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~ Christian Festivals ~
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:36:12 PM »

Christian Festivals

India, the land of vibrant culture and ethnicity, is known for the celebration of a number of colorful festivals in myriad ways. In this secular nation, people following different religions coexist in harmony. All the important festivals of the religions are celebrated with equal pomp and gaiety. Although Hindus predominate the total population of the country, a considerable proportion of people are following Christianity. They celebrate Christian festivals including Christmas, Easter and Good Friday with great enthusiasm and fanfare. Friends and acquaintance following religions other than Christianity also eagerly take part in the celebrations of the Christian festivals, which speaks volumes of the unity in diversity in India.

Some places of India are well known for their celebrations of Christian festivals. The celebration of Christian festivals in Goa, an erstwhile Portuguese colony, is worth special mention. Some of the oldest and most beautiful Indian churches are in Goa. Apart from the regular Christian festivals, these churches observe auspicious days in the Christian calendar by feasting, prayers and processions. While Goa is predominant, when it comes to Christian festivals, other states are also equally enthusiastic about celebrating the occasions. In many parts of the country, streets are filled with carolers and other entertainers, during the festive season.

Christmas is the prominent Christian festival, celebrated with great fanfare all over India. Apart from the Christians, people belonging to other religions also take part in the celebrations of the festival, which is its specialty. Easter and Good Friday are observed with utmost religious fervor. They also hold a prominent position among the calendar of events in India. Holiday is declared in schools and other educational institutions, for both the festivals. In our related section, we have given complete information on the celebration of the popular Christian festivals in India.

Christian Festivals 2012

APR 2012 01 Sunday         Palm Sunday (Western)
06   Friday                            Good Friday
08   Sunday                         Easter (Western)

NOV 2012 30   Friday         St Andrews Day

DEC 2012 08   Saturday    Feast of the Immaculate Conception
08   Saturday                         Chanukah/Hanukkah(After sunset) (Till 16th December)
25   Tuesday                          Christmas

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 10:11:21 AM »


The festival of Easter is celebrated to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after crucifixion. It is one of the holiest Christian festivals. The Easter Day also traditionally heralds the advent of the spring season after the gloomy months of winter. As such Easter festival is associated with joyous merriment and gaiety.

Like many other Christian festivals, Easter has also emerged from ancient pagan roots. It is an amalgamation of a myriad of Pagan, Hebrew and Christian traditions. Easter incorporates pagan symbology of fertility in the shape of the Easter bunny and Easter eggs. The name of the festival, Easter, itself may be a offshoot of Eostre, pagan Goddess of Spring.

Notwithstanding the religious flavor, the celebration of Easter festival transcends the confines of Christian church. Easter celebration has always been synonymous with merry-making and enjoyment. Because of this aspect, the recent years have witnessed increasing commercialization of the Easter festival. Today during Easter holidays, sale of greeting cards and confectionery such as chocolate Easter eggs, marshmallow bunnies, Peeps, and jelly beans prove to be big hits.

Easter Calendar Date in 2012:
April 8th - Western Calendar
April 15th - Eastern Orthodox Church

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 10:15:00 AM »

Easter Facts

Like most of the spring festivals, Easter embodies festive celebrations and feasting. Among the slew of spring festivals, Easter stands out for its unique pagan symbols and rituals. Here are some interesting Easter facts:

The Easter Lilly symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus because the shell represents the tomb of Jesus and the flower that blooms represents life after death.

The maiden chocolate eggs recipes were made in Europe in the nineteenth century.
Vegreville, Canada is the site of the largest Easter egg in the world. The Easter egg or Ukrainian 'Pysanka,' was constructed in 1975 to commemorate early Ukrainian settlements in an area east of Edmonton. It weighed 5,000 pounds, and was 25.7 feet long.
Pysanka is a specific term used for the practice of Easter egg painting.

Most children (74%) eat the ears of their chocolate bunny first. 13% eat the feet first, and 10% eat the tails first.

In 1878 U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes and his wife Lucy officially opened the White House grounds to the children of the area for egg rolling on Easter Monday. The event has been held on the South Lawn ever since, except during World War I and World War II.

The initial baskets of Easter were given the appearance of bird's nests.
By tradition, it was obligatory (or at least lucky) for churchgoers to wear some bright new piece of clothing - at least an Easter bonnet, if not a complete new outfit.

