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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2012, 08:15:57 PM »
Sun Fun

As summer fades and winter rears its head, people in certain parts of the globe are gearing up to try and stay warm and cozy.
While the sunshine is milder in winter, it can still wreak havoc on your skin, especially if you don't take the proper precautions before venturing out. Once your skin is damaged by excessive UV radiation, it will never repair itself. If you were in doubt as to the damage sun can wreak, here's a refresher:

Premature wrinkling
Skin cancer
Dries the skin

So keep these tips in mind before stepping out:

1. Never, ever step out in the sun without wearing a sunscreen lotion.

2. If you are dusky skinned and a tan does not show up, this does NOT mean you are any less at risk of suffering the damage caused by UV radiation.

3. What kind of lotion should you apply Well, look for one which has an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15. This means that it will protect your skin for 15 times longer than if you had no sunscreen. It does not mean it offers stronger protection, but that it offers longer lasting protection. It all depends on how sensitive your skin is to the sun. Thus, if your skin starts going red after you've been in the sun for ten minutes, you will be able to stand the sun for 1 and a half hours if you use an SPF of 15.

4. If your skin is extra sensitive, go in for a sun tan lotion with a higher SPF.

5. Apply the lotion at least 15 minutes before exposure to the sun.

6. If you are going swimming, make sure you wear a water-resistant sunscreen. The combination of chlorine and water is murder for your skin!

7. Don't forget your lips! Lips are sensitive, and they require special protection because they can't tan. Lipstick is better than nude lips, and if you can get your hands on a lipstick which offers UV protection, there's nothing like it!

8. Remember, a sun tan lotion will not prevent you from tanning. It will, however, filter out harmful UV radiation.

9. Stay in the shade as much as possible, especially between 11am and 3 pm. The sun is at its hottest at this time.

10. When you get home after being in the sun for some time, apply an after-sun lotion. This moisturizes your skin, and it also has certain ingredients especially for sun-exposed skin.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2012, 08:20:37 PM »
It's About Honey, Honey!

Pour it on your paratha, stir it into your milk, dip your fruits in it, apply it to your face or hair, or simply pour a teaspoon down your throat. Whichever way you have it, rest assured, it's a treat for your health, skin and body.

Honey Cleansing Scrub
Take 2 tablespoons of finely ground almonds and mix it with a tablespoon of honey and ten drops of lemon juice. Apply this to your face and scrub gently. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Firming Mask
Whisk one tablespoon honey with the white of an egg. Add enough flour to this mixture so it forms a paste. You will require approximately quarter of a cup. Smooth this mixture over your face and rinse off after ten minutes with lukewarm water.

Hair Conditioner
Mix half a cup of honey with two tablespoons olive oil. If your hair is very dry, add a third tablespoon. Section off your hair and coat it well with the mixture. Cover your hair with a shower cap so you don't mess up the entire house. In addition, the shower cap traps heat from your scalp, enabling the oils to penetrate further. Wash off after half an hour.

Skin Toner
Puree an apple with one tablespoon honey in a blender. Apply this mixture for face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. This makes a great toner.

For Dry Skin
Take one tablespoon honey in a katori and add one teaspoon milk. Mix well and smooth it over face. Rinse off with lukewarm water after ten minutes. Your skin will feel soft instantly.

Smoothing Skin Lotion
Mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon regular cooking oil and a quarter teaspoon lemon juice. Dip a cotton swab into this mixture and rub it into your elbows, hands and heels. Rinse off with lukewarm water after ten minutes.

Skin Softening Bath
Fill up your tub with warm water and add a quarter cup honey for a smooth, silky bath.

Hair Shine
Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups warm water. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as usual. Your hair will shine.

Vocal Cords
Ever wondered what it feels like to have a voice as melodious as that of Lata Mangeshkar? Now is your chance to find out. A teaspoon of honey a day soothes your throat and enhances the sweetness of your vocal chords  you're set to be the singing sensation of the millennium. (All you need is ten hours of practice a day.

Energy Booster
If you feel an instant boost of vitality after taking a teaspoon of honey, you're not imagining it. Honey is choc-a-bloc with vitamins, minerals, glucose and fructose, which is why it makes good sense to substitute sugar with honey whenever possible.

Healing Properties
Applying honey on cuts and wounds helps them heal faster, as honey controls anti-oxidants which absorb the oxygen from the air and help the wound heal faster, without scarring. The ancient Egyptians used honey to treat cataracts, cuts and burns. Hippocrates, the Greek physician, prepared honey-based cures for skin disorders and ulcers. During World War I, German doctors used honey mixed with cod liver oil to surgically dress soldiers' wounds.

So what are you waiting for? Rush to the kitchen and grab a spoonful of honey!

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2012, 08:23:34 PM »
What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a simple cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles and scars. Read on to know if this cosmetic procedure is meant for you.

