Author Topic: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥  (Read 16919 times)

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2019, 09:36:43 PM »
The Shocking Impact Of A 2ºC Global Warming

For people that live in colder climates, a slight increase in temperatures may be welcomed.  Most will prefer going to the beach instead of shoveling their driveway. Unfortunately, even a small increase in temperatures can be very damaging to life on Earth.

When talking about global warming, the slightest change in temperature can bring about catastrophic changes.  This is why the difference between a 1.5ºC and a 2ºC is like night and day.

One of the most precious resources affected is water.  Temperatures that are a couple of degrees higher can be the reason why 410 million people are exposed to severe droughts by the year 2100.  Couple that with a heat wave at least once every 20 years due to the warm up,, and the situation quickly becomes dangerous.

The opposite results can be seen in ocean water levels.  With more ice caps melting, sea levels will continue to rise and affect close to 49 million people by 2100.  As the water temps also raise, systems like the coral reefs will be gone altogether.

A day in the life of a world affected by global warming is a little scary.  Perhaps everyone should try and pitch in to reduce the risk of destroying our habitat, before it’s too late.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #91 on: June 05, 2019, 11:35:00 AM »
How Your Personality Affects Your Income

Can your personality really have an impact on your income? The data may be able to draw out some correlations. How is your retirement looking thanks to your personality?

Although there are many personality tests, today’s infographic focuses on one of the most widely known: the Myers-Briggs test. Basically this test classifies people according to four traits: introvert-extrovert,  sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving. The theory believes that every person identifies better with one of the traits in each pair, and this makes for 16 personality types that shape how someone behaves and reacts to their world.

Relating this with income potential, there are some interesting trends: for example, extroverts seem to be earning more than their introvert counterparts.  The income associated with your 4 letter personality type (say INTJ or ENTP) may also change over time.

Either way, a study carried out by a German research team found out that more than actual personality, income was impacted by the combination of personality with the personality demands of their chosen work. When you think about it, it’s a bit obvious: of course an extrovert salesman will earn more than an introvert one, and a mathematician will thrive as a thinker rather than a feeling person.

Whatever the relation, income and personality are closely related and it’s worth it to take it into consideration when choosing a career. If you’re curious about what your personality says about your income potential, check out today’s infographic!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #92 on: June 06, 2019, 07:50:09 AM »
Your News Source Has An Opinion. This Is The Way It Leans

Each and every day there are hundreds of media outlets fighting for your attention.  Some are here to inform you, while others just want you to hear their opinion. So where do you go for the most honest news?

Ever since the 2016 US presidential election, the term “fake news” has been thrown around from all sides.  Opposing sides slinging mud at each other create a feeling of distrust and paranoia within the public. Readers are almost forced to pick a side, which can be detrimental to free thinking.

Some of the more unbiased news deliveries come from networks like the Associated Press and Reuters.  Working as a cooperative unincorporated association, the US based AP has been delivering information for almost 200 years.  Reuters is an international company and has been around for almost as long.

The most popular sources of information on current events in the US, especially politics, are CNN and FOX.  Unfortunately, both of these networks tend to give opinions to go along with the news.

No matter what your sources are, be sure that you don’t lose your free thinking.  We live in a world where we have enough information to form our own opinions, rather than reciting someone else’s.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2019, 11:10:05 AM »
The Biggest Celebrity Gamblers

High profile celebrities are frequently faced with temptations they may be able to justify spending money on.  After all when you have your basic needs taken care of, entertainment is a category where alot of discretion and restraint have to be exercised.

Some have fallen into gambling.  Ben Affleck, for example, is known to really enjoy playing blackjack.  Ben apparently did so well at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas, the casino managers had to ban him from playing.

Other celebs can be quite unsuccessful, however.  Gladys Knight is one of them. The Empress of Soul once lost a whopping $6 million while playing 21!  Sounds like she should have learned some basic blackjack strategies before jumping in with the sharks.

Even if without stepping into a casino, placing bets happens in many places.  Find out what the regulations are because when Tobey Maguire played in an unofficial poker tournament,he was fined $80,000.

Being worth millions of dollars gives you an opportunity to do whatever you want with your money.  You can buy a nice house, go around the world, and still have millions leftover. How you spend it is your business, but there are definitely better things to do than gamble it all away.  Just ask Charlie Sheen.