Easter Colors
Most of the major festivals are associated with a unique set of colors. For instance, red, green and white are the traditional colors of Christmas, while pink is used in almost all the decorations for Valentine's Day. Yellow stands for friendship and hence, it is predominantly used on the occasion of Friendship Day.

DVD Easter Eggs
During the holiday season of Easter, small children play with beautifully designed Easter eggs. They try to find out the eggs hidden in their courtyard. The tradition has become so popular that the virtual world of computer also has adopted it. Easter eggs in the virtual world essentially are the hidden messages or features in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program or video game.

Easter History
Essentially a springtime festival, there has been much debate over the origin of Easter, in the religious context. However, there is a general acceptance of the proposition offered by 8th-century English scholar St. Bede, according to which, Easter owes its origin to the old Teutonic mythology.

Easter Island
Easter Island has been synonymous with the huge, spectacular stone mololiths, known as Moais, which once dotted its landscape. Located over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), it is one of the most isolated places on Earth. In the 1860s, Tahitian sailors gave the island the name Rapa Nui, meaning 'Great Rapa' due to its resemblance to another island in Polynesia.

A Pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated using called ‘batik’, a generic wax-resist dyeing technique used on fabric. The word ‘Pysanka’ is derived from the verb Pysaty that means ‘to write’. This name signifies the art of Pysanka where the as the designs are not painted on, but actually written with the help of beeswax.

When Is Easter
One of the holiest festivals of Christians, Easter commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus after his Crucifixion. Like the origin of the festival, the precise date of Easter Sunday too has been a matter of contention. Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts, in that they do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars (which follow the motion of the sun and the seasons).

Easter Candy
The festival of Easter is a festive occasion for Christians all over the world. It is a glorious day to let loose all the tensions of everyday life and indulge oneself in the merrymaking. A number of interesting customs are followed, which add to the frivolous nature of the festival. The tradition of the exchange of Easter candles, gifts and candies is followed since ages.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 10:16:55 AM »

Easter Colors

Most of the major festivals are associated with a unique set of colors. For instance, red, green and white are the traditional colors of Christmas, while pink is used in almost all the decorations for Valentine's Day. Yellow stands for friendship and hence, it is predominantly used on the occasion of Friendship Day. Being a festival of high religious symbolism as well as springtime festivity, Easter brings to our mind a myriad of hues that reflect the dichotomous nature of the festival. Colorful Easter eggs, bright colored baskets and Easter flowers represent the joyous colors of the spring season. On the other hand, colors such as red and white symbolize the religious connotations of Easter. Go through the following lines to know all about the vibrant colors of Easter.

Colors Of Easter

The color red is symptomatic of the blood that Lord Jesus Christ shed from his forehead, when the crown of thorns pierced into his bones. He shed the blood as an atonement for the sins of humanity. Red color is extensively used to make designs on Easter eggs. Red spring flowers such as tulips are extensively used to decorate Easter eggs and included in flower baskets.

According to the legends, while was the color of the robe, by which Lord Jesus Christ was taken before he was scourged. The color white symbolizes the hope of the resurrection, as well as the purity and newness that comes from victory over sin and death. White lily, one of the traditional flowers of Easter, is widely used for decorations of home and premises. It is used to adorn the altar at churches as well.

Purple color is the color of royalty. It is the color of the garment that covered Jesus, when he was taken to the crucifix. Jesus Christ's face and eyes turned purple in color, when he was tortured while crucifixion. Purple tulips can be used to adorn Easter flower bonnet. You can also make a beautiful bouquet by making use of purple colored spring flowers.

Black is the color of sin or darkness that engulfed the world after Christ's crucifixion. As an exception, black color is not used to decorate the home and premises during the ceremonious occasion of Easter. However, you can always wear black colored outfit during the holiday season.

Yellow symbolizes the light of the world brought by the risen Christ that enlightens the world. Spring season is the time for the bloom of attractive yellow colored flowers, such as chrysanthemums, gerberas and sun flowers. You can make use of the beautiful blooming flowers in your decorations for Easter.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2012, 10:19:49 AM »

DVD Easter Eggs

During the holiday season of Easter, small children play with beautifully designed Easter eggs. They try to find out the eggs hidden in their courtyard. The tradition has become so popular that the virtual world of computer also has adopted it. Easter eggs in the virtual world essentially are the hidden messages or features in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program or video game. These eggs can be graphics, sound effects, or an unusual change in program behavior, that mainly occur in a software program in response to some undocumented set of commands, mouse clicks, keystrokes or other stimuli.

