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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2012, 11:18:13 PM »

The brave climber grins as he reaches the foot of Kilimanjaro - ahead of the final trek to the top.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2012, 11:19:19 PM »

Spencer West spent a year training for the Kilimanjaro trek at his home in Toronto, Canada.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2012, 11:22:11 PM »

He had to be sure he had enough strength in his arms to carry him up the 19,000 ft high mountain

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2012, 03:29:56 PM »

Joby Mathew, 33, is a World Champion athlete from Kerala, India who suffers with proximal femoral focal deficiency which left him with deformed hips and stunted legs, and a height of 3 1/2 feet. The wrestler, is proving that you can still achieve a lot despite being disabled – crushing his opponents with no disabilities – he won the World Arm Wrestling title in Spain in 2008!

Stunningly, the father-of-one has so far made it onto five world podiums during his career.

“I don’t care about the distance or the other impossibilities. I just want to participate in as many events as I can and win medals,’’ says Joby.

Apart from his bagful of medals, Joby is also well qualified. He has an LLB degree and is working as a PRO of the social work wing at the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences at Kalamassery near Kochi. But his first love is definitely locking arms with people and defeating them. And all his efforts are geared for the forthcoming World Championships.

Recently, Joby has been focusing on the London Paralympics 2012, since he was selected. Until now, he is the only player to be selected from the State for the event.

“I am participating in swimming and wheelchair fencing. I have been training for the past few months to improve my performance.’’

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2012, 11:28:28 PM »
Dog Sits By Owner's Grave For Six Years

An Argentinean dog has spent the past six years proving that he is `a man’s best friend`, even though that man is dead, it has been revealed.  Capitan, a mutt who is some parts German Shepard, disappeared from his home in the small town of Villa Carlos Paz in the centre of Argentina following the death of his owner, Miguel Guzman, in March of 2006. For days, nobody in Guzman’s family noticed the absence of the dog until the family visited Miguel’s grave at a municipal cemetery.

“Damian started to shout that it was Capitan and the dog came toward us barking, as if he were crying,” the New York Daily News quoted Guzman’s wife, Veronica Moreno, as telling the La Voz del Interior. Capitan didn’t impress Moreno but seeing how faithful he has been changed her mind.

Even though the family called to the dog, he stayed by his master’s grave.

What surprised them was that Miguel had passed away in a hospital in the city and his body was taken to a funeral home far away from their residence and none of the family members recalled the dog following them to the cemetery before.

“The next Sunday we went to visit Miguel’s grave and the dog was there. This time he followed us when we returned, because we had walked. He stayed with us at home for a while but later went back to the cemetery,” Veronica said.

Captain has made that cemetery his home for the past six years.

Veronica revealed that she didn’t really like the dog when he was living with her and even when he was brought home as a gift, the woman thought he would cause too much extra housework.

But now that she’s seen the dog stand so loyally by her husband’s grave, she says she views the mutt more sympathetically.

Additionally, the municipal cemetery’s director, Hector Baccega, said that the dog has a special sense for Miguel and a very particular schedule.

The first time Baccega saw the dog, he arrived at the cemetery alone. The dog then did a couple of laps around the place before finding his master’s grave — all on his own.

“And that’s not all,” Baccega said.

“Every day, at six in the evening, he lies in the front of (Miguel’s) grave,” he said.

Capitan vanished from his new home to be with his dead owner and even though the dog’s other owner, Damian, fondly remembers receiving him as a puppy when he was a kid, he sais he’s fine with Capitan’s new living arrangements.