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that makes use of tiny rough grains to remove the outermost dead surface of the skin totally or partially. The plus point of this procedure is that it is not painful and does not need anesthetic. Microdermabrasion is one the most recent and popular skin care techniques.

How microdermabrasion works?

Microdermabrasion can be a great substitute to other expensive and cumbersome cosmetic procedures such as Plastic surgery, Chemical peeling and Botox injections. Stratum Corneum is the uppermost layer of our skin and this layer is prone to most of the skin problems including infections, acne, blemishes and wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion is also referred as skin polishing. It works on the topmost layer of the skin to treat skin problems. The process of microdermabrasion does not require a doctor's attention. Microdermabrasion is done in spas or by beauticians in salons. Crystal microdermabrasion and diamond microdermabrasion are the most common methods of skin polishing.

Crystal microdermabrasion

Crystal microdermabrasion is the traditional process to carry out microdermabrasion procedure. In this process tiny crystals are used to exfoliate the skin. It is believed that this method is a natural method to get glowing skin without any chemicals, surgeries, lasers or side effects.

Aluminum oxide crystals are used as an abrasive agent. Doctors believe that aluminum oxide is safe for skin resurfacing treatments. The irregular shape of the crystals makes them effective for skin resurfacing.

Diamond microdermabrasion

Diamond microdermabrasion is the alternative for crystal microdermabrasion. No crystals are used in this process, instead exfoliation takes place when diamond tipped head abrades against the skin to remove the dead skin layer.

Diamond microdermabrasion does not make use of crystals, thus preventing the contact of the crystals with eyes. Some experts say that this procedure of abrasion is not completely safe. Diamond microdermabrasion helps reducing wrinkles, acne scars and brown spots.

Microdermabrasion at home

Many people prefer home Microdermabrasion systems. Microdermabrasion home kits usually contain crystal creams and applicators. Applicator is a hand held resurfacing wand or foam applicator which massages foam deep into the skin. In some products you need to massage it with your hand instead of using a massaging tool.

Micro abrasion at home is milder as compared to microdermabrasion at clinics or spas. Home microdermabrasion is cheaper than in spas. You just need to cleanse your face and then start massaging with microdermabrasion wand all over your skin or on the affected area. Microdermabrasion at home takes just a few minutes.

Benefits of microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion helps revitalise dull skin and makes it glow. Microdermabrasion is beneficial for reducing dilated, enlarged pores and controls wrinkles. It lightens blemishes, age spots, mild pigments and stretch marks. Microdermabrasion renews skin and helps the growth of the new skin cells.

Microdermabrasion is not a complicated skin treatment. It does not have any side effects and does not make use of harsh chemicals. You can immediately carry on with your daily chores once you are done with the procedure. One should keep in mind some facts in mind before opting for microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion should not be used on patients who have taken the medication Accutane in the last twelve months.

The crystals in the microdermabrasion machine should be more than 99% pure to get most out of the process.

Instruments those come in contact with skin during process should be free of bacteria or other microorganisms.

Avoid microdermabrasion if you are pregnant or less than 14 years of age. Due to hormonal changes during these periods microdermabrasion may not show its effects.
Microdermabrasion will make you look young and will make your skin supple. Age will be no bar to flaunt baby soft skin. If you are combating age related skin problems, microdermabrasion can help. Why live with blemishes when you have a choice. Microdermabrasion may give you the skin you desire.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2012, 08:26:05 PM »
5 Minutes to a Creamy Complexion

If you don't apply foundation before going out, you're making a mistake. Foundation, if applied well, can make your skin look soft, smooth, flawless and simply spectacular.
Make sure the foundation matches your skin tone.

Do you have a sponge for applying foundation? If not, get one. It ensures an even application.

Mix a little moisturiser in your foundation. Most skins are dehydrated even though we may not realise it. In any case, moisturiser adds a sheen to the foundation.

Mix an equal amount of foundation and moisturiser in the palm of your hand, and wipe it over your face.

Blend it with a damp sponge and finish off with a dusting of compact powder. And voila! You won't be able to tear your eyes away from the mirror.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2012, 08:28:53 PM »
Lime ' Lemony'

If there's one beauty item your kitchen shelf should not be without, it's the humble LEMON. Here are just a few of the ways you can use it, to achieve spectacular results.

Skin Sense

Mix a few drops of lemon juice with an equal amount of water. Apply it on your face with a cotton ball. This makes a great astringent.

Beset by blemishes? No problem. Simply dab the area with lemon juice a few times a day. This removes the redness from the blemished area.

Mix the juice from 1 lemon with 2 parts coarse salt and 1 part olive oil to make a paste. Step into the shower and massage into body. Turn on the shower and rinse. Pat dry and apply a rich moisturiser. This makes a great exfoliating scrub and leaves your skin soft and glowing.

Turmeric powder is also excellent for your skin. Mix turmeric powder along with a little lemon juice and wash off after 10 minutes. Be careful though the yellow tends to stain the face, so do this before going to bed.