Techno savvy people have been pioneers in inserting hidden Easter eggs in various software. For instance, when Microsoft released MS Excel, there was an Easter egg in the software. The developers hid a game in the program. According to the game, the user had to fill certain fields of the spreadsheet with a specific value, etc. after which, he/she was able to unlock a 'Doom-like' game. Another such instance is Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, which contained a small, hidden video game named 'Gorilla.Bas'. The virtual Easter eggs have amused those, who access their computer frequently.

Easter eggs are equally ubiquitous in DVD releases of movies. They are called DVD Easter eggs. They are often in the form of hidden trailers, documentaries, or deleted scenes, and are accessed by manipulation of the disc's interactive menus. The developers who make the DVD's, their menu systems, etc. tend to hide special features on the disc. Easter eggs in computer and video games are different from cheat codes, which allow players to cheat. Cracking the DVD

DVD Easter eggs are one of the pastimes enjoyed by computer savvy people, during the festival season. Despite the apparently innocuous nature of this software wizardry, companies have become increasingly apprehensive of Easter eggs. For example, Microsoft no longer allows Easter eggs as part of their Trustworthy Computing initiative. Therefore, the frequency of finding DVD Easter eggs has lessened in the recent time. Nonetheless, people still have access to DVD Easter eggs and have a lot of fun.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 10:21:58 AM »

Easter History

Essentially a springtime festival, there has been much debate over the origin of Easter, in the religious context. However, there is a general acceptance of the proposition offered by 8th-century English scholar St. Bede, according to which, Easter owes its origin to the old Teutonic mythology. According to the mythology, the occasion was observed as a spring festival, by the ancient Anglo-Saxons (also known as 'Pagans'), commemorating their Goddess of offspring and of springtime - Eostre.

According to the legends, Eostre returned to Earth after a long, chilly winter season. She brought with her the light and warmth of the spring season. Therefore, the ancient Pagans consider Easter as the onset of spring. Her festival was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, which coincided with 21st of March, every year. On that day, the ratio of day to night was the same. Go through the following lines to get interesting facts on the history and origin of Easter.

Origin Of Easter

Easter has been a pagan festival that heralded the advent of the spring season after the desolate winter months. When the second-century Christian missionaries arrived in England, they used these pagan celebrations as a tool for converting the pagans to Christianity. Another record says that in a letter to Saint Mellitus, who was then on his way to England to conduct missionary work among the pagan Anglo-Saxons, Pope Gregory I suggested that converting the pagans would be easier, if they are allowed to retain the outward forms of their traditional pagan practices and traditions. He wanted to recast those traditions spiritually towards Christianity, instead of to their indigenous gods.

The Christian church, converted the Pagan festival from an observance of the advent of spring season to the one that is celebrated to commemorate the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. The date for the festival of Easter was also changed by the Church, in 325 AD. Thereafter, the festival was observed not on the spring equinox, but on the very first Sunday following the full moon on or after the vernal equinox. Therefore, the festival is celebrated on the 22nd of March, every year, in some parts of the world. The date can be as late as 25th of April as well.

Since the pagan festival of 'Eastre' occurred at the same time of year as the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the contours of the festival was altered to make it a Christian celebration. Because of its unmistakable pagan symbolism - Easter bunny, Eggs - fundamentalist Christian groups continue to reject the celebration of Easter, because they believe them to be irrevocably tainted with paganism and idolatry. In the present time, Easter festival symbolizes the rejuvenation, renewal, rebirth and restoration of all living beings on earth.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2012, 10:24:47 AM »

Easter Island

Easter Island has been synonymous with the huge, spectacular stone mololiths, known as Moais, which once dotted its landscape. Located over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), it is one of the most isolated places on Earth. In the 1860s, Tahitian sailors gave the island the name Rapa Nui, meaning 'Great Rapa' due to its resemblance to another island in Polynesia. Only 64 square miles in size, this tiny island can be described an open air museum for the huge stone Moais scattered everywhere. These mysterious carved figures, massive in size, some weighing 50 tons, stand more than ten meters high, gazing out across rolling hills, mountains and extinct volcanoes towards crystal clear waters.

