breathing exercises have been gaining popularity. Simply taking deep breaths and counting them in your head will bring focus back in a hurry. 

A surprising way to regain concentration is by chewing gum. Although the jury’s still out on the scientific explanation of this phenomenon, research results have shown that it’s true. 

These tricks and more can help you get your brain back on track when you need it. Just be sure you don’t find yourself blowing bubble gum bubbles during and important meeting.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #141 on: August 24, 2019, 07:28:16 PM »
How Coffee Took Over America

A few decades ago, coffee in America meant a big communal pot of acrid, filtered slush that was omnipresent in every office and barely drinkable. It’s almost hard to remember with our present reality of cold-brewed, nitro-pressed coffee shops on every corner. Without a doubt, the journey that American society has undergone–becoming a nation of coffee fiends in the process–is a fascinating one.

There’s a lot to learn about coffee, and it’s only getting more popular: a full 69% of Americans drink 2 or more cups of coffee a day. While multiple cultures claim to have originated the coffee-drinking habit, the first confirmed record of coffee being drunk comes from Yemen in the 15th century.

In the 17th century, trade with the Middle East swept coffee into Europe, where it proved instantly popular; the Dutch, Parisians, and Venetians were particularly keen early adopters of the tradition. By the 18th century, coffee had reached the New World, with revolutionaries drinking it in lieu of tea as part of their protest against British taxation. James A. Folger even began marketing the drink to miners during the California Gold Rush. Nowadays, with 29,324 Starbucks shops around the country, it’s clear that coffee is an all-consuming love affair…and America isn’t about to break up any time soon.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #142 on: August 26, 2019, 07:22:18 PM »
The Truth Behind The “Autism Epidemic”

Are we facing an autism epidemic? Autism diagnosis have risen greatly since the start of the twentieth century. Are you aware of the causes behind this? Check out today’s infographic!

First off, hold your horses. Experts state we really can’t talk about an epidemic per se, mainly because the rise in diagnosis also stems from a growing awareness of the condition, as well as changes to the condition’s criteria.

Because there are no specific blood tests, brain scans, or other “objective” tests that can diagnose autism, doctors rely on observation and behavior to diagnose. In simple terms, the criteria for autism are “problems with social communication and interactions, as well as restricted interests or repetitive behavior”; and both of these symptoms must be present in early development.

According to the stats, around five more boys than girls suffer from autism, and the trend only seems to be getting stronger not only in the US but worldwide. Nevertheless, it’s difficult to assess the real prevalence of autism, given that many kids aren’t diagnosed, and stats come usually from school and medical records that many families don’t necessarily have access to.

If you want to know more about autism, this infographic has all the basics you need to know!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #143 on: August 28, 2019, 07:51:18 PM »
Create A Meeting Agenda That Actually Works

Productive meetings seem to be a bit of a myth for many, and if you ask pretty much any executive, they’ll tell you meetings are more often than not boring, unproductive and inefficient. Many times, you’ll leave the room feeling like you’ve wasted two hours of your life that you’ll never get back and that you could have spent being productive.

This general feeling shouldn’t mean that meetings have to stop altogether or that a company doesn’t need them. In fact, meetings are the right place to brainstorm and give feedback. A successful meeting is possible, and it all comes down to strong planning.

A productive meeting is one that stays on topic, but how can you stay on topic if you aren’t sure what the topic even is? This is where meeting agendas come into play. They aren’t difficult to plan out, and won’t take you too long to craft up. Most importantly, even if you do take a lot of time planning out your meeting agenda, you’re making sure the meeting itself happens in the most efficient way possible.

The steps are simple. First, open the meeting reviewing the agenda for the day. This way, everyone will be on the same page. Then, address each topic according to their priority level. That’s it. Pretty easy, huh? Ready to try it out?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #144 on: August 29, 2019, 08:51:00 PM »
Vital Steps For Preventing Child Identity Theft

Identity theft is a serious and very expensive problem that’s been affecting a great number of people lately. Unfortunately, it isn’t a problem that’s affecting only adults, as much as adults have Jedi mind-tricked themselves into thinking it is.

In the United States alone, 15.4 million people had their identities stolen. Out of those, over 1 million were children, and at least two-thirds of those were under the age of 7.

Basically, identity theft is the acquisition of another person’s personal information to use it illegally. Many identity thieves sell the information on the black market to people who often use it for financial gain. For example, thieves will use Social Security numbers to make transactions as if they were other people.

It is worrying, but there are some clear, tell-tale signs of identity theft you can look out for. If your child is receiving credit card offers in the email or the IRS claims that your child owes taxes, you should check what’s going on.

Identity theft is something that should be treated carefully, as the consequences could potentially ruin your child’s life forever. Being unable to get bank loans and being ineligible for student loans, getting arrest warrants issued in their name, or even being unable to apply for driver’s license are all potential problems you can prevent with a few, simple steps.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #145 on: August 30, 2019, 12:56:08 PM »
Retrain Your Brain To Stop Obsessing Over Work Mistakes

We all make mistakes. It’s as human a trait as anything. However, work mistakes can feel particularly momentous, particularly if there’s a financial or reputational cost. It’s easy to lapse into negative thinking, but with a few targeted strategies, you can break the cycle of obsessive thinking.