You can make an excellent face mask by mixing 2 tablespoons papaya pulp with 10 drops of lemon juice. Rinse off after 20 minutes. You've heard it said again and again - you can never drink too much water, but what's even better is water to which a twist of lemon has been added. (No sweet or other masalas - we're not talking nimboo pani here!) This is not only great for your health, but good for your complexion as well.

Step by Step to Steam Cleansing

Most skin types benefit from regular steaming, but don't steam your face if you have thread veins as it would only worsen the condition. Also, don't steam your face more than once a week. it may dry your skin excessively. Bring a quarter of water to boil and take it to the table. Add the juice of half a lemon and a handful of any herbs (basil or mint). Tie back your hair and drape a towel over your head and the bowl to form a tent, to trap the steam. After you've steamed your face for fifteen minutes, gently squeeze out blackheads, if any, and splash it with cold water to close pores. Apply a moisturiser 15 minutes later.

A Natural Bleach

Streak your hair the natural way. Add lemon to strands of hair and sit in the sun for fifteen minutes. Do this sparingly because it could damage dry hair. Cut a lemon in half and rub it on hyper-pigmented areas like your elbows and knees to lighten them.

Mix a few drops lemon juice with an equal amount of honey if you have dry skin, or with cucumber juice if your skin is oily. Wash off after 15 minutes. Get rid of age spots. Cut a lemon wedge and hold it directly on the spot for ten minutes. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this every day until the spots lighten or vanish altogether!

Lemon is good for removing stains on teeth - rub with the peel, then rinse with water.

Hair Care

For hair that shines, add the juice of a lemon to one cup water. Pour it over your hair after shampooing as a final rinse. Do not rinse off.

Squeeze lemon juice in your hair while rinsing off the shampoo. This removes shampoo residue from your hair and smells great!

Troubled by hair loss? Try this: Mix the juice of one lemon with 4 tbsp coconut milk. Massage it into your scalp and wash off after half an hour. Do this at least once a week to arrest hairfall.

And More...

Instant refreshment for your face: Add lemon to water and freeze it. Rub your face with these lemonice cubes whenever you're hot, tired or simply bored...

Soak your fingertips in a mixture of 1 cup warm water and the juice of 1/2 lemon for about 5 minutes. Rinse and pat dry, pushing back cuticles as you dry.

Rub lemon peel over your nails and buff with a soft cloth. This is great for your nails. Do this once a week.

Adding lemon to a warm bath helps to invigorate the body. You come out from your bath feeling fresh and fabulous!

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2012, 08:31:24 PM »
Delay The Onset of Wrinkles

Stop the hands of time! 10 great tips that will take years off your face.

1. Apply moisturiser regularly. Dry skin tends to lose elasticity earlier than oily skin, so applying moisturiser helps combat wrinkles, as it keeps the skin supple. It helps to keep in mind that air-conditioners and room heaters tend to dry out the air, and consequently, your skin. Apply a heavier moisturiser if you are going to be sleeping in an air-conditioned room. If possible, place a humidifier in the bedroom.

2. Avoid resting your face on your arm. This stretches your skin.

3. While removing eye make-up, be very gentle. The eyes are the first areas of the face to develop wrinkles. Under no circumstances should you stretch or pull the delicate under-eye skin.

4. The ageing effects of the sun are as severe as time itself. Make sure you stay out of the sun between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the sun is at its strongest. If you must step out in the sun, wear a cap or carry an umbrella. Apply sunscreen lotion even if you are indoors, during the day.

5. Wear sunglasses if you step out in the sun. Not only do they look great, but they also prevent you from involuntarily crinkling your eyes due to the glare of the sun. This action causes premature wrinkling, and should be avoided.

6. Inverted yoga postures like Chakrasana, Sirshasana, Sarvangasana, Adhomukha Svanasana, increase circulation to the face. Oxygen is pumped into the face, which helps rejuvenate skin. Inverted poses are of tremendous benefit, and also help delay the onset of grey hair. Your skin will look healthier and firmer.

7. Apply nourishing face masks regularly to your skin. You could purchase them, or use ingredients from your kitchen shelf. Egg yolk is extremely beneficial, so if possible, apply it at least once a week. Leave on for ten minutes and wash off. Honey, olive oil, malai (at least a day old), unboiled milk, are all excellent for skin as well. Apply a nourishing mask twice a week. Years down the line, when your contemporaries faces are lined with wrinkles, you will be glad you did.

8. Don't smoke. By smoking, you are increasing the levels of toxins in your body. In addition, the constant puckering of lips around the cigarette, to draw smoke, causes lines around the mouth. Similarly, consume less alcohol. Alcohol, if had in excess, causes puffiness the next morning. This puffiness causes the skin to stretch, and consequently quickens the onset of wrinkles.