Dutch sea captain Jacob Roggeveen, who came upon the island on Easter Day in 1722, named it Easter Island. Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui. Hanga Roa is the tiny capital where most of the 2,000 inhabitants live. About 69% of the islanders are descendants of the original Polynesian ancestors. The Easter Island was annexed by Chile in 1888. For quite sometime mystery theories were abound regarding the early ancestors of the Easter Island and the gigantic stone sculptures. Some called it the remnants of a lost civilization while others ascribed the Moai statues to extra terrestrial influence. But subsequent scientific investigation has proved that the original inhabitants of Easter Island were of Polynesian descent.

Interesting Facts About Easter Island

The people on Easter Island converse in Austroniesian languages.

Easter Island is known for its colossal stone statues worldwide.

A world heritage site, much of island is protected within the premises of Rapa Nui National Park.

As per history,  the oldest known names of Easter Island are Te Pito o Te Henua, meaning ‘The Center of the World’ and Mata-Ki-Te-Rani, meaning ‘Eyes Looking at Heaven’.

Jacob Roggeveen, who gave the island its present name, was the first ever European to set foot on the island. Since he reached on Easter Sunday, April 5, 1722, he named the island Easter Island.

In the bygone era, about 288 enormous stone statues called moai stood upon the stone platforms called ahu. There were about 250 such ahu platforms in the island, thereby forming an unbroken line.

The average height and weight of stone statue on the ahu is about 14 feet, 6 inches tall and 14 tons.

Some of the statues as large as 33 feet and weighed more than 80 tons.

Almost all the moai statues found in the island are made from the hard stone of the Rano Raraku volcano.

Though mostly famous for the statues, Easter Island also possesses a script, the Rongor script, the only written language in Oceania.

Easter Island boasts of art and culture, including petroglyphs (rock carvings), traditional wood carvings, tapa (barkcloth) crafts, tattooing, string figures, dance and music.

An Outrigger Club was founded in the Easter Island on 1989, by Rodriego Paoa Atamu.

Easter Island is home to two types of small lizards and only a few species of insects. There are no mammals and no fishes on the island.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2012, 10:26:05 AM »


A Pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated using called ‘batik’, a generic wax-resist dyeing technique used on fabric. The word ‘Pysanka’ is derived from the verb Pysaty that means ‘to write’. This name signifies the art of Pysanka where the as the designs are not painted on, but actually written with the help of beeswax. Many other eastern European ethnic groups, namely Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Czechs, Lithuanians and Romanians decorate eggs in the same way like that for Easter. These Ukrainian Easter eggs, known as Pysanka, are renowned for exquisite ornamentation and artwork.

The origin of Pysanka eggs dates back to ancient times. Though no actual ancient illustrations exist, as eggs are fragile things, one can know it from the folklores and legends related with this tradition. Legend has it that the natives of Ukraine worshipped the sun which was referred here as Dazhboh. Decorated eggs with motifs of nature symbols were chosen for sun worship ceremonies and they became an integral part of spring rituals.

In pre-Christian times, Dazhboh was one of the main deities in this area and birds were considered as the god's chosen creations. It was thought so because only the birds were thought to be able to reach near him. As humans could not catch the birds, they used to catch the eggs that the bird laid. They also considered the eggs to be magical objects as they were the source of life. These eggs were also commemorated during the rituals of the spring festivals. It also signifies the rebirth of the earth.

With the arrival of Christianity in the region, the process of religious syncretism, the symbolism of the eggs were changed to symbolize, not the rebirth of nature, but the rebirth of man. Even after the locals converted to Christianity, Pysanka remained to play a significant role in Ukrainian rituals. Pysanky eggs are traditionally made during the last week of Lent, the Holy Week in the Catholic and Orthodox Eastern Church. Each province, each village, and almost every family in Ukraine had its own special ritual, its own symbols, meanings and secret formulas for dyeing eggs.

Pysanka eggs were created by carefully applying wax in patterns to an egg. The egg yolk and white are either allowed to dry up over time, or removed by blowing them out through a small hole in the egg. The egg was then dyed, wax would be reapplied in spots to preserve that color, and the egg was boiled again in other shades. The result was a multi-color striped or patterned egg. This customs of making egg has been preserved faithfully and passed down from mother to daughter through generations. They are made by the women of the family.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 10:27:16 AM »

When is Easter

One of the holiest festivals of Christians, Easter commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus after his Crucifixion. Like the origin of the festival, the precise date of Easter Sunday too has been a matter of contention. Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts, in that they do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars (which follow the motion of the sun and the seasons). Instead, they are based on a lunar calendar. Early Christians celebrated Easter on different days of the week.