In general, retraining your brain to break bad habits can be a key way of improving your life. When it comes to working mistakes, the basic principle is no different. First, try to reduce self-criticism by avoiding absolute statements like “I’m inadequate” or “I’m a failure” and focusing on relative and subjective statements like “I feel like I’m inadequate”.

While being distracted can lead to mistakes in the first place, once you’ve already goofed up, a bit of distraction can help reset your brain. This can mean calling a friend to vent, taking a walk, or even making yourself a hot drink. A slow breathing exercise can also help decrease your stress levels.

Most importantly, make a plan to get things back on track. The key is to start small and outline each discrete step while being specific and realistic in your expectations. Soon, you’ll be so engrossed in the planning that the stress over the mistake will be gone, and you can set things straight instead.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #146 on: August 31, 2019, 06:51:14 PM »
How Is The Internet Getting Older?

Many countries around the world are grappling with the same issue: their citizens are getting older and older, as people live longer and have fewer children. What may surprise you is that the internet is undergoing a similar transformation; it’s no longer the exclusive domain of young people.

The stereotype of ‘elderly Facebook user’ can sometimes be the subject of derision and humor, often due to the typos or confusion some older users experience online. While you may fear for your elderly relative’s internet safety as they might be targets of scams or increasingly scary viruses, it turns out they’re as addicted to their devices as the rest of us. The average baby boomer is actually spending 27 hours a week online.

In some ways, older people use the internet like everyone else, with 78% saying they use it to keep up with their topics of interest. However, a full 33% see the internet as a trusted source of information–potentially dangerous numbers in a post-fake-news world. 66% of older people use the internet to access news or other information with Fox News, Bloomberg, and being cited as popular destinations. What’s certain, though, is that older people are getting more and more connected, and their influence on the internet will only continue to grow.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #147 on: September 02, 2019, 07:05:03 PM »
Easy Hacks To Make Your Fav Jeans Last Forever

Finding a good pair of jeans is much like finding the perfect romantic partner: it can take years of searching, cause floods of tears, and the last thing you want to do is let them slip away once you’ve found them. While love might remain as elusive as ever, there are a few tips you can try to make sure your jeans last a lifetime.

The key to helping your jeans last might seem counter-intuitive, but it starts with not washing them. Of course, some types of clothes need to be washed more often than others, and your jeans will still need an occasional clean if you’re not willing to sacrifice good hygiene for the sake of fashion.

These hacks, however, can yield clean jeans without the need to stick them in a washing machine. One easy option is to freeze your jeans, which some say will kill off stinky bacteria…other studies are less certain. You can also spritz your jeans with a mixture of vodka and water or vinegar and water, which will freshen them up. (In retrospect, this combination, via a series of accidental spills, must have kept my jeans in great shape during college.)

If all else fails, you can stick your jeans in the washing machine — it’s not the end of the world. Just make sure you turn them inside out and air dry, and your favorite pair will stay safe.

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #148 on: September 04, 2019, 07:00:22 PM »
The Surprising Truth Behind Neck Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient practice, but it’s still mysterious to many people. Does it actually work, and if so, how? Does it hurt? Is it dangerous? This helpful guide can answer some of those questions, and explain how acupuncture can help those with neck pain.

Neck pain is one of the most common ailments in people young and old. Your posture can contribute to pain, but so can muscle strains, nerve compression, and injuries like car accidents. Neck pain can present in different ways, too, sometimes causing stiffness or headaches.

While–disclaimer–acupuncture has not been proven to work in standard scientific studies, many people do find it reduces their pain. The practice claims to reduce pain by expelling blocked ‘chi’ from acupoints, through the insertion of needles.

The best way to treat neck pain, though, is still prevention. That can mean taking frequent breaks while working at a computer or reading, practicing good posture by ensuring your hips and ears are directly in line with your shoulders, avoiding tucking your phone between your chin and shoulder, and the classic health tip: quitting smoking. Overall, it’s easier to prevent neck pain than to treat it, but if it develops, it may be worth consulting a doctor about acupuncture.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #149 on: September 06, 2019, 07:32:15 PM »
An Ultimate Guide For Marketing To Gen Z

It’s a brave new world for marketing, and the rules of well-executed millennial-centered campaigns no longer apply. Gen Zers aren’t willing to just click on your ad and follow your brand to the throes of death just because. Gen Zers are a marketing challenge while being a generation whose growing spending power is almost $200 billion.

If you want to dive into this sea of college-aged people with their ultra-discerning eye, congrats! You’re heading in the right direction! Gen Z is the future, and they are revolutionizing the world in ways people are just beginning to grasp.

According to several studies, Gen Zers discard online ads three seconds faster than Millennials. This is a generation that was born into the internet, they own it, and they know its ins and outs. They apply ad-blocking tech like they apply sunblock on holidays.

Many brands wonder how to engage people with an 8-second attention span. In short, brands have to stop looking at Gen Zers only as consumers and start seeing them also as collaborators. This is a generation of wizards of ROI who could become your brand ambassadors.

To achieve that, you need to offer them something beyond a simple product: you must offer them an experience. In a world of social media and instant rewards, Gen Zers want a brand to make them feel. Are you up for this challenge?

By Emily