9. Anti-ageing creams do help, though they are not the miracle workers they claim to be.

10. Chickpeas (channas) and soya beans have been found to contain ingredients that combat wrinkles. This doesn't mean that you start eating channa bhatura for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and expect to look 25 when you are 50! Chickpeas are best eaten in sprouted form, or you could mash the chickpeas or soya beans and add it to your atta while making chapatti.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2012, 08:34:34 PM »
Why to use sunscreens

Sunscreen is a must as it protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. Read on to know why sunscreen is necessary for healthy skin.

Exposure to harsh ultraviolet radiations could lead to the onset of wrinkles. Sunlight exposes you to two kinds of ultraviolet light, called UVA and UVB. Both can be responsible for skin damage, including wrinkling and skin cancer.

How effective is your sunscreen?

SPF (sun protection factor) is the measure to count the effectiveness of the sunscreen. A sunscreen with higher amount of SPF guarantees you a maximum protection from harmful UV rays. Applying sunscreen with SPF 15 will protect you from sunburn for approximately 150 minutes. The activities like swimming and sweating will eventually reduce the effectiveness of the SPF.

Unluckily, even sunscreens with high SPF numbers offer you less than full protection. Though sunrays are the source of vitamin D, an excessive exposure to the sunlight may lead to skin damage. Gauge the effectiveness of your sunscreen lotion or cream by using it for a few days. You may get hold of another brand if you are not happy with the one you are using.

Benefits of using sunscreen lotions

Sunscreens chemically reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that pierce your skin. Sunscreens create a barrier between harsh sunrays and your sensitive skin.

People often end up applying sunscreen only to the face. What about other body areas which are exposed to sun too? Sunscreen should be applied to all sun-exposed areas. Sunscreen takes around 15-20 minutes to get absorbed in the skin. To get maximum benefit of your sunscreen, make it a point to apply it about 15 minutes before stepping out in the sun.

Wearing sunscreen is the part of your daily skin care. Selecting any random product may not fulfill your need. The sunscreen you need may vary according to your skin type, the amount of sunscreen lotion you apply, the amount of reapplication throughout a day, and the amount of sunscreen your skin absorbs.

How to get most out of your sunscreen?

Some ingredients in the sunscreen may lead to skin allergies or reactions. It is very important to carry a patch test before using any skin or hair product. Apply a little amount of sunscreen on a small patch of your skin and keep it for 48 hours. If reaction such as redness or irritation occurs then consider trying another sunscreen brand. If your skin does not show any adverse reactions after skin patch test then it is safe to use the product. Here are few skin care tips for you, so that you can get most out of your sunscreen.

Apply sunscreen about 15-20 minutes before exposing your skin to the sun.

Reapply sunscreen after every 2-3 hours in the sun.

Remember to apply sunscreen lotion to your lips.

Check the label to make sure your sunscreen offers UVA and UVB protection.

Choose a sunscreen with SPF numbers that offer best protection to your skin type.

SPF 15+ is recommended for Indian skin.

Make sure that sunscreen is the last thing you apply on your face. It should be applied after applying moisturiser or foundation.

Apply sunscreen daily without fail.
What ritual do you follow for your skin? Scrubbing, cleansing, toning, and moisturising, is not it? Now it is time to add one more thing to your skin care regime and that is using sunscreen. Would you like to have baby soft skin, even in your 30s, 40s, and 50s and beyond? Always wear sunscreen, with SPF more than 15 and protect your skin. A little care now can go a long way.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2012, 09:19:41 PM »
Beauty DONTS

Not everyone makes looking beautiful their priority. If you don't have the time to ensure you look your best everyday, make sure you at least have the basics right. Here are a few things you ought to pay attention to, so you make a smart, clean and polished impression.

Chipped Nail Polish

There is no excuse at all for stepping out with chipped nail polish. If your remover has run out, make sure you buy a new bottle before applying that deep pink polish. As soon as your nail polish starts chipping, which may be after around 3-4 days, either apply another coat or remove the polish. If you don't have the time to remove it, then by the same logic you shouldn't have the time to apply it either! If you are one of those people who are constantly distracted and running from pillar to post, have a hundred things to do and really don't even notice when your polish starts chipping, the best thing for you to do would be to apply a very light shade, so even if it starts chipping, it is not noticeable.

Untouched roots

If you have started getting white hair and if you colour your hair regularly, make it a point to touch up your roots regularly. Nothing looks worse than jet black hair with a line of white close to the scalp, near the parting. Also, when colouring your hair, you may want to alternate between two colours. This will give your hair a streaked effect, and it looks better and more natural than jet black. When dying your hair you may also want to consider an alternative to jet black. The market is flooded with numerous colours now, and you can choose from a variety of brown and mahogany shades. Alternating between mahogany and brown is a good idea.