Talking about history, in 325 AD, the Council of Nicaea convoked by Emperor Constantine issued the Easter Rule, which stated that Easter shall be celebrated on the first Sunday that occurs after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. However, the "full moon" in the rule is the ecclesiastical full moon and it does not always occur on the same date as the astronomical full moon. The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21. Therefore, Easter can be celebrated as early as on March 22 or as late as on April 25.

Another distinctive change that came about was with the celebration days. While traditionally, Eastertide lasted for forty days from Easter Day i.e. until Ascension Day, things are different in the present times. Nowadays, Easter officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. In Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon. A spring time festival, Easter, in Christian countries, is a religious holiday, celebrated with great pomp and show. Though primarily it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God, there are various customs and legends that are associated with it.

Easter also characterizes the end of Lent season, a period for fasting, prayer and penance. Celebration for Easter starts from days in advance. The last week of Lent observes Palm Sunday, which signifies Lord Jesus' successful entry to Jerusalem. On this day, the crowd at Jerusalem laid palm leaves at His feet, thereby acquiring the name as Palm Sunday. Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday refers to the Last Supper, which was held in the evening, before the Crucifixion. Good Friday commemorates the anniversary of the Crucifixion, the day when Christ was crucified and died on the cross.

While the religious observations of the festival follow the Christian church, the basic contours of Easter celebration may vary in different countries due to regional influences. In 2012, the Easter will fall on 08th April as per Western Calendar (Catholic and Protestant Churches) and on 15th April as per Eastern Orthodox Church.

Easter Calendar Date in 2012:
April 8th - Western Calendar
April 15th - Eastern Orthodox Church

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2012, 10:29:44 AM »

Easter Candy

The festival of Easter is a festive occasion for Christians all over the world. It is a glorious day to let loose all the tensions of everyday life and indulge oneself in the merrymaking. A number of interesting customs are followed, which add to the frivolous nature of the festival. The tradition of the exchange of Easter candles, gifts and candies is followed since ages. On the occasion, people relish on delicious dishes as well as munch crunchy candies, available in the stores. While jelly beans are the traditional Easter candies, you can get to taste various kinds of chocolates and toffees, on the festival. Go through the following lines and check out interesting and fun facts about Easter candy.

Easter Candy Fun Facts

Easter is the second most grant occasion for eating candies, for Americans.

Although the origin of Easter jelly beans is a little known fact, many claim that the sweet was derived from a confection known as 'Turkish Delight', which originated in Istanbul, Turkey, in the late 1700s.

As many as ninety million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced every year, in the US.
Marshmallow peeps are the hot favorites of the majority of people, who relish on candies on Easter.

About 16 million jelly beans are produced every year in US, for the occasion of Easter.

In order to accommodate the 16 billion jelly beans produced every year, one would require a plastic Easter egg that is 89 feet high and 60 feet wide. 

Apart from Easter eggs, jelly beans are also hidden in the Easter baskets, which are retrieved by children, as a part of the traditions.

Studies suggest that if jelly beans are lined end to end, they could circle the globe three times.

The egg-shaped jelly bean symbolizes fertility and birth.

Many years back, the jelly beans were sold according to their color - bag of green, bag of red jelly beans.

Jelly beans, the traditional Easter candy, were not associated with the celebration of the festival until the 1930s.

The traditional jelly beans are not flavored on the inside. On the other hand, the gourmet jelly beans are flavored both on the inside and outside.

It takes 6-10 days to make a typical traditional or gourmet jelly bean.

Sugar and corn syrup are the key ingredients used to make traditional jelly beans.

Typically, the center of the jelly bean is manufactured, and then the rest of the candy is

Apart from a juicy center, jelly beans are also characterized by a semi-hard shell.

In the present time, about 50 different flavors of gourmet jelly beans are manufactured for Easter.

World's largest jar of jelly beans was revealed on October 15, 1999. The jar weighed a whopping 6050 pounds.

