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~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:51:39 PM »
Acidity, its causes and prevention

Acidity is a common phenomenon which also causes heartburn.The food content in the stomach flows back to oesophagus which is very painful and causes uneasiness.There are numerous causes that lead to acidity and heartburn, optimum prevention of the disorder depends on person to person and the level of acidity experienced in the body.

If not cured and prevented at right time, the problem may become serious causing ulcers in the stomach.A healthy and well balanced diet can help reducing the problem.Acidity is caused when you skip meals or the digestive system doesn’t work properly.

Causes of acidity:
Acidity can be caused due to many factors.Such as spicy food which increases the risk of acidic contents in the stomach, the acidic food which we consume often(some fruits do have acidic content in them),the quantity of food consumed also causes acidity such as people who eat large quantity of food at a time have high chances of developing acid in the stomach, and foods like cakes or biscuits when consumed empty stomach causes acidity.
Obesity and pregnancy are another factors for the generation of acid reflux in the body.Beverages like cold drink,caffeine and smoking habits also causes acidity.

Prevention of acidity:
1)Avoid alcohol, smoking, spicy foods, steroids and similar habits.They tend to increase the risk of acidity in the body.
2)Avoid stress and try to adopt a healthy and positive lifestyle to prevent the acidity in the stomach , especially when you are the kind of person bound by the tight and stressful working schedules.
3)Avoid lifting heavy weighs or lift them with extra care as it can cause pressure in the lower abdomen and effect the digestive system.

4)Do not skip meals, learn to have a healthy regular meals all through the day.
5)Eat curd and rice at least once to reduce the effect of acidity.
6)Drink cold milk to get instant relief from the acidity problem.
Also drink lots of water, fresh juices, salads, and raw vegetable.These foods are highly beneficial to prevent acidity.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 05:13:05 PM »
Food Items That Cause Headache : Prevention

Sometimes people get tired of taking medicines but still they could not get rid of the pain.
Well as per the research done  it has been proved that consumption of a particular kind of food may also be a reason for headache.
Headaches may even be triggered by some food products which we eat in our daily life.
Dietary changes may also be a reason to headache. People who have a hectic schedule are more prone to headaches due to the work load and even due to lack of proper diet.
Listed below are some food products which may be a reason for your headache:

Alcohol fastens the rate of blood flow from the body to the brain.
This is the reason why people feel to have a heavy head after drinking.

Caffeinated drinks:
Caffeine is in a crystalline form white colored  stimulant drug which is used in a certain number of beverages.
When Consumed it affects our nervous system and increases the level of alertness of a human mind.
The increased level of Caffeine causes headache.
Tea , coffee and other caffeinated drinks can also be a reason for headache.
Soda and other soft drinks may even trigger headache

Cold & Stale food:
 Consumption of stale and cold food items may also be a reason for your headache.

Cheese is one of the main causes of headache.
Cheese contains Tyramine which is formed after the breakdown of protein.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 05:50:12 PM »
5 Tips to reduce weight easily

Over weight problem is a matter of concern. Shedding weight is not a tough job but its not that easy to. You need to choose correct technique for yourself. There is nothing about being demoralized or loosing hope, just try not to skip your meals as reducing weight does not means only dieting.

Many people have a misconception about reducing weight, they think that weight can be decreased only through dieting or skipping meals. Let me tell you friends this will not all going to help you. For reducing weight first of all select a healthy diet for yourself. Avoid calories and opt for fat free food. Here are top 5 slimming tips which will help you a lot in shedding those extra pounds.

5 Slimming Tips

Avoid eating fried snacks between lunch and dinner time. You can take green or black tea instead of snacks as they contain amino acid which secretes the relaxing chemicals of mind that helps in controlling hunger.

Whole grain tortillas are very healthy, they can be used to make sandwiches or nutria-raps.
By reducing the level of carbohydrates in tortillas they can be a good source of reducing weight. Corn tortilla contains 70% less calories compared to wheat flour tortilla.