Frizzy hair

With numerous ways to combat frizzy hair there is no reason to step out without first taming your hair. Never leave frizzy hair open. If your hair is looking particularly frizzy, tie it up after applying 3-4 drops of oil mixed with water. This will tame frizz. Similarly, if your hair is long, wavy and is thinning from the bottom, never leave it open without curling the ends. This gives body to the ends.

Hairy upperlip

Anyone can get behind on their threading appointment, and this leaves a slight greenish tinge on the upperlip. In the event of this happening, just apply a touch of concealor on your upperlip area. It will help conceal the green colour somewhat. Long hair on the upperlip area is one of the biggest beauty faux pases ever. Always, always thread, wax or bleach the hair on your upperlip area. You could also consider getting it removed permanently by laser, which will cost you between 5,000 to 7,000. If you are regular with hair removal, you don't need to worry about this, but if getting your upperlip done is really a hassle, you should consider saving up for a laser treatment. Remember, the laser does not work on white hair, so if you keep putting it off, you may need to keep threading your upperlip well into your eighties!

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2012, 09:23:28 PM »
Preventing Pigmentation Problems

Why do we tan
Tanning is a way of protecting our skin from exposure to the sun. When the skin comes in contact with UV radiation, pigment-producings cell or melanocytes produce extra melanin, which is the pigment that gives us our colour, in order to absorb the nasty UV radiation and protect the inner cells from damage. So you can safely conclude that the quicker you tan, the less prone are you to getting skin cancer. If you burn easily and don't tan quickly, you should be more wary of the sun. But there are pros and cons to either side, and if you tan easily, you are also more prone to unsightly hyper-pigmentation (darkening of the skin).

What causes uneven pigmentation

When the skin is over-exposed to the sun to a great degree, melanocytes (pigment producing cells) may go into a panic, and produce excessive pigmentation. So what, you ask. All that this means is that I turn a darker shade. Yes, that is true, but the problem is, due to the panic, the nature of the cells may get altered, and you may find that they start producing more melanin permanently. Your tan just may become permanent. However, this is not where the problem lies, as many people would be happy to have a permanent tan. The problem is, not all cells react the same, so while some cells produce extra melanin or colour, others don't, which leads to pigment patches. To make matters worse, certain melanocytes may shut down due to excessive sun exposure, as they are unable to cope. The skin around this cell consequently turns white, and will never tan. (These white patches should not be confused with leucoderma.) This condition is known as hypo-pigmentation, and is even more severe than hyper-pigmentation, as the white skin patches are particularly prone to skin cancer due to their inability to tan.


The sun is the skin's greatest enemy, and while a certain amount of sunlight is desirable, UV radiation is not. The sun quickens ageing of the skin and the formation of wrinkles, and causes age spots and freckles, in addition to skin cancer and pigmenation disorders.

Shield your body from the sun as far as possible to prevent discolouration. Wear full sleeves if you are going to be in strong sunlight, cotton, so you do not feel too hot. If you would rather wear short sleeves, make sure you apply adequate sunscreen not just on your face, but on your arms as well.

What is the cure

If you already have discolouration, you could visit a dermatologist who would be able to prescribe appropriate treatment. Mild chemical pigment peels are also available wherein the outer discoloured layer of the skin is peeled off. But unless your skin tone is starkly uneven, or if you have discolouration or patches on your face, I do not see the need for going in for this. Homeopathy medication has also been known to treat pigmentation, but while there are no guarantees, this medication is safe, has no side effects, and is worth a shot.

Drink at least ten glasses of water in a day. Drink two glasses of water in the morning when you wake up, before brushing your teeth.

Try applying lime (nimbu) to the discoloured area. Do this everyday, and wash off after 15 minutes. You could also apply lime to the affected area at night once in a while, and wash off in the morning when you bathe.

Bleaching the affected area once a month will lighten it too. Do not bleach when pregnant.

Various creams and lotions that claim to reduce pigmenation are also available. You could try them to see if they work for you.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2012, 09:26:18 PM »
Banish Blackheads

Blackheads are caused by pores blocked with oil. We tend to believe that the black appearance is due to dirt, but in fact, it is simply oil or sebum which has turned black due to the oxidizing effect.

While it is easy to clean the surface of our face, making sure that our pores are clean takes a little more work than just a perfunctory splash of water.

Removal strips

Blackhead removal strips are readily available at all major departmental stores. All you need to do is to wet the strip, place the strip on your nose, which is where blackheads are very likely to form, leave it on till it dries completely, and peel it off.


You could also try removing blackheads yourself, but make sure you are gentle, or you may cause scarring. Steam your face for around ten minutes with a steamer, or by placing your face over a vessel of boiling water if you do not have a steamer. Form a tent with your towel over your head and around the bowl, to trap the steam. This opens and softens pores, and makes the blackheads easier to remove. Then take a wad of cotton in both hands, and use the cotton to gently squeeze out the blackheads.