“If he wants to stay there, it’s fine that he remains: he’s taking care of my dad,” Damian said.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2012, 10:26:25 PM »
Inspiring real life story of a Mathematician

The person you are seeing in this picture is Anand kumar , A mathematician from Patna, Bihar

He developed an indomitable affection and love towards mathematics and possesses exceptional mathematical abilities. His role model is great Indian mathematician “Ramanujan”. During graduation, He submitted papers on Number Theory, which were published in Mathematical Spectrum and The Mathematical Gazette. He worked hard and dreamed of getting into one of the world’s best university “Cambridge”. And one day he got it, admission to Cambridge.
Very soon he realized that his father cannot afford his education at Cambridge. He and his father searched helplessly for a sponsor all over India but nobody came up. And one day his family’s only breadwinner: his father died and his last hope of getting good education diminished. He gave up the dream of Cambridge and came back to his home in Patna, Bihar.
He would work on Mathematics during day time and would sell papads in evenings with his mother, who had started a small business from home, to support her family. He also tutored students in maths to earn extra money. Since Patna University library did not have foreign journals, for his own study, he would travel every weekend on a six-hour train journey to Varanasi, where his younger brother, learning violin under N. Rajam, had a hostel room. Thus he would spend Saturday and Sunday at the Central Library, BHU and return to Patna on Monday morning.

He rented a classroom for Rs 500 a month, and began his own institute, the Ramanujam School of Mathematics (RSM). Within the space of year, his class grew from two students to thirty-six, and after three years there were almost 500 students enrolled. Then in early 2000, when a poor student came to him seeking coaching for IIT-JEE, who couldn’t afford the annual admission fee due to poverty, Kumar was motivated to start the Super 30 program in 2003, for which he is now well-known.

Every year in August, since 2003, the Ramanujan School of Mathematics, now a trust, holds a competitive test to select 30 students for the ‘Super 30’ scheme. About 4,000 to 5,000 students appear at the test, and eventually he takes thirty intelligent students from economically backward sections which included beggars, hawkers, auto-driver’s children, tutors them, and provides study materials and lodging for a year. He prepares them for the Joint Entrance Examination for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). His mother, Jayanti Devi, cooks for the students, and his brother Pranav Kumar takes care of the management.

Out of 270 students he tutored from 2002-2011 236 students have made an admission to IIT. All of them came so poor background that their parents were Hawkers, Auto-drivers, laborer etc.
During 2003-2009, 182 students out of 210 have made it to the IITs.
In 2010, all the students of Super 30 cleared IIT JEE entrance making it a three in a row for the institution.
Anand Kumar has no financial support for Super 30 from any government as well as private agencies, and manages on the tuition fee he earns from the Ramanujam Institute. After the success of Super 30 and its growing popularity, he got many offers from the private – both national and international companies – as well as the government for financial help, but he always refused it. He wanted to sustain Super 30 through his own efforts. After three consecutive 30/30 results in 2008-2010, in 2011, 24 of the 30 students cleared IIT JEE.

Anand’s work is now well received from all over the world :

USA’s president obama read about Anand in TIME magazine and sent a special envoy to check the work done by him and offered all the assistance and Anand never accepts help irrespective of helper.

Discovery Channel broadcast a one-hour-long program on Super 30, and half a page has been devoted to Kumar in The New York Times.

Actress and ex-Miss Japan Norika Fujiwara visited Patna to make a documentary on Anand’s initiatives.

Kumar has been featured in programmes by the BBC.

He has spoken about his experiences at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

Kumar is in the Limca Book of Records (2009) for his contribution in helping poor students crack IIT-JEE by providing them free coaching.

Time Magazine has selected mathematician Anand Kumar’s school – Super 30 – in the list of Best of Asia 2010.

Anand Kumar was awarded the S. Ramanujan Award for 2010 by the Institute for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences (IRDS) in July 2010.

Super 30 received praise from United States President Barack Obama’s special envoy Rashad Hussain, who termed it the “best” institute in the country. Newsweek Magazine has taken note of the initiative of mathematician Anand Kumar’s Super 30 and included his school in the list of four most innovative schools in the world.
Anand Kumar has been awarded by top award of Bihar government “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Shiksha Puraskar” November 2010.
He was awarded the Prof Yashwantrao Kelkar Yuva Puraskar 2010 by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) in Bangalore.
In April 2011, Anand Kumar was selected by Europe’s magazine Focus as “one of the global personalities who have the ability to shape exceptionally talented people.”

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2012, 10:03:24 PM »
The Super-Talented Armless Painter

Huang Guofu, now 42, lost both his arms in a horrible electric shock accident at the age of four, however this didn’t stop him from pursuing his dreams. Instead, at the age of 12, he began painting with his feet.