Sweet corns are not only tasty to eat but according to a latest study they contains 2 times more antioxidants that apple and are low calorie food.

Increase the level of protein in your food. Protein takes more time to digest and remains in your stomach for a longer time. Protein rich food like egg yolk, turkey sandwiches, fat free milk and curd, grilled fish and vegetables will help you to loose weight and be slim.

If you want to eat some salty food then instead of eating fried or oily chips eat roasted almonds. They are full of monounsaturated fatty acid and hence are very healthy. They help in shedding weight if eaten regularly.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2012, 05:55:02 PM »
Goodness and health benefits of blackberries

Blackberries are the fruits dark in colour and resembles raspberries.Blackberries are juicy and soft fruits which grows on thorny bushes in form of clusters. Blackberries are rich in antioxidants which prevents body from free radicals and avoid different types of cancer such as cervical and breast cancer.The antioxidant property of blackberry  prevents body from many chronic diseases.

Blackberry is rich in anthrocyanin,phenolic compounds and flavonoids.Blackberry is beneficial for health as it contains vital nutrients like magnesium,phosphorus,vitamin C and sodium.It is also a good source of folic acid and carotene.Apart from this it has many medicinal characteristics too.It is the best fruit to control diabetes.

The antioxidant property of blackberries helps maintaining a healthy immune system.Blackberry consists of high level of phytoestrogens which is the plant version of female hormones, estrogen.Therefore blackberry are beneficial food for women and treats the problem of vomiting and nausea in pregnant women.

Blackberries consists of lot of fibre which helps in maintaining a good and healthy digestive system and treats the problem of constipation.They also treats eye disorders.Vitamin C found in blackberries reduces the risk of macular degeneration and prevents blindness in people over 50 years of age.

Handful of blackberries everyday strengthen the bone formation. Manganese helps in building strong bone structure by forming the connective tissues of the body.Blackberries also helps in strengthening gums and teeth.The antibacterial property of blackberry controls bleeding and prevents the risk of arthritis,heart disease and urinary disorders.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 05:59:21 PM »
Simple Ayurvedic Remedies for Incompatible Food Combinations

Sometimes the food that we eat can cause indigestion and result into many problems like diarrhea, nausea, gastric trouble and what not. To counter the negative effect of food eaten we can have few ayurvedic remedies. Lets have a look at the antidotes for incompatible food combinations.

Ayurvedic Antidotes for Incompatible Food Combination

Sometimes eating Cheese may aggravate Pitta and Kapha, to subside the the negative effect of cheese add some Black Pepper to it and then eat

Eggs in cooked form increases Pitta and in raw form increases Kapha, use eggs along with Onion and Turmeric to nullify the negative effects of Eggs

We all love Ice-cream, but it may also increase the mucous level in body and result into congestion. So if next time your are having ice cream then take it with Cloves or Cardamoms.

Consuming Curd also increases mucous and thus congestion, take curd with ginger or cumin to subside the negative effect of curd.

Meat lovers can take meat with Cloves and Pepper powder to make the digestion of meat easy

Fish intake increases Pitta, include lemon in your diet to curb the ill effect of Fish.

Alcohol is long known for its ill effects on digestive system, so to nullify the bad effect of Alcohol chew a pinch of cumin seeds or 1-2 cardamom seeds.

To reduce the ill effect of Tea use Ginger in it, and to reduce ill effect of Coffee use a pinch of Cinnamon to it.

Eating sweets increases congestion on body to always use ginger powder to curb the ill effect of sweet.

Consuming Tobacco increases Pitta and triggers Vata in body, consume  Brahmi, Calamus as an antidotes to tobacco.

Rice and Wheat are known aggravate Kapha and fat, use Clove and Ginger to make the diet more healthy

Legumes produce gas and can cause uneasiness in body, use Garlic, cloves, Black Pepper , Ginger, Rock Salt, or Chilly powder as cure.