By Ivo

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #94 on: June 09, 2019, 09:26:22 AM »
The Key To A Minimalist Lifestyle

Streamlining our very existence has become a growing trend, spawning tiny homes and capsule wardrobes. The internet is rife with examples on how to achieve more with less.

Minimalism aesthetic usually features clean lines, streamlined designs and sometimes industrial materials. Nevertheless, minimalism has shifted from an aesthetic trend to a whole philosophy of living. At its core, minimalism intends to highlight the things we value the most by removing everything else that could distract us from them.

Minimalism comes as a response to the consumerism that has gained momentum since the beginning of the twentieth century.  In fact, minimalism has gone beyond aesthetics and now encompasses a complete way of life for more and more people.

For example, so-called eco-minimalists try to reduce their ecological footprint by preferring fair trade materials, organic foods and by supporting companies with high corporate social responsibility. The zero-waste lifestyle also stems from the minimalist trend of wanting to live more simply. While the average population is  producing 40% more waste than twenty years ago, zero-waste people are able jam  one year’s worth of waste in small glass jars.

Another popular trend related to minimalism is the capsule wardrobe. This entails limiting our whole closet to a few key items (100, 50 or even 30 items in total) that would make dressing easier and more efficient. It’s even become a famous trend for CEOs and artists who want to spend more time working and less time picking out a shirt.

Find out how to start a shift into the minimalist lifestyle and what it takes!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #95 on: June 10, 2019, 09:16:02 AM »
Child Proof Your Blinds

Between 1986 to 2016, Health Canada received 69 reports concerning the choking hazards posed by corded window coverings. Since then, many window treatment companies,
including EliteWF, have committed to consumer product safety and have developed many cordless window treatment options in an effort to prevent strangulation hazards for young children and small pets.

While homeowners and consumers cannot completely shield themselves from accidents resultant of negligence or simple oversight, there is legislation such as the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act that ensures any products entering the consumer market are safe. The Act requires industries to inform Health Canada of any product safety concerns that could result in bodily harm to the consumer.

Window blinds are a household staple for many consumers’ homes and can be overlooked as a health and safety concern. New cordless blinds are a great option for eliminating the risk of cord strangulation and can often be easily integrated into new smart home technologies.

If, however, cordless window treatments are not currently an option for your home, there are many alternate solutions you can implement to prevent choking hazards and protect the ones you care most about. These simple solutions include: keeping cords out of reach; carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings; not placing furniture a child or pet can easily climb near your windows; securely attaching tension devices to the wall; installing a tie-down device high up on your wall to keep cords out of reach; avoiding tying knots and untying knots immediately; and removing any devices that form dangling loops.

Following these instructions and heeding any advice or warnings from manufacturers will help to ensure the safety of those living in your home. To learn more about cordless window treatments and child-proofing your blinds, check out today’s infographic by EliteWF.

By May

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #96 on: June 11, 2019, 07:12:53 AM »
The Biggest Myth About Mixed Breed Dogs

Golden retrievers are friendly and kind, chihuahuas are anxious, and pit bulls are scary attack dogs.  Stereotypes exist even among dogs!  Yet a dog’s looks may not be reflective of what’s going on inside, and may not even be the major determinant of a dog’s psychology or personality.

If you’re a dog lover, or even if you’ve just been around dogs in some capacity, it’s likely you’ve heard things like “oh, I love that breed because they’re so friendly!” or “dear, stay away, *that breed* is so aggressive!”.  However, for most dog owners and puppy lovers,  those kinds of statements tend to rub the wrong way. What do looks have  to do with a dog’s personality?!

Dogs are so unique that they can have different personalities and one dog can have different traits as they get older (and wiser!)

In fact, research shows that a dog’s personality can reflect their owner’s.  According to researchers, active and outgoing people tend to have friendly dogs with lots of energy, while anxious or aggressive dogs usually have owners with more negative personality traits.

Dog’s traits aren’t set in stone. Just like people, they can learn to behave differently. Just like their owners, pups are complex beings that need understanding and love to really blossom.

If you’re still not convinced here’s the science-backed explanation for a dog’s personality. Enjoy!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #97 on: June 12, 2019, 06:57:19 AM »
Ace Art History With This Guide

Whether you want to impress your next date, or you’re just an art lover, here’s an easy way to understand the basics of art throughout the decades.

