Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥  (Read 16866 times)

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #150 on: September 13, 2019, 08:02:41 PM »
Easy Ways To Naturally Cure Insomnia

For some of us, the sight of our bed automatically adds extra weight to our eyelids. There are some people, however, that really struggle to fall asleep at night. Fortunately, there are quite a few natural remedies that can help with insomnia.

In order to function normally during the day, humans need a certain amount of sleep. For various reasons, some people just can’t reach the level of relaxation required to drift off into dreamland.

One of the biggest causes of insomnia is anxiety. It seems as though our brains tend to sabotage us right before we fall asleep by making us worry about pointless things. The best way to deal with this is to take control of your mind by practicing mindfulness meditation and/or exercising during the day.

Other possible reasons for difficulty falling asleep may be related to a lack of some nutrients. Lack of magnesium, for example, is linked to insomnia. Eating foods like nuts, seeds, and veggies should help you catch some extra z’s at night.

The battle with insomnia can be challenging for some people. A lot of times it takes more than just counting sheep to get quality rest.  Trying out some new natural ways to doze off can’t hurt. Just be sure to set an alarm for the morning in case they work.

Sweet dreams!

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #151 on: September 19, 2019, 07:57:10 PM »
The Growth Of This Household Industry Could Surprise You

Growth trends and industry forecasts are often discussed in large-scale terms that deal with large industries: construction, agriculture, technology. But within each industry, it’s equally important to consider growth stratagems in more niche areas. And when it comes to construction, the latest area of growth may surprise you: kitchen cabinetry.

Reading about construction and real estate can lead to all sorts of wild, speculative thinking- including what it might be like to sell a house in outer space. But big changes happen closer to home (literally), as well. Specifically, there’s been a small but significant rise- 4.82%- in the sale of kitchen cabinets, compared to this time last year.

There could be several reasons for this. The median age is 26, which this infographic notes is ‘prime home-buying age’- although given the modern housing market, many millennials would dispute that statistic. More likely, a boom in new home building has driven the increase in cabinet-building, as each new home requires kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen cabinets, as any other sort of fittings or furniture, will change with the times: builders and designers are predicting that metal cabinets may become more standard in the future. Whatever they’re made of, it’s clear that the demand for kitchen cabinets is not slowing anytime soon.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #152 on: September 20, 2019, 07:14:17 PM »
The Top 50 Animated Movies Of All Time

Animated movies may appear childish, but they are quite a lucrative business. It seems like every year there’s at least one box office hit that earns millions of dollars. You’d be surprised to find out just how much money they make from you and your kids.

When looking at the top 50 highest earners of all time, there’s only one movie that missed the half a billion mark: Toy Story 2 fell just short, but not by much.

The highest grossing animated movie of all time is Frozen. It has earned close to $1.3 billion from you and your kids during its time in theaters. Seems crazy, but you’ll just have to let it go.

Once the production companies find some success with a movie, they tend to pump out sequels. Of course, every child would like to see their favorite characters on the big screen with a new story! That’s why sequels rack up just as much dough as originals.

With movies like Lion King out this summer, get ready to shell out some more cash at the movies.  Maybe this is a good opportunity to bribe your kids to do some extra chores and earn it. Otherwise, they can just wait for it to come out on local cable.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #153 on: September 21, 2019, 06:51:20 PM »
Dating Apps: How I Met Your Father

Millennials always seem to follow the beat of their own drum. It seems like finding new practical ways of doing things is at the core of every new technological advancement. It should come as no surprise that dating has also been revolutionized with apps like Tinder.

With a single swipe, you can be on your way to building a life together with your soulmate. It’s also possible that you’ll be making your next regrettable mistake, but that’s a different story.

Current statistics show that 20% of relationships start online. That number is supposed to more than triple within the next twenty years. So if you’re doing some swiping right now, that means you’re ahead of the curve. Congratulations!

With a wide variety of apps on the market, chances are you’ll find what you’re in the mood for. This even includes a platform where Donald Trump fans can be romantic together.

Dating apps have their cons, however. Lying about personal information on social media is quite an epidemic. That guy that said he’s 6 feet tall may disappoint you when he shows up without his heels. 

Whether you like it or not, Tinder-like apps are here to stay. Let’s just hope that someday we’re not doing the actual dating online too.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #154 on: September 23, 2019, 08:21:04 PM »
How And Where Our Time Gets Lost at Work

Time is a limited resource, so we have to learn how to make the best of it. There are several ways in which you can stop wasting time. They are inexpensive and super easy to follow, you just have to get ready to apply them in your daily life.