Eating Cabbage produces gas due to Sulpher, cook cabbage in sunflower oil  and add
Turmeric and Mustard seeds to ease the ill effect of Cabbage on body

Garlic also aggravates Pitta in body, use grated Coconut and Lemon to reduce the ill effect of Garlic

Eating Green salad produces and increases gas. So add a little lemon juice to your Green
Salad to reduce the ill effect of it.

Onions are also known to produces gas. It would be beneficial to take Onion in cooked form or add salt, lemon, curd and mustard seed powder

Potatoes causes gas due to carbohydrate content. Cook Potatoes in Ghee with Pepper.

Tomatoes intake can increases Kapha level in body, use Lemon and Cumin for curbing the ill effects of Tomatoes.

Banana also increases Kapha level in body, by eating Cardamom we can lessen the ill effects of Banana.

Mangoes may increase chances of Diarrhea, add ghee with cardamom to be relieved.

Melons may causes water retention in body, use grated Coconut with Coriander to reduce water retention in body

Nuts and Peanuts maximum time causes gas and burning sensation in the stomach and throat. To reduce the ill effect of Nuts and Peanuts soak them overnight in water or cook them with sesame oil, ginger,  roasted cumin powder and pepper.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 06:02:30 PM »
Vital causes of itchy scalp

There are many causes that lead to itchy scalp.When it is moderate, it is mainly due to several chemicals present in hair products.If you stop using these products ,the problem may be cured immediately.Apart from this there are many other reasons too for itchy scalp.It is important to find the root cause in order to decide how to treat the scalp itching.

Main causes of itchy scalp:

1)Acne Keloidalis Nuchae- It is a chronic scalp condition in which leads to scars and inflamed bumps behind the neck.Initially acne keloidalis nuchae looks like acne like lesions of inflamed hair follicles on the scruff of neck.The problem can worsen and causes larger scars if not treated well.

2)Folliculitis- The inflammation of hair follicle on the skin is known as folliculitis.Folloculitis happens on the part where most of the irritation occurs on the skin such as during shaving, rubbing due to clothes and skin friction.The infection of bacteria causes inflamed hair follicle which lives on skin.

3)Psoriasis- Psoriasis is the skin infection that runs in family in most of the cases.Other factors like indigestion, infection of any medication and depression or stress also causes psoriasis.The exact reason of psoriasis is not known till now but it is assumed that it may be caused due to incorrect functioning of immune system.

4)Dandruff- Dandruff is the most common skin condition of itchy scalp.Dandruff occurs on the skin rich in oil glands.Dandruff cause skin flaking, redness and itchy scalp.Factors such as cold weather,frequent shampooing and stress often leads to problem of dandruff.The problem can be worsen if not treated well and ultimately results in hair loss.

5)Sunburn-The UV rays of the sun causes sunburn.The harmful UV rays of the sun damage the DNA which produces dead cells.The dead cells causes itchy scalp.Excess sweat can worsen the itchy situation.Avoid sunlight, wear cap and apply good sun protective lotions to prevent hairs from further damage.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 06:30:00 PM »
Quit smoking through a healthy and fit lifestyle

Want to quit smoking? There is a good news for those who are annoyed with their smoking habits. According to the latest study daily 15 minutes exercise can be one of the best remedy to quit smoking very easily and successfully.

According to the scientist of china medical university daily workouts compels  50 present of the smokers to quit smoking compered to those who are not indulge in any kind of workouts. And more over it was found that once quitting there were only 10 percent people who again opted for it.

This not only increases the life span by 5 years taking on an average rate but also reduces the rate of death by 40 percent overall. More over if exercising fails to make a person quit smoking it increases the life expectancy to 3 percent because of the healthy and fit lifestyle of a person who is engaged in at least 30 minutes workouts daily.

If you want to quit your smoking habit then you must opt for some good and healthy exercises like jogging, aerobics, streaking, swimming, or playing any sport. Even a 15 minutes walkis enough to get a start towards the target. Generally smokers are advised to indulge themselves in physical activities as more as they can, so that it becomes easy for them to get rid of smoking habit.