Make sure the blackheads don't reappear by exfoliate your skin with a face scrub, to get rid of dead skin so they do not block pores. Use it on your nose, or wherever you have blackheads. Scrub the area gently. Do not be too harsh as you may cause further damage.

While you need exfoliate your face only twice a week, many women have reported that their blackheads on their nose have totally disappeared after they started using a face scrub on their nose on a daily basis.

Homemade face scrub

You could purchase a face scrub from the market, or make one at home. Beat up the white of an egg, and add a tablespoon of salt. Apply to your face with your fingertips, massaging gently. Wait for it to dry, and wash off with warm water.

You could also make a scrub by adding salt to a lemon and honey mixture. After scrubbing your face, apply a little yogurt to soothe your complexion and balance the pH level.


These are temporary remedies, and blackheads will keep re-appearing unless you target the source. Make sure you keep your skin clean, by cleansing, toning and moisturizing it twice a day.

Do not apply make up if your face is sweating. Always clean your face before applying make-up.

Make sure you wash off all traces of makeup before turning in for the night. Never, ever go to bed with make-up still on, as it contributes to blocking pores, and will lead to pimples and blackheads.

Avoid using oil-based make-up if you have oily skin and are prone to developing blackheads.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2012, 10:57:48 AM »
Frown Lines

Prevention is no doubt better than cure. Of course, with something like wrinkles, you need to fight a constant prevention battle as they just keep on increasing. Our foreheads, eyes and areas around the mouth are the most susceptible to developing wrinkles. While a laugh line here and there looks charming, a wrinkle on the forehead looks less so, not the least because the permanent frown makes you look like an eternal grouch. So here's what you can do to prevent the premature formation of wrinkles and to essentially delay the process.


We've said it once, and we're saying it again: wear sunglasses before stepping out in the sun. Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV radiation, look cool, and, as if that wasn't enough reason to wear them, they also prevent you from scrunching up your eyes and forehead in the sun. You may not realize this, but if you happen to be out in the afternoon without a pair of shades, you accelerate the development of wrinkles on your forehead.


Moisturise your face regularly, even if you have an oily complexion. While applying moisturizer to your forehead, run your hands outward to the sides of your head from the center of your forehead. Do this for a minute, thus giving your forehead a gentle massage and relaxing any tense muscles.


Often when we are concentrating on a particular task, we tend to frown without realizing it, be it working on the computer, reading a book or newspaper, or even cooking. Discourage yourself from frowning involuntarily by applying a thin tape, horizontally, on your forehead, between your brows, for the duration of the task that causes you to frown.

Thanks to advances in medicine, cures that do not involve surgery, are not so hard to come by.

Wrinkle reducing creams

The market is flooded with a plethora of creams that claim to reduce and even diminish fine wrinkles. Many of these creams work by plumping out the skin and temporarily reducing wrinkles. Thus, these have temporary effects. In fact, due to this plumping out effect, applying wrinkle reducing creams under your eyes is not recommended. When the skin here gets plumped out, it gets stretched more than needed, and this could even speed up the development of wrinkles in this area. Thus your regular facial moisturizer is too heavy for the delicate undereye area. Thus while applying your nightly cream, avoid direct application to the area just ender your eyes. The undereye area will absorb a small amount of cream, which is sufficient. You could also invest in undereye cream, which is just light enough for this area.


Creams containing Retinol, which is essentially Vitamin A, do reduce wrinkles as they work by rejuvenating cells at the lower layers of skin. As Retinol can also be drying and some creams containing Retinol may be too strong, it is safest to apply these creams once in two days, and to alternate with a regular moisturizer. Apply the Retinol cream to your forehead and around your mouth, and rub outwards and upwards with a gentle motion.


Getting rid of frown lines can take years of your face. While this once meant cosmetic surgery, women now have a better option. All it takes is one quick injection during your lunch break, and poof! That large frown line is history. Botox is in fact used to combat only frown lines, and a treatment is so quick, that it can be done over lunch break. However, the effects are temporary, and a Botox injection needs to be given every few months, with a gap of at least three months. Side effects such as headache, nausea, face pain and others have been known to occur.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2012, 11:09:11 AM »
Gloss It Up!

Gloss is possibly one of the most versatile of all the cosmetics, and its many uses remain a closely guarded secret. Most of us dismiss gloss as part of a teenager's make-up kit, and the only time we do apply it is over a lipstick.

Gloss adds a touch of shimmer to your eyelids, and makes eyes look bigger and wider set. It's great for application during the day, or anytime when you want your eyes to look great without wearing any makeup. Apply a clear gloss or gloss with a touch of pink to your eyelids, and see how your eyes seem to open up.

Similarly, if you dislike applying heavy eye makeup during the day but feel that you may look all washed out and drained, gloss is a great alternative. After applying a little gloss to the eyelids, you can follow up by drawing a thin line with black pencil, on your upper lid, very close to the lashes.