The first great tip we offer today is to organize and prioritize. As obvious as it may sound, many people just fail to these simple things at work. Many workers will just say ‘yes’ to any project that comes their way. At the end of the day, they will have ten different projects going on, all unfinished, and not enough time to properly work on them.

After you prioritize your work, the next step is to make a to-do list. We cannot stress enough the benefits making these lists will provide you in the long run. When you have a to-do list, you know for sure what you should be working on. This way, you’ll be able to easily track your progress at the same time that you avoid the temptation of wasting time in small tasks.

You see, multitasking is one of the greatest ways to waste time. Almost everyone feels powerful when multitasking, but in reality, doing several things at the same time just makes you less productive. While multitasking, your attention splits between several different things. If you can’t focus properly, your results will be sloppy and, more often than not, you’ll have to get re-do most of your ‘done’ tasks.

Are you ready to stop wasting your time at work?

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #155 on: September 25, 2019, 07:34:07 PM »
Easy Ways To Naturally Cure Insomnia

In 2019, no one can deny social media has had a great impact over the world. We communicate in a different manner than we did only 15 years ago, and we interact with people around us in unique and special ways thanks to social media.

For better or for worse, private people have found a way to express their opinion through social media. Many people even believe social media has actually strengthened their bonds with friends and family. But how has social media truly changed the way the world does things?

Economically, social media has had a great impact on markets and dynamics. Businesses on all five continents use social media to spread their brand messages, bringing their products to a wider audience. Before, mass media advertising was everything. Now, entrepreneurs can get followers through social media. It might not be easy, but it’s considerably cheaper.

The most significant impact social media has had on our lives is undoubtedly its social ramifications. Many barriers have been broken when it comes to communication and networking. We can be in touch easily and immediately, to the point that time and distance have stopped to matter.

Clearly, not every single person has embraced technology in the same way. Older people have had a rough time adapting, so it’s up to Gen Zers to lead this world. Take a look at how the younger generation experiences social media and its impact on their lives.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #156 on: September 26, 2019, 06:53:33 PM »
Tricks To Deal With ADHD Naturally

If you suffer from ADHD, you may want to pay attention to the information presented here. Well, at least try to pay attention.

A growing problem in the US, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) now affects around 5% of the population. 

The standard way of dealing with this condition is by using prescription medications. Although drugs like Adderall and Concerta may relieve symptoms, they are a double-edged sword. Some of the possible side effects include loss of appetite, headaches, and mood swings. Some users also report a general unpleasant feeling when using the medications.

So is there a different way to deal with ADHD? Consider prevention before treating the symptoms.  Some of the things that may trigger this condition include stress, overuse of technology, and lack of exercise. Ditching the smartphone and going for a jog can make a world’s difference in your daily routine.

Getting all the necessary nutrients can also be beneficial in the battle against ADHD. Certain foods can be great sources of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Congratulations, you made it to the end of the article without getting distracted! The only thing left to do now is to get up and go for a walk.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #157 on: October 07, 2019, 07:06:29 PM »
Subtle Ways Investing In UX Affects Your Bottom Line

There isn’t a widely accepted definition of UX design. For many entrepreneurs and users, the term may sound foreign and confusing. Essentially, User Experience is a vast and complex net that ultimately conveys every single aspect related to the interaction between the user and the product, including everything that entails.

As you can guess, the letters UX represent User Experience, and its design is something that businesses spend a lot of time and effort developing. In practice, user experience design includes many different disciplines, from visual design and architecture to engineering and informatics design.

A successful UX design aims to improve customer satisfaction and ultimately engage the customer in a lasting and loyal relationship with the brand, going beyond the product itself. But, how to improve the satisfaction a customer gets from your product? Whether it is a digital or physical product, it has to fulfill the customer’s needs on usefulness, ease of use, and pleasure gotten from interacting with it.

However, if you are planning on developing a successful UX design, you need to think about a lot more than just its function and its beauty. You must also take into account how the customer will react to the product when it comes to emotion. Don’t hesitate to hire experts to determine your buyer persona so that your business will be able to cater to specific needs.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #158 on: October 09, 2019, 07:53:11 AM »
The Science Of Habit: Popular Habits Vs. Popular Addictions

Did you know the “gaming disorder” is now considered a disease by the World Health Organization? As unexpected as it may sound, the inability to stop gaming has now been included in the International Classification of Diseases.