Even yoga or meditations also helps in smoking cessation. There are special yoga exercises which are specifically for quitting smoking habits. You can take the guidance of an expert trainer and opt for them to. Addiction to anything is very bad for health so try to change your lifestyle, make it more interesting and healthy. Try to avoid that places or happenings which influences you to smoke.

Just 15 minutes of exercises helps you to relieve stress and helps you to recover from the damages caused by smoking. Start from a 10-25 minute walk and gradually increase the workouts for at least 30 minutes. So, start working towards the betterment of your healthy from today only.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 06:34:21 PM »
Foods to avoid when you have digestion problem

The main cause of indigestion is the lack of water, fibre and exercise.A well balanced and healthy diet is necessary for everyone.The definition of healthy food is the food rich in nutrients and less in fat and salt.Cut down processed and fried foods from your daily diet.These foods are difficult to digest as well as do not give us the important nutrients our body need.

Indigestion often leads to constipation.Constipation causes uneasiness, headache and irregular bowel movements.Poor eating habits, stress and unstable lifestyle causes the problem of indigestion.According to the Gerard Isenberg, MD assiciate chief of gastroenterology at University Hospital Case Medical Centre says It is not necessary that only one specific food causes constipation,the main reason behind the irregular digestion is the lack of fibre in the food.The American Dietic Association recommends that every individual should include at least 20 to 35 grams of fibre every day.

Foods to avoid if you have digestion problem:

1)Processed foods
- Processed foods are the foods that are available in the supermarket and prepared at high temperatures and high pressure.Processed foods are rich in chemicals which are disastrous for your digestive system.Processed foods lack in fibre and causes problem to your digestive system.

2)Dairy Products
- Dairy products such as milk, ice cream,and cheese all tastes good but causes great harm to our digestive system.If you have constipation problem then completely avoid cheese and milk.Stick to yoghurt and oatmeal.

3)Spicy Foods
- Spicy foods effect differently on different people.Some people do not have problem eating spicy food but for some people it causes digestion problem.You should go for bland foods if you are sensitive to spicy food.

- One of the main cause of constipation is dehydration.And caffeine causes dehydration.Though a cup of coffee,colas or black tea is the best to start your day and remain energetic all throughout the day. But is true that so much of caffeine causes  adverse effect to your body and disturbs your digestive system.If you are used to drink coffee everyday then it is better to replace it with some other food rich in fibre.

-Alcohol worsen the problem of indigestion and increases constipation.It make you more sick.Alcohol has toxic properties which  harms the stomach lining and alters the liver metabolism.Alcohol consumption causes constipation and other major health problems.

6)Fried foods
- Fried foods move throughout the body,undigested.They make you feel full and puffed up.Fried food take longer to digest and lacks fibre too. Experts recommend that if you have constipation or digestion problem you should avoid fried foods as they slows down the process of emptying of the stomach.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2012, 06:41:36 PM »
Importance, sources and benefits of calcium

For strong bones and teeth correct amount of calcium is very important to be present in your meals. One glass milk gives around 40% calcium to a child where as a non-vegetarian child requires 400 to 800 milligrams of calcium. Just drinking milk will not fulfill the proper calcium requirements of your child. Know more about some healthy food items and importance of calcium for your child.

It is true that milk alone cannot satisfy the proper intake of calcium level even if a child is depended only upon milk. At the end of the day storage of calcium is fulfilled by calcium syrups. Calcium is very important for physical and mental growth of a child. Bones contains 99% calcium and 1% calcium is present in blood. Lack of calcium results in a disease called rickets which loosens up the bones making them break down easily.

Why calcium is important for kids?
-For strong bones and teeth.
-Proper circulation of blood in muscles.
-To make the structure of teeth and bones.
-1% portion of calcium flows in the form of iodized calcium in the body which is important for life.
-Helps in controlling the blood pressure.

Sources of Calcium

-One glass of milk contains 300 milligram calcium.
-One cup curd contains 300 milligram calcium.
-One glass of orange contains 300 milligram calcium.
-Half cup beans contains 110 milligram calcium.
-Half cup spinach contain 120 milligram calcium.
-Apart from these green vegetables, lentils, almonds, peas,broccoli etc are also rich in calcium.

