Author Topic: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~  (Read 844 times)

Offline MysteRy

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~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:32:54 PM »
Top 10 Best Picnic Spots

For most travelers the main thing that is sought is relaxation and whats a better way to relax than having a picnic in a place you have never been? Really it depends on you but this list will let you know the best places in the world to spread out a blanket and sit around for a picnic. Some people may say "Anywhere is a good place to sit down for a picnic as long as there is a shade tree!” but for some more is expected than just a little shade and some green grass. Most will agree that if you can have your pick of the best spot then there is no reason not to have the best available. This top 10 list is compiled of the 10 best picnic spots that will have you wanting to travel the world just to have a picnic.

1. Huayna Picchu, Peru   

Huayna Picchu, Peru or "Young Peak” is just a short walk from the ancient Inca City in Peru. The mountain is a treacherous climb but it is well worth it to get an awesome view of the Inca ruins below. Though the lush, green, mountain can be trekked in just a few hours, there are only 400 people allowed on the mountain each day. It is best to book your spot early so you dont miss out. The scenes from the top of the mountain are phenomenal and you can bring a blanket to spread out on the green grass and have a snack or a full meal while looking out over ancient lands just as a civilization thousands of year gone once did. What is better than that? The mountain however, does have an entrance fee of 60 dollars and just 12 dollars if you are climbing the mountain using the Inca Trail. There are many ways to the top and it just depends on how effortlessly you want to get there.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2014, 07:33:43 PM »
2. Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA   

Parks have long since been the best places to go for a picnic and finding a nice landscape to set up at is sometimes relatively easy to do. The Point Reyes National Seashore in California will be even easier as the 71,000 acres preserve has some of the most spectacular panoramic views in the United States.  The national seashore features wild coastal areas, highland areas and a ton of beaches. The beaches in fact were named the cleanest beaches in California in 2010. On the national seashore there is a 45 bed youth hostel and a light house where whale watchers gather in the beginning month, watching for the infamous grey whale migrating south. Some of the seashore is still home to commercial farming and this was part of the agreement when the preservation was established, the farming that is conducted is mainly farming of oysters. Point Reyes National Seashore attracts around 2.5 million visitors a year and will likely continue to do so in the future as it remains one of the most beautiful places on the California coast.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2014, 07:34:32 PM »
3. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA   

When you are choosing a good spot to set up for the ultimate picnic, miraculous view and even a good amount of things to do and places to explore are part of the decision unless it is just completely spontaneous but many of us plan a picnic. When planning the best picnic the Haleakala National Park in Hawaii is one of the best places to go and have a great picnic experience, it delivers in every aspect of beauty. From posting up under a huge redwood to setting up a vine laced cliff edge or even at the top of a once very active volcano the park has about every scene available you can image. Within the park visitors can find hidden waterfalls, hardened black lava, which used to flow freely and even some hidden vegetation strewn oasis like valleys.  The 33 thousand acre park on the island of Maui has it all.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2014, 07:35:21 PM »
4. Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France   

The Jardin des Tuileries in Paris is the artists getaway, where you can relax in a comfy chair amidst French styled gardens and magnificent sculptures and have a snack or just lay around taking in the aroma of France. The garden is just in the midst of many famous museums and art galleries that house famous paintings such as the infamous works of Monet. The little garden park is in the center of it all when it comes to the French heritage, it sits just steps from the Le Louvre, the biggest museum in the country of France. The perfectly placed park is where the locals have their picnics under large shade trees on green grasses and watch the city of Paris come to life as the sun goes down and even in the middle of the day as street performers and local artists sell their works.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2014, 07:36:12 PM »
5. Milford Sound, New Zealand   

New Zealands perfect picnic spot is Milford Sound, which is also the countrys most popular tourist spot drawing in millions of travelers each year. The sound is actually a fjord and is surrounded on either side by steep and sharp dropping rock cliffs. It also has two year round waterfalls running down the cliff faces both of which are quite sizable. During heavy rains small temporary waterfalls start popping up all around the sound and create the image that it is a drain filling with water. The temporary waterfalls usually last a few days after the rainfall ceases. It is not hard to come across this sight as the area usually has about 185 days of rainfall a year. It is one of the best sights to see if you can brave the rain, which is quite easy on a boat. The sound is also encircled by some mountain ranges the two well-known ranges are "The Lion” and "The Elephant” both of which resemble their namesake animals.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2014, 07:37:04 PM »
6. Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapore   