When Huang reached adulthood, his father got ill. In order to pay for the treatments, he had to quit school and decided to become a professional painter. At first, Huang tried selling his paintings in the streets, but he soon learned that his paintings lacked elegance and many people bought his work just out of sympathy. That didn’t stop him either. He put a brush in his mouth and taught himself to paint with more detail.

“When life closes one door to you, it must have opened another at the same time. I want to let the younger generation know that there are no real obstacles in life. The only obstacle is if you want to do it,” says Huang.

Last year, at the age of 41, he was appointed the vice-curator of Chonqing Talents Museum for his never-give-up spirit and artistic achievements.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #52 on: January 30, 2013, 10:49:29 AM »
Millionaire Cleans Streets to Set Example for Her Children

In the 1980s, Yu Youzhen was merely an ordinary vegetable farmer in Wuhan City Hongshan District Donghu Village Huojiawa who, after years of building and additions, came to possess three 5-storey private buildings, most of which were rented out. In 2008, Yu Youzhen chanced upon [government policies for] the requisition, demolition, and redevelopment of land [mostly takes place in rural areas, where when a peasant’s land is expropriated by the government and the peasant is compensated for it with new houses or apartments in other locations] and was successively given 21 apartments [for her previous property]. Yu Youzhen personally witnessed some of her fellow villagers not engaging themselves in decent activities after being compensated with multiple apartments, falling into gambling, and even drug use. In order to set a good example for her children, from 1998 onwards, the now landless Yu Youzhen went to Wuchang District Chengguan Bureau to work as a sanitation worker, with a 1,420 yuan monthly salary, only one day off each week, and having to arrive for work 3 every morning.

Yu Youzhen is a contract worker for the Wuchang District Chengguan Bureau Cleaning Team, with a 1,420 yuan monthly wage. Her household had 21 apartments in total but later successively sold 4 of them, with 17 left. Calculated according to market prices, she is literally a “millionaire woman”. This picture is of January 2, in Wuhan, of “rich woman” sanitation worker Mrs. Yu cleaning the street.

Yu Youzhen is responsible for the sanitation of an approximately 3,000-meter long stretch of road, sweeping along its length back and forth 6 hours every day, wiping and washing 8 trashcans. Since it’s cold outside, a thin layer of ice forms on the surface of the trashcan that as Yu Youzhen just bent down to wipe with a wet rag.

In the 1980s, Yu Youzhen was a vegetable grower in Hongshan District Donghu Village Huojiawan. She and her husband worked from dawn to night to make and save money, becoming the first family to build a 3-storey private house in Huojiawan. With more and more people coming to work in Wuhan from out of town, Yu Youzhen used the spare rooms for rental. By the early 1990s, each room could bring in 50 yuan each month. After saving this money, she built more buildings and added more floors, and over several years, she had three 5-storey buildings, most of which used for rentals. She said that during those years, the regulations on constructing buildings in rural areas were loose, and everyone built houses. What she didn’t expect was that in 2008, the [policies of] requisitioning and redevelopment of land began, and she was successively given 21 apartments [as compensation for her requisitioned and redeveloped buildings]. Later on, she sold 4 of them.

From 1998 onwards, the now landless Yu Youzhen went to the Wuchang District Chengguan Bureau to work as a sanitation worker, with only one day off each week, and having to arrive for work at 3 in the morning. Although later she became a “rich woman”, she still hasn’t put down her broom. In her work, people often give her cold looks, but she still loves what she does. Many of her co-workers in the cleaning team don’t understand: “Mrs. Yu’s family is so rich, yet still she comes to put up with this suffering!” To this, Yu Youzhen has her own explanation: “I want to set an example for my son and daughter, a person can’t just sit at home and ‘eat away’ a whole fortune.”

Yu Youzhen witnessed with her own eyes some of her fellow villagers getting up to no good after getting multiple apartments from their land being requisitioned [by the government], indulging themselves in gambling, even drug use. She has already put the word out to her son and daughter: “If you don’t work, I’ll donate the apartments to the country.”