Requirement of calcium according to age

-From 1 to 3 years- 500 milligrams (approximately 2 glass of milk)
-From 4 to 8 years- 800 milligrams (approximately3 glass of milk)
-From 9 to 18 years- 1300 milligrams (approx. 4 glass of milk)

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2012, 06:50:41 PM »
5 quick ways to prevent early wrinkles

There is a belief that the skin starts aging at the age of 30.Early signs of aging starts appearing on the hands,neck area and some portions of the face.The glow of the skin is at its best at the age of 20 because at that time the skin is free from all types of extra dirt, oil,pimples and do not require much care to maintain it.But studies has shown that the signs of aging can start appearing on your face any time if you do not take good care of your skin.

Robin Ashinoff,a dermatologist at Hackensack University Medical Centre says that many men and women think that skin aging is something which can not be avoided,but with latest technology and new researches everyone can look as young as they feel.

5 ways to prevent early wrinkles are-

- As we age our skin becomes thin ,weak and loses its elasticity.The oil production in the skin decreases making it more wrinkled and dry.The lines and wrinkles on the skin becomes more visible as the fat under the skin which makes skin look more stiff declines.

2)UV rays
- Many studies has proved that the effect of UV rays is very harsh on skin.The UV rays f the sun increases the aging process and causes early wrinkles.UV rays damages the buffer tissue found in dermis because of which the skin loses its strength and flexibility.

3)Quit Smoking
- Researches has shown that smoking accelerates the skin aging.Smoking releases a compound that breaks the ealstin and collagen, the vital components of the skin.Smoking also effects the blood supply to the skin also including the supply of good amount of oxygen and essential  nutrients needed by the skin.

4)Do not sleep on your stomach
- The American Academy of Dermatology warned that sleeping incorrectly in wrong positions leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the face.It is better to sleep on your back because sleeping on the sides causes wrinkles on chin and cheeks, sleeping on stomach causes deep wrinkles on the face.So it is better you sleep on your back to avoid early wrinkles.

5)Drink lots of water
- The simplest way to prevent wrinkles is to drink water.Without water the skin becomes dehydrated.Try to drink at least 3 glasses a day and notice the change on your skin becoming softer and smoother.Water hydrates the skin and keep it healthy.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2012, 06:55:37 PM »
Medicinal Properties of Cow Urine

In India and in Hinduism Cow is regarded as a holy and very sacred animal. A Cow is symbolic with Indian customs and traditions. In India cow urine has been used for curing many ailments like Cough, Migraine, Constipation etc,  and even for holy purification processes. However there has been mixed opinion upon using cow urine as to how can one use Cow’s urine for good health. But Laboratory tests have proved that contents of Cow Urine of like Nitrogen, Sulpher, Vitamins A B C D E, Magnesium and many more are required by human body to balance the  Tridosha i.e Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The urine of cow need to be used in Distilled form.

Diseases Cured By Cow Urine

The various anti-bacterial properties makes Cow Urine one of the very effective medicine in Ayurveda. Cow urine is also known to improve immunity and strengthen the body. Some of the diseases cured by Cow Urine are:

Migraine and other Headaches
Allergic Itching
Acne and Pimple
High Cholesterol Level
Brain Disease
Heart Disease and Ailments
Liver Diseases
Memory Loss and Disease
Eye Infection
Kidney Stone

Beneficial Medicinal Properties of Cow Urine
The composition of Cow Urine is extremely beneficial for human body and helps in curing many diseases in ailments. Cow urine is one of the most used ayurvedic remedy for many diseases. Lets have a look at how Distilled Cow Urine is beneficial for us

Blood Formation Purification and Detoxification
Ammonia NH3 stabilise bile and promotes blood formation, Nitrogen (N2) ,NH2  and Hipuric acid CgNgNox composition of cow urine helps in detoxification and remove abnormality in blood. It naturally stimulates urinary tracts and detoxify the blood. Likewise Sulpher (S) promotes bowel movement and thus cleanses blood.