One of the only free of admission botanical gardens in the world is the Singapore Botanic Gardens; the experimental garden covers around 183 acres. It is the only botanical garden that stays open from 5am until 12am and when the sun goes down visitors get to see another side of the garden, colored lights accent the flora of the garden and light the way around. Visiting the evolution exhibit of the garden at night is reminiscent of a prehistoric time as the exhibit has some sculptures of plants that have been extinct for millennia; it is a very interesting part of the gardens. The most popular part of the garden to sit and have a picnic is the Palm Valley, which is filled with palm trees and lush green lawns surrounded by rainforest. There are many attractions in the garden aside from the evolution garden and Palm Valley. A childrens garden can be found along with an orchid house and a ginger garden, which has such a great smell.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2014, 07:37:53 PM »
7. Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, South Africa   

The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in South Africa is a famous botanical garden in the heart of Table Mountain in Cape Town. The garden was founded in 1913 to preserve South Africas unique flora and it has done a great job in doing so. It is the first botanical garden in the world with such regional character, consisting strictly of flora from the African Continent. The garden has won many prestigious awards in its time and is one of the most well recognized botanical gardens in the world. Some of the unique features of the garden include trails that lead off into the mountain forests and incorporate the unique floral of the garden into the wild trails, there is also a massive indoor greenhouse that showcases many endangered flora from all over the continent, including some predatory plants. There are many open spots in the park that have wide open vistas for visitors to sit down and have a picnic at.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2014, 07:38:39 PM »
8. Avebury Stone Circle, England   

Just outside of the small village of Avebury in Wiltshire, England is the Avebury Stone Circle, which has three Neolithic period stone circles. Some say that the circles are a portal to another world and some say they provided a place for the early inhabitants to gather for ceremonies and the true use of the stone circles is unknown. During the medieval times a village was being set up just away from the monuments. The stone circles are not the only monuments of the area either, there are several older monuments from the same "New Stone Age” period set just a short walk from the giant circle. Avebury inspires curious thoughts as the massive stones weigh thousands of tons and just how they were set where they sit today by such a primitive people is amazing. Can you figure out how the early people moved the stones? You would be the first.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2014, 07:39:31 PM »
9. Villa Borghese Gardens, Rome   

Set in Rome Italy is Villa Borghese a naturalistic garden, English in design and layout, the biggest in Rome as a matter of fact; it covers an area of 148 acres. The public garden features many buildings, attractions and even some museums are found in grounds. Back in the year 1605 the area where the gardens now stand were home to a massive vineyard, it was the nephew of Pope Paul V that started turning the area into a wonderland of natural beauty. Since then the garden was subject to many influences from different cultures and many of them added their cultural touch as they inhabited the garden. The garden that is there now were designed and set in the early 19th century. The man who had it developed used to the villa and it gardens and lands as a party zone for him and his guests, he also used it to store his art collection.

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Re: ~ Top 10 Best Picnic Spots ~
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2014, 07:40:19 PM »
10. Brownsea Island, England

Brownsea Island of England is set in the Poole Harbour, it is the largest of the several islands in the harbor. The island is open to the public for the most part but there are parts of the woodlands that are off limits to visitors. The features of the island include cliff edges that give a miraculous view of the harbour and lush green forest with many trails that have picnic tables in different areas among other attractions. One of the little known facts of the island is that it was the first camping site of the Boy Scout movement in 1907. The island can only be accessed by boat, there are many private boat rentals you can take from Dorset and there is a public ferry running throughout the day. The part of the island that is off limits to the public is where there is a natural habitat for birds and a wildlife preserve.

As you can see from this list these places around the world are some of the most remarkable sites to set up, enjoy the fresh air and set up for a fantastic picnic, alone or with the family. You dont have to be in the area to come to come to these places either the areas they are located have great accommodations that can satisfy anyones needs for luxury. Plan a trip to one of these destinations during your next vacation and you wont regret it. They give the best backdrops for picnic photos, when someone says "Where did you have that picnic?” as they look at the photo, you wont just tell them where you will have a whole story to go along with the photo that is for sure.