You could substitute the gloss with clear Vaseline if you prefer, but it will not shine like gloss does! In addition, if you apply mascara after applying Vaseline, the mascara is likely to run. Gloss, fortunately, does not make mascara run.

If you are wearing eyeshadow, you could add gloss over your shadow for more shine.

Apply a touch of gloss or clear mascara to your eyelashes as well to make them stand out without looking overbearing.

You could also try applying a little gloss on your eyebrows. Never thought of that, did you? But then skip the gloss on your eyelids. Make sure you just apply a touch of gloss. Don't layer it on like you would on your lips.

You could also skip the eyelids, lashes and eyebrows, and just apply a touch of gloss on the area below your eyebrows, to the angle of arch, and blend it outwards.

Bet you never thought of applying a touch of gloss on your cheekbones! While we do everything for our cheekbones to stand out, we fall short of glossing them over. Make sure you apply the same colour over your cheekbones as the one on your eyes. Too many glossy shades looks like too much is happening, and the effect of subtlety you are trying to achieve, is lost.

To look like you're glowing with health and happiness, apply a touch of gloss on your cheeks.

A great trick would be to apply gloss on those areas light first hits the face. So apply it to the tip of your nose (only if you have a small nose though. If your nose is large, you want to draw attention away from it, and not towards it!) Apply it on your cheeks and on your brow bones as well. Be careful not to overdo it, as you don't want your entire face to be glossed over! Just a few areas, very subtly. The only areas you can apply gloss liberally to are your eyelids and lips. Otherwise, apply a very little, and pat it with your fingers.

The transparent shine of gloss accentuates features naturally, without adding any colour. The effect is light, ethereal and completely make-up free. And unlike when you apply colour, no contouring is necessary. Just layer it on, and leave it. The subtle but glassy sheen left by gloss is simply perfect for daytime wear.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2012, 11:19:38 AM »

What is acne?

Acne consists of those terrible, red, swollen, pus-filled pimples which are the every woman's worst nightmare. The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris, usually found on women with oily skin. Acne occurs most often during puberty, because hormonal changes cause a greater secretion of sebum or oil. The oil blocks the pores, causing acne. Almost every woman will experience a few acne pimples at some point in her life.

There are various other factors that could cause acne.

- Pores clogged by dirt or pollution.

- An undue amount of stress.

- Hormonal changes caused by menstruation.

- Too many soft drinks and too much fried food or chocolates.

- Do your parents have a pimple problem? Genes could be a factor.

- Some forms of medication.

- Dandruff or a greasy scalp. Certain types of products you use in your hair could also irritate your skin, causing acne.

While acne is commonly seen at adolescence, many women get it during pregnancy as well, again due to hormonal changes. However, a few months after delivery the acne subsides as the hormone levels normalize. Surprising as it may sound, many women get acne for the first time in their mid-thirties or forties! This type of acne is called acne rosacea.

Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment

The next time you pick up a face wash or pimple cure cream read the list of ingredients to find out if it contains benzoyl peroxide, very effective for fighting acne. Acne is bacteria, growing in a clogged pore, and benzoyl peroxide fights bacteria. Just make sure you smear enough of it, and use it often. Your skin will start clearing up.

Fight acne on your back by making sure you scrub your back with a loofah or rough cloth while showering, after applying soap. Giving your bath a one minute scrub everyday will work wonders. If you exercise, take a shower after your workout. Don't wait too long, or the sweat will dry up and clog pores, only aggravating the acne. Apply benzoyl peroxide on your back as well.

Benzoyl peroxide is drying, so if your face or back feels very dry, realize that this is normal. Once your face is clean, you can reduce the amount of cream you apply, and your skin will gradually return to normal.

Other Treatment Options

Antibiotics: Acne can usually be treated by antibiotics. Some antibiotics for acne are very strong, and have severe side effects. The hair may start falling, or the woman may even experience difficulty during childbirth. Never, ever take any acne medication that has been prescribed for another person.

The pill: Some birth control pills can also help treat acne. This is because the hormones in the pill can stabilize the hormones that are causing the oily sebum, which causes acne.

Lazer: Lazer treatments are also effective in treating acne, but this is an expensive option. However, acne medication could also make a rather large hole in your pocket as well!

Irritation: Avoid any form of irritation to your skin. Don't pick at it or touch it too much, avoid scrubbing it with a harsh cloth, keep hair away from your face and never use substandard makeup.

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2012, 11:29:40 AM »
My Fair Lady

You can be beautiful even if you are dark, and unattractive even if you are fair. So why lay such a premium on fair skin.

Why is it so important to be fair

We all know women who are beautiful even if they are not light skinned, and we all know fair skinned girls who are unattractive. Still, all of us spend hours trying to lighten our skin and on wishing that we had lighter skin, and thousands of rupees on products that claim to lighten our skin.

More damaging than the time and money spent, is the inbuilt belief that you are in some manner inferior because you are not 'fair'.