In US, 22nd April is declared as National Jelly Bean Day.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 03:11:21 PM »

Easter Symbols

Being one of the holiest Christian festivals, Easter is associated with a host of traditional symbols and icons. Most of the Easter symbols pre-date Christianity and are remnants of ancient Pagan symbolism. Each of them is related to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. Since Easter festival heralds the advent of spring, the symbols connected to it stand for fertility, purity and peace. For instance, Easter symbols such as the bunny and eggs represent the fertile state of mother earth. White lily flowers, which are used to decorate the altar of churches on Easter, represent peace and sanctity.

Easter eggs have been used as gift items, since they are also a symbol of the festival. Other symbols of Easter such as Easter cross and Easter lamb are purely religious, since they symbolize the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter lamb, one of the traditional recipes of the festival, is also regarded as a symbol. The very delicious meat is served as a lip smacking delicacy, at Easter lunch or dinner. Another peculiar symbol of the festival is Easter hot cross bun, which derives its name from its Cross icing. Go through our related section to know all about the popular symbols of Easter.

Easter Bunny
Since Easter coincides with the advent of spring season, the celebrations are very colorful. Easter Bunny and the beautifully eggs brought by the legendary character add to the color and vibrancy of the festival. On the night before Easter, children eagerly wait for the furry bunny to bring colored eggs and gift baskets filled with toys and chocolates, for them. Easter Bunny of Easter is similar to Santa Claus of Christmas, because both bring gifts to children, on the Eve of the respective festivals.

Easter Candles
Easter candles are lit in churches, to celebrate the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, three days after crucifixion. Christians associate Jesus with the light from candles, hailing him as "the eternal light", showing Christians the way from death to life. The candlelight ushers in a world of hope and prosperity, by driving away the gloom of darkness.

Easter Cross
The Cross, the all-pervading icon of Christianity, is an integral element of all Christian festivals, including Easter. It is the symbol of life over death. The crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus' body hanging from it. It symbolizes the sacrifice, which Jesus did for humanity. An empty cross, without the figure of Christ crucified on it, reminds Christians of Jesus' victory over death and the new life and hope the victory brings to humanity.

Easter Eggs
Easter eggs have been acknowledged as a symbol of continuing life and fertility, since pre-Christian spring celebrations. Given as springtime gifts by the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese at their spring festivals, the Easter egg appears in Pagan mythology as well, where the Heaven and Earth were thought to have been formed from two halves of an egg.

Easter Lamb
The festival of Easter is celebrated with great fanfare by Christian people across the world. The day, which commemorates the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ three days after crucifixion, is observed with religious fervor. On the occasion, special services are conducted in churches, where the altar is decorated beautifully with the traditional Easter flowers, such as white lily.

Easter Lily
Among the multitude of spring flowers, the Easter white lily is the traditional Easter flower. The beautiful flower is considered the symbol of the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, three days after his crucifixion. The large, pure white blooms of the Easter Lilies are symptomatic of the pure new life that comes through the Resurrection of Jesus.

Hot Cross Buns
Hot cross buns stand out from other Easter delicacies, for their typical flavor. A prominent Easter icon, hot cross bun is called so, because of the icing cross on the top of the bun, which reminds people of the Crucifixion of Jesus. Hot cross buns were first baked in England, to be served as the traditional Good Friday breakfast. Nowadays, they are served throughout the Easter season.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 03:12:45 PM »

Easter Bunny

Since Easter coincides with the advent of spring season, the celebrations are very colorful. Easter Bunny and the beautifully eggs brought by the legendary character add to the color and vibrancy of the festival. On the night before Easter, children eagerly wait for the furry bunny to bring colored eggs and gift baskets filled with toys and chocolates, for them. Easter Bunny of Easter is similar to Santa Claus of Christmas, because both bring gifts to children, on the Eve of the respective festivals. In fact, Easter bunny is one of the most adorable Easter symbols. Go through the following lines to get information on the history and origin of the popular legendary character - Easter Bunny.

History Of Easter Bunny
The origin of Easter bunny can be traced back to the ancient Pagan settlements. They regarded rabbits as symbols of fertility, because the animal gives birth to multiple offspring at a time. Since rabbits were fertility icons, they became symbols of the rising fertility of the Earth, at the Vernal Equinox. Ancient tribes celebrated the beginning of spring at the Vernal Equinox, by blessing seeds for growth and placing colored eggs on an altar. Therefore, it can be said that Easter Bunny has its origin in the ancient Pagans.