Cut Fat
Copper (Cu) prevents from building unwanted calories and maintain fit body.

Promotes Energy and Overall Body Development
Iron (Fe) promotes formation Red Blood Cells (RBC) and maintaining Hemoglobin levels, thus providing energy to body. Vitamins A,B,C,D,E components also gives complete energy to body and cure nervousness.

Anti Bacterial and Antibacterial
Urea CO(NH2)2  , Manganese (Mn) , Carbolic acid HCOOH , Creatinin C4HgN2O2  and Aurum Hydroxide AuOH content of cow urine acts as anti bacterial and antibiotic agent and thus prevents germ formation and gangrene.

Heart Swelling and Inflamation
Cow urine also prevents heart swelling and any inflammation in body due to its Uric Acid C5H4N4O3 property.

Remove Kidney and Urinary Tract Stone
In Ayurveda Cow urine is also helps in removing Kidney and Urinary Tract Stone because of Phosphate (P) present in it.

Sodium (Na) helps in purifying blood and act as natural Antacid.

Strong Muscles and Bones
Potassium (K) and Calcium (Ca) present in cow urine helps in strengthening bones and muscles, it can also be used in curing hereditary rheumatism. Potassium also help in increasing appetite.

Increase Immunity
Enzymes present in Cow urine promotes development of digestive juices in body and increasing immunity.
The above mentioned is a small piece of information on  how cow urine benefits us. Do let us know how did u find the article.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2012, 06:59:23 PM »
Tips to reduce belly (tummy) fat

Every body wants to have a flat or perfectly shaped belly but all those difficult and time consuming exercises decreases the morale . Apart from exersices there are other options to. You can easily reduce your belly or stomach fat without even attempting all those crunches or sit-ups. Have a look below.

Tips for reducing belly fat:

Correct your posture
-  If you spend more time in sitting in front of computers or stand sit or move in a lazy way often with your shoulders and head bent forward, Chances of your stomach stinking out increases. Because of the fact that you leave your tummy loose it starts bulging up which is the first step towards having a demritorious tummy. Always remember to sit in a good and straight posture with straight back, chin up and  in a comfortable position.
Stretching exersices
Walk correctly and do not bend forward. Take care of your body position for a fit and flatter stomach.

Important stretching exercise
- For reducing the belly fat it is very important to opt for stretching exercises rather than any other.Try to pull your back and stomach at the back side so that stomach can be stretch easily. There are numbers of yoga breathing exercises which helps in reducing belly fat if done regularly for 15 minutes a day.

Try walking instead of driving
- It is recommended to opt stairs rather than lifts. Cycling, walking or skipping are some of the best ways which helps in reducing the belly fat. Always try walking instead of driving.

Stomach fat is nothing but the result of uneven distribution of fat in the body, so do not think it is because of obesity or weight gain. Just by taking little care and trying out these remedies will sought out the  problem. You will be surely loosing some extra fat from your tummy!

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2012, 08:06:58 PM »
5 best home remedies for diabetes

Diabetes is a common disorder of metabolism.A diabetic patient must know about what he/she should eat.In case of diabetes it is important to keep track of your blood sugar level,regular check-ups and daily workouts. Diabetes is such a disease that cannot be treated completely,the only way is to control the blood sugar level every time to prevent it from becoming a chronic ailment.

There are basically two types of diabetes-

1)Type 1 diabetes in which the body is not able to produce enough insulin to keep the level of blood sugar normal.And

2)Type 2 diabetes happens to people who are mostly overweight and above the age of 40 years.
The complications caused due to diabetes includes- hearing problem, eye problem,blindness, kidney and nerve problem etc.There are various home remedies to keep the diabetes under control.

The 5 best remedies for diabetes:

1)Drink 1/2 cup of bitter gourd juice daily in the morning, it is one of the best home remedy to keep diabetes under control.

2)Take mango leaves powder daily with water, it helps a lot in controlling diabetes.