We’ve all had that art class somewhere along our schooling where we were introduced to some very basic art history concepts, but really, who remembers even half of that? Except now you want to impress a hot date at a museum, or your little cousin asks for help with their homework, and you’re suddenly trying to remember art history 101.

Art has been present throughout all the history of humanity. In fact, it’s such an ancient practice that it’s been around for more than 70,000 years! In 2018, archeologists found a stone flake with nine red lines that was declared the earliest known drawing made by human hands. The stone was discovered in a cave located 200 miles east of Cape Town, South Africa.

The flake was found in a known archaeological site where the same researchers have found Homo sapiens teeth, tools made of stone and bone, as well as beads made from seashells. Because only Homo sapiens’ remains have been found in the site, researchers are pretty sure they were the ones to draw the lines.

Although we don’t really know how a couple of lines evolved to become the paintings we recognize as such, here’s a handy infographic to guide you through the different trends. Now you can impress everyone at the museum with your knowledge!

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #98 on: June 13, 2019, 10:58:54 AM »
The True Colors Of Brand Colors

Did you know that every color evokes a different response in humans? Certain colors are more effective in the clothing industry than technology or agriculture, all because of the way the colors are perceived. So how are customers being affected by the colors that brands choose in their logos? Cool colors like blue, green, and purple evoke feelings of calmness and safety while warm colors like red, orange, and yellow elicit energetic and excited feelings. Because of this, colors like red, yellow, and green are often used in the food industry, while blue and purple are excellent for energy and technology services.

The importance of a brand’s colors also means they need to carefully consider how to best combine these colors to represent their brand. The most common colors used by businesses are blue, red, black, and yellow/gold. Simplicity seems to be more effective and classic when it comes to color combinations — 95% of companies use just one or two colors in their logos and products while only 5% of companies use more than two.

The first thing that a customer notices about a logo is its color. A product’s color influences 60-80% of a customer’s purchasing decision, which is why it is so important to choose the most effective color. If the wrong color is chosen, then it could be very costly for the company.

By Tina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #99 on: June 14, 2019, 12:08:31 PM »
The Simple Fashion Tips You Didn’t Know You Needed

Nowadays, fashion is increasingly diverse. People, particularly young women, are as likely to pick up fashion trends from a Paris runway as from a thrift store, or an Instagram fashionista. However, while fashion has no rules, it can still be helpful to learn a few basic guidelines before diving into any wilder style choices.

The idea of people fitting into a ‘shape’ category- whether ‘apple’ or ‘pear’ or even ‘overripe banana’- is outdated at best, and can quickly veer into body-shaming at worst. When viewed with a critical eye however, it can be a helpful starting point to learn about lines and how the eye follows them.

For example, this infographic recommends that people with an ‘apple’ shape (rounder in the middle) pick clothes that elongate their torso and create a defined waist. Reading on, it suggests a tapered neckline can make the torso appear slimmer and longer. Of course, this doesn’t mean that people with that body shape have to remain trapped in a purgatory of belted v-neck dresses forever, but learning the visual effect of those shapes can help you either follow or subvert the ‘classic’ look, depending on the effect you want to achieve. After all, you need to know what the rules are in order to break them.

A number of “try before you buy” services have started, like Amazon Prime wardrobe or StitchFix.  They’re a fun way to put some of these fashion tips to use.

By Irina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #100 on: June 15, 2019, 08:49:04 AM »
Top 10 Easiest Herbs to Grow Indoors

You want to take care of plants, but you’re not sure if you’ll be a good plant parent. Or maybe you’re not ready to commit to a full-on garden, because you live in an apartment complex/dorm and don’t have space. Whatever your reason, there is a perfect solution: indoor herbs.

With the sun finally coming around, there’s no better time to start a little garden. Indoor herbs are great because you’ll get a gauge on how well prepared you are to take on trickier plants. You’ll be able to ease yourself into gardening, your home will be nicely decorated with charming herbs, and last but not least, the herbs can be used in your cooking. There really is not much to lose if you give growing indoor herbs a shot.

This infographic lays out the top 10 easiest herbs to grow inside your own home. It also gives tips on the best ways for you to grow each herb, so you can decide how to start your own little garden. If you’re not sure where to start, you can find any of these at a local farmer’s market, grocery store, or even order them online! So, dip your toe in the waters of gardening and be amazed at all the benefits that come with it.