Another story, connected to the origin of Easter Bunny, is also related to an ancient Pagan legend. As per the legend, Goddess Eostre - the most worshipped Pagan deity - retrieved a wounded bird in a snowy forest, during a winter season. To help it survive the chilly winter, the Goddess turned it into a rabbit. However, it was not a complete transformation of the bird to a rabbit and hence, it continued to lay eggs. To extend its gratitude, the rabbit decorated its eggs beautifully and presented them to the deity, every spring.

However, many historical records suggest that the Easter Bunny originated in Alsace and Southwestern Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings, in the 1600s. The American folklore was acquainted with Easter Bunny, when the German settlers, who arrived in Pennsylvania during the 1700s, introduced the legendary character to them. It was termed as the arrival of 'Oschter Haws', which was considered 'childhood's greatest pleasure'. The small kids believed that the Oschter Haws would lay a nest of colored eggs.

During the 1800s, edible Easter Bunnies were made in Germany, in the shape of pastries made with sugar. Easter bunny became a part of modern day Easter celebration in Germany, where tales were told of an "Easter hare" who laid eggs for children to find. They also baked cakes for Easter in the shape of hares, and may have pioneered the practice of making chocolate bunnies and eggs. Thus, Easter Bunny is one of the prominent symbols of the festival as well as the funniest part of the celebrations. Easter gift galleries are swamped with cute stuffed bunny toys and confectionary shops do brisk business by selling chocolate bunny rabbit cookies and cakes.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2012, 03:13:41 PM »

Easter Candles

Easter candles are lit in churches, to celebrate the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, three days after crucifixion. Christians associate Jesus with the light from candles, hailing him as "the eternal light", showing Christians the way from death to life. The candlelight ushers in a world of hope and prosperity, by driving away the gloom of darkness. Easter candle is sometimes referred to as Paschal candle or Christ candle. The candle is considered prominent in Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and some other Protestant churches as well. Therefore, candles are important symbols of Easter.

Candles are lit during the Easter celebrations, especially the vigil and midnight services before Easter Sunday. Many churches kindle candles on their altars on Good Friday, to show that Jesus' light has gone out. In Roman Catholic churches, the special Paschal Candle is lit on Easter Sunday, next to the main altar. The candle symbolizes Jesus' return to life. The candle is often lit during the next 40 days, until it is put out on Ascension Day. The Paschal candle is a special candle for Easter. It comprises of engravings of cross and the Greek letters alpha and omega that signify that the Lord is omnipresent.

The beeswax, out of which the Easter candle is prepared, represents the purity of Jesus Christ, its wick signifies humanity and the flame is indicative of the Jesus' divine nature. For people following the Greek Orthodox faith, Easter is a sacred religious observance, which lasts for as many as fifty days. The fifty days of Greek Easter are celebrated with great enthusiasm and dedication to the almighty. A number of traditions are associated with the celebration of the festival, one of the prominent being the presentation of Greek Easter candles to the family, friends and little ones.

The traditional Greek Easter candles symbolize the rise of Lord Jesus Christ, three days after the crucifixion. On the festive occasion of Easter, special candles are manufactured in Greece. The Greek Easter candles are characterized by their large size and a cross inscribed in them. The date of the current year is also inscribed in the candle, before presenting it to the near and dear. The candle is a gesture to symbolize the Lord Jesus Christ is present every where and will be so forever, until the eternity. As per the traditions, five grains of aroma, symbolizing the five wounds of Jesus Christ due to the crucifixion, are compressed into the arms and the center of the cross in the candles, by using pins or nails. The Easter candles are allowed to burn throughout the Fifty Days of Easter.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2012, 03:14:49 PM »

Easter Cross

The Cross, the all-pervading icon of Christianity, is an integral element of all Christian festivals, including Easter. It is the symbol of life over death. The crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus' body hanging from it. It symbolizes the sacrifice, which Jesus did for humanity. An empty cross, without the figure of Christ crucified on it, reminds Christians of Jesus' victory over death and the new life and hope the victory brings to humanity. Over the years, Cross has gained significance as a holy sign of Christianity and an important symbol of Easter. Explore the article to know all about Easter Cross.