Now, her son works as a driver in the Donghu Scenic Area, making an over 2,000 yuan monthly salary. Her daughter too is an office worker, with an over 3,000 yuan monthly salary.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2013, 07:52:09 PM »
Wonderful Friendship of Grandmother and Her Odd-eyed Cat

For over 13 years now, Japanese photographer Miyoko Ihara has been taking pictures of her grandmother Misao, in order to leave a living proof of the woman’s life. Eight years ago, though, Misao found a wonderful companion – an odd-eyed kitten that found his way to the shed.

The 88-year-old woman named him Fukumaru, which translated from Japanese roughly means “a circle of good fortune”. Misao and her odd-eyed feline friend have been doing everything together ever since. The woman still goes out into the fields every day, and Fukumaru follows her every step. They eat, rest, water the plants and do their chores together.

Seeing that the strong bond and love between the two shines out of every photo, Miyoko published a hard cover portrait album, called “Misao the Big Mama and Fukumaru the Cat“.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2013, 11:06:13 AM »
Sleeping with Snakes

Manila's zoo owner, Emmanuel Tangco, not only handles snakes for a living, he also sleeps with them on occasion. Zoo owner Emmanuel Tangco read a book to his snakes in his bedroom in Malabon, Metro Manila Feb 3- 2013. The Lunar New Year begins on february 10 this year and marks the strart of the year of the snake.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2013, 09:01:48 PM »
Indian girl has higher IQ than Albert Einstein..!!

London: A 12-year-old Indian-origin girl in UK has stunned everyone after she scored an incredible 162 on her IQ test — even higher than Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Neha Ramu, daughter of an Indian doctor couple, achieved a score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test — the highest score possible for her age.

The score puts the teen in the top one per cent of brightest people in the UK and means she is more intelligent than physicist Hawking and scientist Albert Einstein, who are all thought to have an IQ of 160.

"Neha scored 162 on the Cattell IIIB test, putting her within the top one per cent of people in the country," a spokesman for British Mensa said. Neha's parents lived in India before moving to Britain when their daughter was seven, 'The Telegraph' reported.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2013, 09:13:09 PM »
A REAL STORY OF VIKRAM in late 80's:

A college student met with almost a fatal accident his name ws John Victor Kennedy. A lady was the psychologist of the very same hospital wer he ws takin treatment. Once in a councelling session, she had asked him about his goals in life. He readily replied that he wanted to be a super star in film industry.He was bed ridden for around 2 years wid 24 surgeries and the doctrs written dat he cud never walk again. For a person of his then stature, even walking without others' help was a herculean task, let alone acting in films. But his self confidence and strength of mind made him bounce back from the ashes. Admired of the same, she married him soon after.Her name SHYLAJA. After many years dat young man become one f the popular actrs of South India....gav life to many unforgettable charctrs...

now he s cald VIKRAM.......♥ ♥

& his belovd fans affectionatly call him Chiyaan rembranc f his crtically & commercially acclaimd movie SETHU....

If you people have noticed, he runs in a very peculiar fashion in films, owing to the left overs of that injury(check out the scenes in Gemini, Saamy, Bheemaa etc) Even today, after a hectic schedule of stunts or like acts, his lower body fatigue almost kills him. To get rid of the pain, he stays immersed in a tub of water, filled with ice cubes, as soon as he has finished the day's shoot! he nevr stops his hardwrk & risk...dats CHIYAAN....he has been an inspiration for many...and he wil inspire many mor.....

Hats off Chiyaan.....

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #57 on: May 09, 2013, 11:09:38 AM »
True Story:

School la 1st std students ku running race vechanga. Adhula preethi’yum ava friend liza vum, innum konjam kutties lam irndhanga. Game started. Preethi 1st odi vandhutta, but end line ku 10 steps munnadiye ninnutta. Ava parents ‘run, run’ nu kathuranga. But Preethi ava friend a thirumbi parthu, “Liza, come fast” nu solli avalukku wait panni rendu perum serndhu kai pidichitte odinanga.

Ellarume ezhundhu ninnu avalukku clap pannanga. Preethi lose the game. But she won all the teachers and parents heart. It seems so stupidity. But idhan kuzhandhai manasula irka paasam.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #58 on: May 12, 2013, 03:20:03 PM »
Tailor's Son Cracked the IAS Exam!