Girls with dark complexions grow up wishing that they had lighter skin, and often develop an inferiority complex. Thankfully, for some, this complex vanishes as they grow older and wiser and discover numerous abilities and talents, but sadly, others never seem to be able to let go of the feeling of inadequacy. Not surprisingly though, when you take a look at any matrimonial ad, and the text will in all probability say looking for a convent educated, fair, beautiful girl And considering that our entire culture evolves around marriage, fair women suddenly seem to command a premium.

Any wonder then that a girl with dark skin will want to lighten it

Beauty companies feed off this inbuilt insecurity, and make millions as they sell their fairness creams to women. The ads make it seem so easy if you transform yourself into a fair skinned woman, you will get the job you want, and the man you want. Needless to say, it's not that easy, and no matter what you believe at the moment, the colour of your skin should be the lowest on your list of beautification priorities. Concentrate the time, effort and money that you would on trying to get fair, on something else, and the results would be far more satisfying.

Here are some tips:

It's a mistaken belief that if you have dark skin, you should not colour your hair light. Nothing is further from the truth. Don't hesitate before adding blonde highlights. They brighten up your complexion, making you look radiant.

Take care of your hair, and ensure it is always well groomed.

If you have frizzy, flyaway hair, style it regularly so it doesn't look messy. 32 year old Hetal doesn't even remember what her hair looks like without blowdrying it, because she is so particular about blowdrying and styling her hair after every wash.

If you don't have the time or patience for blowdrying your hair regularly, get your hair permed. If you are light skinned, you can get away with sporting frizzy hair, but if you are dark, with dark, frizzy hair, colouring it and then blowdrying it straight even if you don't opt for chemical straightening, can make a world of a difference.

White and red suits dark skinned women, so wear these colours often. I know many women whose entire wardrobe consists only of 2-3 colours, because they know what colours suit them, and don't see the need to wear anything else. You could also figure out what colours don't suit you, and stay away from them. There is really no need to possess a top in every colour under the sun. If you have the features, cut your hair short (think Halle Berry). Not everyone can carry off hair this short, but if you can, go for it, as short hair that looks good looks far more effective and attractive than long hair.

Do fairness creams work

They do, to a certain extent. Don't fool yourself into believing that they will make you fair. They will, at the most, lighten your skin slightly, but glowing skin will only come from within. Exercise regularly, and before long your skin will start glowing with health and vitality and a glowing, healthy skin beats light, pale and unhealthy skin any day!

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Re: ~ Face and Skin Care ~
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2012, 11:34:09 AM »
More on Exfoliation

We have already seen how often you should exfoliate, depending on your age and skin type. Read more about the benefits of exfoliating your entire body.

Exfoliation isn't just for the face. Regular exfoliating and moisturizing will ensure that your skin looks smooth well into your fifties, but then what about your neck. We have all seen unlined, ageless faces perched atop wrinkled necks. If you don't want this to happen to you, understand the importance of treating your neck with as much care as you treat your face, and start exfoliating and moisturizing it now. Exfoliate your neck at least twice a week. Wet your face before exfoliating, and then gently rub your skin using a circular motion, with clean hands.

Always use products designed only for the face, whether you are exfoliating your face or your neck. Exfoliating scrubs designed for the body will be too harsh for the face and you run the risk of bursting blood vessels. Yes, there is such a thing called over-exfoliation, so ensure that you are very gentle at all times. If you exfoliate daily, rub your skin very gently or, ideally, use an exfoliating face wash.

The enzymes in papaya too are great for exfoliating the skin. Mash a papaya and apply it to your face, avoiding the delicate area under your eyes. Rinse off after fifteen minutes with tepid water.

Every once a month, try this before your shower. Take some granulated salt in a small bowl and mix in enough olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mixture all over your body. Leave on for around ten to fifteen minutes while you complete your other morning rituals. Scrub off in a gentle, circular motion, with the help of a bath sponge, if required. This mask removes dead cells from all over your body, leaving your skin clean, fresh and glowing. After you finish off with your shower, don't forget to apply a generous amount of body cream all over.

The rough areas of your elbows and knees, and the soles of the feet also require regular exfoliation to prevent them from turning dry and dark. In order for moisturizer to really penetrate these areas, they need to be clean and free from dead cells. If they are covered with a thick layer of sebum and dead cells, you can apply as much moisturizer as you want, to little avail. These areas require strong exfoliation, and nothing works as well as a pumice stone. Scrub your elbows, knees and feet, concentrating on the heels with a pumice stone daily while bathing, and follow up with moisturizer.

Don't forget to exfoliate your lips too. Lips benefit greatly from exfoliation. As all of us know, lips dry out faster than many other areas of our body, and are constantly peeling and cracking. Exfoliating lips gently, regularly, helps get rid of dead, dry skin, so when you follow up with your favourite lip balm you really see results. The best way to exfoliate lips is to scrub them gently, daily with a soft toothbrush.