3)Fruits like oranges, plum and tomatoes are also very helpful in controlling blood sugar level.Intake of these fruits at least 300gms daily is very beneficial.

4)Mix gooseberry, bitter melon and fenugreek in equal quantity dry them under sun for few days and  grind them , make powder of the mixture .Consume this powder at least 3 times a day and feel the real difference.

5)Consume garlic regularly, it is beneficial; for health and keeps your diabetes under control.

Curry leaves are also very effective to eat as that normalize  the urine and the blood sugar level.Chew 8-10 curry leaves everyday in the morning.Soak few black raisins in water whole night and drink this water early in the morning empty stomach .It is also very beneficial for diabetic patients.

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2012, 08:12:32 PM »
Diabetes affect women; causes & prevention

Today diabetes is effecting every age group, It increases the risk of other dangerous health problems in women. Know about the health hazards effecting women due to diabetes.

Women suffering from diabetes goes through physical weakness like pain in hands or legs, shoulder pain, swelling of gums, eye weakness, deafness etc are some of the evil effects of diabetes. Some women also claims the problem of increase in weight due to diabetes. All in all it is one of a serious mater of concern especially in women and needs immediate care.

What causes diabetes?

When the pancreas gland present inside the body does not work properly or gets impaired it leads to diabetes. According to the doctors the main reason for diabetes in women now a days is the lifestyle and food habits. Moreover the increasing physical inability in women is another reason for diabetes. At times diabetes happens because  of its genetic nature to.

Other reasons are-

1.Untimely eating of food
2.Junk food
3.Over weight
4.Uncontrolled blood pressure or cholesterol
5.Over eating of sweets
6.Less drinking habits
7.No workouts or exercises
8.Physical inactivity
9.Immediately sleeping after dinner

Effective remedies-

If you have any symptom or doubt about diabetes immediately go for blood and urine test to get a confirmation. It is good to know about this disease in the beginning so that proper medication is available to control diabetes.

1.Opt for a healthy lifestyle.
2.Do regular exercise.
3.Take balanced diet
4.Stay active as far as possible.
5.Take liquid food in good amount and drink water.
6.Avoid alcohol, drugs or tobacco
7.Keep your sugar level in check

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Re: ~ MysteRy Health Corner ~
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2012, 08:16:17 PM »
Proactive acne skin care treatment

No one can escape the problems of acne and pimples. At a point of time every individual has to go through the problems of having acne. It is one of the common skin problem that is not permanent but if proper care is not taken serious skin problems many occur. It is very important to deal with acne from the very beginning so that its after effects can be prevented.

There is nothing to hyper about your acne problems, its just that you need to take a regular care if you need a healthy skin and for this proactive acne skin care is the best solution for you. Basically the proactive acne skin care means taking a regular care of your skin which needs proper skin awareness and maintenance. By opting this method you can prevent most of the pimples can may occur.

Proactive acne skin acre will definitely help you to get rid of acne problem but for eliminating the already visible acne is the matter of concern. The best remedy suggested by experts to get riddance of acne is to drink lots and lots of water which will help in clearing all the toxic material from the body. But the most important thing to remember is that taking care of your skin until all the acne and pimple are reduces and then leaving it is not what you call a proactive akin care. It should be regular and continues approach that will work till the end.

There are various proactive skin care products available in the market but its not just buying what ever you see on t.v or in advertisements, first of all do a little research about the product, check whether it will suit your skin or not and then follow up.

The proactive acne treatment basically involves some simple steps which includes the treatment for scars brought about by acne.

-The first step involves washing face and hands properly, after that use the cleanser to reduce the possibility of acne come back, these may include any type of cleanser, soap or cream.

-The second step includes the applying of refining  face mask for about 10-20 minutes.

-After that go for a skin toner.

-At the last use acne free skin lotions.

The effect of this treatment depends upon the individual’s skin capacity. It is how your skin respond to the treatment, some people get benefited very easily and some take a long time. It is recommended to take the suggestion of your doctor before opting for proactive solutions.