A poor youngster from the Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh, who overcame massive odds to emerge successful in the all-important Civil Services examinations, has proved that poverty is not an impediment to success.

Nirish Rajput (31), son of Virendra Rajput, a tailor, failed the civil service examination three times but never lost heart. The fourth time, he passed with a rank of 370 and has been selected for the Indian Administrative Service.

Nirish's story is inspiring not because he did not lose heart but also because he comes from a very poor background. He lives in a 15 by 40 feet (300 square feet) house in village Mau in Gohad tehsil of the district and worked odd jobs - even as a newspaper hawker - to realize his dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Once, Nirish went with a considerably rich and respected family friend to Uttrakhand to help them set up a coaching institute with a promise they would help him by providing material to prepare for his Civil Services examinations. But two years later, after the coaching institute started paying rich dividends, he was insulted, disgraced and literally thrown out.

"What is your worth? You are good for nothing. We no longer want you", that were the last words I heard from the members of that educated and rich family, said Nirish. "Next moment, I was jobless, homeless, penniless and remained hungry for a week, till help came to me", he narrated.

The incident changed the course of Nirish.

"I did not know how to become an IAS officer but I knew clearing the country's top examinations can change my fortune", he said, adding that poverty cannot be a hurdle if one has determination and is willing work hard.

One day Nirish left for Delhi to study. "In Delhi, I became friendly with Ankit,
who was preparing for competitive exams. I started living with him at
Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar. I did not attend any
coaching classes nor pay any hefty fees. I studied from the books and notes
of Ankit," he said.
He studied from a government school and a modest college in Gwalior. His father and two elder brothers, who are contractual teachers, started investing most of their savings, energy and courage to make Nirish's dream come true.

"It has also proved the impression that students from public schools alone can do well in these exams is a myth," he said.

The House and family

Virendra's (72) ramshackle house in a non-descript village in Bhind district has suddenly become the attraction of the entire neighborhood. Popularly known as ustaad in the village for his hand-to-hand combat style (aiming to hold the opponent down against the floor) in the Akharas, Virendra, a father of three sons and a daughter, had lived with only one dream - to give his children an education.

After the demise of Nirish's mother, it is the father who is keeping the children's spirit alive. "My father has told me not be dishearted and to reappear in the entrance exam in the next year", he added.

"Even when my mother was alive, I never saw them disgusted and heard them grumbling for poverty that has stricken our family," he said.

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Re: ~ CollectioN of ReaL StorieS ~
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2013, 02:56:05 PM »

Raghu Makhwana a polio victim – : Tulsi Project -
Whenever Raghu heard about a dispute in any family, he would simply go there and gift them a Tulsi plant. The attempt was to show people a way to resolve the family differences in a peaceful manner and spread love instead of hatred.

The project received an overwhelming response from philanthropists who extended their support towards Raghu’s initiative. Till date, he has distributed over 600 Tulsi plants in various houses in Ahmedabad.

Raghu is an example to follow for all. Having lost his legs in his childhood due to polio and brought up in a slum area of Ahmedabad, Raghu had every reason to live an average life in a wheelchair.

Afterwards, Raghu took up another initiative – Tyaag nu Tiffin (Food sacrifice) – which aimed to help the underprivileged. The idea was to deliver home-cooked meals to people living on the streets. Initially, the financial aspect held him back but he quickly received funding and the plan was put into action. Once the word spread about the initiative, monetary and non-monetary help started pouring in from all directions – from NGOs to individuals to NRIs. Today, Raghu distributes about 14 tiffins daily to needy people.

Spice Jet donated an entire plane for that whole group of those slum children and young adults, including Raghu, to “fly in the air”. The popular Miss India received them at the airport, personally chatted with Raghu about life in the slums, as they were all gifted a royal tour of a big city. Even more recently, when Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the former president of India, was giving a talk, he was so inspired by Raghu that he not only invited him on stage but also opened his talk with: “When I asked Raghu what is your dream in life, he said only one thing: ‘I want to see the women of India and their children smile.’ “