Maybe this “gaming disorder” doesn’t sound as serious as other problems, such as alcoholism or drug addiction. However, digital addiction is becoming a growing and quite serious problem. The World Health Organization and big corporations like Google and Apple have acknowledged this situation, but people remain in the dark about just how easy it is to become an addict given our current technology.

Most apps and social media platforms have developed a reward system that keeps you hooked. Receiving ‘likes’ in your posts becomes an instant satisfaction that can grow into an obsession if you are not aware of its effects. Social media apps, games, or even shopping platforms hire professionals to develop persuasive messages that make you want to stay online all the time.

If these platforms are specially designed to make you want to stay, how can you fight digital addiction? We recommend developing a hobby that occupies your time and engages your mind. This doesn’t mean you should never use your social platforms, but remember, addictions grow almost without you noticing. So, it’s better to always be aware of its possible repercussions.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #159 on: October 10, 2019, 01:41:27 PM »
Morning Tips To Help You Start Your Day Like A Boss

If mornings are hard for you, then you aren’t doing them right. Sure, not all of us are morning people, but that doesn’t mean we can’t own our own mornings. Something as simple as waking up early will translate into amazing benefits in the short and long run.

One of the best ways to start your day is to do a 15-minute stretching routine. This will pump you up just like an expresso shot right to your brain. The only difference that this energy boost will last you all day long. Just as you wake up, try to stay away from electronics for a while. Checking your email or social media will stress your brain out.

Use your mornings to plan your day, in case you didn’t the night before. Set an achievable and realistic to-do list, and allow yourself a little ‘me-time’ away from distractions. Think about what you have achieved so far and your next goals. This will keep you motivated and happy, even during those days you aren’t at your best.

In the mornings, we recommend you listen to upbeat music. This will subconsciously stimulate endorphin production and will make you feel happy and relaxed throughout the day.

Most importantly, eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a common habit, but it isn’t a very healthy one. Having a good breakfast is the only way to get enough energy inside your body for your brain to start working properly.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #160 on: October 12, 2019, 08:57:49 AM »
Combating Assignment Stress: The Modern Solution

Student life is gradually changing with technological progress that opens new opportunities. Educational approaches evolve, and students experience stressful situations more often. College entrants and high school students should address these challenges. This requires finding new solutions and making quick decisions. In their academic pursuits, college freshmen search for new patterns of facing multiple challenges. They set ambitious goals: good performance in schools, staying socially active, and survival in this rush. It’s not easy to combine all these activities without applying for the assistance of third parties.

How Can Students Address Academic Challenges?

At some point, students realize that excellent academic performance in all subjects is a myth. Attempts to cope with multiple duties may result in stress. Therefore, they apply for academic writing, and the reasons are as follows:

The pursuit for writing assistance – professional academic writers can complete custom papers of any complexity
Obtaining samples of papers – students can use the ideas from paper samples to brainstorm for their papers.
Why Are Students Searching for Experts to Write Shortcuts?

As a rule, students don’t have time for completing written tasks. The most common reasons for this are:

the necessity to study and work simultaneously to pay tuition fees
the desire to pay more attention to family members or socialize with friends
inability to get an extension when unexpected circumstances emerge
certificates students get after a course completion add confidence when applying for a dream job
insufficient level of English
maintaining focus on the mandatory subject rather studying secondary disciplines.
Additional Reasons to Apply for Professional Help

Continuous pressure associated with insufficient time available for completing assignments is enhanced by:

the necessity of covering the average tuition fee per year ($8,000 on average)
the need for allocating time for studies every day (minimum length of online courses is 135 hours)
the obligation to write 35 pages on average to complete one course
the inability of completing tasks individually due to low levels of English (high requirements for the level of English for international students).
Annual Tuition Fees as Motivation to Delegate Written Tasks

Many students try to find jobs to pay tuition fees and separate from their parents. Even part-time employment takes a minimum of 20 hours per week to cover living expenses and tuition fees. As a result, little time is left for studies, and they don’t have a choice but ask for external assistance in completing written tasks.