By Tina

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #101 on: June 16, 2019, 11:20:35 AM »
Why Your Business Needs Email Marketing

Have you given up on email marketing? You might want to reconsider that.

Even after the rise of social media and mobile browsing, email marketing remains the most effective tactic for turning prospects into actual customers. Stemming from traditional paper ads and sales letters, an email is the closest thing to an actual postcard that businesses can send, and it’s proven to excel at converting.

Against all predictions, email marketing is still the best way to reach out to customers. Mainly because everyone checks their email, and it’s a good way to let your brand’s voice shine through.

Of course, this all depends on your target audience. More women than men engage with marketing emails, though you always risk getting sent into the spam folder. On the other hand, email probably won’t be your first choice if you’re targeting pre-teen kids. Nevertheless, for pretty much every other audience, you should build an email list.

Whether you’re doing business primarily on social media, a blog, or in a traditional brick and mortar store, an email list should be one of the first things you set up. Email provides a great vessel to connect with your clients on a deeper level as if your business were a friend.

Still not convinced? Today’s infographic has all the stats to get you into email marketing again.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #102 on: June 17, 2019, 08:49:30 PM »
The Gender Gap Around The Globe

Women’s History Month may be over, but moments like the Women’s March and the #MeToo movement have led to more visibility when it comes to issues of gender equality.

Specifically, the issues women face in the work place have become a common example of how far we still have to go as a society. Not only are women facing issues when it comes to breaking into male dominated fields such as technology, but once they’ve landed these jobs they still have to deal with the ever-present pay gap.

What does this mean? The pay gap, in case you haven’t yet heard, is the difference in the average salary a man and a woman will earn in the exact same position. For example, statistically a man will earn 18.1% more for the same job with the same amount of experience as his female coworker.

This leaves many people wondering, is this a uniquely Western construction, or a global issue? Check out today’s infographic to find out how America compares with other countries from all over the world.

Right now, Greece has the smallest pay gap between men and women at 4.5%.  On the other end of the spectrum, South Korea’s pay gap is the widest of the nations selected at 36.7%.  Sometimes change starts only when nations see what others have accomplished.

By May

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #103 on: June 18, 2019, 06:58:14 AM »
How To Stop What’s Eating Your Garden

Having a garden can be a very fulfilling hobby…until you spot holes in your leaves. Know exactly what is eating your plants and save your garden with this handy guide.

Spring is approaching and it’s almost time to start planting out in the garden again. Nevertheless, taking your dear seedlings out in the open comes with its fair share of dangers. Not only do you need to be careful and wait until the last frost has passed, but you’re also letting the wilderness do as it pleases with your plants.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or have just dipped your toes in the gardening waters, it can be devastating seeing your beloved plants get decimated by an unknown plague. Of course, one has to let nature follow its course and everything needs to eat, but you’ve worked so hard to give you plant babies everything they need and finally picked out just the right spot for them. Your tomato plants deserved a chance!

The good news is there are several options to control garden pests, especially if you catch the problem early on. Before you start treating your plants, it’s best to know exactly what you’re dealing with in order to apply the right control mechanism. Our world is already lacking enough biodiversity and your small garden shouldn’t contribute to the problem!

Read on to know exactly what is going on with your plants.

By Emily

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Re: ♥ Daily Infographic (2019) ♥
« Reply #104 on: June 19, 2019, 08:31:57 PM »
Farewell, Fido. Hello, Trendy Dog Names!

Names like Fido and Rover may have been the most popular choice for your dog in years past, but that is changing! Just as names of people are ever-changing in popularity, so are those of our pups.

Some of the top 10 female dog names include Lola, Roxy, Bambi, Coco, and Willow, with Bella rounding out the competition at number one. For the male dogs, Bear takes the top spot, with names like Axel, Milo, Charlie, Biscuit, and Buddy not too far behind. For both female and male dogs, Bailey was a favored choice. The moniker reached number five on the female pup side and number six for the males.

In addition to name popularity, the infographic also digs into the positives that pups bring to a family as well as insight on some millennials’ relationships with their furry companions. If none of the popular dog names on this list get your hind leg happy, you may want to check out some of the TV and movie dog names as well as some “geeky” names also listed on the infographic.

Did you see your dog’s name on this list? I’m curious to see which names will be popular in a decade!

By Elyssa