Easter Symbol Cross

The Christian perception of the Cross, as a sign of redemption, stems from the belief that Jesus' Crucifixion played a central role in redeeming humanity from its sins. When Jesus was crucified, the Cross became a symbol of suffering. Thereafter, with the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, the Christians saw it as a symbol of the almighty's victory over death. On one hand, the holy Cross spreads the message of both crucifixion and resurrection and on the other; it symbolizes the victory of good over the evil, sacrifice and signifies a new life.

During the first 300 years after Christ's death, Christians feared persecution by the hostile Roman government and rarely displayed the Cross in public. In the 300's, the Romans began to tolerate Christianity, and crosses were widely displayed. In A.D. 325, Constantine at the Council of Nicaea issued a decree that the Cross is the official symbol of Christianity. After the declaration, Cross became a holy symbol of undying faith by the Catholic Church.

As a part of the traditions of Easter, people cover the Cross with a black cloth on Good Friday, for mourning for the death of Jesus. Before the Easter Sunday, the draping in black is removed and the cross is rather decorated with flowers to honor the Jesus' return to life. On the day, a special service is organized at churches across different parts of the world, where people pray to their Almighty for their health, wealth and prosperity.

Different kinds of Crosses are used in different religions. For instance, the Greek Cross is used by the Eastern Orthodox Churches, while the Latin Cross is used by Protestants and Catholics. The Cross can vary is length as well. Nonetheless, the typical 6-7 feet long Cross is used as the symbol of Easter. On the ceremonious occasion of Easter, the altar of the church is decorated beautifully with traditional Easter flowers, such as white lily, and the Cross is cleaned, polished and erected. People offer worship at the altar, confess all their sins at the confession box and pray to lead a peaceful life, for the years to come.

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Re: ~ Christian Festivals ~
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2012, 03:21:18 PM »

Easter Eggs

Easter eggs have been acknowledged as a symbol of continuing life and fertility, since pre-Christian spring celebrations. Given as springtime gifts by the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese at their spring festivals, the Easter egg appears in Pagan mythology as well, where the Heaven and Earth were thought to have been formed from two halves of an egg. Another legend says that Pagan deity Eoster transformed a bird into a rabbit, to save it from a chilly winter season. Since the bird was not completely transformed into a rabbit, it continued to lay eggs. Subsequently, the rabbit laid colored eggs and presented them to the Goddess, every spring season.

Over the years, eggs have evolved as a prominent Easter icon, since they were perceived to be the symbol of Jesus' Resurrection. Since the rabbit presented the eggs to the Goddess, Easter Bunny is also regarded as another symbol of the festival. The legendary character is believed to bring baskets filled with Easter eggs, toys and sweet treats like chocolate, on the night before Easter. The bunny is thought to hide the eggs either in the backyard or within the home's premises, so the children have to find them on their own. Read on to know more about the popular Easter symbol - Easter eggs.

Easter Eggs
Even as early as the Middle Ages, colored eggs were to be given as gifts at Easter. Forbidden during the solemn fast of Lent, eggs were reintroduced on Easter Sunday, both as part of the feasting and as gifts for family, friends and servants. Besides their religious connotations, Easter eggs have given rise to many exotic traditions and practices. The coloring of eggs is an established art, and eggs are often dyed, painted and otherwise decorated.

Easter Egg Decoration
The most elaborate Easter egg traditions appear to have emerged in Eastern Europe. In Poland and Ukraine, eggs were often painted silver and gold. Pysanky eggs were created by carefully applying wax in patterns to an egg. The egg was then dyed, wax would be reapplied in spots to preserve that color and the egg was boiled again in other shades. The result was a multi-color striped or patterned egg. In many parts of the world, Easter eggs are painted beautiful in vibrant colors and decorated, to use them as gifts for near and dear.

Chocolate Easter Eggs
Dying or painting chicken eggs has been the oldest tradition related to Easter. Over the years, keeping in mind the difficulties to carry real eggs, people have started using chocolate eggs for the festival. Fancy chocolate eggs are made at households as well as sold in the market, during Easter. To make chocolate eggs, you need plastic egg molds that are available in the market. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Pour the molten chocolate into the egg mold and allow it to set. Now, separate the egg-halves and paint each of them with molten chocolate. Hold the two sides together and refrigerate it. Your chocolate egg is ready! You may decorate the eggs with frosting or any icing used for cakes.