Average tuition fees in some English-speaking countries:

United Kingdom – $12,000
United States – $10,000
Canada – $5,000
Australia – $5,000
Popular Types of Assignments Ordered by Students

More than one-third of college essays is written by professionals (35%)
One-quarter of all ordered custom papers make various assignments (25%)
Research papers make 15% of all papers written for students
Roughly 13% of papers ordered are the tasks of advanced complexity (dissertations, Capstone projects, reviews)
7% of term papers are written by experts
The remaining 5% are courseworks

By May

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #161 on: October 13, 2019, 06:29:33 PM »
The Trick To Designing Your Home Office For Productivity

Working from home can report many benefits in the short and long run. Thanks to apps like Slack or Skype, employees can communicate and co-operate as easily and efficiently as if they were all working in the same place.

Clearly, one of the main advantages that working from home provides for you, is not having to commute to work every day. Not only will you avoid spending unnecessary time waiting in bus stops or driving around, but you’ll also be in a better mood than if you had to suffer through being stuck in traffic for over half an hour.

Now that you’re staying home to work, your productivity can increase significantly. Yet, just staying at home to work won’t immediately turn you into a productivity ninja. The key to being productive at home is to have an encouraging work station.

Your home office has to be a place free from distractions, and (if possible) away from most of the noise. This means finding a quiet corner to set up a comfortable desk where you can work. Try to keep your work station decluttered and bright. This will lift your spirits and keep your mind focused for a longer period of time. Remember, take breaks to stretch and drink water, but don’t go away from your home office for long!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #162 on: October 14, 2019, 08:48:25 PM »
Best Ranked Countries For Women In The Workforce

Which countries are best suited for women who are in the workforce? PwC’s Women in Work Index 2019 released its findings before March 2019’s International Women’s Day. The infographic covers 33 countries selected by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Some of the factors that contributed to the findings include equality of earnings, job security, and access to employment opportunities. This information from PwC was compiled by Forbes and Statista to assess where women’s workplace equality ranks on a global level.

Beyond being an important issue of equality, the research also noted the potential economic benefits (we’re talking trillions of dollars here) should the OECD nations mimic those nations that ranked highest. Since women make up a little over half of the global population, having them in the workforce can greatly help boost any country’s economy. Forbes estimates that the collective GDP would increase by more than $6 trillion if all of the OECD countries followed Sweden’s lead as the best-ranked country for women in the workplace.

When put that way, it makes it difficult to understand why more countries aren’t trying to emulate Sweden’s shining example. Check out today’s infographic to find out where your country ranks on a global equality scale.

By Elyssa

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #163 on: October 15, 2019, 07:26:48 PM »
Why Multiple Screens Are The Key To Productivity

How much time do you spend every day writing emails that need source material? How much time is spent looking up numbers in one document that you need to complete another document? Probably, you would answer these questions with ‘not much’.

It takes the average person about 1.5 seconds to change documents already opened in their computers. While this doesn’t sound like much, at the end of the weeks you would have spent lots of hours just switching between one document and another. Now, what if you didn’t have to switch at all? What if all documents were open and on sight at the same time?

This is what having multiple screens offers you. According to several studies, the size of your screen does affect your productivity. Designers, for example, have proven to be 20% more productive when using two screens at the same time.

Still, having multiple screens isn’t something reserved for designers and illustrators. Having more than one screen can increase your productivity if you are working on data entry or drafting a document using source material. Also, if you want to compare products side-by-side, having multiple screens is the right choice.

Even if you just want to play video games on your computer, having more than one screen can change your pace. How? Easy, you can play in one screen, while having chat boxes open in the other.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #164 on: October 16, 2019, 07:13:54 PM »
Small Time-Saving Changes You Need To Make At Work

Globalization has changed the world forever. The pace in which we move is getting faster by the second, and (as they say) time is money. That’s why you should definitely try to be as productive as you can, and then some.

In order to increase your productivity, you need to plan your day before it starts. Planning ahead will help you stay on track and actually do what you need to do instead of wasting time on small tasks that aren’t as important. So, how do you lay down an efficient and effective plan for your day?

The first thing you must do is to determine the importance and urgency of each of your tasks. Once you do this, you’ll be able to know what to set as first on your to-do list. Tasks that are both urgent and important should, obviously, go first.

As we mentioned, this is a globalized world, and this means you will always work alongside a team. The main reason you should aim to identify your teammate’s strengths is that a successful team player knows when to delegate. Delegating tasks will immediately make you, and your team, more productive.

Remember, your plan for the day should specify how much time you’ll spend doing your tasks. This way, you will actually force yourself to be productive, as you have a time frame to stick to. Get ready to productive!

By Emily